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What Is Migration In Human Geography

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What Are Three Examples Of Forced Migration

Where and Why Do People Move? Crash Course Geography #32

Today, examples of forced migration include the refugee crisis emerging from the Syrian civil war the Rohingya people fleeing to Bangladesh to escape murder and violence inflicted by Myanmars state forces migrants from Honduras and El Salvador forced into a treacherous migration route through Mexico to the United

What Is The Difference Between Transnational And International Migration

While international alliances have been sufficient in the past to achieve such exchanges, a transnational focus aims at more fully integrated relationships that encompass a wide variety of relationships including social networks, economic policies, and other relationships that not only facilitate but enhance the

New Economics Of Labor Migration

This theory states that migration flows and patterns can’t be explained solely at the level of individual workers and their economic incentives but that wider social entities must also be considered. One such social entity is the household. Migration can be viewed as a result of risk aversion from a household that has insufficient income. In this case, the household needs extra capital that can be achieved through remittances sent back by family members who participate in migrant labour abroad. These remittances can also have a broader effect on the economy of the sending country as a whole as they bring in capital. Recent research has examined a decline in US interstate migration from 1991 to 2011, theorising that the reduced interstate migration is due to a decline in the geographic specificity of occupations and an increase in workers’ ability to learn about other locations before moving there, through both information technology and inexpensive travel. Other researchers find that the location-specific nature of housing is more important than moving costs in determining labour reallocation.

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Some Key Migrations Affecting The Geography Of Contemporary Regions:

  • Rural-Urban migration in developing economies resulting in rapid urbanisation.
  • Suburbanisation and Counter-urbanisation from the cities of mature economies leading to urban sprawl or diffusion of urban characteristics into the rural-urban fringe.
  • Refugee migrations from areas of conflict in the Middle East
  • Economic migrations between areas of highly contrasting economic situations
  • Tourism migrations as more people have disposable income to spend on travel and leisure.

Has Geographys Contribution To Migration Studies Been Under

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The fourth and final question involves me riding a personal hobby-horse. As a phenomenon that unfolds across space migration is quintessentially geographical. Yet, I believe that geographers contributions to the study of migration have been consistently under-appreciated , and this impression is not allayed by reading the paper by Levy et al. . Why do I feel this way? In the past it might have been due to a collective sense of inferiority amongst geographers. Caught between the physical sciences on the one hand and the humanities and social sciences on the other, geography seemed to be a subject that was somehow lost on the academic playing field, where it was seen as a descriptive discipline of facts, figures and regional monographs. Certainly it lacked a critical edge. David Harvey and Doreen Massey did much to restore respect for geography, whilst the climate crisis and other pressing environmental issues created the need to reunite physical and human geography, and the physical and social sciences more broadly, to respond to these global challenges. Nowadays geographers studying migration can feel inspired by the words of Favell when he describes geography arguably the most exciting discipline in the social sciences.

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Migrations In The Middle Ages

For a thousand years, from the end of the Western Roman Empire until the middle of the 15th century, the history of Europe, Asia, and North Africa consisted of an almost unbroken series of invasions, wars, and conquests. During the Middle Ages, Arabs, Mongols, Franks, Vikings, Christian Crusaders, and Turks all crossed vast areas searching for new lands to conquer.

In the 7th century a new religion, Islam, succeeded in uniting the many tribes of Arabia. Under the banner of this religion, Arab armies conquered lands from the Indus River in the east to Spain in the west. All of the Middle East and North Africa was in their hands within a few decades.

The great Frankish monarch Charlemagne established the most powerful kingdom in Europe in the 9th century. However, the Muslim conquests effectively barred the Franks from extending their empire to the south. Based in what is now France, the Franks moved eastward against the Germanic Saxon tribes in order to expand their kingdom. This in turn drove the Saxons northward into Scandinavia.

In 1095 Pope Urban II called upon the Christian nobles of Europe to undertake a Crusade to recover the Holy Land from the followers of Islam. During the next two centuries there were seven major Crusades, often involving thousands of people. The Crusaders failed to establish a permanent kingdom in Palestine, but they did succeed in weakening the Eastern Roman Empire, or the .

What Are The Factors Of Migration

Push and pull factors of migration

  • Lack of employment.
  • Lack of health education and entertainment facilities.
  • Dissatisfaction with traditions norms and values.
  • Poverty and low standard of living.
  • Discrimination based on religion ethnicity politics etc.
  • Inadequate facilities for maintaining livelihood.

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What Is An Example Of Forced Migration Ap Human Geography

Refugees are people that are forced to migrate because of a threat to their life and cannot return for fear of persecution. An example would be people who have fled Syria, because of the ongoing civil war. Internally Displaced Persons are similar to refugees, but they have not migrated internationally.

