Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Does Psychology Benefit Society

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Why We All Can Learn From Studying Psychology

Postgraduate students explain the benefits of joining the British Psychological Society

Why should you study psychology? There are plenty of great reasons to learn about psychology, even if you don’t plan to become a psychology major or work in a psychology-related profession. Psychology is all around you and touches on every aspect of your life! Who you are now, how you will be in the future, how you interact with family, friends, and strangers these are all things that psychology can help you better understand.

You Could Even Gain A Better Social Life

It is not all about studying and career options however, the use of psychology in your daily life is extremely important on an interpersonal level. The understanding of social cues and human interaction is vital in all aspects of life from finding a job to asking someone on a date. Studying psych will equip you to communicate effectively with others and teach you how to decipher their underlying feelings, motivations and emotions. This is important not only for your own overall mental health, but also for generating empathy for others.

Find out more about studying psychology, the course options available to you, and the career paths open to you. SACAP offers a range of psychology courses, some of which can be studied part-time. There are also distance-learning options available. To find out more, enquire now.

What Is Positive Psychology How Can This Movement Benefit Me

  • Positive psychology is the study of human flourishing in application, one assumes thoughts, feelings, and actions that provide the greatest value to his or her life.
  • Practices of positive psychology include showing your appreciation for your loved ones, building personal strengths, and employing the daily diary method.
  • A researcher, Martin Seligman, founded positive psychology and introduced the world to the movement in 1998 when he was chosen as President of the American Psychological Association.
  • There are many potential benefits of practicing positive psychology including an increase in self-esteem, improved relationships, and a greater outlook on life.
  • Research in the realm of positive psychology has found that gratitude, social connection, and kindness are all important to living our best lives.

Chances are, youve heard of a little something called positive psychology but you might not know exactly what it means. In sum, positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living, according to Professor of Psychology Christopher Peterson. To go into greater detail, its the study of human thoughts, feelings, and behavior, in terms of how each can be adjusted to result in a better life. Anybodythose who are struggling in life and those who are already living wellcan put positive psychology into practice and reap great benefits.

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Youll Learn How To Resolve Conflict

No relationship, be it professional or personal, is totally free of conflict. Psychology will assist you in identifying the reasons behind the behavior, the motivation for the conflict, thus enabling you to be better prepared in finding a resolution. As a psychology student, you are often challenged to understand phenomena from a range of different perspectives, which is a useful skill when listening to the thoughts and opinions of others. Fully investing yourself in a process of finding a common understanding between yourself and others encourages resolution rather than adding fuel to the fire.

Youll Gain Valuable Research And Analytical Skills

How does Psychology benefit society?

Part of being an ethical practitioner means ensuring that the knowledge that you apply is solidly supported by research. It is not all diagnosis and symptoms psych students spend a lot of time mastering research methods and statistics so that they can both understand and contribute to the body of knowledge of helping others. Even if youd rather focus on Freud or Jung, learning how to successfully gather, organise, analyse, and interpret data is an invaluable skill needed in a number of careers. For example, educators, administrators, scientists, marketers and advertisers often perform such tasks in order to make decisions, evaluate progress, and complete projects.

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Five Ways Psychology Is Applicable To Everyday Life

How psychology is used in everyday life.

Everyone uses psychology on a daily basis, whether they are talking with friends, arguing with a partner, or disciplining their children. Most people just dont realize the science behind their decisions. Understand how your mind works helps in everyday life by allowing you to build strong relationships and make the best decisions. Here are five ways how:

  • The building of relationships: Psychology makes it easier to live with others by understanding them more and working with their behavior. Below, University of Texas professor James Pennebaker explains one way psychology can be used to predict romantic compatibility.
  • Improving communication: A greater understanding of how humans think and behave will help people communicate better. They will be more effective in understanding what a person really means by gestures and actions.
  • Building self-confidence: By understanding more about yourself and your personality, you can gain more self-confidence. You will learn more about your weaknesses and can build on them.
  • Enriching careers: You will be able to understand your coworkers more and stand a better chance of building friendships. It helps to deal with their actions to enrich your career.

The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.

C. G. Jung

Health Psychology/ Medical Psychology

Health psychology can be defined as the aggregate of the specific educational, scientific and professional contributions of the discipline of psychology to the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and treatment of illness, the identification of etiological and diagnostic correlates of health, illness and related dysfunction, and the improvement of the health care system and health policy formation.

