Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Is Biological Research Important

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Plant Biology Research: What Is Next

Dr. Candice Myers – Why Mentorship is Important in Scientific Research
  • Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, Program in Genetics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, United States

Plant biology is a key area of science that bears major weight in the mankind’s ongoing and future efforts to combat the consequences of global warming, climate change, pollution, and population growth. An in-depth understanding of plant physiology is paramount to our ability to optimize current agricultural practices, to develop new crop varieties, or to implement biotechnological innovations in agriculture. The next-generation cultivars would have to withstand environmental contamination and a wider range of growth temperatures, soil nutrients and moisture levels and effectively deal with growing pathogen pressures to continue to yield well in even suboptimal conditions.

Biology Works With Technology

As technology continues to evolve, so does biology.

For instance, the Human Genome Project has enhanced our understanding of how humans work and allowed scientists to find cures for various diseases.

Technology will continue to advance as we explore other planets and galaxies in the search for extraterrestrial life. Biologists need to understand both biology and technology so they can improve living conditions on Earth.

Importance Of Biostatistics In Clinical Research And Public Health

Thanks to biostatistics, clinical researchers can now draw references from the available data. From designing a trial to protocol development, biostatistics helps the clinical research realm in various ways. The below-mentioned areas are to name a few.

Design and development of research framework

In general, biostatisticians are appointed in a clinical research study in the initial phase to assist the research team in analyzing objectives, methods of data analysis, and overall study design for a better outcome. A vital component of study design instance is the sample amount. A tiny sample can lead to underperformed research with an unsatisfactory outcome. In contrast, a large sample is a waste of time and resources.

Data monitoring and management

Biostatisticians assist the formulation of data management plans and specify areas of a probable flaw in data collection. Unfortunately, this introduces a high level of tangibility in data collection and analysis.

Data analysis and Reporting

Biostatisticians take collected data as a facet of clinical research study and employ statistical techniques to conclude that data and report unusual data trends. Clinical research reporting includes statistical methods and briefing of the method, data interpretations, and visual representation as a part of the collaborative process between biostatisticians and researchers.

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Biology Is A Diverse Subject

Biology has given us valuable information about living things like humans, fish, and plants. There are different fields of biology botany, zoology, microbiology, cytogenetics, biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology.

Regardless of the type of biology you are interested in, there is most likely a degree or certification that help you meet your career goals.

Theres even an area of biology dedicated to studying different types of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses using advanced technology and research tools.

Many different career paths are available to those who want to help improve our understanding of nature and all of its inhabitants.

Reasons Why Biology Is Important

The Importance of Literature Review in Scientific Research Writing ...

December 31, 2021 by Nimra Basit

It is indeed fascinating to look at the world around you and find many things to be beautiful. But it is equally important to know why they are beautiful, and this deserves a discussion.

The core of life is biology. It is the study of life, its processes, and interactions. It also brings us closer to solving problems that affect the survival of humans. Biology always helps us discover new remedies to enhance public health by addressing many issues.

Why biology is important, you wonder? Well, here are 15 reasons to help you understand.

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Research Reveals New Ideas And Facts

Research creates the possibility of new ideas and ways of thinking that enables the researcher to draw unique conclusions about their research topic. The more deeply one researches on a particular subject better he may get into the field and properly help position his or her ideas. Researchers are always curious and they find new possible solutions of traditional problems, if a few researchers have been given a problem to solve, they will most likely come up with different type of interesting solutions to that problem. Research provides a great learning curve and infuses positivity in the researcher and learners through the exploration of new ideas and facts. It also helps raise awareness about the subject matter and provide new facts to the people. It creates an open-minded mentality for the researcher and makes him more eager to learn new things.

Ethical Decision Making In Research

Although codes, policies, and principles are very important and useful, like any set of rules, they do not cover every situation, they often conflict, and they require considerable interpretation. It is therefore important for researchers to learn how to interpret, assess, and apply various research rules and how to make decisions and to act ethically in various situations. The vast majority of decisions involve the straightforward application of ethical rules. For example, consider the following case,

The research protocol for a study of a drug on hypertension requires the administration of the drug at different doses to 50 laboratory mice, with chemical and behavioral tests to determine toxic effects. Tom has almost finished the experiment for Dr. Q. He has only 5 mice left to test. However, he really wants to finish his work in time to go to Florida on spring break with his friends, who are leaving tonight. He has injected the drug in all 50 mice but has not completed all of the tests. He therefore decides to extrapolate from the 45 completed results to produce the 5 additional results.

