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What Is The Geography Of Italy

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Italian Geography

Italys first societies emerged around 1200 BC. Around 800 BC, Greeks settled in the south and a civilisation called the Etruscans arose in central Italy.

By the sixth century BC, the Etruscans had created a group of states called Etruria. Meanwhile, Latin and Sabine people south of Etruria merged to form a strong city-state called Rome.

Etruscan kings ruled Rome for nearly a hundred years. But the Romans kicked out the Etruscans in 510 BC and went on to conquer the whole peninsula. They then set out to build a vast empire which, at its greatest extent in AD 117, stretched from Portugal to Syria to Britain to North Africa. Pretty huge, eh?

The first sole emperor of Rome, , took power in 27 BC and took the name . The empire flourished for more than 400 years, but by the fourth century AD it was in decline. In 395, the empire was split in two, and in 476, Germanic tribes from the north toppled the last emperor.

In the 12th century, Italian city-states began to rise again and grow rich on trade. But Italy remained a patchwork of territories, some of which were controlled by foreign powers. Beginning in 1859, an uprising forced the foreigners out, and in 1861 the Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed.

Genetics And Ethnic Groups

Within the Italian population, there is enough cultural, linguistic, genetic and historical diversity for them to constitute several distinct groups throughout the peninsula. In this regard, peoples like the Friulians, the Ladins, the Sardinians and the South Tyroleans, who also happen to constitute recognized linguistic minorities, or even the Sicilians who are not, are cases in point, attesting to such internal diversity.

How Does Human Geography Overlap

How do the worlds of human geography and physical geography overlap? Johnson Xu G9As all we know we have two part of geography: human geography and physical geography overlap. But do they have overlapping time. The answer is yes, and also physical geography will effect about the human geography or the human geography will effect about the physical energy. How funny it is!I think physical geography will affect people’s language, the world outlook and the religious view

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Public Holidays And Festivals

Frecce TricoloriFesta della Repubblica

Public holidays celebrated in Italy include religious, national and regional observances. Italy’s National Day, the Festa della Repubblica is celebrated on 2 June each year, and commemorates the birth of the Italian Republic in 1946.

The Saint Lucy’s Day, which take place on 13 December, is very popular among children in some Italian regions, where she plays a role similar to Santa Claus. In addition, the Epiphany in Italy is associated with the folkloristic figure of the Befana, a broomstick-riding old woman who, in the night between 5 and 6 January, bringing good children gifts and sweets, and bad ones charcoal or bags of ashes. The Assumption of Mary coincides with Ferragosto on 15 August, the summer vacation period which may be a long weekend or most of the month.

  • “Celebrations of big shoulder-borne processional structures”. Archived from the original on 13 December 2014. Retrieved 29 November 2014.
  • Law And Criminal Justice

    The Geography of Italy: Map and Geographical Facts

    The Italian judicial system is based on Roman law modified by the Napoleonic code and later statutes. The Supreme Court of Cassation is the highest court in Italy for both criminal and civil appeal cases. The Constitutional Court of Italy rules on the conformity of laws with the constitution and is a postWorld War II innovation. Since their appearance in the middle of the 19th century, Italian organised crime and criminal organisations have infiltrated the social and economic life of many regions in Southern Italy, the most notorious of which being the Sicilian Mafia, which would later expand into some foreign countries including the United States. Mafia receipts may reach 9% of Italy’s GDP.

    A 2009 report identified 610 comuni which have a strong Mafia presence, where 13 million Italians live and 14.6% of the Italian GDP is produced. The Calabrian‘Ndrangheta, nowadays probably the most powerful crime syndicate of Italy, accounts alone for 3% of the country’s GDP. However, at 0.013 per 1,000 people, Italy has only the 47th highest murder rate compared to 61 countries and the 43rd highest number of rapes per 1,000 people compared to 64 countries in the world. These are relatively low figures among developed countries.