Health Psychologists apply psychological research and methods to the prevention and management of disease, the promotion and maintenance of health, the identification of psychological factors that contribute to physical illness, the improvement of the health care system, and the formulation of health policy.

The American Psychological Associations Division of Health Psychology outlined the objectives of health psychology as understanding the etiology, promotion and maintenance of health, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of physical and mental illness the study of psychological, social, emotional and behavioral factors in physical and mental illness and the improvement of the health care system and formulation of health policy.

Thus, health psychologists are interested in how biological, psychological, and social factors affect health and illness. Therefore, they are engaged in the promotion and maintenance of health-related behavior, the prevention and treatment of illness and analysis and improvement of the health care system.

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Psychologists Roles In Hospitals And Other Medical Centers

Psychologists in hospitals and other health care facilities may work independently, or as a part of a team. First as clinical psychologists, they are mental health providers and usually render service through mental health units and psychiatric hospitals. Second, as health or medical psychologists, they are behavioral health providers and deal with the behavioral dimensions of the physical health and illness. They provide the clinical and health services to both inpatient and outpatient units as well as to patients who function independently and to those new patients who need evaluation. The American Board of Clinical Psychology as a training body states that the services provided by psychologists typically include: diagnosis and assessment, intervention and treatment, consultation with professionals and others, program development, supervision, administration, psychological services and evaluation and planning of these services and teaching and research and contributing to the knowledge of all of these areas.

Why Sexualized Halloween Costumes Are Scarier Than You Think

Students explain the benefits of belonging to the British Psychological Society

Every year many children and adults creatively plan out their costumes for the one night where spooky wins. And even though for the most part the holiday may seem harmless it can have scarier consequences for our girls. With the acceptance of sexualized womens costumes, the line for whats appropriate to wear at different ages is increasingly blurred. Each Halloween, as girls get older, they are bombarded with costumes that are progressively more sexualized and socially acceptable. The question is, should this be a concern?

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Couldnt Make It Want To See It Again

Claremont Graduate University is happy to offer streaming web video of the entire conference for those who were unable to join us. Access to the videos is available for $25 by following the link.

As a preview, the first 45 minutes of this conference are available in the player below, including:

  • What Works in the Emerging Positive Social Sciences by Dr. Stewart Donaldson
  • the Past, Present, and Future of Positive Psychology by Dr. Martin Seligman
  • the announcement of the Clifton Strengths Prize by Dr. Connie Rath
  • acceptance remarks by Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • a portion of a talk about the latest scientific findings from the science of happiness by Dr. Edward Diener

Professional And Practice Issues

In this regard, R. E Kendell, another key figure of psychiatry commented: .in California, clinical psychologists may well be on the brink of acquiring the right to prescribe antidepressant and neuroleptics, and what happens in California has a habit happening here 10 years later.

Be that as it may, a huge number of psychologists are opposed to the prescription privilege for psychologists, advocating that psychology needs to remain as separate as possible from psychiatry, and psychologists, as health providers, have evidence-based methods of interventions just as effective as psychotropic medications.

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    Learn About Research Methods

    Having a basic understanding of psychological research methods can help you better understand some of the many claims that youll encounter in books, magazines, television shows, and movies. Becoming a better-informed consumer of psychology means that you will be equipped to sort out the truth from the fiction surrounding many pop psychology myths.

    You Learn Why People Can Act Strangely

    People are fascinating creatures! We all enjoy learning about the crazy things people do. This is what makes psychology, especially social psychology, fascinating. For instance, you will learn about the , which explains why you are more likely to be helped when one person sees or hears you in your hour of need than when a large group is watching.

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    Making Positive Media For Social Change

    Media psychology can create a new trajectory for how we think about, use and design media and technology. It gives us the tools to identify how technology facilitates human goals, where it falls short and the unintended consequences of behavioral shiftsfor better or worse.

    As media technologies have become intertwined in daily life, they have elicited structural and psychological changes across society. The ability to communicate peer-to-peer has shifted power away from what was once a narrow information flow controlled by a few sources to one of infinite information and connectivity. The result was the prosumer, the transformation of media consumers into a hybrid creature that also passes judgment, produces and distributes. This new identity has radically expanded both the range of influence and the EXPECTED range of influence.

