Thursday, September 12, 2024

What Is Internal Energy In Physics

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Internal Energy & Temperature

GCSE Science Revision Physics “Internal Energy”
  • The internal energy of an object is intrinsically related to its temperature
  • When a container containing gas molecules is heated up, the molecules begin to move around faster, increasing their kinetic energy
  • If the object is a solid, where the molecules are tightly packed, when heated the molecules begin to vibrate more
  • Molecules in liquids and solids have both kinetic and potential energy because they are close together and bound by intermolecular forces
  • However, ideal gas molecules are assumed to have no intermolecular forces
  • This means there have no potential energy, only kinetic energy
  • The internal energy of an ideal gas is equal to:
    • Therefore, the change in internal energy is proportional to the change in temperature:

    U T

    • U = change in internal energy
    • T = change in temperature

    As the container is heated up, the gas molecules move faster with higher kinetic energy and therefore higher internal energy

    Worked Example

    A student suggests that, when an ideal gas is heated from 50 oC to 150 oC, the internal energy of the gas is trebled.State and explain whether the students suggestion is correct.

    Step 1:

    Write down the relationship between internal energy and temperature

    The internal energy of an ideal gas is directly proportional to its temperature

    U T

    Determine whether the change in temperature increases by three times

    The temperature change is the thermodynamic temperature ie. Kelvin

    The temperature change in degrees from 50 oC to 150 oC increases by three times

    Changes In The Internal Energy

    As stated before, a change in the internal energy of a system either causes a temperature change or a change of state. We will look at temperature changes in the next section and focus on changes of state here.

    As you may know, we normally distinguish between three states of matter:gas, liquidandsolid. If the temperature of a system increases or decreases to a certain point, which depends on the substance we are working with, there could be a change from one state to another. During this change of state, the temperature remains constant, but there is still a change in the internal energy of the system.

    First, the internal energy of the system can increase, as the result of the application of some heat or work. These are the three different changes of state regarding increases in internal energy:

    • A solid will melt, obtaining a liquid.
    • A liquid will evaporate, transforming it into a gas.
    • If we have a solid and it turns directly into a gas when increasing the internal energy, we talk about sublimation.

    Otherwise, we can the internal energy of a substance when the system starts giving off heat to the outside or does work on its environment:

    • A gas will condensate, obtaining a liquid.
    • A liquid will freeze,transforming it into a solid.
    • If the substance goes from gas to solid without passing through its liquid state, we talk about deposition.

    Increasing and decreasing the temperature we can change the state of the matter, adapted from the image by Enos CC BY-SA 4.0

    The First Law Of Thermodynamics

    The first law of thermodynamics is one of the most useful equations when dealing with internal energy, and it states that the change in internal energy of a system equals the heat added to the system minus the work done by the system . In symbols, this is:

    This equation is really simple to work with provided you know the heat transfer and work done. However, many situations simplify things even further. In an isothermal process, the temperature is constant, and since internal energy is a state function, you know the change in internal energy is zero. In an adiabatic process, there is no heat transfer between the system and its surroundings, so the value of Q is 0, and the equation becomes:

    An isobaric process is one that occurs at a constant pressure, and this means that the work done is equal to the pressure multiplied by the change in volume: W = PV. Isochoric processes occur with a constant volume, and in these cases W = 0. This leaves the change in internal energy as equal to the heat added to the system:

    Even if you cant simplify the problem in one of these ways, for many processes, there is no work done or it can be easily calculated, so finding the amount of heat gained or lost is the main thing youll need to do.

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    What Is Internal Energy

    An energy form inherent in every system is the internal energy, which arises from the molecular state of motion of matter. The symbol U is used for the internal energy and the unit of measurement is the joules .

    Internal energy increases with rising temperature and with changes of state or phase from solid to liquid and liquid to gas. Planetary bodies can be thought of as combinations of heat reservoirs and heat engines. The heat reservoirs store internal energy E, and the heat engines convert some of this thermal energy into various types of mechanical, electrical and chemical energies.

    What Is The Internal Energy Of A System

    Difference Between Enthalpy and Internal Energy

    Internal energy is the total energy of a closed system of molecules, or the sum of the molecular kinetic energy and potential energy in a substance. The macroscopic kinetic and potential energies dont matter for internal energy if you move the whole closed system or change its gravitational potential energy, the internal energy remains the same.

    As you would expect for a microscopic system, calculating the kinetic energy of the multitude of molecules and their potential energies would be a challenging if not practically impossible task. So in practice, the calculations for internal energy involve averages rather than the painstaking process of directly calculating it.

