Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is The Future Of Geography

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What Skills Will I Get From Studying Geography

Power of Geography: Ten maps that reveal the future of our world

Geography will help you develop your communication and teamwork skills, as youll often work on group projects. Youll also develop your research and analysis skills including in IT, lab and fieldwork, which means you will be able to collect and look for patterns in data.

Employers love the mix of technical and social skills people get from studying geography, which they see as very transferable, i.e. useful for a whole range of jobs.

From The Past To The Future

Department of Geography


Livingstone states that stories of different traditions are always told by storytellers. Thesubject of geography is no exception in this regard. The field of geography has expanded from theearlier years of the discipline. The important work of mapping the world and exploring newcountries and continents has changed to the abstract and difficult interpretation of informationtechnology, analyses of flows of financial attributes and goods, and evaluation of the everaccelerating and transforming social and cultural realm of postmodern society. The tellers of thegeographical story have changed, but in the end the very essence of the subject is still the same -to explore the world we know in the past, present and future. As Johnston argues , thework of geographers relies on three major concepts: space, place and environment. These verysame components are the ones that I am operating with in this study, which deals with a new ideaof electronic environments and spaces.

New research interest in network geography at the dawn of the new millennium

A broad perspective: a diverse field of approaches and scales in the research oftechnological geography

GIS and the technology of mapping

Real-world oriented research interests in technological geography: three approaches

Exploring the virtual: electronic space and emerging new geographies of the net

Internet fact: expansion and geographical distribution of the global net

Actor networks and the context

Geographical Information Systems Officer

If, as well as the environment, youre interested in working with data, analytics and computer systems, then this role might suit you. Geographic information systems are computerized systems used for the collection, storage, analysis, management and presentation of complicated geographical information, for example radar.

Geographical information systems officers carry out the gathering and examination of geographical data generated by GIS. The data can be applied in a variety of areas, such as defense, meteorology, oil, gas, telecommunications and transportation, to make decisions which benefit the environment.

For entry into this role, you may find it useful to have previously studied GIS as a module during your degree, and many employers also highly value a relevant postgraduate degree and/or work experience.

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What Careers Can I Do With Geography

According to the Royal Geographical Society, Geography graduates have some of the highest rates of graduate employment.

Geography is great for any kind of career that involves the environment, planning, or collecting and interpreting data. Popular careers for people with geography qualifications include: town or transport planning, surveying, conservation, sustainability, waste and water management, environmental planning, tourism, and weather forecasting.

The army, police, government, research organisations, law and business world also love the practical research skills that geographers develop.

Because geographers learn about human and population development, geography can be useful for jobs in charity and international relations too.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in geography, check out our post Career Choices for Geography Students.

What Degrees And Other Qualifications Do I Need Geography For

Michael Palin Quote: Geography is the subject which holds ...

If you want to study Geography at university, youll almost certainly need to study it at A-level. Geography A-level is also required from some environmental science and planning courses.

According to the Russell Group, Geography A-level is useful for courses in: Archaeology, Civil Engineering, Geology and Sociology.

A GCSE or A-level in Geography could also be useful for apprenticeships in surveying, horticulture, agriculture, land based engineering or BTECs in environmental sustainability or environmental conservation, although it won’t always be required.

Where can I find out more?

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Is History Harder Than Geography

The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority report said history GCSE was harder than geography, and chemistry was harder than physics and biology. The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority compared a cluster of subjects with each other but did not produce an overall ranking of all secondary school exams.

Geography And Computers: Past Present And Future

Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool


Dani Arribas-Bel, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool, Roxby Building, 74 Bedford St S, Liverpool, L69 7ZT, UK.

Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool


Dani Arribas-Bel, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool, Roxby Building, 74 Bedford St S, Liverpool, L69 7ZT, UK.

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Day : Friday October 4th 2019

Panel IV: Geographys Interdisciplinarity

1. Jamie Goodwin-White, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, UCLA

mobilities, social and spatial

2. Neil Brenner, Professor, GSD, Harvard University

Operational Landscapes: Hinterlands of the Capitalocene

Panel V: Of Scales and Spaces

1. Bruno Carvalho, Professor, RLL, Harvard University

After the Future: Scales of Belonging in the Urban Anthropocene

2. Anna Secor, Department of Geography, Durham University

Space for Feminist Decolonial Thought

Panel VI: Borders and the Directionality of Migration

1. Elaine Ho, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore

Multi-Directional MigrationWhy it Matters for the Future of Geography

1. Melissa Wright, Professor, Department of Geography, Penn State

Border Walls, Border Wars, and Sustaining la Vida Fronteriza : Reflections from the Mexico-US Border

The Future Of Geography

The Power of Geography to Make a Sustainable Future | Lisa Benton-Short | TEDxMashpeeED

The first-ever summit on the future of geographic education in Canada will take place in St. Johns this summer, about eight months after some students at the citys Memorial University made national news for their dismal performance on a basic geography test .

