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What Does Site Mean In Geography

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Techopedia Explains Site Map

“Site” and “Situation” in Geographic Context

When the site map is for users, it’s just a plain HTML file with a listing of all the major pages on a site.

In the context of search engines, the site map, also known as a sitemap.xml file, helps search engine crawlers index all pages on the site. While a site map does not guarantee that every page of a site will be crawled, major search engines recommend them.

Site maps are especially important for sites that use Adobe Flash or JavaScript menus that do not include HTML links. Google introduced Google Sitemaps to help Web crawlers find dynamic pages, which were typically being missed. Bing, and all other search engines also support this protocol.

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What Does Site Map Mean

A site map is a model of a website’s content designed to help both users and search engines navigate the site. A site map can be a hierarchical list of pages organized by topic, an organization chart, or an XML document that provides instructions to search engine crawl bots.

Site map may also be spelled sitemap.

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What Is An Example Of Site


Frequency: The definition of a site is an area where something is built or to be built or a location where a historic or important event took place. An example of a site is the land you buy where your new house will sit. An example of a site is the location on which a famous military battle was fought.

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Connecting With Space And Place

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earths surface and the human societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time. Read More…

What Is The Difference Between Site And Situation

Now that you know what site and situation are, you can determine the difference between the two human geography terms.

  • Site is the exact location of a city, you can find it on a map. The situation of a city relates to its surrounding features, both human-made and natural.
  • The site of a city has features that are inherent to its location. The situation of the city includes characteristics that are external to the settlement.
  • The site is the land that the city was built upon. The situation contains the surrounding areas of the city.

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Site And Situation In Urban Geography

  • M.A., Geography, California State University – East Bay
  • B.A., English and Geography, California State University – Sacramento

The study of settlement patterns is one of the most important subjects of urban geography. Settlements can range in size from a small village with a few hundred residents to a metropolitan city of over one million people. Geographers often study the reasons why cities develop where they do and what factors lead to a settlement becoming a large city over time or remaining as a small village.

Some of the reasons behind these growth patterns are related to the area’s site and its situation. “Site” and “situation” are two essential concepts in the study of urban geography.

Whats The Difference Between Site And Situation In Ap Human Geography

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  • The Albert Team

Almost half of the worlds population live in cities, and the urban population is growing much faster than the rural population. This mass migrating into cities and urban areas is a good reason for you to know about urban dynamics. It is a fact that the form, size, and function of urban settlements is always changing.

The CollegeBoard wants you to know that there are factors that initiate and drive both urbanization and suburbanization. Two of those factors are site and situation. Site and situation influence the origin, function, and growth of cities and is an important concept to understand when you study cities and urban land use for the AP® Human Geography Exam. This study guide will explain the difference between site and situation in the context of AP® Human Geography.

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The Importance Of Site And Situation In Today’s Cities

As shown in the examples of New York City, Bhutan, and Canada’s east coast, an area’s site and situation played a significant role in its development, both within its boundaries and on the world stage. These phenomena have shaped history and are part of the reason why places like London, Tokyo, New York City, and Los Angeles were able to grow into the prosperous cities they are today.

As nations around the world continue to develop, their sites and situations will continue to play a large role in whether or not they will be successful. Though today’s ease of transportation and new technologies such as the Internet are bringing nations closer together, the physical landscape of an area, as well as its location in relation to its desired market, will still play a large role in whether or not a particular area will grow to become the next great world city.

What Are Elements Of The Site And Situation Of Your Hometown

Site factors include landforms, climate, vegetation, availability of water, soil quality, minerals, and wildlife. Examples of site factors include whether an area is protected by mountains or if there is a natural harbor present. Historically, such factors led to the development of major cities worldwide.

Why the site and situation of a place influences its role in a globalized world?

site and situation are very important for creating a recognition in the globalized world. it is easier for that area to connect to the world then the market can expand and become popular. For example if the terrain is mountainous then it is very hard for vehicles to transport goods.

What makes a good site for a settlement?

