Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How Does The Internet Work Physics

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How Internet Infrastructure Works

How does the internet work? Photonics explained in under 2 minutes | RMIT University

One of the greatest things about the Internet is that nobody really owns it. It is a global collection of networks, both big and small. These networks connect together in many different ways to form the single entity that we know as the Internet. In fact, the very name comes from this idea of interconnected networks.

Since its beginning in 1969, the Internet has grown from four host computer systems to tens of millions. However, just because nobody owns the Internet, it doesn’t mean it is not monitored and maintained in different ways. The Internet Society, a non-profit group established in 1992, oversees the formation of the policies and protocols that define how we use and interact with the Internet.

In this article, you will learn about the basic underlying structure of the Internet. You will learn about domain name servers, network access points and backbones. But first you will learn about how your computer connects to others.

Dont Just Take Our Word For It Take It From A Physicist

Finding the optimal place to put your router doesnt require rocket science, but physics and mathematics can be used to calculate and pinpoint the ideal location for you. Fortunately for most, theres an app that can help you mathematically pinpoint router placement so you dont need a fancy calculator or extensive knowledge of electromagnetic waves.

Image courtesy of Jason Cole.

Interested in how the physics work? Jason Cole, a physicist turned software engineer from London, used the Helmholtz equation and an architectural layout of his apartment to create a refractive index map in order to find the best place to put his router. The result? Putting his router right smack bang in the middle of the flat gave the best distribution of signal strength.

How To Get Fiber Internet

Fiber internet still isnt widely available, but networks are expanding to new cities.

While fiber sounds amazing if youre a lover of all things internet, the reality is its still not widely available.

Right now, fiber is mostly available on the East Coast and in big citiesthough there are a few small ISP startups offering fiber elsewhere. ALLO in Nebraska and Colorado and Endeavor Communications in Indiana are two that come to mindand both scored in the top 10 in our fastest ISPs analysis.

Heres a quick look at some of the larger fiber internet providers in the US:


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What Does Wifi Mean

In common usage, the term WiFi stands for Wireless Fidelity. The word WiFi is actually a brand name that was introduced by a brand consulting firm for the underlying technology, which had a rather complex name. Asking a bartender;for;the password to the IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence is a bit of a mouthful.

Note that WiFi is actually a wireless brand owned by the WiFi Alliance, which is a non-profit organization that promotes WiFi technology and WiFi products.

Obviously, the WiFi Alliance wanted something more catchy than a name that most regular users wouldnt ever get a hang of. Thats how the term WiFi was coined. One of the founding members of the WiFi Alliance, who presided over the selection of the name WiFi, said;that the word WiFi was intended to be a pun on the word hi-fi .

How Data Travels Trough The Air

Work Physics Definition

Data travels across the internet in packets. Each packet can carry a maximum of 1,500 bytes. Around these packets is a wrapper with a header and a footer. The information contained in the wrapper tells computers what kind of data is in the packet, how it fits together with other data, where the data came from and the data’s final destination.Information through the internet are transmitted;by two basic methods: wires and frequency waves through the air.;Microwaves;are high-frequency waves that travel through the air in order to transmit data. Microwaves can travel directly through the air to each individual host, or are relayed all around the world through;satellites.; ;

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Does The Information Transfer In The Internet Also Work With Waves Like Radio And Tv Do

I am accessing the Internet, downloading PDFs, and much more, but how?

The servers are far away, but how do I download data if it is far from my computer? I can watch football matches live on television, because of radio & TV waves, but what waves are responsible for Youtube live videos, for example?

  • $\begingroup$i don’t need theory answers, what i am asking is: According to Physics, Do internet waves exist or not?$\endgroup$Mar 17 ’15 at 1:48
  • 2

The waves that carry signals for the internet are the same kind of waves used for radio and TV. It is also the same kind of wave as for visible light, x-rays, and gamma rays. The difference between these waves is frequency and wavelength. Radio and TV use waves longer, lower frequency waves than you can see. X-rays and gamma rays are shorter and higher frequency.

Another difference is that light often travels through vacuum. But it also can travels through some substances. Air and glass are good examples. Light can be reflected from mirrors.

Transparency is dependent on frequency. Low frequency waves can travel through some substances that are opaque to light. For example, a garage door opener emits a radio signal that goes through the garage door to a sensor in the garage.

Some internet signals are wireless. These are carried by radio waves without a cable.

So, not that much difference between the Internet wires based signaling system and the use of space born electromagnetic waves.

Member States And Budget

Since its foundation by 12 members in 1954, CERN regularly accepted new members. All new members have remained in the organization continuously since their accession, except Spain and Yugoslavia. Spain first joined CERN in 1961, withdrew in 1969, and rejoined in 1983. Yugoslavia was a founding member of CERN but quit in 1961. Of the 23 members, Israel joined CERN as a full member on 6 January 2014, becoming the first non-European full member.

