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What Role Did Geography Play In The Industrial Revolution

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How Can Geography Drive The 4th Industrial Revolution

Coal, Steam, and The Industrial Revolution: Crash Course World History #32

May 15, 2020

We are approaching an energy transition that can rewrite the impacts of the past

The start of every industrial revolution was driven by the advent of new energy technology. The first industrial revolution was enabled by steam power. The second by electricity. And, the third by power distribution. The 4th Industrial Revolution comes with a new north startechnology. This energy revolution provides an opportunity to rewrite the impacts of the previous revolutions on our environment and communities.

The burning of fossil fuels and land use changes by the previous revolutions created the planetary crisis that is climate change. The 4th revolution can break this pattern. How? It can provide economic prosperity for all, not in spite of but because of a zero-emissions society.

Our next revolution will fuse the physical, digital, and biological worlds.

How Did Coal And Iron Play A Role In The Origins Of The Industrial Revolution In Great Britain Quizlet

How did coal and iron play a role in the orgins of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain? Coal was burned to get power and heat there was very very large coal mines in Great Britain so it was a good resource. People used iron to make pots and rail road parts so there was transportation and goods coming from it.

How Did Geography Spur Industrialization In The Northeast

The fast moving rivers provided a source of power for the early power looms fundamental to the textile industry.


The soil in the Northeast is poor and not suitable for large scale farming. The small farms could support a family but not major agricultural industry, and cash exports. This geographic feature forced the Northeast to look for other means of producing wealth.

The fast moving rivers were able to power industry. The cotton from the south was used to weave textiles which could be exported as a source of wealth. The slow moving rivers of the south could be used to transport the cotton but would not power textile mills.

Later in the early 1800s coal was discovered in Western Pennsylvania and what is now Western Virginia. The coal combined with the recently invented James Watt’s steam engine created another source of power for industry. The Mongahela river flowed north from the coal mines bringing this vital resource to the factories of the north.

In the 1890s oil was discovered in Western Pennsylvania. The energy resources in the North fueled industry in the north. Also the Ohio River could be used to bring iron ore from the Great Lakes to be used in combination with the coal in the north to produce steel.

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How Will Energy Demand Change In The Post

Will households flee from the cities to the suburbs because of social distancing? Will companies increase the percentage of their workforce working remotely to decrease their need for office space? Will this cause an increase in overall demand on servers and data centres to support remote logins? Will policymakers finally address the inequity of air pollution sources after understanding the links between respiratory conditions and COVID-19 cases?

It is too soon to predict how the world will change, but now is the time to plan for the range of potential outcomes. We can plan so all communities have the infrastructure needed to support them. From school districts assessing the ability to engage in virtual learning to first-last mile issues facing essential workers in the case of a disaster, equitable growth is possible if we apply the lessons we are learning right now.

An example of the mapping we can now do to determine where best to plan our infrastructure.

Economic Growth And Energy Consumption

How Did Imperialism Contribute to World War I?

Economies of scale have been the mantra for growth. This trend is based on the existing norm, which sees centralized data centers and super computers being built for city-scale power consumption. The problem? A single data center can take out an entire economic geographys remaining power capacity. That is not good for economic growth.

The current response to this is to build even more centralized power generation and larger transmission networks. When we throw renewable energy into that mix, we can notice an enormous gap. This is due to the intermittency of technologies like wind turbines and solar panels. Here, we find the opportunities for cities to plan infrastructure to close this gap: Infrastructure planning needs to consider the whole economic system, including data, computing, transport, and energy.

Our next revolution will be disruptive. By using a range of new technologies, it will fuse the physical, digital, and biological worlds in a way that impacts all economies and industries.

At Stantec, we have been modelling these outcomes to plan future growth. We understand the existing geography of power infrastructure. That helps us predict the nature of economic growth and reflect on the opportunities to decentralize infrastructure, enabling economies of scale.

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The 4th Industrial Revolution

Our next revolution will be disruptive. By using a range of new technologies, it will fuse the physical, digital, and biological worlds in a way that impacts all economies and industries. It will include everything from the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence and machine learning, to 3D-printing, satellite mapping, genome sequencing, and stem-cell breakthroughs. The result? New technologies like autonomous vehicles, smart buildings, smart cities, virtual connectivity tools, and faster access to medical data.

Many of these technologies are proving to be critical to communities during the COVID-19 response. Workforces can stay operational and families can remain socially connected as they practice physical distancing. But while many people enjoy the benefits of these technologies, the social equity divide is growing.

Historically, little attention has been paid to the disruptive nature of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Even last year, when Democratic US presidential candidate and businessman Andrew Yang tried to highlight the impacts of the 4th Industrial Revolution, his ideas were pushed aside to make room for traditional kitchen table items. But Yang understood how this revolution will impact the geographical distribution of economic growth, linking key swing states to poor economic conditions caused by workplace disruption and automation.

