Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is Meant By The Process Of Differentiation In Geography

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Ology Of Areal Differentiation

Areal Differentiation (Hartshorne) & Regional Synthesis (Berry): Human Geography by Dr. Manishika

Areal differentiation has done in 3 steps

  • The basic tool of Areal Differentiation is regionalization for which qualitative and quantitative methods have been applied
  • e.g. To study climatic regions in India, Qualitative and Quantitative methods are applied such as the amount of Rainfall, Temperature, Precipitation, etc and formulas/calculations for their generalization
  • Regional Synthesis to understand the integrative nature of elements of phenomenon & to find causal links
  • e.g. Influx of Population in NCR because of economy, industries, climate, etc. Less population in Western Rajasthan due to High Temperature and Low Rainfall, etc.
  • Study of a coherent picture of the region by having a comparison with the near proximate i.e. Areal Differentiation joining regions or related regions e.g. Rainfall in the Western Ghats and Meghalaya can be compared.
  • This whole method is Areal Differentiation.

    The Expansion Of Bantu

    7In order to introduce the historical background of the present paper, the dispersal of the Bantu-speakers is presented in detail, and its effects are discussed in the light of various results obtained from different fields of research. ;This expansion is one of the greatest population movements in the history of the world and a complex historical event that concerns all sub-Saharan Africa with at present more than 250 million Bantu-speakers. It is also part of much wider phenomena, both linguistic and culturalthe establishment of the whole linguistic phylum to which the Bantu-speakers belong, and the emergence of several food production strategies. However, a single approach is not sufficient to understand the microevolutionary processes, which shaped diversity of African populations today. This is why the Bantu- speakers dispersal has been and is still presently an arena where Linguistics, Archaeology, Genetics and Biological Anthropology try to reconcile their findings.

    Resource Ace Questioning Display Posters

    A few months a go I shared a strategy Ive been using for a while called ACE questioning;

    Its working exceptionally well in my new school, however we have two week timetables and therefore some classes I only see every other week. To help students remember, Ive created these simple posters as a reminder.

    Im going to be placing them in some old frames I have from Ikea and will hang next to my board.

    Feel free to download the word or PDF versions and adjust to suit your needs.


    E = extend

    Approach 1

    The teacher asks a student if they would like to accept, challenge or extend the answer of another student. The student decides and does one of the above, ensuring that if they accept they explain why.

    Approach 2

    The teacher asks selected students certain questions related to A, C or E.

    e.g. do you accept what child A said, why/why not?

    Approach 3

    During peer assessment students state whether they accept the work as it is and explain why, challenge the answers given by asking them a question such as why do you think or I actually think this can you explain why;; youre right? Or they ask a question to extend the answer given.

    Try it out and let me know how it goes.

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    What Happens During Differentiation

    Cellular differentiation is the process in which a cell changes from one cell type to another. Usually, the cell changes to a more specialized type. Differentiation occurs numerous times during the development of a multicellular organism as it changes from a simple zygote to a complex system of tissues and cell types.

    Genetic Structure Of The Populations


    We used the concatenation of the loci from the dataset with outgroups to infer a phylogenetic tree with a maximum likelihood approach. Accordingly, we used the hill-climbing algorithm implemented in RAxML, with a GTR+GAMMA substation model, and performed 100 bootstrap replicates.

    As phylogenetic models can give an incomplete or even misleading representation of the populations history, we also investigated the genetic structure of N. kaiseri using various population genetics approaches. First, we used SNPs extracted exclusively from the kaiseri populations dataset to estimate the co-ancestry between each pair of individuals using fineRADStructure. Then, in order to understand the relationships between the genetic groups and detect potential hybrids, we used the SNPs as variables to perform Principal Component Analyses using the adegent R package. More precisely, we represented the individuals in a multivariate space depending on their centred-scaled allele frequency at each SNP. We then defined Principal Components in order to reduce the number of dimensions, and studied the repartition of the individuals in the space defined by the PCs.

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    Mrs Humanities Shares 5 Strategies For Developing Independent Learners

    Are we doing too much for our learners? This question has plagued me a lot recently.

    Ive seen hundreds of fabulous resources that take the hard work out of learning for our students. That remove the responsibility from students to teacher. That take the independence from the learning process. That make them dependent on us, their teachers.

    Now Im sure many people will argue with me that its a result of increased scrutiny; the unrealistic performance management targets; the use of target grades etc. Which are all completely valid arguments and I agree, but it still scares me that so many teachers are doing so much for their students. Things that take away their students responsibility and independence in the learning process.

    Things like case study guides with all of the content students need, completed knowledge organisers, again with all of the content students need. Completed exam questions, so students can learn to replicate. Revision booklets again with all of the content. It all worries me.