The Site of a settlement describes the physical nature of where it is located. Factors such as water supply, building materials, quality of soil, climate, shelter and defence were all considered when settlements were first established.

What is the function of a settlement?

The function of a settlement helps to identify the economic and social development of a place and can show its main activity. Most large settlements have more than one function though in the past one function was maybe the most important in defining the success and growth in importance of the settlement.

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The primary aim of studying settlement geography is to acquaint with the spatial and structural characteristics of human settlements under varied environmental conditions.

The primary aim of studying settlement geography is to acquaint with the spatial and structural characteristics of human settlements under varied environmental conditions.

What Is The Definition Of Place Geography

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. Hereof, what is place meaning in geography?

Geographers define place as the physical and human characteristics of a location. The physical features might include the local climate, rivers, or valleys. The human characteristics include the culture of the people living in that place and all the ways they interact with it, like building a city or designing a park.

Furthermore, how do you describe place in geography? Place describes the human and physical characteristics of a location.

  • Physical characteristics: Includes a description of such things as mountains, rivers, beaches, topography, climate, and animal and plant life of a place.
  • Human characteristics: Includes the human-designed cultural features of a place.
  • Also to know is, what is an example of place in geography?

    These physical and human characteristics can include landforms, waterways, people, climate, languages, communication, and transportation. For example, a well-known place is Antarctica and the South Pole.

    What is geographical movement?

    The geography of places is influenced by the degree to which humans have impacted their local environment. Movement: Humans Interacting on the Earth. The postmodern world is one of great interaction between places. This movement is inherently geographic, whether it is by telecommunications or ship.

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    What Are The Three Main Site Factors

    There are 3 traditional factors that vary in each location and affect the factors in that location: Land, labor, and capital.

    What are the examples of situation?

    Situation is the way something is positioned as compared to its surroundings, or the status of the circumstances, or the combination of circumstances at a specific point in time. An example of situation is a house down the street from a big tree. An example of situation is having to decide between two jobs.

    Are Site And Situation Still Important Today

    We saw that in the case of Paris, a citys site and situation play an important role in its growth and these factors play out again and again throughout the history of urban development as factors in making great cities the prosperous urban centers that they are today. This will be true as we move forward as well. Whether a city grows or becomes another victim of urban decay, still depends on their site and situation. Technological advances in transportation and communication may help to mitigate some of the negative aspects of a citys site or situation, by bringing countries closer together.

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    What Is Meant By Site And Situation Of Settlement

    Site is the exact location of a city, you can find it on a map. The situation of a city relates to its surrounding features, both human-made and natural. The situation of the city includes characteristics that are external to the settlement. The site is the land that the city was built upon.

    What are site and situation factors?

    Geographical Site Factors: Definition -Describes the physical characteristics of a place, whether it is natural or human-made. Geographic Situation Factors: Definition -Describes the location of a place in relation to other places and geographic features around it.

    Scope Of Settlement Geography

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  • 1. 1SCOPE OF SETTLEMENT GEOGRAPHYByProf. A. BalasubramanianCentre for Advanced Studies in Earth Science,University of Mysore,Mysore-6
  • 2. 2Introduction:More than “one billion human beings still lackadequate shelter. They are living in unacceptableconditions of poverty thus reports the UNHabitat Agenda, in a specific context.The vast majority of these people live indeveloping countries and an increasing number ofpeople live in urban areas.
  • 3. 3Indeed, the sprawling informal settlements andslums of developing countries are the most visualmanifestations of poverty itself.According to an old UN-HABITAT report, some924 million people were living in slums andinformal settlements during 2001 all over theglobe.
  • 4. 4This is a major reason why the improvement ofliving conditions of slum dwellers was identifiedas a major target area in the MillenniumDeclaration, adopted by world leaders in 2000.It is here, the subject of settlement geographyplays an important role.The primary aim of studying settlementgeography is to acquaint with the spatial andstructural characteristics of human settlementsunder varied environmental conditions.
  • 7. 71. DEFINITION OF RURAL AND URBANSETTLEMENTS- MERITS ANDLIMITATIONSHuman beings in the process of settling, occupy aland and construct a structure for shelter.Human settlement means cluster of dwellings ofany type or size where human beings live. For thispurpose, people may construct houses andcommand some area or territory as their economicsupport-base.
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    City Push And Pull Factors

    Cities began to form many thousands of years ago, but there is little agreement regarding why cities form. The chances are that many different factors are responsible for the rise of cities, with some cities owing to their existence to multiple factors and cities that arose as a result of more specific conditions.

