Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Does The Word Sustainable Mean In Geography

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Technology: Examples Of What Is Sustainability In Technology

What is GEOGRAPHY? What does GEOGRAPHY mean? How to pronounce GEOGRAPHY?

The use of electronic devices is growing every day. Nonetheless, these devices are made of Earth minerals extracted by the mining industry. Mining can be a very polluting industry and the development of new sites certainly has an impact on deforestation.

Therefore, being sustainable in the tech field has a lot to do with using your devices for a long period so if you want to be sustainable resist you must resist switching your smartphone every other year! It is also about making sure you get disposed of them in a responsible way as can be very polluting if not handled properly.

Soon, sustainability in technology will also be about how the lithium-ion batteries of electric cars and solar panels will be disposed of. Companies focusing on recycling these batteries and building products whose core car be maintained and replaced for a new battery will also be the ones at the forefront.

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What Does Sustainable Development Mean In Geography

Sustainable development is developmentSustainable development is

. Considering this, what is the definition of sustainability in geography?

This is one of the big concepts or ideas in Geography at the moment and links to the Environmental and Physical nature of the subject. Sustainable means an action that can be kept going for ever, something that can continue to be done without it having damaging consequences that might limit that activity in the future.

Subsequently, question is, what is sustainable development and why is it important? Sustainable development is important as it saves national budget, fulfills the need of people, conserves natural resources, helps in the coordination between the natural resources and people and conserves natural resources for future generation.

Thereof, what is sustainable development answer?

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

What is sustainable development Wikipedia?

Sustainable development. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sustainable development is the organizing principle for meeting human development goals while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services based upon which the economy and society depend.

Principles Of Sustainability: The 3 Pillars Of Sustainability

What is sustainability? The principles of sustainability are the foundations of what this concept represents. Therefore, sustainability is made up of three pillars: the economy, society, and the environment. These principles are also informally used as profit, people and planet.

John Elkington, author of Cannibals with forks and co-founder of the sustainability consultancy firm SustainAbility and Volans , was one of the first people to integrate these 3 principles. He argued companies should start considering this triple bottom line so that they could thrive in the long run .

Also known as the grandfather of sustainability, Elkingtons most recent book Greens Swans: Regenerative Capitalism addresses precisely the need to re-design businesses and the economy, and the opportunities and risks the absence of such change might bring on the short run.

At the same time, consumers and citizens unsatisfied with the long-term damage caused by corporate short-sighted focus on short-term profits, have turned sustainability into a mainstream concept able to ruin a companys reputation and profits if unaddressed. Today, sustainability is often spoken of with regard to climate change, which threatens life as we know it as is being largely caused by industrial practices. Thats one of the reasons why today many companies have corporate responsibility strategies.

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How Do We Make It Happen

We all have a part to play. Small actions, taken collectively, can add up to real change. However, to achieve sustainability in the UK, we believe the Government needs to take the lead. The SDC’s job is to help make this happen, and we do it through a mixture of scrutiny, advice and building organisational capacity for sustainable development.

What Is Environmental Sustainability

What does sustainability mean? Greenhouse gases.

According to the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, environmental sustainability is about acting in a way that ensures future generations have the natural resources available to live an equal, if not better, way of life as current generations.

While it may not be universally accepted, the UN’s definition is pretty standard and has been expanded over the years to include perspectives on human needs and well-being, including non-economic variables, such as education and health, clean air and water, and the protection of natural beauty.

  • Alternate definition: Environmental sustainability is the capacity to improve the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of the earth’s supporting ecosystems.
  • Alternate definition: Environmental sustainability is about stabilizing the currently disruptive relationship between earth’s two most complex systems: human culture and the living world.

The first alternate definition comes from the International Union for Conservation of Nature , the work of which is driven by the fact that global production and consumption patterns are destroying nature at persistent and dangerously high rates.

As populations have increased and we have relied on the Earth’s natural resourcessuch as minerals, petroleum, coal, gas, and morethe Earth’s biodiversity and creatures, from birds to insects to mammals, have declined in number.

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Waste To Energy Recycling

At Temarry, we take sustainability seriously. We understand that valuable natural resources like fossil fuels and water are finite and diminishing. As scarcity increases, cost also increases.

At some point the resources with which we depend upon will be more expensive, or we simply wont be able to get them. This poses a serious business problem that requires evaluation, planning and investment.

Investing in waste-to-energy as part of our sustainability plan has allowed us to preserve valuable fossil fuel. Our process generates energy — electricity and/or steam — from the combustion of non-recyclable hazardous waste solids earmarked for the landfill. You can read more about it in an earlier blog post, Closing the loop waste to energy trends.

