Friday, July 26, 2024

How Did Geography Help England Industrialize

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Individualism Humanism And Harsh Conditions

How was England formed?

Humanists and individualists criticise the Industrial revolution for mistreating women and children and turning men into work machines that lacked autonomy. Critics of the Industrial revolution promoted a more interventionist state and formed new organizations to promote human rights.

Clothing And Consumer Goods

Consumers benefited from falling prices for clothing and household articles such as cast iron cooking utensils, and in the following decades, stoves for cooking and space heating. Coffee, tea, sugar, tobacco, and chocolate became affordable to many in Europe. The consumer revolution in England from the early 1600s to roughly 1750 had seen a marked increase in the consumption and variety of luxury goods and products by individuals from different economic and social backgrounds. With improvements in transport and manufacturing technology, opportunities for buying and selling became faster and more efficient than previous. The expanding textile trade in the north of England meant the three-piece suit became affordable to the masses. Founded by Josiah Wedgwood in 1759, Wedgwood fine china and porcelain tableware was starting to become a common feature on dining tables. Rising prosperity and social mobility in the 18th century increased the number of people with disposable income for consumption, and the marketing of goods for individuals, as opposed to items for the household, started to appear, and the new status of goods as status symbols related to changes in fashion and desired for aesthetic appeal.

How Did Physical Geography And Natural Resources Influence The Development Of Industrialism In England

A: Geography and Natural Resources Englands rivers offered a dual advantage. Fast-flowing rivers were a source of water power to fuel machinery, and throughout the nation rivers provided inland transportation routes for industrial goods.

How did the geography of New England affect the kind of farming practiced there?

How did the geography of New England affect the kind of farming practiced there? In the winter they had very bad soil and it made farming difficult, so they found other ways to make money. They had access to streams, so they power their mill by water. The settlers of New England used water for a lot of things.

How did the geography of the New England colonies affect the way colonists made money?

Economic activities and trade were dependant of the environment in which the Colonists lived. The geography and climate impacted the trade and economic activities of New England Colonies. In the New England towns along the coast, the colonists made their living fishing, whaling, and shipbuilding.

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Why Are Rivers And Harbors Important For Industrialization

Fast-flowing rivers were a source of water power to fuel machinery, and throughout the nation rivers provided inland transportation routes for industrial goods. In addition, Englands excellent natural harbors were a benefit to merchant ships. England had rich natural resources in the form of coal and iron mines.

What Is The Geography Of England

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Englands topography is low in elevation but, except in the east, rarely flat. Much of it consists of rolling hillsides, with the highest elevations found in the north, northwest, and southwest. This landscape is based on complex underlying structures that form intricate patterns on Englands geologic map.

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Fast Facts: Great Britain

  • Currency: British pound
  • Form of Government: Parliamentary constitutional monarchy a commonwealth realm
  • Climate: Temperate moderated by prevailing southwest winds over the North Atlantic Current more than one-half of the days are overcast
  • Total Area: 94,058 square miles
  • Highest Point: Ben Nevis at 4,413 feet
  • Lowest Point: The Fens at -13 feet

Arkwrights Cotton Mill Joseph Wright 1783 Private Collection

Edmund Cartwright invented The Power Loom, which was a steam-powered, mechanically operated version of the regular loom. It was an invention which combined threads to make cloth. When the power loom was created women replaced men as weavers in textile factories. He set up a factory in Doncaster, but went bankrupt in 1793. Cartwright ended up helping an American inventor, named Robert Fulton, with the invention of steamboats.

Richard Arkwright owned Arkwrights Cotton Mill by the River Derwent, in Derbyshire. His cotton mill had a water frame powered by a water wheel that made strong, lengthwise cotton warp threads. This was the first cotton mill purposely built to house working spinning machines, spinning four spindles of cotton threads at a time. This cotton mill allowed many people to be employed and it caused the cotton textile industry to boom. In the 1780s, Britain produced close to 40 million yards of cotton cloth per year. By 1850 Britain produced nearly 2000 million yards per year.


Schools like the University of Oxford , were where many people learned the skills they needed in order to become skilled industrial workers.

A Workforce Able to Relocate

Geographic Location During Napoleonic Wars

1 New World Encyclopedia Editors, History of the Industrial Revolution, February 26, 2014, Accessed February 29, 2016,

14 Ibid., 30.

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The Beginning Of Industrialization In Britain

The Industrial Revolution saw a rapid development of industry take place in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, soon spreading to Western Europe and North America. New and improved large-scale production methods and machinery marked the beginnings of Industrialization. Many different factors contributed to the rise of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. The new inventions, access to raw materials, trade routes and partners, social changes, and a stable government all paved the way for Britain to become an industry-driven country. Britain started the revolution that would develop the way in which we live today.