    Technology-enabled global connection, without traditional gatekeepers and hierarchies, combined with this new attitude of influence, creates an incredibly powerful social force. The impact is far-reaching, local and global: from individual growth and behavior change, organizational effectiveness, brand image and consumer relationships to electoral outcomes and profound social change.

    Pamela Rutledge

    Six Less Obvious Benefits Of Studying Psychology

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    Did you know that studying psychology can help you gain valuable research and analytical skills, be a better communicator, and resolve conflict effectively?

    Key takeaways

    • Studying psychology equips students to use their knowledge of human behaviour in their daily lives.
    • Developing excellent research and analytical skills, the ability to be a better communicator and to master the art of conflict resolution are just some of the additional benefits of studying psychology.
    • A degree in psychology not only opens the door to the possibility of becoming a psychologist, but it also lays the groundwork for a number of other career options.

    If you enjoy going to your psychology courses, discussing psychological topics, or spend your spare time reading psychology websites, then there is a good chance that earning a psychology degree is the right option for you.

    Apart from a keen interest in the subject, there are a lot of additional things youll learn from studying psychology. Here are six that may not have even crossed your mind

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    You Learn About Mental Disorders And Treatment Options

    Many psychologists also deal with mental disorders and options for their treatment. Mental disorders are many and can have a debilitating effect on people’s lives. Fortunately, various psychological treatments have been developed for many mental issues. Best practices have been written down in treatment and diagnosis protocols.

    The prospect of being able to help others in their struggle to live a “normal” life appeals to many students.

    The benefits of learning about mental disorders

    Benefits Of Practicing Positive Psychology

    As mentioned earlier, the practice of positive psychology can benefit you greatly. These potential benefits include:

    • Higher productivity
    • Increased success

    While were not going to delve into each and every one of these benefits , there is one benefit that we want to explain: and thats learning, firsthand, the power of perspective. The application of positive psychology can teach you just how important your perspective is. Simply adapting a more positive mindsetor being a little more optimistic rather than pessimisticcan go a long way and work wonders for your life. Now, this doesnt mean you should ignore all that is negative. But positive psychology says that you should infuse a little positivity into your life wherever you can.

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    Youll Learn More About Yourself And Others

    Have you found yourself questioning why people behave in certain ways? Do you want to learn more about your own mind, emotions, and actions? Studying psychology is an excellent way to gain a greater understanding of yourself and others. In addition, a solid understanding of human nature will serve you well in a number of job settings, including social services, advertising, marketing, education, healthcare, and politics.

    Youll Be Well Prepped For Countless Careers

    How does psychology benefit society? By Chelsea Novoa ...

    Do you want to be a writer, a teacher or an employment counsellor? Psychology not only offers you the opportunity to become a psychologist, but also lays the foundation for many other career options. In fact, students who earn an undergraduate degree in psychology but dont do a masters or doctoral degree usually find alternative ways to put their psychology knowledge to work. Graduates with BPsych degrees are equipped with the skills needed in various work roles. A good understanding of human behavior and thought processes is the key to a number of fulfilling job opportunities.

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    You Gain Insight Into People’s Behavior

    Doing, thinking, feeling, and actingas a student of psychology, you will get to study all aspects of human behavior. You will learn not only about the general characteristics of human behavior, but also about the differences.

    What drives people? And how can you influence human behavior? These two questions are central to the practice. Examples of questions psychologists address include:

    • How do people react to stress?
    • Do athletes perform better after mental training?
    • What is love, anyway?
    • Why does one child perform better in school than the other?
    • How is it that some of us are friendly and relaxed while others are often tense or stressed out?

    The reason I chose to study clinical psychology was a direct result of suffering from panic attacks. I was dealt a bad hand of psychologists. As a consequence, my condition only worsened. And when I hit rock bottom, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I set out to learn more about psychologyin particular, I wanted to learn about anxiety disorders and find the best treatment options.

    For me, this turned out to be a smart choice that I never regretted. I got my life back.

    Truth be told, I enjoyed all the other reasons listed above as wellexcept for the research, which involves a lot of statistics and math, subjects I try to avoid like the plague.

    Don’t become a mere recorder of facts, but try to penetrate the mystery of their origin.

    Ivan Pavlov

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