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How Is Psychology Related To Geography

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How Is Social Science Related To Geography

1.5 Geographic Profiling

Human geography attempts to explain the relationship between all elements of human life and the space they occur over. It develops close interface with other sister disciplines in social sciences in order to understand and explain human elements on the surface of the earth.

Geographic Level Correlates Of Aggregate Personality Traits

In addition to merely mapping geographical differences in personality, many researchers have looked at how these variations are associated with political, economic, social, and public-health indicators at national or regional levels. Analyses by McCrae et al. across 51 countries revealed that nations levels of extraversion, openness to experience, and agreeableness were positively correlated with egalitarian commitment, per capita gross domestic product, and human development index. Subsequently, McCrae and Terracciano examined links between personality traits and indexes of cancer, life expectancy, and a series of health-related variables across 51 countries analyses revealed significant correlations between personality traits at the national level, such as extraversion and conscientiousness, and health-related variables such as cancer mortality and life expectancy. Aggregate extraversion trait is positively related to cancer mortality only for women and life expectancy for both men and women, meanwhile aggregate conscientiousness trait is positively related to life expectancy for both men and women, controlling for gross domestic product per capita.

Life & Physical Sciences

Experience the thrill of scientific discovery in classes and labs under the guidance of world-class faculty and teaching assistants.

Natural and Physical Science areas of study in the Faculty of Arts and Science include Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Environmental Science, Geography, Geological Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology and Statistics. These programs will provide you with exciting opportunities to explore the world around us through careful observation, rigorous experimentation, and the application of lab-based skills to analyze and evaluate data.

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Why Is Geography The Mother Of All Sciences

Geography is often times called the mother of all sciences because geography is one of the earliest known scientific disciplines that date back to the original Homo-sapiens who migrated out of eastern Africa, into Europe, Asia, and beyond. A cartographer is someone who is skilled in the science and art of map-making.

Online Survey Platform And Big Data Techniques In Geographical Psychology Research

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One obvious limitation of doing research at the large scale level is the high cost of data collection. Geographical psychology research has benefitted greatly from the development of online survey data collection platforms. The platforms could provide cost effective, reliable, and high-quality data , and it has reduced effort and time in measuring psychological constructs across geographic regions. For example, research by Rentfrow et al. on geographical personality differences in the United States and the United Kingdom used web-based personality questionnaires platform to collect large samples data across the United States and the United Kingdom, and was proven to have high reliability and validity .

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Geographical Analysis Of Psychological Phenomena At Different Levels

The research on geographical psychology summarized above adds to the debate on whether cultural differences can be reduced to individual differences . It is worth noting that the constructs utilized to study group differences at the national and regional levels were originally developed to describe individual differences, such as the big five personality traits. As a consequence, attributes that can differentiate individuals may not be the best ones to capture differences at a group-level. Similarly, national characteristics may not be meaningful individual-difference constructs. Correlations at one level pose no constraints on correlations at another level. Therefore, the group differences revealed in geographical analysis need to be interpreted with caution. Further studies may also develop constructs and measurement scales that are tailored to group-difference research at different levels to link features and dimensions of macro environments .

Thus, multi-levels of geographical analysis not only provide novel findings , they may also introduce novel insights to theorizing and research in psychological science.

The Necessity For Geographic Literacy

The world is getting smaller, more crowded, and more integrated as the population expands, resources diminish, and globalization brings us all closer together. The US is a “hyper-power” with unprecedented influence around the globe. For the citizens of such a country that is also a democracy comes a duty to be geographically literateto understand how this planet works in terms of its physical and human geographies. Geographically illiterate citizens will at best be ignorant of what their government is doing globally, and at worst support their government in making bad decisions that are detrimental to national, regional, and global stability and well being.

Globalization means that America will interact with its global neighbors through combinations of cooperation, competition, and occasional conflicts. Thus it is essential that American citizens be geographically literate so that they may hopefully cooperate most of the time, compete some of the time, and occasionally engage in conflict. Viewed this way, geographic illiteracy might be seen as a threat to national security. Of course this is true for citizens of other nations as well, however national rankings of geography literacy show that our neighbors abroad understand the importance of geographic knowledge and do not suffer our illiteracy.

Required Reading

Why Geography MattersMore than Ever

Registered students can access a PDF of the reading in Lesson 01 in Canvas.

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Kinesiology And Health Studies

Our vibrant interdisciplinary degree programs in Kinesiology/ Physical and Health Education, as well as Arts programs in Health Studies, all emphasize prevention rather than treatment as the best route to health. From the structure of the cell to the structure of society, your studies will expose you to the complex factors which influence health and wellness. Your courses might explore social determinants of health, the biomechanics of movement, or approaches to health promotion. You might learn ways of measuring body composition, analyzing human motion or evaluating local public health initiatives. Whether you pursue the social or the physical sciences, you will definitely learn how to think and be challenged to expand your perspectives by faculty who are among the world’s experts in their field.