Dr. T has just discovered a mathematical error in his paper that has been accepted for publication in a journal. The error does not affect the overall results of his research, but it is potentially misleading. The journal has just gone to press, so it is too late to catch the error before it appears in print. In order to avoid embarrassment, Dr. T decides to ignore the error.

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Why The Future Depends On Those Who Study Biological Sciences

When it comes to different degrees in the sciences, the biological sciences stands out among them as a very versatile topic. Biology, at its most basic definition, is the scientific study of life. Therefore, the biological sciences can be broken down into many sub-disciplines including zoology, botany, microbiology, biochemistry, marine biology, and more.

When we look at those studying the biological sciences, the question of why the future might depend on those students has a simple answer. Since the biological sciences is such a diverse and ever changing field associated with everything from the smallest cells to entire ecosystems, those studying the various biological sciences are going to be doing important work in the future that relate to the world and all living things.

Below, well take a look at some of the unique kinds of research that biological scientists across the board are doing and just how their innovations and work are changing the world we know around us. The plethora of research that biological scientists and those studying the various areas within the field are doing are definitely paving ways into the future.

Biology Is Crucial To Agriculture

Six Reasons Why Research is Cool: Quique Bassat at TEDxBarcelonaChange

Agriculture that feeds the world is a large branch of biology. There are many other fields where biologists apply their knowledge to help people, including forensics.

Forensic science uses techniques originally developed by forensic botanists and biologists who work with police departments to understand how plants were used in a crime scene. Forensic botanists also help with the recovery and identification of human remains.

Some agricultural biologists focus on improving farming techniques, such as what crops to grow and where to grow them. They also study how animals and insects interact with plants and determine which species can live in close proximity.

The overarching goal of agriculture is to improve food availability for both people and livestock.

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Citing Articles In Biological Research

Articles in Biological Research should be cited in the same way as articles in a traditional journal. Because articles are not printed, they do not have page numbers instead, they are given a unique article number.

Article citations follow this format:

Authors: Title. Biol Res , :.

e.g. Roberts LD, Hassall DG, Winegar DA, Haselden JN, Nicholls AW, Griffin JL: Increased hepatic oxidative metabolism distinguishes the action of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor delta from Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma in the Ob/Ob mouse. Biol Res 2009, 1:115.

refers to article 115 from Volume 1 of the journal.

A Path Towards Higher Education

What does it take to become a biological engineer? If you think youll need to pursue higher education to enter this field, then youd be correct. In order to become a biological engineer, you will at the very least need a bachelors degree, though many will pursue a graduate degree, too. Youll also need additional hands-on experience, from internships to actual job experience.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in biological engineering, the University of the People offers degree programs in health science which can start you on the path towards becoming a biological engineer. The university also offers potential certificate programs in health science that can be considered when choosing the right course of study in the field.

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Certifications And Degrees Associated With Biomedical Research Science Careers

Although students may begin performing medical research as part of their undergraduate education, most biomedical research scientists have doctoral or masters degrees and additional specialized education in data analysis or bioengineering. Gene therapy and drug trial researchers must have an MD and be licensed to practice medicine.

Why Learning Biology Is Important

The Importance of Literature Review in Scientific Research Writing ...

Science is mysterious!

Have you ever wondered how humans breathe? If so, you should have a thorough understanding of biological science. Because: biological science is all around us. We are all just a part of biology!

Life depends on biology. Hence, we cant survive in this world without biological science. However, many kids and parents are unaware that biology is more influential in our life. Thus, weve decided to share a few of the top reasons why learning biology is so valuable.

Lets move in together, shall we? Dont rush. Let me clarify what biology is before we move on.

Note: If you are familiar with biological science, you can skip the following definition session.

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Who Does A Biomedical Scientist Work With

Depending on their specialty, a biomedical research scientist can work with other scientists as part of a research team. Medical research no longer takes place exclusively in labs. Biomedical research can take place in the community. For example, a biomedical research scientist could develop a way for children with autism spectrum disorder to communicate better with peers and study their methods effectiveness in a school or community-based clinic. Researchers studying Parkinsons disease could work with patients and their families to discover whether or not family members can help improve disease outcomes or daily functioning. Teams developing new drugs or treatment methods for diseases like diabetes can work in both the laboratory and community clinic settings.

Biology Makes Space For Scientific Studies:

Perhaps the greatest importance that biology presents to humanity is that it gives way and paves the way for many discoveries and research, especially in some scientific fields that to this day still contain many undiscovered aspects, and still constitute a mystery to scientists.

Scientists in this field conduct many experiments, to discover some important facts, and to obtain some logical explanations, so you find them going on exploratory trips to some virgin lands that have not been set foot by humans, to obtain more facts and information.

