Friday, September 27, 2024

What Is Classical Physics And Modern Physics

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Initial Implications For Instruction

Modern Physics vs. Classical Physics

As we attend to how students think in domain-specific ways about the nature of learning and knowing, we ought to consider implications for not only how we measure impacts of our classes but also how we teach. The consistency of our split findings across multiple instructional contexts, for most of the bifurcated survey items, leads us to offer one thought about implications of this work for instruction. Although experts may disagree about what constitutes the right degree of classical-quantum splitting with respect to the value of conceptual reasoning , we worry that quantum physics students are in danger of sliding too far away from conceptual reasoning. Students may internalize messages that quantum mechanics is a place to rely solely on mathematical calculation and that sense-making will not avail them here, which may impede the activation of the productive epistemological resources that they bring to classical physics. As instructors, we should not assume that students plug and chug tendencies are entirely a natural epistemological response to quantum weirdness we need to monitor ourselves and our students to avoid amplifying that tendency.

Milestones Of Modern Physics

Atomistic theoryThe atomistic theory originated among Greek thinkers like Tales of Miletus and the atomists Democritus and Leucipo. For these thinkers, the matter was made up of smaller, indestructible, and indivisible particles, which were called atoms.The atomistic theory gained strength thanks to the different atomic models proposed throughout physical studies. Below are some important scientists and their atomic theories:

  • John Dalton: believed that atoms were massive and indivisible and that substances were formed by atomic combinations of different proportions.
  • JJ Thomson: according to this scientist, electrons, which have a negative electric charge, were scattered on the surface of a positive charge.
  • Ernest Rutherford: for Rutherford, atoms had a positive electrical charge concentrated in an extremely dense and reduced region, called the atomic nucleus.
  • Niels Bohr: according to Bohrs model, electrons were located around atomic nuclei with quantized energy, that is, they occupied only specific levels of energy, which were multiples of a smaller amount.

The current conception of what atoms are has had several contributions throughout history, going through several changes. Some of the most important proposals for our understanding of atoms and matter came from physicists like DeBroglie, Heisenberg, and Schröedinger.

  • Modern physics

Computer Modeling And Manual Calculation Modern And Classic Comparison

Today a computer performs millions of arithmetic operations in seconds to solve a classical differential equation, while Newton would take hours to solve the same equation by manual calculation, even if he were the discoverer of that particular equation.

Computer modeling is essential for quantum and relativistic physics. Classic physics is considered the limit of quantum mechanics for large number of particles. On the other hand, classic mechanics is derived from relativistic mechanics. For example, in many formulations from special relativity, a correction factor 2 appears, where v is the velocity of the object and c is the speed of light. For velocities much smaller than that of light, one can neglect the terms with c2 and higher that appear. These formulas then reduce to the standard definitions of Newtonian kinetic energy and momentum. This is as it should be, for special relativity must agree with Newtonian mechanics at low velocities. Computer modeling has to be as real as possible. Classical physics would introduce an error as in the superfluidity case. In order to produce reliable models of the world, one can not use classic physics. It is true that quantum theories consume time and computer resources, and the equations of classical physics could be resorted to provide a quick solution, but such a solution would lack reliability.

  • ^Weidner and Sells, Elementary Modern Physics Preface p.iii, 1968
  • ^
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    What Counts As Epistemological Sophistication

    These results highlight an important interpretational issue about how to interpret the split results. Usually, CLASS responses and other epistemological survey responses are scored as favorable or unfavorable . Applying this scoring procedure to the bifurcated survey results, one could conclude that students hold less favorable views about quantum physics than they do about classical physics. Specifically, from the post-semester results in Table and Fig. , one would concludeto the extent that responses to individual survey items allow conclusionsthat the students in our dataset who have completed a quantum physics class hold less sophisticated views about the utility of sense-making in quantum physics than they hold about the utility of sense-making in classical physics . One would also conclude that the students hold less sophisticated views about how quantum physics relates to the real world than they hold about how classical physics relates to the real world . In addition, one would conclude that they are more sophisticated about how quantum physics necessitates a rethinking of how the world works than they are about how classical physics necessitates a rethinking of how the world works .

    We question this interpretation of our split results for both theoretical and empirical reasons.

    Theoretical argument: epistemological sophistication centers around nuanced contextualized judgments

    Empirical support for the epistemological reasonableness of classical-quantum splits

    What Was Old Is New Again

    Scope and Excitement of Physics

    Physics is vast. In the first decades of the last century, a physicist could keep up with all the relevant research by browsing a couple of journals. Now, due to the unabated exponential growth in publications since WWII, most physicists can barely hope to keep up with progress in their sub-subfield. Additionally, these subfields have become so specialized that it’s nearly impossible to glean more than a superficial understanding of a paper outside of ones specialty.

    The enormous scope and range and the proliferation of sub-specialties may lead to the impression that physics is not a unified, nor even coherent discipline. At first glance, the study of groundwater flows seems to exist in a different universe from the investigation of stellar evolution. But what defines physics is not the subject matter so much as the set of tools and general outlook one brings to bear upon the problems of the physical world.