The 4th Industrial City will be a synergist relationship of data and energy.

Explaining The Industrial Landscape

Alfred Webers first significant work on industriallocationtheory was published in 1909 in where he predicted that industries would locate based on the places that would be the lowest cost to them. He took for granted that industries are naturally competitive and aim to minimize their costs and maximize their profits. Much like Von Thünen, Weber did not try to explain actual real-world locations, but instead concentrated on identifying those factors that influence all industrial-location patterns. According to Weber, three main factors influence industrial location: transport costs, labor costs, and agglomeration economies.

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Why Was Britain The First Country To Industrialize

The Agricultural Revolution was a major event in world history and had a profound effect on life in Britain. For example, many historians consider the Agricultural Revolution to be a major cause of the Industrial Revolution, especially in terms of when and how it began in Britain. For instance, the Industrial Revolution began due in part to an increase in food production, which was the key outcome of the Agricultural Revolution. Food production increased due to new innovations and inventions, including: the discovery of crop rotation by Charles Townshend and the invention of the seed drill by Jethro Tull. The increased food production allowed Britains population to also increase which benefitted the Industrial Revolution in two ways. First, the increased population helped produce workers for the factories and mines that were so important to the Industrial Revolution. Second, the larger population created a market for goods to sold to which helped the owners of the factories to make a profit off of the sale of their goods. Agricultural Revolution

How Did The British Empire Affect The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution (18-19th Century)

Great Britain became a powerful empire because it was the birthplace and leading force in the Industrial Revolution, which was a cultural and economic shift from home-based production, traditional agriculture, and manual labor to a system of factory-based manufacturing that included complex machinery, continual

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A Unique Pioneer Spirit

Its during this period that Washingtons unique pioneer spirit evolved. Early settlers had no choice but to fend for themselves and learn to live off the land. Shipments of goods from the eastern seaboard were at the mercy of fickle winds and unforgiving seas, taking months to arrive. Facing the uncertainty and inconvenience of daily life was not for everyone. It took grit and perseverance to turn adversity into opportunity and opportunity into progress.

The separation of cultures and ethnicities that was common in other parts of the U.S. was not common in Washington towns. The rough and tumble existence of life in these parts required settlers to depend on one another to survive. The common ground became the work to be done and your neighbors were judged by their work ethic, not their ethnicity.

Men, women and children came from all walks of life to seek adventure and prosperity in Washington State. In the small coal town of Roslyn, a town of just 700 residents, 24 nationalities were represented in its one-room schoolhouse.

As with other parts of the country, Washingtons fortunes rose and fell with the nations economy. During World War I, area shipyards turned out a quarter of all ships built during the war. When the Great Depression hit, residents stood in soup lines and lived in shantytowns. Oil replaced coal, closing many of the mines. Lumber continued to provide some stability, but it took a second world war to bring the region back to life.

What Were The Impacts Of Industrial Revolution On Human Life Write Them In Brief

The Industrial Revolution impacted the environment. The world saw a major increase in population, which, along with an increase in living standards, led to the depletion of natural resources. The use of chemicals and fuel in factories resulted in increased air and water pollution and an increased use of fossil fuels.

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Knowing The Local Climate

The U.S. climate played a pivotal part in the colonists eventual success against the British. Some of it was transient. For example, when Washington was cornered in a critical battle in Brooklyn, a foggy night provided the cover necessary for John Glover and the Marblehead fishermen to ferry troops safely across the East River. More decisive was the intense cold of the Northeastern winters, the warmth and humidity of the South, and the dry heat of the West. These all served to deplete the resources and destroy the morale of British troops more familiar with the mild and relatively climate found in Britain.


How Did Advancements In The Steam Engine Affect Industrialization 5 Points

World Wars

Answer: The correct answer is : The advances of the steam engine benefited the expansion of industrialization by allowing the transport of materials, machines, goods, among others to different factories. The first steam engines pumping and raising mines achieved a large quantity of coal at low cost.

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The Industrial Revolution And Transportation

From the 1750s, a series of changes took place in Europe that would transform the global economic, political, social, and technological landscape. This came to be known as the industrial revolution as human and animal labor was substituted for mechanical labor and new materials such as chemicals allowed for new processes and products. The factors that have led to the remarkable changes brought by the industrial revolution are subject to debate in terms of their role and importance in the emergence of capitalism. Four of them appear to be prevalent and interdependent:

At the scale of the worlds economic history, the industrial revolution radically changed the foundations of economic systems and set in motion the emergence of the global economy. Most of the technical innovations that modified the way to produce and transport took place in a short period, mainly between 1760 and 1800. It was during the industrial revolution that massive modifications of transport systems occurred in two major phases. The first centered along with the development of canal systems and the second centered along railways. This period marked the development of the steam engine, an external combustion engine that converted thermal energy into mechanical energy, providing an important territorial expansion for maritime and railway transport systems.