    Two underlying causal forces contribute to the rise of cities. Site location factors are those elements that favor the growth of a city that is found at that location. Site factors include things like the availability of water, food, good soils, a quality harbor, and characteristics that make a location easy to defend from attack. Situation factors are external elements that favor the growth of a city, such as distance to other cities, or a central location. For example, the exceptional distance invading armies have had to travel to reach Moscow, Russia has helped the city survive many wars. Most large cities have good site and situation factors.

    Indeed, the earliest incarnation of cities offered residents a measure of protection against violence from outside groups for thousands of years. Living in a rural area, farming or ranching, made any family living in such isolation vulnerable to attack. Small villages could offer limited protection, but larger cities, especially those with moats, high walls, professional soldiers, and advanced weaponry, were safer.

    Uses Of Relative Geographic Location

    Relative geographic location is useful for unassisted human navigation. With no instruments, you must rely on natural landmarks and other points of interest to gauge your position. For example, it is probably easier to drive north to Colorado Springs, Colorado, knowing that it is roughly 72.4 kilometers north of Pueblo than it is to navigate to 39 degrees north, 105 degrees west.

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    ABSTRACT. Novelists and geographers are each concerned with landscapes. Literary geography may be defined as the study of literary works as interpretations of landscapes or other geographical phenomena. In the 13 years since publication of that monograph, literary geography continues to mature but its growth is slow.

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    Glossary Of Geography Terms


    This glossary of geography terms is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in geography and related fields, which describe and identify spatial dimension, geographic locations, topographical features, natural resources, and the collection, analysis, and visualization of geographic data. For related terms, see glossary of geology and glossary of environmental science.

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    The Nature And Function Of Cities

    Urban settlements date back more than 5,000 years. You will find the worlds first cities in Mesopotamia and Egypt, China, and Meso-America . Why did cities first develop in those areas? There was a combination of factors like agricultural surplus, access to a water source, increasing population, defense, religion, and trade.

    The center of every advanced civilization is the city. The city acts as the hub of a geographic region or area and is the agent for political, economic and social activities. The larger the city becomes, the more it serves as a powerful force within its sphere of influence. There is a myriad of functions that the city provides its residents. Those functions include transportation, communication, retail and wholesale operations, political, medical, safety, defense, legal and financial services.

    A city does not operate independently but relies on other cities within the region, and often has a particular role or purpose, within that region. Almost all cities were well planned out before being built, taking into account two crucial locational aspects. Those aspects were site and situation two terms that are important in the study of geography.

    What Is Geographical Situation

    A Geographic Situation In geographic terms, a situation or site refers to the location of a place based on its relation to other places, such as San Franciscos situation being a port of entry on the Pacific coast, adjacent to Californias productive agricultural lands.

    Whats the difference between a site and a situation?

    Site vs Situation. Site and situation are words that are used very commonly in the field of geography while talking about settlements. The growth of a particular settlement hinges upon both its site as well as its situation.

    What is the site and situation of a settlement?

    The site and situation of a settlement are very different things. The site of a settlement is the land upon which it was built. There are a range of factors that can determine the site of a settlement. These are: wet point site these are sites close to a supply of water. dry point site these are sites that avoided the risk of flooding.

    How are site and situation related in urban geography?

    Site and situation are two essential concepts in the study of urban geography. The site is the actual location of a settlement on the Earth, and the term includes the physical characteristics of the landscape specific to the area. Site factors include landforms, climate, vegetation, availability of water, soil quality, minerals, and wildlife.

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