Geography And Psychology Ma

An Animated Introduction to Social Science

Dundee City Campus

Our flexible Geography degrees allow you to specialise in human geography or physical geography, or to combine elements of both. In addition you can study other social science or humanities subjects.

You will also have the opportunity to go on field trips, and to work with partner organisations to help them solve problems that they are currently facing.

Our teaching is based on the research carried out in the department and is focused on three broad themes: creating just communities and places, shaping environmental futures, and geospatial and digital methods.

You will cover specialisms within these themes including:

  • health and well being
  • policing and security
  • hazards and risk

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. Topics we cover include how babies learn, the way in which people’s mental skills change as they grow older, personalities types, and social group dynamics. You will also study different psychological disorders.

You will also learn how to think critically and to solve problems. We will teach you to analyse data, write clearly and effectively, and be a confident communicator of science. You will learn how to plan, implement, and analyse your own research project.

Natasha Jane Lee, Geography student

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How Is Geography Related To Psychology

How is geography related to psychology? Geographical psychology focuses on the spatial distribution of psychological phenomena at the macro level and their relations to important social outcomes and features of the macro environment. Thats why much work on geographical or socio-ecological psychology has been conducted by cross-cultural psychologists so far.

How does geography affect personality? Recent research from Rentfrow indicates that people who are creative and sociable are more likely to migrate than are people low on those traits, and that people who are agreeable are less inclined to move from their hometowns than people who are less friendly.

What areas of study is psychology based on? Psychology includes four major areas: clinical psychology , cognitive psychology , behavioral psychology , and biopsychology .

How psychology is related? Psychology is related to epistemology. Psychology enquires into the nature of knowing, feeling, and willing. It deals with knowing as a fact, and the nature and development of knowledge of an individual mind. It is concerned with the validity of knowledge.

The Link Between Geography And Mental Health

Researchers have long explored the links between geography and mental health, hoping to answer questions such as whether the environment in which we live affects our personalities and influences who we are or who were destined to be. Some intriguing research suggests that geography may affect certain aspects of personality: For example, people who live in countries that are exceptionally hot and dry are much less likely to associate the color yellow with happiness than those who live in more temperate regions, where the color of the sun typically signifies positivity and good cheer. There is stronger evidence that the complete set of social, economic, and physical variables that form a community can influence how we feel, what we do, and what we think about our lives. But it may be at least as likely that people simply tend to congregate in environments that best suit their personality introverts for example, may seek homes in the woods or mountains, while extroverts may move to big cities.

To learn more, see Environment.

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Does Climate Affect Personality

Yes, according to some studies. Research suggests that people who live in regions with more comfortable temperaturesaround 72 degreestend to rate higher on the personality traits of agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, extraversion, and openness to experience than people from less comfortable regions. Research has not found a definitive reason for the differences, but its possible that when local climate enables people to spend more time outside, they may have more social interactions and novel experiences, indirectly influencing their personality.

Integration Of Economic Geography And Social Psychological Models Of Patronage Behavior

What Is The Relationship Between History And Geography ...

ABSTRACT – This article develops a model of patronage behavior which incorporates key concepts from geography, social psychology and economics. The model is shown to be rich in explanatory power but its predictive power is not assessed.


Robert F. Lusch ,”Integration of Economic Geography and Social Psychological Models of Patronage Behavior”, in NA – Advances in Consumer Research Volume 08, eds. Kent B. Monroe, Ann Abor, MI : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 644-647.

Advances in Consumer Research Volume 8 ,


Robert F. Lusch , University of Oklahoma


This article develops a model of patronage behavior which incorporates key concepts from geography, social psychology and economics. The model is shown to be rich in explanatory power but its predictive power is not assessed.


The purpose of this paper is to provide further integration of the geography and social psychological approaches to the study and explanation of patronage behavior. In addition useful concepts from microeconomics are integrated into the proposed patronage model. Portions of the modal are taken from a theory of retail structure recently developed by Ingene and Lunch .


In addition it is assumed that shoppers don’t have perfect information. Therefore shoppers must make decisions in the face of uncertainty.

The Patronage Model



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The Role Of Linguistics

Keywords: A vocabulary of culture and society

There are many ways of understanding and interpreting nature. According to Raymond Williams, there are three ways to give meaning to nature:

  • Nature as a quality, character or process
  • Nature as a force
  • Nature as the material world
  • According to Raymond Williams, language plays a role in how we understand, interpret, and give meaning to nature. This is how multiple truths can be valid at the same time.