Waste-to-energy wont completely solve either the waste or energy problem, but it provides an important first step.

Temarrys approach to waste-to-energy provides a good example of sustainable development within a company. At Temarry, all waste is recycled, and nothing goes to landfill.

Liquids are filtered and blended, then directed to a solvent recovery still. Solid waste is thermally treated at 1500°F to generate steam. That steam is used as an energy source to power those stills, reducing our dependence on valuable natural resources such as propane and water.

The stills produce technical grade solvent products that are sold back to industry.

The Un Division For Sustainable Development

The DSD provides leadership in promoting and coordinating the implementation for a sustainable development agenda of the United Nations. The division puts their main focus on five core functions: support to UN intergovernmental processes on sustainable development, analysis and policy development, capacity development at the country level, interagency coordination, and knowledge management, communication, and outreach. Even though there is no special database on environmental indicators provided by the division, its contribution to the sustainable development is highly valuable. By participating in programs such as the Expert Group Meeting on Institutionalizing sustainable development indicators for measuring progress of national strategies in Barbados in 2009, it encourages national governments and a range of regional institutes to conceptualize and implement their own systems of indicators on sustainable development.

Deniz S. Ones, … Rachael Klein, in, 2015

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Sustainability Challenges In Finance And Investments

The relationship between profit and the other pillars of sustainability is clear and very easy to understand. However, it can be challenging for many companies or businesses because it may mean not going full-speed at making profits because of consequences to the environment and the people. What organizations should do is adjust their profit targets and invest in programs that will promote sustainability.

Going back to the example above about the diesel power plant that doesnt adhere to acceptable standards of waste disposal, the company can invest in conducting researchResearch and Development Research and Development is a process by which a company obtains new knowledge and uses it to improve existing products and introduce on how it can minimize its waste. They should understand that adhering to sustainability can spell better earnings on a long-term basis and that the earnings in the next few years and decades are as important as the earnings in the next quarter.

Sustainability : Everything You Need To Know

ð? What is Geography? Crash Course Geography #1

Understanding sustainability is part of the KS2 curriculum its a word we hear so often, but what exactly does it mean? And what does sustainability mean for our children?

Below is an overview of the topic which includes everything your child needs to know about sustainability, from the importance of recycling to different forms of energy- we have got you covered. Its worth mentioning that primary schools cover different areas of sustainability depending on the age of your child, some cover recycling first, whilst others look at renewable energy.

We also included ideas of fun activities and our top tips to help generalise the skills gained! With this handy guide to sustainability, you should have all you need to keep on going…

If you are looking for additional Key Stage 2 Geography learning resources, you could run a search through our website to browse our articles, such as climate zones.

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Benefits Of Business Sustainability

In addition to the social benefits of improving the environment and elevating human needs, there are also financial benefits for companies that successfully implement sustainability strategies. Using resources sustainability can improve the long-term viability of a business concern, just as cutting waste and pollution can also help a company save money.

For example, using more efficient lighting and plumbing fixtures can help a company save on utility bills, as well as improve its public image. There may also be government tax incentives for companies that adopt certain sustainability practices.

Sustainability can also make a company more attractive to investors. A 2019 HEC Paris Research paper showed that shareholders value the ethical dimensions of a firm so much that they are willing to pay $.70 more to purchase a share in a firm that gives a dollar or more per share to charities. The study also revealed a loss in valuation for firms perceived as exercising a negative social impact.

Based on interviews with senior executives across 43 global investing firms, Harvard Business Review has argued that the perception among some business leaders that environmental, social, and governance issues are not mainstream in the investment community is outdated.

Examples Of Sustainable Development In The Us

Sustainable development is one of those terms that gets thrown around quite a bit. Even when it’s used correctly, it covers a lot of territory. Youll find dozens of legitimate definitions.

What is sustainable development? One of the most useful — and simplest sustainability definitions — comes from theUN World Commission on Environment and Development: Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Why is this important, and what does sustainability mean in business today?

There are three major sustainability issues that are emerging in business, that are making this type of development good business.

  • The worlds population is growingexponentially.
  • There is a finite supply of non-renewable natural resources available.
  • There is upwards pricing pressure on non-renewable commodities that will have a major impact on sustainable business practices going forward.
  • Because of these challenges, there is a renewed interest in sustainability concepts.and when implemented well, its becoming good business.

    There are several sustainability examples that illustrate business sustainability in the U.S., they include:

  • Green Space
  • Waste to Energy Recycling
  • Water Treatment
  • Implementing one or several of these concepts is fast becoming a central part of many corporate sustainability plans.

