Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Find G In Physics

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Acceleration Due To Gravity

Determining ‘g’ Using a Free-Fall Method – PRACTICAL – A Level Physics

The net acceleration that is transmitted to objects owing to the combined action of gravitation and the centrifugal force is the acceleration due to gravity. It is indicated as g on Earth.

Acceleration due to Gravity on Earth

  • The acceleration is measured in meters per second squared as per the SI unit or equally in Newtons per kilogram .
  • The gravitational acceleration near Earth’s surface is approximately 9.81 m/s2.
  • The speed of an object free-falling will increase by 9.81 meters per second every time.
  • The acceleration due to gravity is denoted by g.

Calculating Mass of Object on Surface of Earth

Computer Security: Freemium Paywalls

ByComputer Security team

In an open, academic environment, the use of free commercial and open-source software and tools is not unusual. Actually, many researchers, software developers and students embrace the concept of free downloads from the internet. However, while we discussed in the past the risk to the software supply chain of blindly downloading, copy/pasting and incorporating any kind of third-party software, we now need to consider the word free free as in free speech, not free as in free beer and its limitations.

Paywall #1: Beyond personal use. Teamviewer provides a download that is free for private use. Obviously, this excludes any professional use, including any use while at CERN or connected to the CERN network. As stipulated in their knowledge base, professional or commercial use applies when you provide support to colleagues, when you connect remotely from home to your organisation, for remote maintenance and support purposes, and also for non-profit organisations, if you or another person in the organisation receive a salary from that organisation.

Paywall #4: Embedded paywalls. And if this is not enough, Adobe has informed CERN that part of its freely available Creative Cloud software catalogue is not authorised for use any longer. Apparently, some Adobe apps contain copyrighted software or features by third-party companies, and using this software is beyond Adobes agreed terms with those third-party companies.


Relationship Between G And G

In physics, G and g related to each other as follows:



  • g is the acceleration due to the gravity measured in m/s2.
  • G is the universal gravitational constant measured in Nm2/kg2.
  • R is the radius of the massive body measured in km.
  • M is the mass of the massive body measured in Kg

Although there exists a formula to express the relation between g and G in physics, there is no correlation between acceleration due to gravity and universal gravitation constant, as the value of G is constant. The value of G is constant at any point in this universe, and G and g are not dependent on each other.

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Light Gates & Data Logger

Using light gates is a great way to get students familiar with data loggers. Watch out for the common misconception that using a computer will automatically give a better result! In this case, the timing typically does have a higher resolution, and its possible to collect lots of data quickly both good reasons for using the apparatus.

With two light gates, there are three possibilities:

  • Display values of \ and \, and calculate g using \.
  • Display values of \, \ and \, and calculate g using \.
  • Position the top light gate just below where the ball is released so the initial velocity is close to zero, then proceed as above.

Note that the measured speeds are always average values, because the ball is accelerating during the time it takes to pass through the light gate.

Questions to ask your students:

  • Can we be sure that the data logger determines accurate times?
  • If we vary \, what graph should we plot to determine \?
  • How can a graph help to reveal problems with the experimental technique?


If you dont have multiple sets of data loggers, you could have one set up and have students use it in turn. However, the experience of setting up the apparatus is itself valuable, as it prompts the student to think through the role of each piece of equipment rather than to approach the configured apparatus as a black box.

Example: How Much Force To Hold An Apple With A Mass Of 01 Kg

When to use the concept PV = constant and P1V1 = P2V2 to solve ...

F = mg

F = 0.1 kg × 9.8 m/s2

F = 0.98 kg m/s2

Force is measured in Newtons which are the same as kg m/s2

F = 0.98 N

So it needs a force of about 1 Newton to hold up an apple.

We also say the apple has a weight of 0.98 N.

To convert a mass in kg to a force in Newtons multiply by 9.8 m/s2

Another example:

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Applications Of Gravitational Constant

Some of the applications of value of G include

  • The gravitational force between two planets can be determined accurately.
  • It can be used to determine the gravitational force for objects near the earth such as satellites.
  • Solar and lunar eclipses can also be predicted by the use of this gravitational constant.
  • The value of G is helpful in calculating the trajectory of astronomical bodies and their motion.

