Friday, July 26, 2024

What Is Groynes In Geography

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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Groynes

Advantages Disadvantages
Prevents longshore drift transferring seashore materials alongside the coast. Permits the build-up of a seashore. Seashores are a pure defence towards erosion and an attraction for vacationers. They are often unattractive. Pricey to construct and preserve.

Additionally requested, what are the advantages and disadvantages of seashore nourishment?

Most significantly, seashore nourishment reduces the detrimental impacts of coastal erosion by offering extra sediment which satisfies erosional forces. 17. DISADVANTAGES : ? 1. Seashore nourishment sand might erode .

One may additionally ask, are groynes efficient? Groynes entice sediments from longshore drift in order that the coast behind the sand layer is protected against erosion. Their effectiveness relies on their extension into the river or sea. Rock groynes may be extra efficient on this case, as wood groynes are inclined to mirror vitality reasonably that take in it.

Equally one might ask, what are the advantages and disadvantages of rip rap?

Disadvantages/IssuesRiprap is dearer than vegetated slopes. There may be elevated scour at the toe and ends of the riprap. Riprap doesnt present the habitat enhancement that vegetative practices do.

Are groynes costly?

Contents Inside :

Groynes Of Concrete Elements

Groynes built of reinforced concrete blocks belong to the most stable and long-lasting coastal structures. Because of their considerable weight, the elements composing such a groyne require the existence of suitable soil conditions and appropriate foundation. An example of a groyne consisting of reinforced concrete elements is shown in Figure 4.

How Do I Build Groynes

There is a protocol and guidelines that must be followed when constructing groynes to ensure their effectiveness and longevity for future generations. These guidelines include:

Pre-existing groyne structures should not be removed unless they are causing damage to the shoreline. It is recommended to remove these groyne structures and install the new one.

Groynes must be constructed with a slope that can withstand the pressure of waves even during a storm. The slope is mostly constructed in such a way that it can withstand up to 50 years of wave erosion without being disturbed.

Horizontal and vertical concrete sections should be used to construct the groyne structure. The horizontal sections should extend at a certain angle to the shoreline and then come together to form a larger structure.

Groynes can be installed onshore or offshore, but it is usually recommended that they are placed onshore because this is usually less expensive and does not require much maintenance.

When constructing groynes, it is advisable for them to be constructed perpendicular to the coastline where wave energy can have an impact on the coastline.

Groynes can be installed as a single structure or they can be connected to create more complex systems.

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What Are The Pros And Cons Of Groynes

The biggest advantage of using groynes is that it can prevent erosion to your property, beach, and the local environment. Groynes also help protect your property from hurricanes and storms.

The only disadvantage of groynes is that it is a bit expensive to construct, but this is usually taken into consideration when planning for long range projects.

Advantages Of Sea Walls

Wooden groynes and waves, Felixstowe, Suffolk, England ...
  • A sea wall gives people a sense of safety and security.
  • Sea walls often have a promenade on top of them which are popular with tourists.


  • Sea walls tend to have a long life-span and provide excellent defence where wave energy is large.


  • Sea walls do not impede the movement of sediment along the coast by longshore drift

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Some Problems With Groynes

However, groins can also create beach hazards such as these:

  • Blocked drainage systems can make the waters edge more vulnerable to flooding during heavy storms.
  • Debris can accumulate on shorelines that are protected by groynes, which can lead to larger problems.
  • Groynes can become a serious safety hazard for swimmers who might get trapped between the groynes and the beach.
  • Groynes will not stop erosion when waves are coming from an angle, like in a hurricane, and can make it worse.
  • Groynes have been known to collapse.
  • Groynes can prevent migratory fish from reaching their spawning grounds.
  • Manmade groynes have a negative aesthetic impact on the aesthetics of a beach.
  • Groynes can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes
  • Why Are Groynes Constructed

    Groyne is a commonly used coastal engineering design and for preventing coastal erosion. It can be constructed from rock, rubble, and concrete, or earthy materials and then anchored at both ends.

    Groyne are also used to form a baffle to divert the erosive currents away from the coast. The most effective groynes are the ones that are a bit clever, and their design require innovation.

    Groyne often are constructed onshore, but some groynes are made to be floating ones. This kind looks more natural when positioned close to the shoreline.

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    Groynes For What Purpose

    Groynes are sometimes used as part of an erosion mitigation strategy on sandy beaches. But how do they work and are they effective?

    The natural longshore transport of sand on an eroding shoreline can be impeded by constructing groynes across the active beach. A groyne functions as a physical barrier by intercepting sand moving along the shore. Sand is gradually trapped against the updrift side of the structure, resulting in a wider beach on this supply-side of the structure. However the downdrift beach is deprived of the sand trapped by the groyne and therefore it erodes.

    This process of updrift entrapment and downdrift erosion continues until such time as sand has accumulated on the updrift side of the groyne to the extent that it starts to feed around its seaward end. Sand supply is then reinstated to the downdrift foreshore however this then simply maintains the shoreline on its eroded alignment.