    Law enforcement

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    Tallest Waterfall In Italy

    This title belongs to the Cascate del Serio in the Bergamo Alps which have a height of 315m , but, one of the more interesting facts of Italian geography is that the tallest man-made waterfall in the world is found in Umbria. The Cascate delle Marmore was constructed by the Ancient Romans to divert stagnant waters that were causing malaria. The height of Marmore Falls is 541 feet.

    The Culture Of Tuscany During The Renaissance

    aspects of Tuscany’s culture including geography, work, folkways, and religion.Tuscany is a fairly large region, compared to others in the middle left of Italy. It is surrounded by the Tyrrhenian sea to the southwest, and the Apennines along the northeastern border. Tuscany has a climate of extremes. It has all four seasons, but to extremes. It has very hot summers and fairly cold winters, along with general clouds but little rain, due to mostly the geography of its location. Most of the buildings

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    Hottest Place In Italy

    Although typically a Mediterranean climate, the very diverse geography of Italy does bring extremes of temperature. The warmest place in Italy is the island of Sicily. In fact, the island holds the unofficial title of the hottest place in Europe, beating the record held by Greece in 1977. The maximum temperature of the island was recorded at 48.5 degrees Celsius, or 119 degrees Fahrenheit. The hot temperatures make Sicily the perfect place for growing wine grapes the island is the third-largest wine producer in the country due to the perfect climate. The coldest place in Italy is Campobasso which regularly experiences temperatures below freezing in winter.

    Those are some of the most pertinent geographical facts of Italy. I hope you found them interesting. Do you have any other little-known geographical facts of Italy to share?

    Longest Beach In Italy

    Geography of Italy

    Italy certainly has some gorgeous beaches and some of the best are those in tiny rocky inlets. The longest beach in Italy however, is not on the mainland, but on the island of Sardinia. Poetta Beach is the beach serving the Sardinian capital, Cagliari, and its gorgeous golden sands stretch for between 6-8kms depending on which data source you use.

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    How Do Italians Use The Land

    How many factory-made products do you use every day? You woke up this morning. Did you use a factory-made alarm clock? You turned on the faucet to get some water. The faucet was made in a factory. Your jeans and shirt are made in a factory. Think about what natural resources were used to make these products.

    People use land and resources to make products. A raw material is a resource or material that is still in its natural state. It has not been turned into a product yet. In manufacturing, raw materials are turned into finished products. For example, a farmer takes his wheat grain to a mill. Wheat grain is a raw material. The mill grinds the grain into wheat flour. The raw material has been manufactured into a product that we use.

    Italy does not have many natural resources. It must import about 80 percent of its energy. Imports are goods brought in from other regions or countries. It also imports raw materials to make manufactured goods. Only about 20 percent of Italy is forest. So it must import most of its wood. Italians have a fishing industry. They catch anchovies, sardines, and octopus. But the seas around Italy are no longer the rich fishing grounds they were in the past. Pollution and over fishing have caused these problems. Italy exports very little fish.

    Besides wine, Italy is the sixth largest producer of cheese and wool. Italians raise beef, pork, and lamb. But they must import most of their meat to meet the needs of the population.

    Land Use in Italy


    Italy In The Early Middle Ages

    The Roman Empire was an international political system in which Italy was only a part, though an important part. When the empire fell, a series of barbarian kingdoms initially ruled the peninsula, but, after the Lombard invasion of 568569, a network of smaller political entities arose throughout Italy. How each of these developedin parallel with the others, out of the ruins of the Roman worldis one principal theme of this section. The survival and development of the Roman city is another. The urban focus of politics and economic life inherited from the Romans continued and expanded in the early Middle Ages and was the unifying element in the development of Italys regions.

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    What Is The Climate Like In Italy

    Think about the climate in your state. Do you have warm or cold winters? Are your summers hot and humid or hot and dry? Italy has a mix of climates. The climates fall into three geographical regions. In the northern region, winters are cold and wet. The summers are hot and dry. This is called a continental climate.

