Essay # 1 Introduction To Perception:
Perception involves arriving at meanings often leading to action. In addition to the nature of the stimuli, and past knowledge, perception is influenced by many other factors. In this article, an attempt is made to present to the student a discussion of the various factors involved in attention and perception.
How exactly are we able to relate to discrete sensory experiences in order to see them as meaningful? In other words, how exactly does perception occur? At any time we are attending to a number of stimuli. For example even when we are listening to the teacher we are conscious of his voice, his movement, his appearance etc., but at the same time we respond to him as a single person. This shows that our response is integrated and organised to become meaningful. This process of organising and integrating discrete stimuli and responding to them meaningfully is known as perception.
In the early part of this century the structuralist view of perception was dominant. It held that just as consciousness could be neatly dissected into its component parts, so also could perceptual experiences. Thus, the phenomenon of perception was, for the structuralists, the sum of mere sensations and the meaning associated with it through experience.
Gestalt Laws Of Grouping
The Gestalt laws of grouping is a set of principles in psychology first proposed by Gestalt psychologists to explain how humans naturally perceive stimuli as organized patterns and objects. Gestalt psychology tries to understand the laws of our ability to acquire and maintain meaningful perceptions in an apparently chaotic world. The central principle of gestalt psychology is that the mind forms a global whole with self-organizing tendencies. The gestalt effect is the capability of our brain to generate whole forms, particularly with respect to the visual recognition of global figures, instead of just collections of simpler and unrelated elements. Essentially, gestalt psychology says that our brain groups elements together whenever possible instead of keeping them as separate elements.
A few of these laws of grouping include the laws of proximity, similarity, and closure and the figure-ground law.
Developments In Imitation Research
The specific unintelligibility of conventional practices, such as customs and language, has been emphasized decades ago and continues to be noted . But research into imitation has so far failed to directly relate such differences in the intelligibility of actions to qualitative differences in the experience of observing them. Instead, it is claimed that all actions are equally perceived as nothing but physical motions, thus requiring mentalistic inferences about their intentions, with some actions being more cognitively opaque than others . We argue that this neglect of how different categories of action are actually experienced, rather than intellectually assessed, has long resulted in an overemphasis of the role of inferential reasoning in imitation and of imitations role in copying instrumental actions. Many studies have investigated variations in the fidelity of copying tool-based actions while neglecting imitations role in communicative and other social practices. But this is starting to change on the basis of recent findings in comparative and developmental psychology.
Even unfamiliar instrumental actions can largely be understood in a contextually constrained manner due to the causal necessity of using certain actions to achieve some goal, given the circumstances.
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How Do You Describe Perception
Perception refers to the way sensory information is organized, interpreted, and consciously experienced. Perception involves both bottom-up and top-down processing. … This is called top-down processing. One way to think of this concept is that sensation is a physical process, whereas perception is psychological.
What Is Intermodal Perception In Psychology
4.5/5Intermodal perceptionperceptionintermodal perceptionread here
Because most objects and events can be seen, heard, and touched, everyday perception is primarily intermodal. The senses work together as a coordinated perceptual system, even in newborns, and inter- modal perception develops rapidly and with increasing specificity across infancy.
what is intermodal perception in infants? Intermodal perception is the perception of unitary objects and events through spatially and temporally coordinated stimulation from multiple sense modal- ities. Research suggests that the senses are united in early infancy, fostering the rapid development of intermodal perception.
One may also ask, how does Intermodal Perception develop?
Intermodal perceptionAdults experience the world through the integration of sensory impressions. When adults hear a syllable while looking at a face producing a different syllable, they tend to perceive the sound associated with the lip movements rather than the actual phoneme that they heard.
How do you explain perception?
Perception can be defined as our recognition and interpretation of sensory information. Perception also includes how we respond to the information. We can think of perception as a process where we take in sensory information from our environment and use that information in order to interact with our environment.
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Being Hungry Changes Our Choices
Our bodys energy levels also impact decision-making. In one experiment, participants who drank a sugary drink made better decisions and delayed immediate gratification longer than people who gulped down a sweet-tasting drink without glucose. Similarly, when judges make parole decisions just before their lunch breaks or the end of their day, they tend to deny parole. Thats because a decision to grant parole requires more careful considerationand, so, more energy.
Studies have also found that people whove enjoyed a tall, sugary glass of lemonade tend to be more helpful to others. And children who eat breakfast do better in school and have fewer behavioral problems.
The way you think is endlessly tied to how you physically feel, write the authors. So, its important to make sure we are not too depleted when hard decisions need to be made.