    Groynes cannot prevent the significant cross-shore erosion that typically occurs during storms. Nevertheless they have an indirect effect in that by having trapped sand on their updrift side, they have created a wider beach and an enhanced erosion buffer on that section of foreshore. However on the depleted downdrift side, the foreshore is more susceptible to storm erosion due to the depleted beach/buffer width.

    Consequently the construction of a groyne does not in itself resolve the erosion problem, but merely transfers it further along the beach.

    Technique 1 Beach Profiles

    Groyne. The Geographers Dictionary.

    A beach profile shows the cross-sectional shape of a beach, usually from the edge of the sea to the base of the cliff.

    To create a beach profile follow a straight transect line from the edge of the sea to the end of the active beach. Split the line into sections where the slope angle changes. You need to measure the length of each section and its angle. To do this:

    • Person A stands at a safe distance from the edge of the sea holding a ranging pole
    • Person B holds a second ranging pole further up the beach where there is a break of slope
    • The distance between the two ranging poles is measured using a tape measure
    • The angle between matching markers on each ranging pole is measured using a clinometer or an app such as Theodolite.
    • Repeat this process at each break of slope until the top of the beach is reached

    Beach Transect

    Beach profiles can also be used to calculate cross-sectional area and the amount of beach material present.

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    Advantages Of Rock Armour

    • It does not impede access along the beach .


    • At £1000 to £3000 it is cheap compared to constructing a sea wall.
    • The structure is quick and easy to construct. It can be built in weeks rather than months, reducing the economic impact of its installation.
    • If it is well maintained it will last for years.
    • It is versatile in that it can be placed in front of a sea wall, extending its life-span. It can also be used to stabilise slopes on sand dunes.


    • Rock armour does not impede the movement of sediment along the coast by longshore drift

    Hard Engineering Coastal Management

    Hard engineering coastal management involves building artificial structures which try to control natural processes.

    Hard engineering approaches to coastal management tend to be expensive, last only a short amount of time, are visually unattractive and unsustainable. They often increase erosion in other places further down the coast.

    The image below shows a range of hard engineering strategies at Hornsea, Holderness Coast.

    Sea defences at Hornsea

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    What Is A Revetment In Geography

    4/5Revetmentsrevetmentread here

    A groyne is a rigid hydraulic structure built from an ocean shore or from a bank that interrupts water flow and limits the movement of sediment. In the ocean, groynes create beaches or prevent them being washed away by longshore drift.

    Secondly, what are the advantages of revetments? Revetments

    Advantages Absorb wave energy through the slats Effective for many years Can be cheap compared to other techniques Disadvantages Not effective in stormy conditions Can make the beach inaccessible for tourists Regular maintenance is required Visually obtrusive
    Evaluation Used in Happisburgh

    Also to know is, what causes slumping geography?

    Movement is characterized by sliding along a concave-upward or planar surface. Causes of slumping include earthquake shocks, thorough wetting, freezing and thawing, undercutting, and loading of a slope. Translational slumps occur when a detached landmass moves along a planar surface.

    What is rock Armour in geography?

    Rock armour or rip-rap involves placing large boulders in front of a cliff or sea wall to absorb the energy of waves. Rock armour is a cheaper solution than seawalls to deflect the wave energy.

    Technique 2 Course Sediment Analysis


    Beach sediment, such as sand, gravel and pebbles, can be analysed by random, systematic and/or stratified sampling. The size of the sediments determines the measuring technique.

    Measuring size

    Coarse sediments on the beach can be measured by their size and shape. This should be done on the beach, never take sediments from the beach.

    To measure this material use a ruler or callipers to determine their a, b and c axes. The a-axis is the longest axis. The b-axis is the widest axis at right angles to the a-axis. The shortest axis is the c-axis.

    Measuring shape

    Powers Scale of Roundness is the easiest way to record pebble shape. You can judge by eye whether a stone is very angular, angular, sub-angular, sub-rounded, rounded or very rounded.

    Powers Scale of Roundness

    Use a concentric circle card or protractor to measure the minimum radius of the curvature. This is the sharpest corner of the a-axis.

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    Effects Of Groynes On The Shoreline

    The groyne design influences the impact on shore morphology the impact also depends on sea water level, wave climate and sediment supply in the surf zone.

    Protection of the shore by use of a single groyne is most often inefficient. Therefore, shore protection by groynes is generally designed as a group comprising from a few to tens of individual structures . A scheme of interacting groynes is shown in Figure 1.Whereas a single groyne produces coastal erosion on the lee side of the structure, erosion in the case of a group of groynes is shifted to the lee side of the whole system. Erosion is also observed in the direct vicinity of the structures, particularly when the dominant wave direction is perpendicular to the shore. Water accumulation between the groynes induces compensating flows along the structures, causing local erosion of the seabed and sand loss to deep water. During severe storms the groynes are short compared to the surf zone width, with erosion occurring around them. Under mild wave conditions groynes become long , thus favouring updrift sand accumulation and widening of the beach. Loss of contact between a groyne and the shore should be avoided. In such a case, longshore flows are generated between the shoreline and the groyne root. These flows cause washing out of the beach.