Migration Based On Motive

Introduction to AP* Human Geography | UTAustinX on edX | Course About Video

Forced : Fleeing a region of drought / flood / desertification / eruption

Forced : Threats to freedom, safety and liberty due to religious, ethnic, racial or political persecution, conflict or war.

Collective Behaviour: Moving as part of an identified group to maintain group cohesion

Personal Aspiration: Desiring an improved standard of living for yourself or your family through gaining economic and social benefits Economic migrants.

Personal Well-Being: Migration for health reasons , or perceived quality of life

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What Are Different Types Of Migration

Migration could come in different forms depending on the nature and the reason of the movement.

The first and the most common classification of migration refer to the nature of movement. This would include immigration and emigration. Immigration refers to the movement of persons or population to another country. Emigration, on the other hand, refers t o the movement of persons or populations from one country. For example, immigration of Filipinos to the United States and emigration of Indians from India.

The second classification of migration refers to permanence. Under permanence, we have permanent, temporary, voluntary, and forced. Permanent migration refers to the movement from one area to another without plans of returning to the place of origin. Temporary migration refers to the migration done on a limited time. Forced migration involves migrants leaving without any choice. Voluntary migration is the opposite of forced.

The third classification of migration refers to the nature of location. Under such classification, we have internal and international. Internal migration refers to a chance of residence within the country. It is also known as internal migration. International migration, on the other hand, refers to the change of residence to different nations or countries. It is also known as external migration.

There are other types of migration. Here are as follows.

What Specific Factors Might Affect The Migration Streams

Among the macro-factors, the inadequate human and economic development of the origin country, demographic increase and urbanization, wars and dictatorships, social factors and environmental changes are the major contributors to migration. These are the main drivers of forced migration, both international or internal.

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What Is Migration And Types Of Migration

Across periods of time, we have been witnessing the variations of populations across different nations around the world. These variations would either be about the increase in the number of people living in an area, or the decrease in such number. We call this movement of people in and out of populations as migration.

Migration is not a recent discovery. It has been done in all of history. This movement has affected a nations culture, lifestyle, and political stance. Others may have moved to a new area in order to inhabit such place. Yet there is more to migration that the increase or decrease of people living in a specific place.

On this article, we will be discussing about the basics of migration. The different types of migration are also explained in detail so you could differentiate one from another. Additionally, the pull and push factors of migration are discussed to shed some light on the different aspects that have an effect on migration.

Simply put, migration is the movement of people from one place to another with various intentions such as settling temporarily or permanently. It could also voluntarily or forced. It is worth noting that migration is frequently done in long distances, such as from one country to another.

It should be noted, however, that migration is not exclusive to humans. Animals could migrate too.

Staying With Friends And Relatives When You Migrate

Maps of human migrations

Migrants who follow family or friends to a new country will often choose to spend the first few months living with their friends or family.

This allows them to settle in, get their bearings, check out places to rent in person, and find a job.

When people migrate following family or friends, they often cause enclaves where they can live with people who they can rely upon to help them settle in and find work. In other words, they leverage their social capital when moving into the new city.

Thus, you often see areas like Chinatown, Little Korea, and Little Italy in major cities around the world.

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A Short Definition For Migration Studies

The movement of groups and individuals from one place to another, involving a change of usual residence. Migration is usually distinguished from mobility in general by conventions of spatial and temporal scale. For example, by convention international migration requires crossing a national boundary for an actual or intended period of at least one year. Residential mobility, by contrast, may consist of a short-distance move between properties in the same city.

Typologies of migration differentiate between internal and international migration, and the two forms are usually studied separately. Looked at historically, however, the movement of people long predates nation-states left Africa some 150,000 years ago. Geographers are interested in inter-regional, rural-urban, and urban-rural movements, especially in societies with low birth and death rates where migration is often the major cause of population change . In 2008, about 3 per cent of Americans moved to another county, for example, and in China, it is estimated that there were 140 million migrants, mostly from rural to urban areas .

Castree, N., Kitchin, R., & Rogers, A. . “Migration.” In A Dictionary of Human Geography. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 27 Oct. 2021

Dual Labor Market Theory

Dual labour market theory states that pull factors in more developed countries mainly cause migration. This theory assumes that the labour markets in these developed countries consist of two segments: the primary market, which requires high-skilled labour, and the secondary market, which is very labour-intensive, requiring low-skilled workers. This theory assumes that migration from less developed countries into more developed countries results from a pull created by a need for labour in the developed countries in their secondary market. Migrant workers are needed to fill the lowest rung of the labour market because the native labourers do not want to do these jobs as they present a lack of mobility. This creates a need for migrant workers. Furthermore, the initial dearth in available labour pushes wages up, making migration even more enticing.

