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What Does V0 Mean In Physics

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Does 0 Velocity Mean 0 Acceleration

Physics: Viewer’s Request: Mechanics #28: Projectile Motion V0=?, theta=?

In mathematical terms, velocity is the derivative of the position vector with respect to time, whereas the acceleration is the derivative of the velocity with respect to time or the second derivative of the position respect to time. No, if the velocity is zero, it does not mean that the acceleration is zero.

Example 3 Calculating Displacement Of An Accelerating Object: Dragsters

Dragsters can achieve average accelerations of 26.0 m/s2. Suppose such a dragster accelerates from rest at this rate for 5.56 s. How far does it travel in this time?

Figure 6. U.S. Army Top Fuel pilot Tony The Sarge Schumacher begins a race with a controlled burnout.


Draw a sketch.

Figure 7.

We are asked to find displacement, which is x if we take x0 to be zero. We can use the equation x=_+_t+\frac}^ once we identify v0, a, and t from the statement of the problem.


1. Identify the knowns. Starting from rest means that v0 = 0, a is given as 26.0 m/s2 and t is given as 5.56 s.

2. Plug the known values into the equation to solve for the unknown x:

Since the initial position and velocity are both zero, this simplifies to

Substituting the identified values of a and t gives




If we convert 402 m to miles, we find that the distance covered is very close to one quarter of a mile, the standard distance for drag racing. So the answer is reasonable. This is an impressive displacement in only 5.56 s, but top-notch dragsters can do a quarter mile in even less time than this.

What else can we learn by examining the equation x=_+_t+\frac}^? We see that:

Which Most Likely Could Cause Acceleration

Water movement can also cause acceleration. When a bout is moving in the direction of water movement, then it will be expected that the resultant speed of the bout to be higher. If the bout was moving against the water movement, its speed would be decreased. A hill would reduce the speed of a moving vehicle.

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Example 2 Calculating Final Velocity: An Airplane Slowing Down After Landing

An airplane lands with an initial velocity of 70.0 m/s and then decelerates at 1.50 m/s2 for 40.0 s. What is its final velocity?


Draw a sketch. We draw the acceleration vector in the direction opposite the velocity vector because the plane is decelerating.

Figure 4.

1. Identify the knowns. v0 = 70.0 m/s, a = 1.50 m/s2, t = 40.0 s.

2. Identify the unknown. In this case, it is final velocity, vf.

3. Determine which equation to use. We can calculate the final velocity using the equation v=_+.

4. Plug in the known values and solve.


The final velocity is much less than the initial velocity, as desired when slowing down, but still positive. With jet engines, reverse thrust could be maintained long enough to stop the plane and start moving it backward. That would be indicated by a negative final velocity, which is not the case here.

Figure 5. The airplane lands with an initial velocity of 70.0 m/s and slows to a final velocity of 10.0 m/s before heading for the terminal. Note that the acceleration is negative because its direction is opposite to its velocity, which is positive.

In addition to being useful in problem solving, the equation v=_+\text gives us insight into the relationships among velocity, acceleration, and time. From it we can see, for example, that

What Does U Stand For In Physics Kinematics



. Hereof, what does U and V stand for in physics?

v = final velocity u = initial velocity t = time.

Also, what are the 3 kinematic equations? Our goal in this section then, is to derive new equations that can be used to describe the motion of an object in terms of its three kinematic variables: velocity , position , and time . There are three ways to pair them up: velocity-time, position-time, and velocity-position.

Considering this, what does kinematics mean in physics?

Kinematics is the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of points, objects and systems of groups of objects, without reference to the causes of motion .

What are the 5 kinematic equations?

If we know three of these five kinematic variables x , t , v 0 , v , a Delta x, t, v_0, v, a x,t,v0,v,adelta, x, comma, t, comma, v, start subscript, 0, end subscript, comma, v, comma, afor an object under constant acceleration, we can use a kinematic formula, see below, to solve for one of the unknown variables.

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Derivation Of V = Vo + A

  • V=V0+at. v0 = V – at answer// 0 0. Mike G. Lv 7. 3 years ago. Vo = V-at. 1 0. Randy P. Lv 7. 3 years ago. Since v0 is added to at, you isolate it by subtracting at from both sides
  • When I learn physics I like to visualize what is happening in my head. I can understand why this problem is multiplied by t^2 from my rational it is to get just to meters. But why is this equation multiplied by one half? I do not understand why this happens. Can someone please..
  • Then solve for v as a function of t.. v = v 0 + at . This is the first equation of motion.It’s written like a polynomial a constant term followed by a first order term .Since the highest order is 1, it’s more correct to call it a linear function.. The symbol v 0 is called the initial velocity or the velocity a time t = 0.It is often thought of as the first.
  • mají tvar v = at, s = vt 2 = 1 2 at2= v2 2a a grafy rychlosti a dráhy vyhlíejí podle obr. 3. Trvá-li rovnomrn zpomalený pohyb a do zastavení, meme zavést ve