Reconstructing Human Psychological Reality
All these intelligent perceptual processes can most easily be demonstrated by perceptual illusions: For instance, when we look at the inner horizontal bar of Figure 4, we observe a continuous shift from light to dark gray and from left to right, although there is no physical change in the gray valuein fact only one gray value is used for creating this region. The illusion is induced by the distribution of the peripheral gray values which indeed show a continuous shift of gray levels, although in a reverse direction. The phenomenon of simultaneous contrast helps us to make the contrast clearer helping us to identify figure-ground relations more easily, more quickly and more securely.
Figure 4. Demonstration of the simultaneous contrast, an optical illusion already described as phenomenon 200 years ago by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe and provided in high quality and with an intense effect by McCourt : the inner horizontal bar is physically filled with the same gray value all over, nevertheless, the periphery with its continuous change of gray from darker to lighter values from left to right induce the perception of a reverse continuous change of gray values. The first one who showed the effect in a staircase of grades of gray was probably Ewald Hering , who also proposed the theory of opponent color processing.
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What Is The Relationship Between Attitudes And Behavior
When individuals focus more on their own attitudes and feelings, they tend to act on those attitudes and, hence, attitude and behavior are related. In addition, when individuals feel more responsibility for their own actions as opposed to being part of a group, their attitudes are more consistent with their behavior.
Mechanisms Of Perceptual Learning
Although in some instances there is clear evidence that perceptual learning is associated with changes in cognitive processing, the mechanisms behind perceptual learning have been difficult to identify. It was thought, for example, that visual learning could not transfer across orientations, positions, or eyes. Hence, rather than occurring as a result of a generalized high-level learning process, visual learning was attributed to changes in neural processing that tuned acuity to a narrow range of orientations and a particular region of the visual field on the basis of input from one eye. As a result, the physiological locus of learning in a vernier acuity task was thought to lie in the primary visual cortex, where the first stages of visual cortical processing are carried out.
In addition to visual acuity processing, psychophysical experiments have been applied to a wide array of tasks and stimuli involving other sensory modalities. Each of those applications is designed to uncover the underlying neural changes that take place with practice within a particular kind of perceptual processing. Examples of perceptual processes that have been investigated include visual motion detection, tactile spatial discrimination, and auditory frequency discrimination. Similar to vernier acuity, for other sensory modalities there tends to be a high degree of specificity of learning with regard to task and stimulus, though there are important exceptions to that trend.
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How Can You Measure And Assess Perception
Perception evaluation can be of great help in different aspects of life: in academic fields , in clinical fields or in professional fields .
Through a complete neuropsychological evaluation we can measure it and other cognitive abilities efficiently and reliably.
CogniFit uses a number of classic tests as a basis for many of its tasks, like the Stroop Test, the Test of Variables of Attention , the Test of Memory Malingering , Continuous Performance Test , Hooper Visual Organization Task , the NEPSY test . In addition to perception, these tests also measure naming, contextual memory, response time, working memory, updating, visual memory, processing speed, divided attention, focused attention, hand-eye coordination, shifting, inhibition, and visual scanning.
Components of Perception
What Are The Attitudes Towards Hazard And Risk
The Five Hazardous Attitudes are the source of most on-the-job incidents. These attitudes, Anti-Authority, Impulsivity, Invulnerability, Macho, & Resignation, often lead to poor judgment and risk assessment. Properly evaluating the situation, including its risks, is vital to ensuring a safe work environment.
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Nearly One Third Of Participants In A Study Did Not Notice That A Red Cross Passed On The Screen Because Their Attention Was Focused On The Black Or White Figures
Motivation can also affect perception. Have you ever been expecting a really important phone call and, while taking a shower, you think you hear the phone ringing, only to discover that it is not? If so, then you have experienced how motivation to detect a meaningful stimulus can shift our ability to discriminate between a true sensory stimulus and background noise. This motivational aspect of expectation in conversation additionally may be why such strong inattentional blindness has been found in relation to cell phone use. The ability to identify a stimulus when it is embedded in a distracting background is called signal detection theory.
Signal detection theory: A theory explaining explaining how various factors influence our ability to detect weak signals in our environment.
Local And National Focus And Consumption
In contrast to the general theories mentioned above, historical studies of social sciences tend to emphasize unique contingencies that affect the development of disciplines and the institutions that support them. Such studies make no attempt to generalize from the particular cases they examine.
David Waller, Nathan Greenauer, in, 2014
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The Direct Perception Hypothesis: Perceiving The Intention Of Anothers Action Hinders Its Precise Imitation
- 1Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
- 2Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
- 3School of Psychology, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
A Fundamental Explanation Of Social Perception With Examples
Social perception refers to the study of forming impressions, opinions, or inferences about other individuals or groups. The concept of social perception can be better understood with the help of some examples.
Social perception refers to the study of forming impressions, opinions, or inferences about other individuals or groups. The concept of social perception can be better understood with the help of some examples.