Calculating The Force Of Gravity On Earth

  • 1Understand Newtonâs Second Law of Motion, F = ma. Newtonâs second law of motion states that any object will accelerate when acted upon by a net or unbalanced force.XResearch source In other words, if a force is acting upon an object that is greater than the forces acting in the opposite direction, the object will accelerate in the direction of the larger force.
  • This law can be summed up with the equation F = ma, where F is the force, m is the mass of the object, and a is acceleration.
  • Using this law, we can calculate the force of gravity of any object on the surface of the earth, using the known acceleration due to gravity.
  • 2Know the acceleration due to gravity on earth. On earth, the force of gravity causes objects to accelerate at a rate of 9.8 m/s2. On the earthâs surface, we can use the simplified equation Fgrav = mg to calculate the force of gravity.
  • If you want a more exact approximation of force, you can still use the above equation, Fgrav = /d2 to determine force of gravity.
  • 3Use the proper metric units. For this particular equation, you must use metric units. The mass of the object needs to be in kilograms and the acceleration needs to be in meters per second squared . You must convert to these units before continuing with the calculation.
  • Letâs use the same equation from above and see how close the approximation is. Determine the force of gravity on a 68 kg person on the surface of the earth.
  • Write your equation. Fgrav = mg = 68*9.8 = 666 N.
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    Acceleration Due To Gravity Formula

    We have no doubt seen gravity work in our life. After all, it is the force that is helping us to keep our feet on the ground. If we throw a ball in the upward direction in the air. Then it will come down on its own. Why? When the ball is going in upwards direction, its speed will be less as compared to when it comes down. This is because of the acceleration, which is produced due to the force of gravity. In this topic, we will discuss acceleration due to Gravity formula. Let us learn about acceleration due to gravity in detail.

    How To Use The Gravity Formula

    Calculating g-force
  • Find out the mass of the first object. Let’s choose Earth – its mass is equal to 5.972×1024 kg. You can enter this large number into the calculator by typing 5.972e24.
  • Find out the mass of the second object. Let’s choose the Sun – it weighs 1.989×1030 kg, approximately the same as 330,000 Earths.
  • Determine the distance between two objects. We will choose the distance from Earth to Sun – about 149,600,000 km.
  • Enter all of these values into the gravitational force calculator. It will use the gravity equation to find the force.
  • You can now read the result. For example, the force between Earth and Sun is as high as 3.54×1022 N.
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    Newtons Laws Of Motion

    • Explain the difference between mass and weight
    • Explain why falling objects on Earth are never truly in free fall
    • Describe the concept of weightlessness

    Mass and weight are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation. For example, our medical records often show our weight in kilograms but never in the correct units of newtons. In physics, however, there is an important distinction. Weight is the pull of Earth on an object. It depends on the distance from the center of Earth. Unlike weight, mass does not vary with location. The mass of an object is the same on Earth, in orbit, or on the surface of the Moon.

    How Do You Calculate G

    On April 29, 2001, CART officials cancelled a race at the Texas Motor Speedway because the drivers experienced dizziness after as few as 10 laps. The combination of high speeds and tight turns at Texas Motor Speedway produces forces of almost 5 Gs in the turns. One G is the force of Earth’s gravity — it is this force that determines how much we weigh. At 5 Gs, a driver experiences a force equal to five times his weight. For instance, during a 5-G turn, there are 60 to 70 pounds of force pulling his head to the side. Let’s see how to calculate how many Gs a car pulls in a turn and how these Champ cars can stay on the track under so much force.

    Calculating the G-forces on the drivers is actually quite simple. We just need to know the radius of the turns and the speed of the cars. According to Texas Motor Speedway’s Track Facts, the turns on the track have a radius of 750 feet . During practice, the cars were turning laps at around 230 miles per hour .

    When a car goes around a turn, it accelerates the whole time . The amount of acceleration is equal to the velocity of the car squared divided by the radius of the turn:

    Let’s run the numbers:

    • 230 mph is 337 feet per second .
    • 2 / 750 feet = approximately 151 f/s2.
    • The acceleration due to gravity is 32 f/s2.
    • 151 / 32 = 4.74 Gs experienced by the drivers.

    How can the car stay on the track under this kind of force? It’s because of the banked turns.

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    Calculating G From H And T

    Methods 1, 2 and 4 give values of the time \ for a ball to fall from rest at a height \. From the equation:

    we have:

    Measuring \ for different values of \ allows a graph to be drawn of \ against \. The gradient of that graph is \.

    In method 3 the ball falls through two light gates separated by a distance \. Each gate gives a value for the average speed of the ball as it passes through, so we can use \ to find its acceleration between the gates.

    How To Find G In The Equation Y=1/2gt^2


    In my physics class we are supposed to use this equation to find g. in the experiment we dropped a ball from a random height and than recorded the maximum height that it reached and the amount of time required from the first bounce on the floor to the return to the floor. From this we are supposed to prove that the equation g=8h/t^2 can be found using the first equation but im not sure how. any ideas? thanks!!

    I was able to find that equationbut in this case the experiment said to use g=8h/t^2 to find g and than verify that this is a correct equation and im not sure how to. Thanks again

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    What Is The Gravity Equation

    Use the following formula to calculate the gravitational force between any two objects:


    • F stands for gravitational force. It is measured in newtons and is always positive. It means that two objects of a certain mass always attract each other
    • M and m are the masses of two objects in question
    • R is the distance between the centers of these two objects and
    • G is the gravitational constant. It is equal to 6.674×10-11 N·m²/kg².