    Public domain

  • Sir Godfrey Knellers portrait of Isaac Newton.

  • NASA/Bill Ingalls

    Director of the Hayden Planetarium Neil deGrasse Tyson speaks as host of the Apollo 40th anniversary celebration held at the National Air and Space Museum, Monday, July 20, 2009 in Washington.

  • Public domain

    Einstein by Lucien Chavan, taken in 1904.

  • We took a census of the four most recent issues of PRL, which publishes weekly. The 207 articles in that sample have been sorted into the categories listed below, based on the titles and abstracts of the articles:

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    Debates About The Coherence Of Epistemologies And What Constitutes Expertise

    We begin with a note about terminology. In this paper, we use the terms attitudes, epistemologies, and expectations. Attitudes broadly encompass opinions or emotional reactions to something . This includes both epistemologies and expectations . We situate our study within the physics education community that attends to all three of these constructs. For the present study, however, we focus primarily on the epistemology aspect. By epistemology, we do not mean a branch of philosophy or our own methodological assumptions about how to generate valid knowledge as researchers. Rather, we use the term in the sense of personal epistemology , referring to individual students beliefs about what counts as knowing and learning. The physics education literature commonly uses epistemologies in the plural, reflecting the diversity of epistemological views between students and within a single student.

    The Hard Road To Determinism In Classical Physics

    Classical physics is widely assumed to provide a friendly environment for determinism. In fact, determinism must overcome a number of obstacles in order to achieve success in this setting. First, classical spacetime structure may not be sufficiently rich to support Laplacian determinism for particle motions. Second, even if the spacetime structure is rich, uniqueness can fail in the initial value problem for Newtonian equations of motion if the force function does not satisfy suitable continuity conditions. Third, the equations of motion that typically arise for classical particles plus classical fields, or for classical fields alone, do not admit an initial value formulation unless supplementary conditions are imposed. Fourth, even in cases where local uniqueness holds for the initial value problem, solutions can break down after a finite time.

    The following subsection takes up the first of these topics the connection between determinism and the structure and ontology of classical spacetimes. The others are taken up in due course.

    Dan C. Marinescu, Gabriela M. Marinescu, in, 2012

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    The 9 Branches Of Classical And Modern Physics

    Between the Branches of classical and modern physics We can highlight acoustics, optics or mechanics in the most primitive field, and cosmology, quantum mechanics or relativity in the most recent applications.

    Classical physics describes theories developed before 1900, and modern physics events occurred after 1900. Classical physics deals with matter and energy, at a macro-scale, without delving into the more complex studies of quantums, subject Of modern physics.

    Max Planck , one of the Most important scientists in history , Marked the end of classical physics and the beginning of modern physics with quantum mechanics.

    Classical Physics Meaning And Branches

    Classical Physics and Modern Physics | Branches of physics |

    Sometimes, scientific breakthroughs mean that we throw out everything we thought we knew. When Albert Einstein came up with his theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, that almost happened to physics. The old theories couldnt explain everythingbut they could still explain a lot of things. Because they were still important and useful, but because they belonged to a completely different way of seeing the world, physics split into two main branches: classical physics and modern physics.

    Classical physics involves classical mechanics , thermodynamics , and electromagnetism . Classical physics can be described as the study of the physical world thats visible to the naked eyein other words, the things that are macroscopic. Its based on Isaac Newtons laws of motion and gravity and it is the basis of various other branches of science like chemistry and biology.

    In the late 1800s, however, scientists started to explore the things that classical physics couldnt properly explain. This resulted in the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, which required a whole new model of physics. But in the normal worldthe visible, physical worldthe old laws of physics continued to work perfectly well. Classical physics is what you might call practical physicsfor most practical, everyday purposes, classical physics is still important and useful.

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    Classical Vs Modern Physics: Classical Physics

    Hello, and welcome back to MPC! Last week, I got you all excited about modern physics . However, you may still not even know what modern physics is! The goal of today and next weeks post is to provide you with a better understanding of what exactly we will be talking about on MPC. Before we get started with Modern Physics, lets discuss a little bit of the history behind Classical Physics!

    If I were to ask you to name a physicist, who would you name? Well, I guess there could be a lot of answers. What if I asked you to name a physicists that you associate with an apple? I would venture to say that the most popular answer to this question would be Sir Isaac Newton. Almost everyone knows Isaac Newton he masterfully summarized the complexities of motion into three laws and wrote the law of gravitation . More importantly, Newtons work laid the foundations for Classical Physics.

    Classical Physics is the era of physics lasting from the 17th century to the 19th century. Classical physics is the type of physics that you may have studied in school: mechanics , electromagnetism , optics , etc. . Some of the most well-known classical physicists are Isaac Newton, Christiaan Huygens, Michael Faraday, and James Clerk Maxwell.