    One particularly useful simplification is treating a gas as an ideal gas, which is assumed to have no intermolecular forces and hence essentially no potential energy. This makes the process of calculating the internal energy of the system much simpler, and it isnt far from accurate for many gases.

    Internal energy is sometimes called thermal energy, because temperature is essentially a measure of the internal energy of a system its defined as the average kinetic energy of the molecules in the system.

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    Understanding The Definition Of The Internal Energy

    Internal energy is all the energy of a system that is associated with itsmicroscopic components when viewed from a referenceframe at rest with respect to the center of mass

    The interior energy of the body continues to be the same separate from your frame of reference. Since the internal potential energy is determined by the interior geometry from the body that is same out of all frames. The microscopic motion seems random and therefore the kinetic energy content connected with this particular random motion is same out of all frames.

    What your textbook tries to define is perhaps the internal kinetic energy. Because, roughly we can say that if in a frame of reference the center of mass of the body is not in motion then all the kinetic energy of the body in that frame will be due to the microscopic motion of its molecules which is internal kinetic energy. But that is not actually a perfect definition for the internal kinetic energy. The reason is that if the body is not a perfectly rigid body then there may exist macroscopic motion of some parts of the body and still we can have the center of mass at rest. So all we can say about the internal kinetic energy is that it is the energy associated with the microscopic motions of the molecules of the body. Which is essentially a function of the temperature of the body.

    The Thermodynamic Temperature Scale

    The Celsius scale of temperature depends on the properties of water. 0 °C is the freezing point of water, and 100 °C is the boiling point of water. It is a relative scale, because it is relative to the freezing and boiling points of water. The thermodynamic scale of temperature , however, is an absolute scale of temperuture, and does not depend on the properties of any particular substance. It is also directly proportional to the amount of internal energy a substance possesses.

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    Internal Energy Of The Ideal Gas

    Thermodynamics often uses the concept of the ideal gas for teaching purposes, and as an approximation for working systems. The ideal gas consists of particles considered as point objects that interact only by elastic collisions and fill a volume such that their mean free path between collisions is much larger than their diameter. Such systems approximate monatomic gases such as helium and other noble gases. For an ideal gas the kinetic energy consists only of the translational energy of the individual atoms. Monatomic particles do not possess rotational or vibrational degrees of freedom, and are not electronically excited to higher energies except at very high temperatures.

    Therefore, the internal energy of an ideal gas depends solely on its temperature : U

    What Is Internal Energy In Physics

    GCSE Physics – Internal Energy and Specific Heat Capacity #27

    Internal Energy. Internal energy is defined as the energy associated with the random, disordered motion of molecules. It is separated in scale from the macroscopic ordered energy associated with moving objects it refers to the invisible microscopic energy on the atomic and molecular scale. For example, a room temperature glass of water sitting on a table has no apparent energy, either potential or kinetic. But on the microscopic scale it is a seething mass of high speed molecules traveling at hundreds of meters per second. If the water were tossed across the room, this microscopic energy would not necessarily be changed when we superimpose an ordered large scale motion on the water as a whole.

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    Work Heat And Internal Energy

    Learning Objectives
    • Describe the work done by a system, heat transfer between objects, and internal energy change of a system
    • Calculate the work, heat transfer, and internal energy change in a simple process

    We discussed the concepts of work and energy earlier in mechanics. Examples and related issues of heat transfer between different objects have also been discussed in the preceding chapters. Here, we want to expand these concepts to a thermodynamic system and its environment. Specifically, we elaborated on the concepts of heat and heat transfer in the previous two chapters. Here, we want to understand how work is done by or to a thermodynamic system how heat is transferred between a system and its environment and how the total energy of the system changes under the influence of the work done and heat transfer.

    Equation Of The Internal Energy Change

    In most cases, a change in internal energy will provoke a change in temperature. In this case, only the total kinetic energy of the particles varies, while the total potential energy stays the same.

    The thermal energy of a system is the sum of all the microscopic kinetic energies of the particles in the system if the system would be at rest.

    In short, the thermal energy can be thought of as the kinetic part of the internal energy. When no change of state occurs during a process, the change in the internal energy is the same as the change in the thermal energy of the system.

    The equation relating the change in the thermal energy and the change in temperature of a system is

    In symbols, this equation becomes

    • is the change in thermal energy of a system. The standard unit is the joule.

