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What Are The Branches Of Human Geography

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Characteristics Of Human Geography

Branches of Human Geography

Human geography has three main fields of study, What are they:

  • The distribution and interrelation of populations and cultures on the earth’s surface.
  • The specific way in which they interact with your environment.
  • The way they organize their political, economic and social systems as part of its geographic location.

All this allows a spatial approach to human activities, which in turn allows addressing problems of a historical, political, cultural or social nature.

Definitions Of Human Geography:

Human geography is the science that studies the spatial distribution of human beings and cultural facts. Some important and valuable definitions which are defined by different geographers and philosophers are given below:

According to E.C. Sample, human geography is the study of changing the relationship between the unresting man and the unstable earth.

In the words of Vidal de la Blache, Human geography offers a new conception of the inter-relationship between earth and man, a more synthetic knowledge of physical laws governing our earth and of the relations between the living beings which inhabit it.

In the opinion of Jean Brunhes, Human geography is the ensemble of all those facts in which human activity has a part to play a complex group of facts infinitely variable and varied, always contained within the limit of physical geography, but having always the easily discernable characteristic of being related more or less directly to man.

According to Ellsworth Huntington, Human geography may be defined as the study of the relationship between geographical environment and human activities and qualities.

With changing the philosophy of geography, the definition of human geography has been modifying considerably.

Assertion: Nature Of Human Geography Is Dynamic Reason: Branches Of Human Geography Are Co

Assertion: Nature of human geography is dynamic.

Reason: Branches of human geography are co-related to each other.


  • Both Assertion and Reason correct and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion.

  • Both Assertion and Reason correct but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.

Both Assertion and Reason correct but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.

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Exercise: Very Short Answer

Quantitative techniques/statistical techniques.

Q5. Explain different branches of geography under Biogeography.

Answer: Biogeography has emerged as a result of the interface between physical geography and human geography. It has three branches: Plant Geography, Zoo Geography and Ecology.< br> Different branches of Biogeography are as follows:< br> Plant Geography: It studies the spatial pattern of natural vegetation in their habitats.< br> Zoo Geography: It studies the spatial patterns and geographic characteristics of animals and their habitats.< br> Ecology: It is concerned with the scientific study of the habitats characteristic of species.< br> Environmental Geography: It is concerned with environmental problems such as land gradation, pollution and environment conservation.

Meaning Of Human Geography:

What are the Branches of Geography? Expalined in Detail ...

Human Geography is the field of geography that deals with human presence, activities, and impacts on the natural environment. This includes the study of populations, their migration, and their distribution, economic activities such as resource extraction, industry, and agriculture. It also includes the study of settlement patterns and political geography and the modification of the natural environment.

In short, This subject involves the study of all human activities and their impact on the natural environment. It is both old and new.

It is old because its intellectual roots can be traced back to antiquity in the writings of Eratosthenes and Strabo. They showed a keen interest in human habitat and mans interaction with it

It is new because its disciplinary moonings were anchored in the Anthropogeography of Friedrich Ratzel. He is regarded as the father of human geography.

Human geography is concerned with the study of inter-relationship between man and environment. Man in his large activities affects the natural environment. The nature of human activities and the limit of their development are strongly influenced by the human habitat.

The natural environments have been modified by human activities because people may react differently to the same natural environments.

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Modernization And Population Transitions

Population geography adds a spatial dimension to accounts of how modernization leads to systematic population transitions. The classic demographic transition model describes a hypothetical sequence of changes in a country’s population from a high fertilityhigh mortalitylow growth rate regime to a low fertilitylow mortalitylow growth rate stage. In postulating two intermediate phases, where mortality falls more quickly than fertility, and overall growth increases, studies have focused on the diffusion of modern sanitation and antibiotics, and processes of secularization . By regionalizing areas with similar mortality and fertility dynamics, scholars establish expected speeds of transition and draw attention to deviations from such norms. For example, noting transition disparities in societies with below replacement fertility, rapid immigration, demographic aging, where fertility has declined with no increase in economic development, and where mortality has increased to levels seen a 100 years ago, research now attends to the mediating role of population composition, including family structure, ethnicity, and age profile. Discussions of the so-called second demographic transition are located within a broader agenda considering demographic convergence. Critics point to the value-laden assumption that Western concepts of secularization and ideal family size apply universally, without reference to local culture.

C. Gibson, G. Waitt, in, 2009

Exercise: Long Answer Type

Q1. What is the importance of Physical Geography?
Q2. Physical and human factors both are dynamic not static. Explain.
Q3. Explain different branches of Physical geography.

Answer: It has four sub-branches which are as follows:-Geomorphology: It is concerned with the study of landforms, their evolution and related processes.-Climatology: It is concerned with the study of structure of atmosphere and elements of weather and climates and climatic types and regions.-Hydrology: It studies the realm of water over the surface of the earth including oceans, lakes, rivers and other water bodies and its effect on different life forms including human life and their activities.-Soil Geography: It is concerned with the study of the processes of soil formation, soil types, their fertility status, distribution and use.