    Did you notice that this equation is similar to the formula in Coulomb’s law? While Newton’s law of gravity deals with masses, Coulomb’s law describes the attractive or repulsive force between electric charges.

    How To Calculate Force Of Gravity

    This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow’s Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 586,560 times.Learn more…

    Gravity is one of the fundamental forces of physics. The most important aspect of gravity is that it is universal: all objects have a gravitational force that attracts other objects to them.XResearch source The force of gravity acting on any object is dependent upon the masses of both objects and the distance between them.XResearch source

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    Weight And Mass On The Moon

    The value for gm is approximately 1/6 of the value for g on Earth. Thus, an object on the Moon would weigh about 1/6 of its weight on Earth.

    Using a spring scale, if you weigh 60 kg on the Earth, you would weigh only 10 kg on the Moon. However, using a balance scale on both Earth and the Moon, your mass would be the same.

    Overview Of The Force Of Gravity

    Determination of g by freefall method – Physics A-level Required Practical

    Gravity is a force that attracts objects toward the Earth. It is an approximation of the gravitational force that attracts objects of mass toward each other at great distances.

    The equation for the force of gravity is F = mg, where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Units can be designated in metric or English system. The equation also indicates the weight of an object .

    The major feature of this force is that all objects fall at the same rate, regardless of their mass. Gravity on the Moon and on other planets have different values of the acceleration due to gravity. However, the effects of the force are similar.

    Questions you may have include:

    • What is the gravity equation?
    • What is the most outstanding characteristic of gravity?
    • What is gravity elsewhere?

    This lesson will answer those questions. Useful tool: Units Conversion

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    Acceleration Due To Gravity On Earth

    The acceleration due to gravity on Earth or the value of g on Earth is 9.8 m/s2. Therefore, the velocity of an object undergoing free fall increases by 9.8 each second. This acceleration is a result of the Earths gravity.

    The value of the gravitational constant G in the Universal law of gravitation can be established empirically.

    Let us consider two bodies of mass m1 and m2. Let r be the distance between the center of these bodies and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The force between the two bodies is given by,

    F m1.m2 / r2

    Here, G is the constant of proportionality called the universal gravitational constant.

    Let, m1 = m2 =1 and r =1

    Then the equation becomes,

    • Unit of G Nm²Kg²

    Thus, we can conclude that the Universal gravitational constant is equal to the force of attraction acting between two unit mass bodies when their centers are placed a unit distance apart.

    The currently accepted value of G is

    G = 6.67×10-11 N m2/kg2

    In physics, we use two g, one which is small letter g is the acceleration due to gravity and the capital letter G is the universal gravitational constant.

    • The value of the gravitational constant remains unchanged on the moon, Mars, or anywhere else in the universe, making it an invariant entity.
    • According to the common Big Bang hypothesis and some astronomers, as the universe expands, the value of G will eventually decrease.
    Important Links Related to Gravitational Constant

    Calculating Gravitational Constant

    What Does It Mean To Find Acceleration In Terms Of G

    I’m having trouble understanding what a problem I have is seeking.

    To simplify the problem:

    A particle reaches a speed of 1.6 m/s in a 5.0 micrometer launch. The speed is reduced to zero in 1.0 mm by the air. Assume constant acceleration and find the acceleration in terms of g during a) the launch and b) the speed reduction.

    The basic strategy to find acceleration I am using is to calculate two velocity equations: one between and the second between and . Then I will derive the acceleration value for each. Because acceleration is constant I can expect a linear velocity equation.

    What is confusing me is that we are to assume constant acceleration. Thus the acceleration equation will merely be some real number. So, what exactly is expected if it is to be in terms of g? Is my strategy to find acceleration incorrect?

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    Determine The Value Of G With Electromagnet And Trapdoor

    Here an electromagnet is used to hold a small steel ball above a trapdoor. The height of the fall h is measured with the ruler as shown in the figure.

    The current is switched off. This results in a few incidents.1) A timer is triggered as soon as the current is switched off.2) The electromagnet demagnetizes and3) the ball falls.

    When the ball hits the trapdoor, the electrical contact is broken and the timer stops. Timer value t is noted.

    Calculation:The value for g is calculated from the height of the fall and the time taken data using the following motion equation:h= g t2 ..=> g = /t2

    Inaccuracy: Inaccuracy in this experiment is caused by the presence of air resistance and the slight delay in the release of the steel ball because the magnet takes some time to demagnetize.Improvement of accuracy: The accuracy of this procedure may be improved by using a heavier ball and a much longer drop.

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