    Ive never hidden the fact that I facilitate learning, that my aim as a teacher is to make my students as independent as possible in my classroom and in their learning. That I want my students to leave school being able to learn for themselves; to be able to critically analyse and evaluate; to design and create; to research effectively; to be responsible for their own learning; to want to continue learning after compulsory education.

    1 // Help Yourself stations

    4 // Revision

    Is Mars Differentiated

    From mineralogical and chemical studies of Martian meteorites, the measurements of its gravity and magnetic field by orbiting satellites and in-situ analyses by exploration rovers, it is known that the planet is chemically differentiated, i.e. it has a metallic core, a heterogeneous silicate mantle and mafic to

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    What Can You Find Out

    Learning happens when people have to think hard Prof. Robert Coe Durham University. How often do we make students think hard looking back I know that I dont do it as often as I probably should

    So here is one idea I have used at the start of my lessons:

    This example was for a Year 10 introductory lesson to Urban Issues.

    I left my students with this image on the board/a copy each and then left them to think for 15 minutes I then gave them some discussion time. Amazingly they came up with most of the ideas off the specification they annotated their image to show their thoughts and added to them through discussion. I repeated this with my year 9s and while there was more moaning, once they realised I wouldnt help them they tried a bit harder and I had similar outcomes they had summarised our whole topic in about 25 words and from one photograph.; Have a go you might be surprised what they come up with!

    Mrs Humanities Shares 5 Differentiation Strategies For Spld

    Economic Geography: Meaning and Scope | Chapter I | S.E.B.A.

    Now Im no expert in SEN or SpLD for that matter, but these are 5 strategies that I have found that work for my students over the past 5 years. These strategies have come from research or CPD I have undertaken.

    1 // Pastel Colours for PowerpointsSince I can remember Ive been using pastel colours for PowerPoints and other digital documents. I read somewhere during my NQT year that pastel colours are preferable for students with dyslexia but are also beneficial for all students as white backgrounds can cause eye strain. Ever since then Ive been using pastel colours for displaying information on the whiteboard. Yellow for task instructions, blue for information and green for assessment for learning. In addition the background is a light grey to reduce glare and sensitivity to bright lights.

    2 // Structure ScaffoldsTo support students to develop their extended writing Ive used a variety of scaffolding strategies over the years in order to enable students to break down the task and focus on demonstrating their knowledge as opposed to structure . Some approaches include sentence_starters_mat, structure sheets/strips and tasks broken down into sections which come together as one piece in the end.

    I hope this post is of some use to you.

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    Breakingdown Exam Skills With Source Windows

    Inference can be a tough skill to teach, particularly at KS3. The nuance and context that surrounds a source can be incredibly complex, but, like any other skill, improving a students inference can be achieved by the consistent repetition of good practice .

    During my training year, my SENCO emailed me a template of a source viewer he had seen on Mrs. Humanities , I decided to adapt the source viewer to make it suitable for my lower attainers .

    Originally, I was trying to create a resource that would help them with the basic provenance of Time, Audience, Author and Place.

    The students enjoyed using the laminated source viewers and asked to use them again. So following this mini success, I decided to adapt another version of the viewer or source window, as the students had named it.

    This one focused on the exam specific interpretation and source skills needed for the AQA GCSE History papers. This viewer had three sides which were colour coded; the purple panel included generic versions of all the source and interpretation questions found in the AQA papers. The orange and green panels featured questions that broke the required skills down, making the students answers more of a step by step process. The challenge for each student is then to attempt one question from the colour above at some point during the lesson.

    Feeding Back

    Feeding Forward

    Thank you to for the inspiration

    Approaches To Study Geography:

    Geography has changed its approach. The earlier geographers were descriptive. Later, geography came to be developed as analytical science. Today the discipline is not only concerned with descriptions but also with analysis as well as prediction. There are two major approaches to study geography Systematic Approach and Regional Approach.

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    Social And Cultural Geography

    One characteristic feature is the existence in all the Nordic countries of a social geography that is concerned with the welfare state. The relationship is a dual one, combining explorations of the role of the welfare state in various aspects of social development and a more direct feeding of research results into welfare policy and planning. The main issue at stake in this group of works is social differentiation/polarization, often related to a theoretical discussion of urban development and urban policy in a globalizing world. This extends, more than anything else, to questions of housing and evolves on the classic urban social geography issue of segregation. Extensive empirical studies on social polarization and segregation, often conducted in comparison and cooperation with other European countries, have been framed in the intersection between overarching and local explanations. In particular, the role of the welfare state in this process is addressed, leading to exposure of the paradox that the very pride of Scandinavian housing policy the provision of social housing has ended up being part and parcel of processes of ghettoization. When it comes to a cultural turn, in particular, two countries have led on, each taking its own specific direction but both seeking a position in between constructionist and materialist perspectives.