    Is Classical Physics Still Useful

    In short, classical mechanics is certainly still relevant and it is not wrong for the purpose it was intended for, which is to describe everyday phenomena. This it does very precisely and most of the modern theories are also fundamentally based on the relevancy of classical mechanics under certain limits.

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    The Problems With Classical Physics

    Some of the problems leading to the development of Quantum Mechanics are listed here.

    • Black Body Radiation:Classical physics predicted that hot objects would instantly radiate awayall their heat into electromagnetic waves. The calculation, which was based on Maxwell’s equations and Statistical Mechanics, showed that the radiation rate went to infinity as the EM wavelength went to zero, “The Ultraviolet Catastrophe”. Plank solved the problem by postulating that EM energy was emitted in quanta with .
  • The Photoelectric Effect:When light was used to knock electrons out of solids, the results werecompletely different than expected from Maxwell’s equations. The measurements were easy to explain if light is made up of particles with the energies Plank postulated.
  • Atoms: After Rutherfordfound that the positive charge in atoms was concentrated in a very tiny nucleus, classical physics predicted that the atomic electrons orbiting the nucleus would radiate theirenergy away and spiral into the nucleus. This clearly did not happen. The energy radiated by atomsalso came out in quantized amounts in contradiction to the predictions of classical physics. The Bohr Atom postulated an angular momentum quantization rule, for , that gave the right result for hydrogen, but turned out to be wrong since the ground state of hydrogen has zero angular momentum. It took a full understanding of Quantum Mechanics to explain the atomic energy spectra.
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    Classical Physics Is A Good Approximation To Modern

    Modern Classical Physics by Kip S. Thorne and Roger D ...

    335 People Learned

    Classical physics

    Classical physics is a group of physics theories that predate modern, more complete, or more widely applicable theories. If a currently accepted theory is considered to be modern, and its introduction represented a major paradigm shift, then the previous theories, or new theories based on the older paradigm, will often be referred to as belonging to the realm of “classical physics”.

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    The Study Of Work Energy And Power

    The biological and vegetable cycle of the whole world is governed by the energy of the sun. To survive, living beings have to perform many activities to keep life healthy and more and more comfortable. These activities require energy. Humans have found ways to convert energy to meet their needs. He created machines so that maximum energy could be converted in the least time, work could be completed with maximum power. You push the strong wall with your hands. No matter how long you push, but in the language of science, you have not done any work on the wall.


    In daily life, we do activities like writing, reading, cycling, carrying a load, drawing water from a well, etc. All these actions are called doing work, but work has a special meaning in physics. In physics, work is considered to be done only when the displacement of the object on applying a force is in any direction other than the direction perpendicular to the force. For example, if a student lifts a book from the ground and puts it on the table, we will say that he has done the work, but if he stands with the book in his hand and does not hold it, we will say that he has not done any work. In this way, two things are necessary for the work to be done 1 force and displacement


    Who Discovered Thermodynamics

    The field of thermodynamics was developed from the work of Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot who believed that engine efficiency was the key that could help France win the Napoleonic Wars.

    The Scottish physicist Lord Kelvin was the first to come up with a concise definition of thermodynamics. His definition stated:

    “Thermo-dynamics is the subject of the relation of heat to forces acting between contiguous parts of bodies, and the relation of heat to electrical agency.”

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    What Is Classical Physics

    Classical physics refers to physics not involving quantum mechanics or the theory of relativity.

    Physics is the branch of science that deals with things like motion, energy, and force. Classical, in this context, means standard or accepted, as opposed to experimental.

    The term is used to distinguish it from modern physics, which does involve quantum mechanics and relativity.

    Who Is The Father Of Modern Physics

    Lecture 3 | Modern Physics: Classical Mechanics (Stanford)

    Albert Einstein is known as the father of modern physics. He was a 20th-century scientist, who came up with the most important ideas. One of the important work of Albert Einstein is the theory of relativity and the famous equation E=mc2.

    He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921 for his achievements in theoretical physics, particularly discovering the laws of

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    Physics Of Ancient Greece:

    Before the archaic period in Greeces history, people were explaining every natural phenomenon by supernatural, religious, or mythological explanations. This was the prevailing mindset until it was changed byThales of Miletus.

    Thales of Miletus was a Greekmathematician and astronomer who was called the father of science, who first said that every event had a natural cause. And he suggested that the water is the building block of all matter. Then Anaximander argued Thaless Theory and suggested that another substance called Apeiron is the basic element.

    These philosophers were followed by others such as Heraclitus, Parmenides, Empedocles, Zeno of Elea, and Democritus. They founded the Pre-Socratic philosophy, an ancient Greek philosophy that existed before Socrates and was not influenced by him.

    And one of the most important achievements of this period was the development of the theory of atomism that was first suggested by Leucippus and his student Democritus. They discussed the idea that all the universe matter is composed entirely of various imperishable, indivisible elements called atoms.

    In the classical period in Greece, a genius philosopher left his mark on history. He was called Aristotle, the one who revealed the importance of observation and considered it the key to discovering the laws that control natural phenomena.

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