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    What Is A Pv Diagram

    • Isobaric – in this process the pressure of the gas is constant and only the volume changes. This process looks like a horizontal segment on a graph.
  • Isochoric/Isovolumetric – in this process the volume of the container is held constant and the pressure is changed. This process looks like a vertical segment on a graph
    • Isotherm – in this process pressure increases and volume decreases or vice versa in ratios that the temperature is not changed. The temperature of the gas before and after is the exact same.
    • Adiabatic – This is the process in which no heat is exchanged. Volume is increased and pressure is decreased or vice versa in ratios where no heat is added to or taken from the system.

    Energy And Temperature Changes

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    If we were to heat a block of ice at a steady rate and plot a graph of the temperature against time, we would get the following graph:

    This shape is rather surprising. You would expect the line to increase in a straight line, with none of the breaks that you can see above. We should consider what is happening to the molecules of the water at each section of the graph to understand why this is so:

    The ice is below freezing point, but the temperature is increasing. The molecules are vibrating slowly, but begin to vibrate more.
    At 273K the ice is at melting point. The bonds between molecules are being broken and molecules have greater potential energy. This is the Latent Heat of Fusion
    The water now increases in temperature towards boiling point. The molecules vibrate even more and move around rapidly as their kinetic energy increases.
    At 373K the water is now at boiling point. Molecules completely break away from each other and their potential energy increases. DE is much larger than BC because ALL bonds need to be broken for a gas to form.
    The water is now steam and the molecules are moving around much faster than before. Their kinetic energy continues to increase as energy is supplied.

    At the sections BC and DE, where there is a change of state, the molecules do not increase in kinetic energy, but increase in potential energy. The heat energy being supplied does not change the temperature at these sections, but is instead used to break the bonds between molecules.

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    Internal Energy And The First Law Of Thermodynamics

    In thermodynamics the concept of energy is broadened to account for other observed changes, and the principle of conservation of energy is extended to include a wide variety of ways in which systems interact with their surroundings. The only ways the energy of a closed system can be changed are through transfer of energy or . Further, based on the experiments of Joule and others, a fundamental aspect of the energy concept is that energy is conserved. This principle is known as the first law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics can be written in various forms:

    In words:

    What Is Internal Kinetic Energy In Physics

    What is internal kinetic energy in physics? In chemistry and physics, internal energy is defined as the total energy of a closed system. Internal energy is the sum of potential energy of the system and the systems kinetic energy.

    Can you see internal kinetic energy?

    Is internal energy the same as kinetic? Internal energy does not include the energy due to motion or location of a system as a whole. That is to say, it excludes any kinetic or potential energy the body may have because of its motion or location in external gravitational, electrostatic, or electromagnetic fields.

    What defines internal energy? internal energy, in thermodynamics, the property or state function that defines the energy of a substance in the absence of effects due to capillarity and external electric, magnetic, and other fields.

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    Internal Energy Formal Definition

    The energy accumulated within the system is associated with random motions of the particles along with the potential energies of the molecules due to their orientation.

    The energy due to random motion includes many forms as translational, rotational, and vibrational energy. We represent it as U. Therefore, we can say that internal energy is a state function and in all the processes in internal energy from one state to another state will be the same.

    Is Internal Energy A State Function

    More on internal energy | Thermodynamics | Physics | Khan Academy

    A state function defines a systems equilibrium state, and thus defines the system itself as well. For example, internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy are state quantities since they quantitatively describe a thermodynamic systems equilibrium state, regardless of how the system has arrived in that state.

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    Internal Energy Of An Ideal Gas

    The internal energy of an ideal gas is a good approximation of a real-world system. In such as system, the particles in an ideal gas are considered to be point objects that have completely elastic collisions with each other. The real behavior of the monatomic gases mirrors this model.

    In an ideal gas, internal energy is proportional to the number of particles of moles of a gas and its temperature:

    U = cnT

    Here, U is internal energy, c is the heat capacity at constant volume, n is the number of moles, and T is the temperature.

    Internal Energy Of A Closed System

    For a closed system the internal energy is essentially defined by

    U = q + W

    • U is the change in internal energy of a system during a process
    • W is the mechanical work.

    If an energy exchange occurs because of temperature difference between a system and its surroundings, this energy appears as heat otherwise it appears as work. When a force acts on a system through a distance the energy is transferred as work. The above equation shows that energy is conserved.

    The different components of internal energy of a system is given below.

    Thermal energy Energy change of a system associated with:

    • Molecular translation, rotation, vibration.
    • Nuclear spin of molecules.
    Latent heat Energy required or released for phase change, change from liquid to vapour phase requires heat of vaporization.
    Chemical energy
    Heat released during a nuclear reaction that changes nuclear energy.

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