    What Is The Study Of Geography About

    Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earths surface and the human societies spread across it. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time.

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    Research Methods Of Social Geography

    As with many other social sciences and branches of geography , social geography is constantly evaluating and rethinking its research methods , using the new technologies available thanks to computer science and the information society .

    In that sense, techniques such as Geographic Information Systems constitute an important source of data . So can mass surveys and consultations , carried out today much more easily through the Internet .

    Since its main task is to get into the way of inhabiting a territory that has a specific community, its conceptual tools tend to be more humanistic, that is, to be quantitative or qualitative , depending on the type of social experience approach desired. examine.

    How Does Geography Affect Personality

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    Our surroundings are highly influential when it come to our attitudes and behaviors. In addition to social influence, ecological influence in localities is also affecting our personalities. Ecological influence is the idea that features of the physical environment affect peoples thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

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    Geographic Level Correlates Of Cultural Tightness

    National differences in cultural tightness-looseness could affect the macro-environment in various ways. For example, Gelfand et al. found that across 33 nations, tight nations have a higher likelihood of governing in autocratic ways to suppress dissent, have higher control over media institutions, and enforce greater deterrence for group activities than do loose nations. Despite these findings, tight nations have lower murder rate, burglary rate, and overall crime rates in comparison with loose nations. Furthermore, tight nations displayed stronger religious beliefs and belief in the importance of God. Lastly and accordingly, citizens from tight nations had higher self-regulatory strength and higher self-monitoring ability in terms of individually psychological adaptation. Following the work above, Aktas et al. examined how cultural tightnesslooseness influences perceptions of effective leadership across 27 countries. Analyses showed that cultural tightness is negatively related to the endorsement of charismatic leadership and positively associated with the endorsement of autonomous leadership, even controlling for several important societal and organizational level indicators.

    Thus, cultural tightness-looseness analyses across geographical regions help to identify many negative consequences at the nation and state levels, which could provide insights as to how to reduce these unwanted macro-level outcomes.

    Careers In And Related To Psychology

    Following a BA or BSc degree in psychology, some students opt not to pursue a career in psychology while others do. For the former, many of the abilities and skills that one obtained as a psychology student can be used in careers that are not directly related to psychology. For the latter, there are three general paths a student can pursue.

    1. Psychology as a career: A bachelors degree is the first step on the road to graduate-level training to become a psychologist. To call yourself a psychologist, you must complete at least a Masters degree and normally a PhD in psychology. This applies both to research careers and becoming a practising psychologist. There are several areas of specialization for those who wish to pursue post-graduate training at the masters or doctoral level within each area, one may choose sub-specialties in which to teach, conduct research, be a practitioner, or some combination of these three activities.

    3. Careers built on psychology skills and knowledge: Psychology graduates also sometimes pursue careers in, for example, law, journalism and business. This often requires further study.

    Possible Employment and Careers

    Presented below are many of the careers upon which psychology majors can embark. At first glance, some of these careers may appear unrelated to the discipline of psychology however, a closer look highlights the importance of the “core competencies” and skills that psychology majors acquire during their studies.

    Addictions counsellor

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    Geographical Differences In Subjective Well

    Variations in subjective well-being have been found across nations. Research studies have shown higher subjective well-being in Western European nations, especially Sweden and Denmark, and lower subjective well-being in African and former Communist nations these findings remain, even after accounting for a range of control variables, such as income, educational background, etc. For example, Diener compared East Asian nations with Latin American nations and found the latter displayed higher subjective well-being even after controlling for material conditions.

    How Geography Is Related With Other Social Sciences

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    Physical versus of Human Geographygeography is related with other social sciences Geography and history historical events Geography and political scienceWorld citizenship Geography and economicsGeography Geography and geology ideographic traditiongeomorphology Geography and physics-Oceanography geography and its relation with other social sciencessocial scienceshow geography is related with other social sciences

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    Where You Are Is Who You Are The Geographical Account Of Psychological Phenomena

    • 1Department of Social Psychology, Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
    • 2School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
    • 3School of Communication and Design, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
    • 4Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

    Geographical psychology aims to study the spatial distribution of psychological phenomenon at different levels of geographical analysis and their relations to macro-level important societal outcomes. The geographical perspective provides a new way of understanding interactions between humankind psychological processes and distal macro-environments. Studies have identified the spatial organizations of a wide range of psychological constructs, including personality, individualism/collectivism, cultural tightness-looseness, and well-being these variations have been plotted over a range of geographical units and have been linked to a broad array of political, economic, social, public health, and other social consequences. Future research should employ multi-level analysis, taking advantage of more deliberated causality test methods and big data techniques, to further examine the emerging and evolving mechanisms of geographical differences in psychological phenomena.

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