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What Is Social Perception
Social perception is a term in social psychology that defines an individuals ability to create an impression or judgment of other individuals or social groups. This is formed through observation and understanding existing information about an individual and drawing out conclusions from the information. This kind of perception is classified under social cognition, the brains ability to store and process available information associated with creatures of the same species. Aside from available information, observers with different moods and temperament can account for a variety of perceptions.
Many psychologists and sociologists agree that an individuals social perception can have some inaccuracies or even be utterly wrong. It is inevitable that people will have biases, which causes wrong perception. One example is the in-group bias. An individual is more likely to perceive someone in a positive light if he is a member of the individuals group, such as in a family or a clique. This favoritism can also be seen among romantic couples, where a partner sees more of his partners good qualities as opposed to the bad. In contrast, an individual can have prejudice against someone who is not affiliated with the group.
Essay # 8 Development Of Perception:
The infants perceptual world is different from the adults. Perception develops gradually as the individual grows and develops. It has also been shown that it is influenced to a great extent by the biological needs, maturation, learning, culture etc. Thus, qualitative and quantitative changes in perception take place in the course of an individuals development.
The experiments of Gibson and Bowers show that depth and object perceptions are inborn, i.e. they are not dependent on learning, although they develop and shape at different rates. Goldstein emphasised the gradual development of perception from concrete to abstract.
However, Goldstein does not make a direct reference to perception but refers to it as the development of thinking or attitude. Witkin emphasises that perception which in the early years is field dependent gradually transforms itself into field independent.
Thus, stability and abstraction become possible as the individual develops. Von Senden presented a very interesting data regarding the patients who were born blind but have gained their vision as the result of operations. Their perceptual processes were studied carefully because their situation was considered analogous to a new-born infants who sees the world for the first time. Von Senden found that these patients did not experience normal perception immediately after they gained vision.
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Explaining The Evolution Of Imitation
One popular hypothesis is that human imitation first emerged because of a necessity for young individuals to learn complex tool-making techniques . The main idea is that humans are more prone to imitation because natural selection honed them to focus their attention on others complex tool-related actions, rather than just their goals or effects on the environment . At the same time it is recognized that the success of imitative learning depends not so much on slavishly copying the others movements, but also on a hierarchical analysis of overall goals and plans leading to program-level imitation . On this view, faithful imitation was only later adapted for imitating socially determined behavior .
We agree that successful imitation depends on learning to refocus attention to specific aspects of observed actions, although our account differs slightly. Evidence for so-called program-level imitation fits with the idea that observers first perceive the others general intention, while refocusing on the physical details of the component movements requires additional effort. Nevertheless, the hypothesis that precise imitation in humans evolved specifically because of the need to copy complex tool-use does not sit easily with the experimental evidence. Over-imitation by children and under-imitation by adults are puzzling phenomena if precise copying of tool-based functionality was the primary evolutionary pressure for human imitation.
How Does Negative Attitude Affect Others
Indications of a Negative Attitude Seeing the worst in others Pessimists have a low opinion of human nature and tend to expect the worst from others. They will predict failure and poor behavior when dealing with another person, regardless of evidence to the contrary of the individuals character or accomplishments.
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What Increases Your Perception Of Pain
The perception of, expression of, and reaction to pain are influenced by genetic, developmental, familial, psychological, social and cultural variables. Psychological factors, such as the situational and emotional factors that exist when we experience pain, can profoundly alter the strength of these perceptions.
Processing Visual Information In The Brain
There are two processes associated with vision which are dependent on the directional flow of information top-down processing and bottom-up processing.
Various theories of visual perception have been proposed within psychology.
Some fall very much within the bottom-up processing viewpoint where all the information required for perception comes from the visual sensory input.
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Perception Is Reality: Defining And Understanding Perceptions Role In How We Experience The World
Have you heard the saying, Perception is reality? Many people view the world around them according to how they perceive it. Psychology Today warns against confusing the two. Perception is the way people understand reality. Reality is the state of how things actually are.
Even so, perception plays a powerful role in how humans interact with the world around them. Although most of the action is automatic, its not a passive process. Learning more about what perception is and how the process works can be the key to understanding human behavior better.
Perception Defined
Humans have five sense organs that work within a larger sensory system. Through sight, sound, taste, smell and touch, humans collect input from the outside world and transmit information to the brain. Its a complex process that also takes proprioception senses into account. These are the senses that can pinpoint movement and shifts in body positions. VeryWellMind notes that the cognitive processes that allow people to process information, such as recognizing faces of friends, are also an important part of the perception process.
The Process of Perception
Perception Leads to Recognition
Types of Perception
There are several different types of perception. Some of these types are categorized based on the sense thats activated by the stimulus. Examples include the following:
Visual Perception
Auditory Perception
Tactile Perception