Characteristics Of The Industrial Revolution

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The main features involved in the Industrial Revolution were technological, socioeconomic, and cultural. The technological changes included the following: the use of new basic materials, chiefly iron and steel, the use of new energy sources, including both fuels and motive power, such as coal, the steam engine, electricity, petroleum, and the internal-combustion engine, the invention of new machines, such as the spinning jenny and the power loom that permitted increased production with a smaller expenditure of human energy, a new organization of work known as the factory system, which entailed increased division of labour and specialization of function, important developments in transportation and communication, including the steam locomotive, steamship, automobile, airplane, telegraph, and radio, and the increasing application of science to industry. These technological changes made possible a tremendously increased use of natural resources and the mass production of manufactured goods.

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Pollution And Ecological Collapse

The Industrial Revolution has been criticised for leading to immense ecological and habitat destruction, certain studies state that over 95% of species have gone extinct since humanity became the dominant species on earth. It has also led to immense decrease in the biodiversity of life on earth. The Industrial revolution has been stated as is inherently unsustainable and will lead to eventual collapse of society, mass hunger, starvation, and resource scarcity.

The Anthropocene

The Anthropocene is a proposed epoch or mass extinction coming from humanity . Since the start of the Industrial revolution humanity has permanently changed the earth, such as immense decrease in biodiversity, and mass extinction caused by the Industrial revolution. The effects include permanent changes to the earth’s atmosphere and soil, forests, the mass destruction of the Industrial revolution has led to catastrophic impacts on the earth. Most organisms are unable to adapt leading to mass extinction with the remaining undergoing evolutionary rescue, as a result of the Industrial revolution.

Why Were Capital Resources Important In The Industrial Revolution

A person had to have a lot of capital to buy machines and open a factory. Those who were successful made huge profits with which to buy more machines, put up larger buildings, and purchase supplies in greater quantities at enormous savings. Thus, capital increased far more rapidly than it ever had before.

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How Did The Use Of Interchangeable Parts In Factories Help The Growth Of Manufacturing

Interchangeable parts, popularized in America when Eli Whitney used them to assemble muskets in the first years of the 19th century, allowed relatively unskilled workers to produce large numbers of weapons quickly and at lower cost, and made repair and replacement of parts infinitely easier.

How did the use of interchangeable parts contribute to the Industrial Revolution?

How did the invention of interchangeable parts contribute to the Industrial Revolution? Parts made by machine to be exactly the same in size and shape. This led to mass production where things could be made easier, cheaper, and faster.

How did Britain benefit from its geography?

The first was its geography. Britain has a damp climate. This was good for textile production, because it helped to keep the fibers in the material soft and easy to work with. In addition, Britain has many deposits of coal and iron, both of which fueled the machines.

Where And When Did The Industrial Revolution Take Place


Historians conventionally divide the Industrial Revolution into two approximately consecutive parts. What is called the first Industrial Revolution lasted from the mid-18th century to about 1830 and was mostly confined to Britain. The second Industrial Revolution lasted from the mid-19th century until the early 20th century and took place in Britain, continental Europe, North America, and Japan. Later in the 20th century, the second Industrial Revolution spread to other parts of the world.

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What Are Natural Resources Ks2

What are natural resources? Natural resources are materials or substances that are produced by the environment. Humans use natural resources to survive. They can be used to heat our homes transport us around the world feed us and clothe us. See also how many chloride ions are there in 4.50 mol of aluminum chloride?

How Did Geography Affect The Development Of Industry In New England Quizlet

How did geography affect the development of industry in New England? Rocky soil and an unpredictable climate made it unsuitable for commercial agriculture. What helped spur the growth of American industry in the beginning of the nineteenth century?

What 4 advantages of physical geography did England have that contributed to the industrial revolution?

Great Britains location was good for shipping goods, it had an irregular coastline which meant good harbors, it had rivers that were good for shipping and powering factories, the Agricultural revolution led to people moving to cities and an increase in the population, new inventions were created and GBs colonies both

What are four advantages of interchangeable parts?

What are the advantages of interchangeability?

  • Precise dimension is not essential, produce component within small dimension error limit.
  • Economic oriented.
  • Mating parts can freely replace without custom fittings like fillets.
  • Readily available replacement component in the market.
  • Assembly process requires lesser skill.

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What Was Britain Like Before The Industrial Revolution

Before industrialization families served both social and economic purposes. Married couples and their children often worked together in farms or shops. In 18th-century Great Britain women and men often worked in their homes doing jobs such as spinning wool into textiles and weaving textiles into cloth.