    Resides By The Ocean Wholesome

    Well beingDwelling by the Sea

    Wellness. Sea air encourages respiratory well being, whereas solar publicity is nice for getting your every day dose of Vitamin D. Swimming in saltwater additionally speeds therapeutic, boosts circulation, and encourages a very good night times sleep. Relaxation and leisure.

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    Coastal Protection Hard Engineering

    Erosion is a real problem these days since coasts all around the world are prone to loss of land due to erosion. Some of the worlds most beautiful beaches are losing beach sand. Islands are losing their land. Erosion takes place when ocean waves strike the landmass, and when they retreat into the sea, they take small amounts of land with them, thus, reducing the landmass over time.

    Coastal Protection schemes are developed to prevent these problems. These techniques are specifically designed to counter erosion. Scientists and researchers have spent a lot of time and energy coming up with methods to stop erosion countries have spent millions on these coastal projects to protect their land from erosion.

    There are two main types of coastal protection engineering schemes. The first one is called hard engineering, while the second one is called soft engineering . Each method has its own way of operation, advantages, and disadvantages.

    Hard Engineering In New Brighton

    Groyne at Hornsea

    New Brighton was a very important coastal tourist destination on the Wirral however over the past 30 years the are has fallen into decline. In more recent years, the area has been rejuvenated and many new structures have been constructed along New Brighton making protecting New Brighton from the sea incredibly important. Land uses in New Brighton include economic and residential uses. In recent years a new theatre has been constructed in New Brighton known as the Floral Pavilion. This venue is of particular importance to New Brighton as it is the primary source of visitors to the area and has received much recognition including a visit from The Queen.

    New Brighton is at particular risk of coastal flooding and erosion due to its location. Located on the North West tip of Wirral, New Brighton receives a pounding from the sea. Waves that impact New Brighton are very energetic as theyve got a strong fetch from the approximately 200km of water that the New Brighton coast faces. In addition, a low pressure system around New Brighton means that storm surges are a common occurrence making the area particularly susceptible to flooding. This is worsened by the fact that most of New Brighton is only a few metres above sea level so only a relatively small storm surge would be needed to flood a large section of New Brighton.

    The Kings Parade Sea Wall

    The Kings Parade Sea Wall.

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    Technique 3 Fine Sediment Analysis

    Fine sediments, such as clay, silt and sand, will need to be taken from the beach to the lab. Each sample will need to be sealed separately and labelled accurately.

    Using graduated sieves sort the sediment samples into size categories .

    Arrange the sieves into decreasing mesh diameter. Please the sediment sample into the top sieve. Then shake the sieve and sort the sediment. Record the mass of the contents of each sieve. Calculate the percentage of the sample in each sieve.

    Headland Groyne / Headland Breakwater

    A breakwater is an artificial offshore structure built parallel to the shore — similar to naturally formed barrier islands — that normally remains unattached to the shore. When a groyne is built to attach the breakwater to the shore, it is called a headland groyne”, also known as “bulkhead groyne”, “headland breakwater”, “T-head groyne”, or “T-shaped groyne”.

    A groyne’s length and elevation, and the spacing between groynes is determined according to local wave energy and beach slope. Groynes that are too long or too high tend to accelerate downdrift erosion, and are ineffective because they trap too much sediment. Groynes that are too short, too low, or too permeable are ineffective because they trap too little sediment. If a groyne does not extend far enough landward, water may flow past the landward end and erode a channel bypassing the groyne, a process known as flanking.

    River groynes are often constructed nearly perpendicular to the riverbanks, beginning at a riverbank with a root and ending at the regulation line with a head. They maintain a channel to prevent ice jamming, and more generally improve navigation and control over lateral erosion, that would form from meanders. Groynes have a major impact on the river morphology: they cause autonomous degradation of the river.

    They are also used around bridges to prevent bridge scour.

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    Costs Of Groynes On The Shoreline

    The cost of a groined beach can vary due to location, materials used to build it, and other factors. The cost of a groined beach depends on site specific factors and is factored into long range planning.

    Groynes can be expensive to construct. A groyne constructed from rockcrete can cost up to $20,000 depending on the complexity of construction.

    Groynes are often installed at 200-metre intervals, thus they are not required all down the beach. Each groyne costs between $7000 and $20000, depending on its material and length.

    Disadvantages Of Sea Walls

    File:Groyne on Southwold beach
    • Sea walls can affect access to the beach.
    • Coastal flooding can occur when waves overtop the sea wall.


    • Sea walls are very expensive to construct and maintain. The UK Government is investing £30m on a new sea wall in Dawlish, Devon to protect the mainline railway after the line collapsed during storms on 4 February 2014.
    • Reflected waves scour the beach and can cause foundations to be undermined.


    • Recurved sea walls can increase the erosion of beach material.
    • Sea walls do not look attractive.
    • Sea walls destroy habitats.
    • Sea walls affect the coastal system and reduce the input of sediment.

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