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Distribution Of The Worlds Population

Economist Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, believes that there are two reasons why the global population and extreme poverty occur where they do:

  • Capitalism distributes wealth to nations better than socialism or communism
  • Geography is a significant factor in population distribution in relationship to wealth

For example, the population tends to be lower in extreme environments such as arid climates, rainforests, polar or mountainous regions. Another example is a nation with a large body of water within its boundaries or has extensive mineral deposits or resources likely to have more wealth and a larger population.

Humans only occupy five percent of the Earths surface because oceans, deserts, rainforests, and glaciers cover much of the planet . The term for areas where humans permanently settle is ecumene. Population growth and technology dramatically increase the ecumene of humans, which affects the worlds ecosystems.

Additionally, regions that are too cold pose problems for large population clusters and food production. The cold Polar Regions have a short growing season, and many of the Polar Regions have limited amounts of moisture because they are covered by high- pressure systems . Thus, cold polar regions are defined by temperature and lack of moisture, despite access to snow, ice, and glaciers. Mountainous and highland regions lack population clusters due to steep slopes, snow and ice cover, and short growing seasons.

What Is Interregional And Intraregional Migration

Human migration: sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific | World History | Khan Academy

Interregional migration is the movement from one region of a country to another. The movement within the same region of the country is called intraregional migration. International Migration Patterns Global migration patterns reveal that most people migrate from developing countries to developed ones.

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How Does Transnational Migration Contribute To The Changes Happening In The Society

Transnational connections created by migrants can become vehicles for social and cultural exchanges between societies through, for example, an enrichment of arts, music, films, entertainment and cuisine, promotion of tourism, diffusion of alternative medicine, or exchanges at the level of education and research.

What Is An Example Of Involuntary Migration

Today, examples of forced migration include the refugee crisis emerging from the Syrian civil war the Rohingya people fleeing to Bangladesh to escape murder and violence inflicted by Myanmars state forces migrants from Honduras and El Salvador forced into a treacherous migration route through Mexico to the United

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Has Migration Studies Come Of Age

The answer to this question seems self-apparent, with evidence from multiple sources. The first is the sequence of colourful figures compiled by Levy et al. . Whats not to like about these beguiling multi-coloured bubble diagrams? From a picture of strung-out and fragmented clusters in 19751984 and 19851984, the pattern becomes a coherent, consolidated mass in 20052014, indicating that a new age of migration studies has emerged .

What is also interesting is the array of key names around which the subcluster epistemic communities are articulated in terms of citation links and frequencies. Remarkable is the enduring centrality of Portes at the heart of the shifting sea of coloured bubbles, whilst the other subcluster leads Berry for the Acculturationists, Borjas for the Economic Sociologists, Castles and Sassen for the Global Systems School come as no surprise. What I do find initially surprising is the centrality of Bourdieu and Foucault in the Ethnic/Race Relations cluster, since they are not generally known as migration scholars. Rather, of course, they are cultural sociologists whose concepts and theories have been picked up by migration scholars who frame their work around notions such as field, habitus, forms of capital, discourse, power, governmentality and so on.

Migration Based On Duration

The Human Journey

Daily: Commuting to and from work each day often resulting in rush hours

Seasonal: Winter snow-sport enthusiasts to the Alps Summer sun-seekers to the Mediterranean nomadic herders to fresh grazing pastures.

Medium-term temporary: Working in an overseas TNC branch office for a few years taking up a university course working in a developing city to pay off rural debts.

Permanent: Emigrating to another country with no intention of returning.

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Pull And Push Factors Of Migration

People migrate to other places because of different reasons. Lees laws divide these reasons into two factors: pull factors and push factors.

Pull factors are the factors that would attract or encourage the persons to leave their place of origin. These would include better living conditions, job opportunities, enjoyment, better medical care, feeling of having religious or political freedom, education, attractive climates, and better chances of marrying, among others.

Push factors are the factors that could force the persons to move their place of origin. These would include few or not enough job opportunities, inadequate conditions, famine, political fear, poor medical care, desire for freedom, poor housing, condemned housing, war, death threats, and natural disasters, among others.

Migration Examples In Human Geography

In human geography, step migration is defined as the process of moving from one place to another in a series of stages.

This type of migration is generally used when the migrant cant migrate to their preferred destination immediately. For example, they may need to first head through refugee camps for processing.

The migrants travel in stages, evaluating their options at each step of the way, or trying to pass through checkpoints to get to their destination.

This type of migration can be costly, both in terms of money and time due to the added layers of complexity.

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