The Aug. 10 meeting is a key event in the This Is Geography campaign, which the Canadian Association of Geographers and Canadian Geographic Education recently launched to raise awareness of the subject. Canadian Geographic spoke to Jean Andrey, president of the Canadian Association of Geographers, which is co-hosting the summit with The Royal Canadian Geographical Society, to discuss the upcoming event and its importance.

Canadian Geographic: What can we expect from the summit?

Jean Andrey: It will bring representatives of educational initiatives, agencies and ministries together in an unprecedented way in this country. If we come out of it with a better idea of the state of geographic education in Canada and can hammer out a resolution on the direction to take, then well have reached our goals.

CG: The Royal Canadian Geographical Society and the Canadian Association of Geographers formally joined forces in 2012. Why did this partnership come about?

CG: How would you rate geographic education in Canada?

What should high school graduates know about geography? Watch Jean Andrey moderate a Google+ hangout in July to find out. For more information, visit

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What Subjects Go With Geography

Geography will support the study of sciences, especially health and social sciences, like Biology, Sociology and Psychology.

Geography A-level is also a facilitating subject, which means that it can be useful for a whole range of university courses and will help you keep your options open. Find out more about facilitating subjects here.

How Can We Assess Geography Education In A Future Without Assessments

The 2018 results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress are in. The good news is that we now have access to the most up-to-date information on how well eighth grade students in the United States understand geography. The data is ready and waiting to be shared, analyzed, and understood.

The bad news? The results arent great. Compared to 2014, the average geography score in 2018 on the nationally representative exam dropped by three points, and neither of these scores differs significantly from the first NAEP geography results, which came out in 1994. The latest figures show that only 25 percent of students performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level of understanding, while 29 percent tested below the NAEP Basic level. US students collective understanding of geography is insufficient, and its not making progress.

Meanwhile, the geospatial tech sector is booming. The geospatial services industry generated $400 billion in revenue in 2016, according to a report from strategy and economic advisory firm AlphaBeta. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 6 percent job growth rate for geoscientists from 2018 to 2028, which is in line with average growth rates for other fields. So the geography-adjacent job market is keeping pace with other industries, yet students understanding of geography in the United States is flatlining.

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Geography : The Future Of The World Ocean

In this blog post, center postdoc Matthew Costa explains his recent special plenary talk at Geography 2050: the Future of the World Ocean.

When you think of geography, you probably imagine things at superhuman scales across landscapesextensive mountain ranges, vast basins, and entire continentsand perhaps not plants in a swamp on a coast somewhere.

Fortunately, the American Geographical Society, host of Novembers Geography 2050 event, has kept in mind some seemingly small things like coastal wetlands. And thats a good thing, because it turns out that mangroves and other coastal vegetated ecosystems, though they may look small on the world map, can play an outsized role in the global battle to counteract human-caused climate change. I was honored and excited to join the group of researchers presenting in Geography 2050: the Future of the World Ocean, in which I discussed the issue of mangrove deforestation worldwide.

As blue carbon ecosystems, mangroves sequester carbon. This means that they take CO2 out of the atmosphere and turn it into plant matter via photosynthesis. Some of this organic plant matter, along with some that washes in from other ecosystems, is then buried in their accumulating coastal sediments. These sediments are excellent environments for organic matter preservation, meaning that some carbon takes a one-way trip out of the atmosphere into the ground in these ecosystems.

Thanks for sharing, Matt!

Learn More: Our Geography Subject Guide Links What You Learn In Class To Your Career

Michael Palin Quote: Geography is the subject which holds ...

Geography can be divided into two main branches:

Physical Geography: is a branch of earth science, which looks at the natural elements of the world, including the atmosphere, land and oceans. Physical geographers study things like climate, soil, how the earth was formed and how it is changing over time.

Human Geography: is a social science that studies how humans interact with the planet and covers things like population growth, migration, how urban and rural settlements develop, how we work with animals and even how our economies are effected by the environment we live in.

Because geographers deal with the natural world and how we behave in it, their jobs can take them everywhere, from taking soil samples on the edge of a volcano to mapping a new town, charting the changes to a glacier in the arctic, or even teaching you in a comfortable classroom.

Geographers have done some pretty important things for the human race, including charting new territory, developing maps and measuring distances to help us get from A to B long before we could simply take a picture of an area from space. We wouldnt have Google maps without them. Imagine

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Space Vs Place Awareness

Studying geography helps us to have an awareness of a place. All places and spaces have a history behind them, shaped by humans, earth, and climate. Studying geography gives a meaning and awareness to places and spaces. It also helps students with spatial awareness on the globe. Understanding direction and where things are in the world is still a vital skill, despite having easy access to this information online.

  • Physical Geography: This is the study of the physical makeup of a land. It can include climate, landforms, soil and growth, bodies of waters, and natural resources.
  • Human Geography: Human geography, on the other hand, includes the study of people and culture and how they are distributed across the globe.

Megacities Have Grown In Number Size And Importance And These Dense Urban Environments Complicate Military Missions For Advanced Militaries

  • Megacities are expected to increase in size and number. Experts fear that some megacities could turn chaotic and be ruled by gangs and warlords.
  • The growth of megacities suggests that the U.S. military will be fighting in dense urban areas, which could greatly decrease operational advantages earned from air superiority.