Get the free Rearrange It — rearranges given equation widget for your website, blog, WordPress, Blogger, or iGoogle. Find more Mathematics widgets in Wolfram|Alpha View en_S_physics-12-formulae.pdf from PHYSICS 12 at Burnaby North Secondary School. Ministry of Education Physics 12 Formulae Sheet Vector Kinetics 2D v = v0 + at v 2 = v02 + 2ad v + v0 2 v= d = v

Example 5 Calculating Displacement: How Far Does A Car Go When Coming To A Halt

On dry concrete, a car can decelerate at a rate of 7.00 m/s2, whereas on wet concrete it can decelerate at only 5.00 m/s2. Find the distances necessary to stop a car moving at 30.0 m/s on dry concrete and on wet concrete. Repeat both calculations, finding the displacement from the point where the driver sees a traffic light turn red, taking into account his reaction time of 0.500 s to get his foot on the brake.


Draw a sketch.

Figure 9.

In order to determine which equations are best to use, we need to list all of the known values and identify exactly what we need to solve for. We shall do this explicitly in the next several examples, using tables to set them off.

Solution for

1. Identify the knowns and what we want to solve for. We know that v0 = 30.0 m/s v = 0 a = -7.00 m/s2 . We take x0 to be 0. We are looking for displacement x, or xx0.

2. Identify the equation that will help up solve the problem. The best equation to use is

This equation is best because it includes only one unknown, x. We know the values of all the other variables in this equation.

3. Rearrange the equation to solve for x.

4. Enter known values.



Solution for

This part can be solved in exactly the same manner as Part A. The only difference is that the deceleration is 5.00 m/s2. The result is


Solution for

1. Identify the knowns and what we want to solve for. We know that \bar=30.0 \text treaction = 0.500 s areaction = 0. We take x0-reaction = to be 0. We are looking for xreaction.

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What Is Positive Acceleration

A positive acceleration means an increase in velocity with time. negative acceleration means the speed reduces with time. When the car slows down, the speed decreases. When an object is speeding up, the acceleration is in the same direction as the velocity. Thus, this object has a positive acceleration.

Example 1 Calculating Displacement: How Far Does The Jogger Run

Physics math – mean velocity

A jogger runs down a straight stretch of road with an average velocity of 4.00 m/s for 2.00 min. What is his final position, taking his initial position to be zero?


The final position x is given by the equation

To find x, we identify the values of x0, \bar, and t from the statement of the problem and substitute them into the equation.


1. Identify the knowns. \bar=4.00\text, \Delta t=2.00\text, and _=0\text.

2. Enter the known values into the equation.


Velocity and final displacement are both positive, which means they are in the same direction.

The equation x=_+\bart gives insight into the relationship between displacement, average velocity, and time. It shows, for example, that displacement is a linear function of average velocity. On a car trip, for example, we will get twice as far in a given time if we average 90 km/h than if we average 45 km/h.

Figure 3. There is a linear relationship between displacement and average velocity. For a given time t, an object moving twice as fast as another object will move twice as far as the other object.

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How Do You Get Uniform Retardation

And by uniform retardation means slowing down uniformly that is decrease in velocity of a body is equal in equal amount of time. These also mean that the acceleration is negative. v=u+t, as the motion is uniformly retarded so, the acceleration a will be negative, u is the initial velocity and t is the time.

Solving For Final Position With Constant Acceleration

We can combine the previous equations to find a third equation that allows us to calculate the final position of an object experiencing constant acceleration. We start with

to each side of this equation and dividing by 2 gives

for constant acceleration, we have

Now we substitute this expression for v into the equation for displacement, x

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What Does It Mean If An Object Has A Negative Acceleration

That means that the direction of the acceleration determines whether you will be adding to or subtracting from the velocity. Mathematically, a negative acceleration means you will subtract from the current value of the velocity, and a positive acceleration means you will add to the current value of the velocity.

Example 3 Find G From Data On A Falling Object

Solved: Physics Lab, I Don

The acceleration due to gravity on Earth differs slightly from place to place, depending on topography and subsurface geology The precise acceleration due to gravity can be calculated from data taken in an introductory physics laboratory course. An object, usually a metal ball for which air resistance is negligible, is dropped and the time it takes to fall a known distance is measured. See, for example, Figure 6. Very precise results can be produced with this method if sufficient care is taken in measuring the distance fallen and the elapsed time.

Figure 6. Positions and velocities of a metal ball released from rest when air resistance is negligible. Velocity is seen to increase linearly with time while displacement increases with time squared. Acceleration is a constant and is equal to gravitational acceleration.

Suppose the ball falls 1.0000 m in 0.45173 s. Assuming the ball is not affected by air resistance, what is the precise acceleration due to gravity at this location?


Draw a sketch.

Figure 7.

We need to solve for acceleration a. Note that in this case, displacement is downward and therefore negative, as is acceleration.