Q4. What matters are studied under Human Geography?

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Keeping Up With The Journal Literature

Want an easy way to keep up with the journal literature for all facets of Geography? And you use a mobile device? You can install the BrowZine app and create a custom Bookshelf of your favorite journal titles. Then you will get the Table of Contents of your favorite journals automatically delivered to you when they become available. Once you have the ToC’s you can download and read the articles you want.

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Branches Of Human Geography

The Branches of Geography Explained by Mr Hawnree

Human geography comprises, among others, the following fields of study:

  • Population geography. Study the human distribution on the earth’s surface, and the historical processes that determine it.
  • Economic geography. Focused on economic patterns and their history, and especially the distribution on Earth of economic factors, be they raw materials, industrial centers, etc.
  • Cultural geography. It studies the way in which human culture is linked to its geographical location and how the latter determines its patterns of exchange.
  • Political geography. Focused on the study of political spaces: countries, states, etc.
  • Medical geography. It studies the impact of geographic location on the health of populations and the particular way in which they age.

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The Main Branches Of Geography

Geography is a science that is responsible for studying the phenomena that occur on the earths surface . Within its general conception, this discipline analyzes the environments, spaces and inhabitants of the Earth and their interactions, for this reason we can find within its field of study the geographical accidents, rivers, mountains, landscapes, countries, societies, ethnic distribution .

Since there are many things that geography can study, it is subdivided into several branches which can be grouped into different groups. In addition, being a discipline that touches so many different aspects, it has an integrating nature, drawing on the knowledge and methods of other fields such as biology, geology, history, chemistry, sociology

As we have commented, there are several branches of geography. These can be grouped according to their field of study, and below we present several geographic branches classified into three main groups : physical geography, biological geography, and human geography.

What Is Human Geography

It is called human geography or anthropogeography to the second great division of Geography, together with physical geography. It deals, unlike the latter, with the spatial study of human societies and their relationships with the environment. In other words, it focuses on the unnatural aspects of planet Earth, as a kind of human ecology.

Its initiator was the German Karl Ritter and his successor, the French Élisée Reclus . The first written work of the discipline appeared in the 19th century, under the name of Anthropogeography and it was the work of the German Friedrich Raztel , considered as one of its founders.

The methodologies used in human geography are similar to those of general geography, being themselves extremely diverse, both qualitative and quantitative. It is common to see the use of case studies, surveys, statistical analysis and mathematical models, always depending on the specific topic of the study and the auxiliary disciplines used.

See also: Geographical space

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Importance Of Human Geography

Human geography constitutes an important field of study today, especially after the emergence of global theoretical perspectives, which require the study of migratory flows, dynamics of international trade and other complex human processes, involving states, cultures and individuals.

On the other hand, the plural perspective of human geography contributes to the field of study of general geography an indispensable element, because throughout the thousands of years of human presence on Earth, we have gradually made our presence felt through the modification of the environment that surrounds us.

What Are The Branches Of Geography

Branches of Geography

The work Geography has been derived from geographia, which means description of the earth. The science of Geography is related to the study of earth, its phenomena, its features, inhabitants, lands and processes. The field encompasses the understanding of earth, along with a wide range of natural and human complexities. Geography is a vast field of study that has kept millions of researchers busy in dozens of branches and sub-disciplines. Almost every subject on this earth has a branch of Geography related to it. Essentially, Geography has been divided into two broad branches, which are Physical Geography and Human Geography. With an aim to acquaint you with the diversity of geographical branches, this oneHOWTO article is going to discuss what are the branches of Geography? We’ll also give you a few details about each of them.

  • Integrated Geography
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    Where Have Human Geographical Knowledges Been Produced

    Human geography has its own differentiated geography. It has addressed different intents and has taken place in diverse institutional contexts that all shape its character, orientation, and reception. In some academic disciplines a strong sense prevails of truly international debates and paradigms. This is not necessarily the case in human geography. Ironically, even though human geography has global aspirations and an international presence, a sense of global uniformity or consensus is remarkably absent. Perhaps it is a marker of the respect geographers pay to the crucial roles of place, context, and geographical specificity that the very notion of global consensus is unpopular.

    Even by the late 1700s the idea of a coherent and universal explanation of world geography had been challenged. Jedidiah Morse was so incensed by the Anglocentrism of British geography books that he inverted the usual practice of describing Europe first in his The American Geography and dedicated 90% of its 536 pages to the New World. Similarly, William Guthrie , a Scottish writer, sought to expose how English assumptions had pervaded 18th Century geography and instead rewrote it using concepts from the Scottish Enlightenment.

    Kevin Hannam, in, 2015

    What Are The Sub Branches Of Human Geography

    5/5Major sub-branches of human geography are as follows:

    • Economic geography.

    These sub-fields of physical geography study processes and patterns in the natural environment ranging from the oceans to physical land to the atmosphere.

    • Biogeography.
    • Hydrology.
    • Landscape Ecology.