The budget contributions of member states are computed based on their GDP.

Member state
  • ^Based on the population in 2017.
  • ^12 founding members drafted the Convention for the Establishment of a European Organization for Nuclear Research which entered into force on 29 September 1954.
  • ^Yugoslavia left the organization in 1961.
  • ^Acceded members become CERN member states by ratifying the CERN convention.
  • ^Spain was previously a member state from 1961 to 1969
  • Maps of the history of CERN membership
    • 1954 : CERN is founded

    • 1959 : Austria joins

    • 1961 : Spain joins and Yugoslavia leaves

    • 1969 : Spain leaves

    • 1983 : Spain re-joins

    • 1985 : Portugal joins

    • 1991 : Poland and Finland join, and Germany has been reunified

    • 1992 : Hungary joins

    • 1993 : Czech Republic and Slovakia join

    • 1999 : Bulgaria joins

    • Animated map showing changes in CERN membership from 1954 until 1999

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    Optimization Goes Beyond The Router

    Your Wi-Fi router is just one factor in getting the most out of your internet experience. To ensure that you have the best internet or Wi-Fi plans for your needs, count on us for easy-to-use comparison data covering price, service, speed and more. Follow us on and , or bookmark our Resource Center for a first look.

    The Achilles Heel Of The Internet

    Applications of Electromagnetism: How a Speaker and a Microphone Work (Physics Type Classes)

    As the world economy becomes increasingly dependent on the Internet, a much-voiced concern arises. Can we maintain the functionality of the network under the inevitable failures or frequent attacks by computer hackers? The good news is that so far the Internet has proven rather resilient against failures: while about 3% of the routers are down at any moment, we rarely observe major disruptions. Where does this robustness come from? While there is a significant error tolerance built into the protocols that govern the switching of data packets, we are beginning to learn that the scale-free topology also plays a crucial role.

    In trying to understand the topological component of error tolerance, we can get help from a field of physics known as percolation. Percolation theory tells us that if we randomly remove nodes, then at some critical fraction, fc, the network should fragment into tiny, non-communicating islands of nodes. To our considerable surprise, simulations on scale-free networks do not support this prediction. Even when we remove up to 80% of the nodes, the remainder still form a compact cluster .

    These findings uncovered the underlying topological vulnerability of scale-free networks. While the Internet is not expected to break under the random failure of the routers and lines, well informed hackers can easily design a scenario to handicap the network.

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    Can Internet Speed Be Faster Than Speed Of Light

    We send email in order to transfer information and, over time, the technology used to send email improves to send email at faster rate.

    Since we use the Internet to send information from one place to another place all over the world, can information speed be faster than light speed via the Internet?

    • 2Jun 9 ’14 at 8:51
    • 7$\begingroup$In my opinion, this question does not deserve this many downvotes. That most of us can easily answer it, does not mean we should downvote…$\endgroup$Jun 9 ’14 at 10:43
    • 4$\begingroup$@RijulGupta in a way, that is exactly one of the reasons one should downvote a question: when it would have been easy for the OP to answer, and they haven’t done so.$\endgroup$

    The internet is a collection of physical machines connected by copper-polyethylene signal wires, which carry signals at $0.7c$$0.8c$, optical fibers, which carry signals at $0.6c$$0.7c$, and occasionally radio links, which propagate in air at approximately $c$. Ironically, radio links are generally the slowest way to send long messages, because of the way that bandwidth is allocated. There are also delays introduced when an intermediate machine receives and re-routes a message between two computers.

    Internet speed is faster than a lot of things,but it’s not faster than light.

    I knew the answer.That thought arose in my mind whether internet speed can be faster than speed of light, so i had asked the question.

    What Is A Wifi Router

    A WiFi router, also referred to as a wireless router, is an electronic networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks, thus providing Internet access to multiple devices connected to it. In simple words, it is a machine that sends Internet from a cable to a device, and also acts as a wireless access point, allowing;the data its getting through a cable to be shared with the connected devices wirelessly.

    A wireless router

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    How Does A Wifi Router Work

    A WiFi router first gets the data from a phone/cable line connected to it, converts this data into radio signals, and then transmits them in its;range.

    These signals are detected by nearby devices that contain a wireless adapter. This adapter translates the data into radio signals through the use of an antenna.

    You can connect multiple devices to a single router simultaneously

    The router receives these radio signals , decodes them into data, and then sends that data to the Internet via an Ethernet connection. The same process is repeated in the reverse direction and Voila! Within seconds, you can update;your status!

    This process may sound like it takes a long time when described like this, but all of this actually takes place within a fraction of a second, thanks to the speed of radio waves, which, like any electromagnetic wave, travel at the speed of light.