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The Multidisciplinary Nature Of Biology

Biology is often researched in conjunction with other fields of study, including mathematics, engineering and the social sciences. Here are a few examples:

Astrobiology is the study of the evolution of life in the universe, including the search for extraterrestrial life, according to NASA . This field incorporates principles of biology with astronomy.

Bioarchaeologists are biologists who incorporate archaeological techniques to study skeletal remains and derive insights about how people lived in the past, according to George Mason University .

Bioengineering is the application of engineering principles to biology and vice versa, according to the University of California Berkeley . For example, a bioengineer might develop a new medical technology that better images the inside of the body, like an improved Magnetic Resonance Imaging that scans the human body at a faster rate and higher resolution, or apply biological knowledge to create artificial organs, according to the journal Cell Transplant.

Biotechnology involves using biological systems to develop products, according to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology . For example, biotechnologists in Russia genetically engineered a better-tasting and more disease-resistant strawberry, which the researchers described in their 2007 study published in the journal Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture 2006 and Beyond .

Epidemiology & Population Biology

Biology Lab || Intro to Biological Research

Modeling of the many layers of information in biological systems has long been a mainstay of biology investigation. As the magnitude and quality of data grow exponentially, epidemiological modeling of the key features of disease have become pivotal to the discovery process in our efforts to understand and combat infectious diseases. Furthermore, the mathematical descriptions of populations have been empowered by modern genomic approaches that give us fine-resolution views of genome organization and its impact on disease genetics, geographic variation and the spread of both pathogens and alleles that are the focus of several Notre Dame faculty.

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The Basic Principles Of Modern Biology

Four principles unify modern biology, according to the book “Managing Science” :

  • Cell theory is the principle that all living things are made of fundamental units called cells, and all cells come from preexisting cells.
  • Gene theory is the principle that all living things have DNA, molecules that code the structures and functions of cells and get passed to offspring.
  • Homeostasis is the principle that all living things maintain a state of balance that enables organisms to survive in their environment.
  • Evolution is the principle that describes how all living things can change to have traits that enable them to survive better in their environments. These traits result from random mutations in the organism’s genes that are “selected” via a process called natural selection. During natural selection, organisms that have traits better-suited for their environment have higher rates of survival, and then pass those traits to their offspring.
  • Cellular & Molecular Biology

    Cell biology is the study of cells, the basic structural unit of all living systems. Our researchers seek to understand how cells work as individual units with a focus on membrane and cytoskeleton organization, how they organize into complex groups, how they coordinate their activities in organismal systems and how they respond to extracellular signals and infectious agents. Dissecting how cells function at the molecular level is becoming increasingly important for understanding the cellular basis of human disease.

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    Data Quality: Standardization Reliability Robustness And Tracking

    As experimental scientists, most if not all of us have had the negative experience of not being able to reproduce an important result or confirm the identity of a material someone has shared with us . Issues with biological variation , small sample size , human error or malfunctioning instrumentation can all contribute to the limited reproducibility of experimental data or sample mix-up. Rarely is the wrongdoing intentional, but the consequences of these errors can be enormous. What can we do to minimize mistakes, standardize internal lab protocols and record keeping, and ultimately improve the reproducibility of published data? I would support a universal funder’s mandate for detailed electronic note keeping , automatic data backups and regular equipment upgrades, meticulous planning before an experiment is run , inclusion of universal controls , extensive sample replication, validation of the results at multiple steps in the process , and other common-sense but often time-consuming practices .

    Biology Can Help Us Improve The Lives Of Others

    Understanding the importance of a research hypothesis

    Biology is a science that has a far-reaching impact. Humans have fascinated themselves with finding ways to use biology for their own benefit, and it has had a profound positive impact on the world we live in today.

    We use the study and research to use to our advantage make living standards better for the masses.

    Traditionally, biology is concerned with living things from the smallest virus up to human beings.

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    Randomness Probability And Contingency

    Many students and teachers have a tacit awareness that biology is different from the physical sciences. Yet, explicit frameworks illuminating these conceptual similarities and differences are often lacking in biology education . The behavior of biological systems is complex for many reasons, although the simultaneous operation of numerous causes each of which produces weak effects is an important one . Biological systems are also impacted by multiple probabilistic interactions with and among scales . For these reasons, biological patterns and processes are characterized by …a plurality of causal factors, combined with probabilism in the chain of events across scales . This messy situation often stands in sharp relief to student learning experiences in physics and chemistry, where fewer causes with stronger effects and more deterministic outcomes are encountered . Given the special properties of biological systems , a BER research program exploring how students make sense of randomness, probability, and determinism across lineages and biological scales emerges as an essential consideration .

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