    Similarly, what are the five subfields of human geography? Some of the better known branches are: economic geography, political geography, social geography, cultural geography, population geography, military geography, medical geography, transportation geography, and urban geography.

    Secondly, what is the branches of human geography?

    Human geography consists of a number of sub-disciplinary fields that focus on different elements of human activity and organization, for example, cultural geography, economic geography, health geography, historical geography, political geography, population geography, rural geography, social geography, transport

    What is human geography examples?

    Some examples of human geography include urban geography, economic geography, cultural geography, political geography, social geography, and population geography. Those who study how people understand maps and geographic space belong to a subdiscipline known as behavioral geography.

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    Branches Of Human Geography:

    Human geography is a social science. The content of it provides integration for all the social sciences and develops close interface and relationship with other sister disciplines in social sciences in order to understand and explain human or cultural elements on the earths surface.

    With the expansion of knowledge and specialization in particular fields, new subfields in different subjects emerge and it has also happened to human geography.

    It is closely related to other social sciences because it belongs to the family of social science. Major sub-branches of human geography are as follows:

    What Is Geography Branches Of Geography And Scope Of Geography

    Branches of Geography | Geography class 11 | NCERT |
  • 4. WHAT IS GEOGRAPHY?4 People use the word “geography” all thetime. And while it has many uses and meanings,most people would be at a loss to definewhat “geography” is. We are going to examine the definition ofgeography. The word geography comes from twoGREEK words. GEO = EARTH GRAPHY = TO WRITE ABOUTSOMETHING. Thus GEO + GRAPHY literally means “towrite about the Earth.” We have commonly come to understand thatthe translation might also be taken as todescribe and map the earth The American Heritage dictionary definesgeography as “the study of the earth andits features, inhabitants, andphenomena.”
  • 5. DEFINITION OF GEO-GRAPHY Geography is the science ofspatial variation of culturaland physical phenomenaover the globe is calledgeography. with aspects of physical aswell as social science, is thestudy of the features of theEarth’s surface and of theirrelationships to each otherand to mankind is calledgeography.5
  • 7. 71. PHYSICAL GEO-GRAPHY: study of physical featuresand changes on the earths surface.2. HUMAN GEO-GRAPHY study of human and theirideas, and the impact of human ideasand actions on the earth
  • 8. PHYSICAL GEO-GRAPHY? Physical geography is another major branch of geography. It is concerned with the natural features on or near the surface of theearth.8
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    Cultural Geography Take One: In The Beginning

    Our first take follows a conventional narrative plot that begins with origins and a classical period, then unfolds in a linear narrative of ongoing progress of new, newer, and newest cultural geography. This will give the reader a sense of comfort typical with linear, progressive stories, and it will suggest that the boundaries of cultural geography are knowable, periodic, and fixed. This will be deliberately challenged in the takes that follow.

    Classical cultural geography is conventionally traced back to origins in the 1920s, with the work of Carl Sauer and his colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley, United States of America. The Berkeley School, as it would become known, embedded an understanding of culture as both cultivation to grow or rear and as way of life. Carl Sauer coined the term cultural landscape to describe the manner in which place was fashioned from a natural landscape by a cultural group. For Sauer,

    culture was the agent, the natural area the medium, the cultural landscape the result . Under the influence of a given culture , itself changing through time, the landscape undergoes development, passing through phases, and probably reaching ultimately the end of its cycle of development. With the introduction of a different that is alien culture , a rejuvenation of the cultural landscape sets in, or a new landscape is superimposed on remnants of an older one.

    H. Ernste, L. Smith, in, 2009

    What Are The Two Main Branches Of Geography

    Geography is the study of the Earth that focuses on its land, physical features, and atmosphere, as well as human activities and how they are influenced by the Earth. Geography examines the nature and relative organization of physical places, locations and human societies throughout the globe. It is divided into two main branches: human geography and physical geography. Geography is considered a discipline that bridges the natural sciences and the social sciences .

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    Different Branches Of Geography

    Geography, the study of the Earth and its processes, is indeed an intriguing subject. Read through this ScienceStruck article to know about the different branches of geography.

    Geography, the study of the Earth and its processes, is indeed an intriguing subject. Read through this ScienceStruck article to know about the different branches of geography.

    William Hughes

    One of the most important aspects of human history lies in the representation and interpretation of surrounding landscapes. This is due to a simple fact that, it is these very landscapes that provide us with most of our necessities. This is also precisely why humans, over hundreds and thousands of years, have been consistently trying to find meaning in their surroundings, so that they can organize their world. Some of the oldest literature that helps us do so, to a large extent, are the geographies. These are essentially exploration accounts of various land journeys and sea voyages of ancient people. These give us vivid accounts of places, distant and sometimes, beyond our reach. They also inform us about places, which no longer exist.

    Branches of Geography

    There are two main branches of geography viz., physical geography and human geography. All the other known branches of geography, essentially are the sub-branches of these two.

    Physical GeographyHuman Geography

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