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    Why Is Sustainability Important

    There are a limited amount of resources in the world that humans must extract from the very earth in order to produce houses, cars, computers, and pretty much everything else. When we use the word sustainability to mean maintain, it means to maintain it forever. This is because our actions have a lasting effect on the environment and we should protect it for our future generations.

    If you want to figure out if something is sustainable you should ask yourself the question- can I do this forever?

    Lets take a look at the product plastic to understand this idea a little more. Plastic was introduced in the early 1900s but only became a mass produced material with multiple uses after WWII. By the 1990s we were using plastic for everything from containers for food, to lamps, toys, bottles, bags and much much more. Now if we ask the question can I do this forever? to the case of plastic, the answer is yes. But plastic takes millions of years to decompose and so the problem lies with what happens to all this plastic when were done using it?

    What Is Sustainability 13 Examples To Integrate Into Your Life

    Sustainable Infrastructure  MrB Geography IB

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    Sustainability is crucial to conserving natural resources and living a more fruitful life. We need to make decisions today that are sustainable for years to come. We need to stop making decisions that only provide quick near-term benefits.

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    What Is Social Sustainability

    Sustainability is most often used to describe environmental conditions, especially as they intersect with economic conditions.

    But sustainability also refers to poverty and health. Extreme poverty is, in itself, unsustainable. Poor neighborhoods can become incubators for crime, sickness, and loss of infrastructure.

    A country like Finland, which plans for the health and safety of all its residents, is more sustainable than a country dominated by a laissez-faire economic policy.

    In a sustainable culture, all residents have at least minimal access to safe housing, health care, police protection, and nutritious food.

    A society with a large population of homeless is unsustainable. Cities that resort to driving the homeless from one area to another need to provide sustainable options.

    They need to create safe housing or improve the shelters that the homeless are already using.

    Municipalities that do not have free clinics are unsustainable. If not treated and contained early, contagious disease can quickly spread.

    Cities in which transgender people are bullied and beaten without police intervention are unsustainable. A city that does not protect all its residents is in danger of falling into criminal anarchy.

    Cities with food deserts in low-income neighborhoods are unsustainable. A food desert occurs anywhere residents cannot walk to a grocery store or farmers market that sells whole foods.

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    What Products Are Not Sustainable

    Non-sustainable products uses resources that cannot be replaced or replenished at the same speed that they are consumed. Products that rely on fossil fuels cannot be sustainable, because the resources used to make them can never be replaced. Other resources such as as rainforest timber, fishery stocks, sea corals, and other wildlife can be sustainable, if they are only harvested be limits that allow existing stocks to be replenished.

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    What Is Sustainable Development

    Sustainable development is broadly defined as: development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

    The drive for economic growth has resulted in problems such as environmental degradation and social disparities. Sustainable development prescribes for a more balanced approach to growth that progresses development across three underlying pillars: social inclusion, environmental sustainability and economic prosperity.

    Quality of life assessments, such as the OECDs Hows Life 2020 report, have told us that economic growth does not equate to happiness or a sense of well-being. As the global population increases so too does the pressure on our biosystem and social equity. Sustainable development calls for the adoption of more responsible consumption and production patterns.

    The industrial revolution brought about unprecedented economic growth and many advances such as electricity. Coal has generally been an affordable source of energy for much of the world, but it has come at a huge cost to the environment and society. Coal is a finite resource, which produces harmful greenhouse gases that have largely contributed to climate change.

    Learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals and how Monash is doing its part to contribute to the SDGs.

    Measuring Human Impacts On The Environment


    The following ways have been suggested to measure humans’ impact: ecological footprint, ecological debt, carrying capacity, sustainable yield, I = PAT. The impact of human activity on the global ecosystems can reach tipping points beyond which irreversible harmful developments will be triggered. One example are tipping points in the climate system.

    The concept of planetary boundaries identifies limits and emphasizes that there are absolute thresholds of the carrying capacity of the planet which must not be exceeded in order to prevent irreversible harmful developments of the Earth system. The planetary boundaries include: climate change, biodiversity loss , biogeochemical , ocean acidification, land use, freshwater, ozone depletion, atmospheric aerosols, chemical pollution , for which control variables have been suggested in 2022.

    The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment from 2005 measured 24 ecosystem services and concluded that only four have shown improvement over the last 50 years, while 15 are in serious decline and five are in a precarious condition.:6â19 Healthy ecosystems are important because they provide vital goods and services to humans and other organisms.

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