    Analog Versus Digital Communications

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    Communications signals can be sent either by analog signals or digital signals. There are analog communication systems and digital communication systems. For an analog signal, the signal is varied continuously with respect to the information. In a digital signal, the information is encoded as a set of discrete values . During the propagation and reception, the information contained in analog signals will inevitably be degraded by undesirable physical noise. Commonly, the noise in a communication system can be expressed as adding or subtracting from the desirable signal in a completely random way. This form of noise is called additive noise, with the understanding that the noise can be negative or positive at different instants of time. Noise that is not additive noise is a much more difficult situation to describe or analyze, and these other kinds of noise will be omitted here.

    On the other hand, unless the additive noise disturbance exceeds a certain threshold, the information contained in digital signals will remain intact. Their resistance to noise represents a key advantage of digital signals over analog signals.

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    The Invention Of The Internet

  • The World Wide Web
  • Unlike technologies such as the light bulb or the telephone, the internet has no single inventor. Instead, it has evolved over time. The internet got its start in the United States more than 50 years ago as a government weapon in the Cold War. For years, scientists and researchers used it to communicate and share data with one another. Today, we use the internet for almost everything, and for many people it would be impossible to imagine life without it.

    What Is The True Size Of The Universe

    Our galaxy is some 100,000 light years across. We are just one of around 2 trillion known galaxies in the observable universe, only a small fraction of which we can presently observe. The observable part is what is important here – beyond that, we do not know how many more galaxies exist. We have been able to see these galaxies through optics and measuring light waves. What happens beyond that range? If we can only see 2 trillion by putting our galaxy at the center of that narrow band, we have to ask how much more of the universe we cannot see because the light waves from these galaxies have yet to reach us and may not do so for thousands or even millions of years.

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    How To Secure A Home Wireless Network

    If you’ve set up your home wireless network, you’ve probably noticed something: your neighborshave all got them too! Not only that, you could quite easily connect to someone else’snetwork if it weren’t secured properlyand by the same token, they could connectto your network too. So how do you secure a network? We suggest:

    Why Does Matter Interact With Light

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    Light is a manifestation of electromagnetic force. ;Matter is made up of charged particles due to the nature of atoms, being composed of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons that are in motion. ;The nuclei in molecules also move with respect to each other. ;In other words, these are charges that are in motion, and everytime charges are in motion, there will be an electromagnetic force that will be changing with time. ;Light is an electromagnetic field that is oscillating. ;It is a wave that can be characterized by a frequency. ;But light is also a particle – its particle is called a photon and each photon carries a packet of energy that is proportional to the frequency. ;Matter can absorb the energy from a photon.

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    Adjust The Angle Of The Antennas

    If you have more than one antenna, then adjust them so theyre not all in the same direction. Try positioning them in a mix of horizontal and vertical positions. If you live in a two-story home, angle the antennas parallel to the floor. Sometimes the antennas are inside the router so all you have to do is rotate the router to accomplish the same thing.

    Classical And Medieval Commentaries On The Physics

    A differs from a note in being a distinct work analyzing the language and subsumed concepts of some other work classically notable. A note appears within the annotated work on the same page or in a separate list. Commentaries are typically arranged by lemmas, or quotes from the notable work, followed by an analysis of the author of the commentary.

    The commentaries on every work of Aristotle are a vast and mainly unpublished topic. They extend continuously from the death of the philosopher, representing the entire history of Graeco-Roman philosophy. There are thousands of commentators and commentaries known wholly or more typically in fragments of manuscripts. The latter especially occupy the vaults of institutions formerly responsible for copying them, such as monasteries. The process of publishing them is slow and ongoing.

    Below is a brief representative bibliography of published commentaries on Aristotle’s Physics available on or through the Internet. Like the topic itself, they are perforce multi-cultural, but English has been favored, as well as the original languages, ancient Greek and Latin.

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    Physics In Everyday Life: How Does Wi


    The Internet is increasingly present in peoples daily lives and one of the main ways of connecting mobile devices is Wi-Fi . This is a wireless network where you can access the internet via radio waves, as well as cell phones and televisions, without the need for connection to wires.

    Radio waves are electromagnetic waves, formed by the combination of the electric and magnetic fields which propagate perpendicularly in space carrying energy. To use these waves, it is necessary that a station converts and transmits the data in electrical signal, while another receiving station translates this information.

    In the case of Wi-Fi, both devices have the function of sending and receiving data. The adapter receives the information and translates it into radio signals, which are transmitted with the help of an antenna. The router has the function of distributing network signals, choosing the best way to send a data set, and also receives the signal and decodes it. It is the router that sends the information to the internet through a wired connection. In the reverse process, the router receives the information from the internet, translates it into radio signals, and then sends it to the adapter.

    So, did you know that the much-used Wi-Fi works like this? Follow our blog to discover other curiosities of physics in our daily life.

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