  • Length of the British Railway System, 1830-1860
  • American Rail Network, 1861
  • Completion of the Transcontinental Railway, 1869

What Does This Mean In Practice

The energy transitiona move toward a clean energy and a carbon neutral futureis one of Stantecs strategic growth initiatives. One of the central themes of the transition is the microgrid. This is where the geographers mindset is a game changer for the social-equity outcomes of infrastructure growth.

The question around microgrids have evolved. We used to ask: What communities have the highest energy demand and greatest need for energy resiliency? Now, we ask: What communities have underutilized energy assets, and a need for economic growth, for which a microgrid could be a catalyst?

The technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution enable energy mapping based on economic characteristics, rather than solely focusing on physical infrastructure potential. Microgrids can be a real estate play, not just an energy asset. Municipal authorities must look at how their economies are going to grow.

Next, they can plan infrastructure that will deliver itand this needs to be agile. Why? To ensure people and society are at the center of the outcomes. Rather than being dictated by technology, our approach needs to be agnostic. It must also be open to create a free market economy that allows innovation, new ownership models, and speed.

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Who Invented The Spinning Jenny Around 1765 Quizlet

A simple, inexpensive, hand-powered spinning machine created by James Hargreaves in 1765. A spinning machine created by Richard Arkwright that had a capacity of several hundred spindles and used waterpower it therefore required a larger and more specialized mill- a factory. You just studied 14 terms!

What Is Industrial Revolution In Geography

Causes Of The Industrial Revolution: The Agricultural Revolution

Industrialization broadly refers to the transformation of agrarian-rural societies to industrial-urban societies that are dominated by manufacturing and services. The beginning of this transformation, conventionally referred to as the industrial revolution, is typically traced to the late 18th century in England.

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The Geography Of Great Britains Greatness

By Robert Morley September 28, 2010

Great Britain is a small, seemingly nondescript and peripheral island nation located in the cold and stormy seas of the North Atlantic. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland combined are only the size of the state of Utah. Britain is smaller than Iraq, Turkey, and even Thailand. Yet during one point in its history, one quarter of the worlds inhabitants paid homage to the queen. Even today, one out of four people speaks English.

How has this been possible?

If you were to simply look at a globe and pick out which country would most probably become a global superpower, Great Britain would not be an obvious choice.

Yet the fact remains that Great Britain was the biggest empire in the history of the worldabsolutely dwarfing that of ancient Babylon, Alexander the Great, and even the Roman Empire, of which much of Britain was once a province.

It is critical that you understand why Great Britain became the most expansive empire the world has ever seen. Not only will it change your understanding of the world, but it will revolutionize your understanding of the future.

Those who study the Bible know the primary reason nations grow to greatness. The Bible says God raises up nations to prominence. He puts kings on thrones for His purposes. It is God who places nations in their relative locations and who sets the boundaries of peoples .

God makes nations great! And often He uses physical means to work out His plan.

Transportation In The Pre

Transportation is closely linked with the genesis of globalization. Moving people and freight has been an essential factor for maintaining the cohesion of economic systems from empires to modern nation-states and economic blocs. With technological and economic developments, the means to achieve such a goal have evolved considerably with a series of historical revolutions and evolutions. It became possible to move people and cargoes faster, in greater volumes, over longer distances, and more conveniently. This process is very complex and is related to the spatial evolution of economic systems and the associated technical developments. It is possible to summarize this evolution in four major stages, each linked with specific technological innovations in the transport sector the pre-industrial era, the industrial revolution, Fordism, and post-Fordism .

  • The Genesis of Globalization
  • Transport Revolutions in Human History
  • The Performance of Pre-industrial Means of Transportation
  • Ancient Trade Issues
  • The Silk Road and Arab Sea Routes
  • Historical Urban Location Factors
  • The Roman Empire, c125 AD
  • Grand Canal System
  • Early European Sailships
  • Seasonal Variations of Major Global Wind Patterns
  • Early European Maritime Expeditions, 1492-1522
  • Spanish and Portuguese Empires
  • Density of Ship Log Entries, 1750-1810
  • Dutch East India Company, Trade Network, 18th Century
  • Colonial Trade Pattern, North Atlantic, 18th Century

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What Geographical Feature Played A Role In The Transportation Of Natural Resources During The Industrial Revolution

The geography of the Industrial Revolution was good and bad because of rivers and mountains that had to be navigated and natural resources were gathered from harbors, lakes, rivers, oceans, and off the land. What role did the steam engine play in the Industrial Revolution? They helped a big deal in transportation.

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