What Factors Helped Make New England The Early Center Of The Nations Industrial Growth

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Why did the Industrial Revolution in the U.S. get started in New England? The Industrial Revolution first appeared in New England because of its geography. First New Englands soil was poor and its cooler climate made farming difficult. Therefore people were willing to leave their farms to find work elsewhere.

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What Were The Basic Features Of The New Industrial System Created By The Industrial Revolution

What were the basic features of the new industrial system created by the Industrial Revolution? The basic features were the long factory hours and everything was powered by steam and coal. What was the Great Exhibition of 1851? The Great Exhibition was the first of what we now call the Worlds Fair.

Carding Drawing And Roving Allom Thomas 1804

Trade Routes and Partners

According to Eric Hobsbawm, transportation and communication were comparatively easy and cheap, since no part of Britain is more than seventy miles away from the sea, and even less from some navigable waterway. This was true in eighteenth century Britain. Canals were built in the rivers of Britain from 1760-1800 to allow ships to transport goods and for a quicker rate. Britain had access to local and international economies because of their powerful Navy and other ships.3 Railroads were also built to allow more efficient trade and transportation of goods. The first public railway opened in 1825 and ran from Stockton to Darlington. Built by George Stephenson, the Newcastle based father of the railways, this was the precursor of the Liverpool to Manchester railway and ultimately the national rail network. The British government allowed foreign trade and domestic to occur to expand the economy and grow industries.

A Stable Government/Stable Monetary System

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What Happened During The Industrialization In Britain

The Industrial Revolution transformed economies that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system. New machines, new power sources, and new ways of organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient.

Why Was Britain The First Country To Industrialize

The Agricultural Revolution was a major event in world history and had a profound effect on life in Britain. For example, many historians consider the Agricultural Revolution to be a major cause of the Industrial Revolution, especially in terms of when and how it began in Britain. For instance, the Industrial Revolution began due in part to an increase in food production, which was the key outcome of the Agricultural Revolution. Food production increased due to new innovations and inventions, including: the discovery of crop rotation by Charles Townshend and the invention of the seed drill by Jethro Tull. The increased food production allowed Britains population to also increase which benefitted the Industrial Revolution in two ways. First, the increased population helped produce workers for the factories and mines that were so important to the Industrial Revolution. Second, the larger population created a market for goods to sold to which helped the owners of the factories to make a profit off of the sale of their goods. Agricultural Revolution

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Geography Of The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution occurred first in Great Britain, and that simple fact goes a long way toward explaining why Britain became the single most powerful European country of the nineteenth century. Britain was well positioned to serve as the cradle of industrialism. One of the background causes of the Industrial Revolution was the combination of rapidly increasing populations and more efficient agriculture providing more calories to feed that population. Even fairly rudimentary improvements in sanitation in the first half of the eighteenth century resulted in lower infant mortality rates and lower disease rates in general. The Little Ice Age of the early modern period ended in the eighteenth century as well, increasing crop yields. Despite the fact that more commercially-oriented agriculture, something that was well underway in Britain by the middle of the eighteenth century, was often experienced as a disaster by peasants and farmers, the fact is that it did increase the total caloric output of crops at the same time. In short, agriculture definitively left the subsistence model behind and became a commercial enterprise in Britain by 1800. Thus, there was a surplus population of peasants who were available to work in the first generations of factories.

Note the young boy on the right, employed by the factory in lieu of being in school

Why Are Rivers Important For The Countrys Economy Class 9 Geography

Rivers are important for a countrys economy because they are a valuable natural resource. Apart from providing water for irrigation activities, they also provide fertility to the soil by carrying down mineral-rich silt. They are also used to generate hydro-electricity and are useful for navigation and transportation.

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Why Do Cities Develop Along Rivers

Many of the worlds oldest cities have emerged around rivers as rivers played a significant role in sustaining the city itself. Rivers are a source of fresh, drinkable water. Rivers are also used for irrigation, essential to food production, plus they provide natural habitats for plants and animals.

Industrialization Labor And Life

What was the Industrial Revolution? | History in a Nutshell | Animated History

Industrialization ushered much of the world into the modern era, revamping patterns of human settlement, labor, and family life.


Economics, Social Studies, U.S. History, World History


Power Looms

Women and children were often employed in the textile industry during the first century of industrialization. Their smaller fingers were often better at threading the machinery. Despite routinely working 16 hours, or longer, a day they were paid little.

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How Did Englands Many Natural Resources Contribute To The Success Of The Industrial Revolution

Natural resources Britain had large and accessible supplies of coal and iron two of the most important raw materials used to produce the goods for the early Industrial Revolution. Also available was water power to fuel the new machines harbors for its merchant ships and rivers for inland transportation.

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