1. Identify the knowns. y0 = 0 y = 1.0000 m t = 0.45173 v0 = 0.

2. Choose the equation that allows you to solve for a using the known values.


3. Substitute 0 for v0 and rearrange the equation to solve for a. Substituting 0 for v0 yields


Solving for a gives




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Solving For Final Velocity From Distance And Acceleration

A fourth useful equation can be obtained from another algebraic manipulation of previous equations. If we solve v




Second, we substitute the knowns into the equation v


An examination of the equation v ) can produce additional insights into the general relationships among physical quantities:

  • The final velocity depends on how large the acceleration is and the distance over which it acts.
  • For a fixed acceleration, a car that is going twice as fast doesnât simply stop in twice the distance. It takes much farther to stop.

In Li $v0 8 What Means 8 Mips

I know that’s a stupid question for you, but in those lines:

la $a0, inputli $v0, 4 syscall
la $a0, insert la $a1, insert li $v0, 8syscall

What means 4 and 8?

4 is a number meaning four, 8 is a number meaning eight.

The instruction li $v0, 8 loads the register v0 with the value 8. Here, 8 is probably the number of the system call you want to invoke with the syscall instruction. What system call this number corresponds to depends on the operating system you run this code under. The same thing applies to li $v0, 4 earlier on.

4 is the system call code for print_str.

8 is the system call code for read_string.

  • May 17 ’17 at 8:30
  • 1One can not know this with absolute certainty based on the information provided, but one can say that this is very likely. As someone who frequents this tag, I can say that the majority of questions asked here are from people who are using the SPIM simulator or one of its derivates , and the code in the question matches the system calls available in those simulators.

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Solving For Final Position When Velocity Is Not Constant

We can combine the equations above to find a third equation that allows us to calculate the final position of an object experiencing constant acceleration. We start with

Adding v0 to each side of this equation and dividing by 2 gives

Since \frac_+v}=\bar for constant acceleration, then

Now we substitute this expression for \bar into the equation for displacement, x=_+\bart, yielding

Example 2 Calculating Velocity Of A Falling Object: A Rock Thrown Down

1-D kinematics example

What happens if the person on the cliff throws the rock straight down, instead of straight up? To explore this question, calculate the velocity of the rock when it is 5.10 m below the starting point, and has been thrown downward with an initial speed of 13.0 m/s.


Draw a sketch.

Figure 4.

Since up is positive, the final position of the rock will be negative because it finishes below the starting point at y0 = 0. Similarly, the initial velocity is downward and therefore negative, as is the acceleration due to gravity. We expect the final velocity to be negative since the rock will continue to move downward.


1. Identify the knowns. y0 = 0 y1 = 5.10 m v0 = 13.0 m/s a = g = 9.80 m/s2.

2. Choose the kinematic equation that makes it easiest to solve the problem. The equation ^=_^+2a\left\\ works well because the only unknown in it is v.

3. Enter the known values v2 = 2+2 = 268.96 m2/s2, where we have retained extra significant figures because this is an intermediate result.

Taking the square root, and noting that a square root can be positive or negative, gives v = ±16.4 m/s.

The negative root is chosen to indicate that the rock is still heading down. Thus, v = 16.4 m/s.


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Concept Of Initial Velocity:

Equations of the motion are used to describe the behavior of a physical system in terms of its motion. The relations between various terms and quantities are known as the equations of motion. In the case of uniform acceleration, there are mainly three equations of motion which are also called the laws of constant acceleration.

Forces acting on any object will cause it to accelerate. Due to this acceleration velocity of the object changes. Therefore, the initial velocity is the velocity of the object before the effect of acceleration, which causes the change. After accelerating the object for some amount of time, the velocity will be the final velocity.

Formulas For Initial Velocity

Thus velocity at which motion start is the initial velocity. Obviously, this velocity at time interval t = 0. It is represented by letter u. Three initial velocity formulas based on equations of motion are given below,

  • If time, acceleration and velocity are known. The initial velocity is formulated as

u =v at

  • If final velocity, acceleration, and distance are known then we can use the formula as:

u² = v² 2as

  • If distance, acceleration and time are known. Then the initial velocity will be computed as:

u = \


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Example : Calculating Final Velocity: Dragsters

Calculate the final velocity of the dragster in Example 3 without using information about time.


Draw a sketch.

Figure 8.

The equation ^=_^+2a\left is ideally suited to this task because it relates velocities, acceleration, and displacement, and no time information is required.


1. Identify the known values. We know that v0 = 0, since the dragster starts from rest. Then we note that xx0 = 402 m . Finally, the average acceleration was given to be a = 26.0 m/s2.

2. Plug the knowns into the equation^=_^+2a\left and solve for v.



To get v, we take the square root:


145 m/s is about 522 km/h or about 324 mi/h, but even this breakneck speed is short of the record for the quarter mile. Also, note that a square root has two values we took the positive value to indicate a velocity in the same direction as the acceleration.

An examination of the equation ^=_^+2a\left can produce further insights into the general relationships among physical quantities:

  • The final velocity depends on how large the acceleration is and the distance over which it acts
  • For a fixed deceleration, a car that is going twice as fast doesnt simply stop in twice the distanceit takes much further to stop.

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