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Day : Thursday October 3rd 2019

Panel I: The Geography of a Discipline

1. Wendy Guan, Executive Director, Center for Geographic Analysis, Harvard University

The Geography of Geography

There are many definitions for geography, most contain the word space or place. In order to foresee the future of geography, lets first examine the presence of the discipline, in particular, its variation in space. This paper will illustrate the distribution of global leading higher education institutions, and compare that with the distribution of those leading the study of geography. Are they mostly overlapping? Or in some countries, they deviate from each other? Among the leading institutions for the study of geography, are they focusing on physical geography, human geography, geographic information science, or all sub-disciplines? Among the leading institutions that are not strong in the study of geography, what are the related disciplines they choose to focus on? Is there a geographic variation in the composition of geographic education? If yes, how to describe it, and how to explain it? Do these patterns reveal any insight to the future of the discipline?

2. Eric Sheppard, Professor, Department of Geography, UCLA

Geography: The Inescapable Discipline

3. Matthew Wilson, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kentucky

Prepared for The Future of Geography

Panel II: Imagining Geographical Modes for the 21st Century

  • Susanna Hecht, Professor, Department of Geography, UCLA

  • Migration as a Mode of Being?

    Why Is Geography Important For The Future

    City of the Future: Singapore Full Episode | National Geographic

    Knowing geography is a key to nations, peoples, and individuals being able to develop a coherent understanding of the causes, meanings, and effects of the physical and human events that occurand are likely to occur in the futureon Earth. Geographic context plays an integral role in creating the world of the future.

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    Feudal Future Podcast: Is There Hope The Future Of California Politics

    On this episode of Feudal Future hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by Tom Campbell, former congressman, and Shawn Steel, republican national committee member. This show is a round table discussion on the future of California politics.

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    About our episode guests:

    Tom Campbell served five terms in the US Congress and two years in the California State Senate. He was finance director of California and director of the bureau of competition of the Federal Trade Commission. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago and a J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard. He was a White House Fellow and a US Supreme Court law clerk, a tenured law professor at Stanford, dean of the Haas School of Business at Berkeley, and dean of the Fowler School of Law at Chapman University.

    Shawn Steel was elected in 2016 to a four-year term as the national committeeman of the Republican Party of California. He is a former chair of the Republican Party of California and has been active in GOP politics since he worked for Ronald Reagan’s California gubernatorial campaign in 1966.

    The Prediction Of Future Outcomes

    Forecasting is contingent upon predictability where a result is expected to be consistently observed and uncertainty, which is the level of potential deviation from expected results. The prediction of a future outcome such as the traffic level logically experiences a decline in predictability and a proportional increase in uncertainty as longer time frames are being considered. This exercise falls into three main dimensions:

    Scale has an important impact on predictability as forecasting traffic for a single terminal is much more uncertain than for a region. Some outcomes are obviously easier to forecast than others as they have shown a greater level of stability and predictability in the past. For instance, demographic trends tend to be stable, shifting slowly and not subject to radical changes. An important challenge resides in the planning time frame of megaprojects such as port or airport infrastructure. The delay between the decision to go ahead with the construction and the beginning of operations can easily last 5 years or longer. During that time, traffic expectations assumed by forecasting may have substantially changed.

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    Become A Global Citizen

    Being an educated global citizen starts with the study of geography. Global citizens are conscious-minded of the world around them, understand others, and work towards making the entire globe a better place. That all starts with the study of geography!

    So, once again, why is geography important? Its more important than you think learning geography will help you better understand news, help fight climate change, be a part of a global community, understand cultures, and learn history. At the end of the day, geography will help you become a better overall global citizen.

    Global Average Surface Temperature Has Been Rising Steadily

    Image result for future earth map
    • Extreme heat could make some regions unlivable and potentially displace populations, leading to migration, increased conflict, and heightened risk of infectious disease outbreak.
    • Increased heat could affect service members’ health and training it also could hinder the use of aircraft in certain regions.

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    The Geography Of Covid

    The ongoing pandemic is reshaping the geography of our planet, helping some areas and hurting others. In the West, the clear winners have been the sprawling suburbs and exurbs, while dense cores have been dealt a powerful blow. The pandemic also has accelerated class differences and inequality, with poor and working class people around the world paying the dearest price. These conclusions are based on data we have repeatedly updated. Despite some variations, our earlier conclusions hold up: the virus wreaked the most havoc in areas of high urban density. This first became evident in the alarming pre-lockdown fatalities that occurred in New York City and the suburban commuting shed from which many of the employees in the huge Manhattan business district are drawn. Similar patterns have been seen in Europe and Asia as well.

    It is important to increase density literacy among politicians, professionals, and activists to make it clear that the density that contributed to the pandemic, overcrowded multigenerational housing, mass events, crowded transit cars, or crowded bars and restaurants, is not the kind of density we need to increase to make cities more affordable and to combat climate change. The densification we need involves making room in cities, adding floor space so that more people can occupy the same area without overcrowding.1

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