    C. Pattie, R. Johnston, in, 2009

    Fractional Melting And Crystallization

    Geography: Different Kinds Of Maps

    Magma in the Earth is produced by partial melting of a source rock, ultimately in the mantle. The melt extracts a large portion of the “incompatible elements” from its source that are not stable in the major minerals. When magma rises above a certain depth the dissolved minerals start to crystallize at particular pressures and temperatures. The resulting solids remove various elements from the melt, and melt is thus depleted of those elements. Study of trace elements in igneous rocks thus gives us information about what source melted by how much to produce a magma, and which minerals have been lost from the melt.

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    The Origin And Evolution Of The Earth Questions And Answers Class 11 Geography Chapter 2

    Multiple Choice Questions Which one of the following figures represents the age of the earth? 4.6 million years

    Which one of the following has longest duration? EonsAnswer: Period.

    Which one of the following is not related to the formation or modification of the present atmosphere? Solar winds

    Which one of the following represents the inner planets? Planets between the sun and the earth Planets between the sun and the belt of asteroids Planets in gaseous state Planets without satellite Planets between the sun and the belt of asteroids

    Life on earth appeared around how many years before the present? 13.7. billion

    Answer the following questions in about 30 words each : Why are the terrestrial planets rocky?Answer:Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are known as terrestrial planets,They are rocky because they are made up of rocks and metals and have relatively high densities.

    What is the basic difference in the arguments related to the origin of the earth given by Kant and Laplace, and Chamberlain and Moulton?Answer: Kant and Laplace gave Nebular Hypothesis. The planets were formed out of a cloud of material associated with a youthful sun, which was slowly rotating.

    Chamberlain and Moulton A wandering star approached the sun. As a result, a cigar shaped tongue of material was separated from the solar surface. As the passing star moved away, the material separated from the solar surface continued to revolve around the sun and it slowly condensed into planets.

    Sampling And Genetic Analysis

    A field survey was conducted across the entire N. kaiseri distribution range in southwestern Iran in 2015. Out of 30 breeding ponds recorded for this species, we choose to sample only 16 sites for our study . The ponds not included were close by to one the sampled sites and located in homogenous landscape and similar climatic conditions. We took tissue samples from tail tips of larvae without scarifying them for later extraction of genomic DNA as suggested by Polich, et al.. The Iranian Department of Environment issued permission for sample collection.

    De-multiplexed reads were assembled de novo using ipyrad, and clustered using a 95% similarity threshold; base positions with a coverage >8 were called. Finally, since uneven missing data among populations can have deleterious impact on downstream analyses, loci with less than 28 individuals covered were discarded from further analysis. The assembly was performed with two different subsets: one containing all the 30 samples, and one with only the 28 samples of N. kaiseri. Indeed, as the number of RAD loci recovered is expected to decrease when the evolutionary distance between samples increases, the approach allows to maximise the amount of loci used in analyses that do not necessitate the outgroup taxa.

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    The Environment As A Powerful Force And Resource Outside Society

    The first way of thinking about the environment is as an external force or object. We might call this a modern way of thinking about the environment, because, unlike previous premodern thinking associated with undeveloped cultures, it sees the environment as outside society, as the external, inanimate context within which society must work, rather than as intimately intertwined with human life. This arose during what is variously referred to as the Scientific Revolution, the Age of Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason in medieval Europe. This started well away from the environment with astronomy, when Copernicus, Galileo, and others argued that the Sun, not the Earth, was at the center of the universe, challenging the long-held dogma that the Earth was the center, and thus main purpose, of creation. However, such early science was also a search for laws to explain how the environment worked, and gradually led to the environmental sciences with which we are familiar today.

    Environmental determinism

    Environmental resources for exploration and imperialism

    D. Bennett, in, 2009

    The Importance Of Transportation

    Geomorphic Processes – Geomorphology | Shaping the Earth’s crust

    Transport represents one of the most important human activities worldwide as it allows us to mitigate the constraint of geography. It is an indispensable component of the economy and plays a major role in supporting spatial relations between locations. Transport creates links between regions and economic activities, between people and the rest of the world, and as such, generates value. It is composed of core components, which are the modes,;infrastructures, networks, and flows. These components are fundamental for transportation to occur, but they also underline that geography, despite significant technological, social, and economic changes, remains a salient force shaping transportation.

    Transport is a multidimensional activity whose importance is:

    Transportation as a multidisciplinary endeavor can be approached through several;fields of inquiry where some are at the core of transport geography, such as transport demand, nodes, and networks. In contrast, others are more peripheral, such as natural resources, political geography, and regional geography. Yet, they all contribute to the understanding of transport activities and their impacts on the economy, society, and the environment.

    • Core Components of Transportation
    • Vehicle Use Indicators, World, 1950-2019
    • Transport and Communication Costs Indexes, 1920-2015
    • World Main Road Network
    • World Rail Network and Rail Systems

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