    The next region is the Po Valley area. It lies in the North Italian Plain. Here the summers are dry. But the winters are freezing and damp. The third region is in the south. It has long, hot summers and mild winters. This is called a Mediterranean climate. In spring and summer, hot, dry winds blow across Italy from North Africa. These winds are called siroccos . Of course, cool weather along Italy’s backbone, the Apennines, can bring snow during the winter.

    Skiers enjoy the slopes in the Alps

    Farm and house in Southern Italy

    Castellammare del Golfo â a fishing village in Sicily

    Look back at the map on page 53. Find the cities of Milan and Venice in the north. Then find Rome and Naples on the west coast of Italy. Now locate Palermo in Sicily. Notice where they are in relationship to one another. Now read the table below.

    Tables and charts organize information. Usually, the information is listed in columns. To analyze the information in a chart or table, always read the title first. It tells you the subject of the chart. Then read the heads for each of the columns. Tables and charts organize many facts into a small amount of space.

    A Climate Table of Italy


    Italian Mountain Ranges And Volcanoes

    Large physical map of Italy

    About 40% of Italy’s land is mountainous, offering great places to ski in winter and hike in summer. There are two major mountain ranges, the Alps and the Appennino or Apennines. The Alps, in the north, are divided into regions called, from west to east, the Occidentali , the Centrali, and the Orientali and are on the borders with France, Austria, and Switzerland.

    The backbone of Italy is formed by the north-south trending Appennino chain. The Dolomites are really part of the Alps, located in the South Tyrol, Trentino, and Belluno. The highest point in Italy is Monte Bianco at 15,781 feet, in the Alps on the French border.

    Mount Vesuvius, in southern Italy near Naples, is the only active volcano on the European mainland. It was Vesuvius that buried the famous Roman city of Pompeii, whose ruins are a popular tourist site. On the island of Sicily, Mount Etna, also still active, is one of the world’s largest volcanoes.

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    Where Do People In Italy Live

    Life in the North. Over 58 million people live in Italy. The most populated places are in the North and near the coast. There is a good reason for this. The North Italian Plain has flat, fertile soil. It is good for farming. This region is the richest part of the country. Only 4 in 100 workers are farmers, but farming is still a major land use. This area is also home to the industrial triangle. The largest industrial centers of Milan and Turin are here. The seaport of Genoa is nearby.

    The Duomo in Milan

    Tomaso lives just outside of Milan. Here is one of his journal entries.

    Life in the South. The capital city of Rome is the imaginary dividing point for the industrial North and the more relaxed South. Southern Italy makes up the boot of the peninsula, together with the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. The South is not as developed as the North.

    Italy has two economic regions: the North and the South. People do not live evenly throughout Italy. The North is more populated than the South. The North has successful industries. The South is the poorest region in Italy. Most of the small farms provide just enough food for their owners.

    During the late 1800s, most of the immigrants that came to the United States were from Southern Italy. In Southern Italy, people use sauces made from tomatoes. Because of this, many of the Italian dishes that Americans eatâlike pasta with tomato sauceâare from Southern Italy. In the North, dishes are more often made with creamy sauces.

    Italy Factswhere Is Italy

    Italy is a country in Southern Europe. The country is located on a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea.

    Italy borders six countries: France, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Vatican City and San Marino.

    A flight to Italy’s capital city Rome takes roughly 2.5 hours from London/England and 8 hours from New York/USA.

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    What Do Italy And Greece Have In Common

    Both Greece and Italy are similar in many aspects. They have a rich history that has played an eminent role in shaping of the modern culture. Their social organization and orientation also displays similar traits mostly emanating from the centrality of the religion in both the political and cultural scenes.

    What Is School Like In Italy

    Italy | Italian Geography | geography facts eu

    In central Italy, children go to school from the beginning of September to June. In the South, the summers are long and hot. Because of the heat, school does not start until the very end of September.

    Children must go to school between the ages of 6-14. They attend la scuola elementare until they are 11. From 12 to 14, is la scuola inferiore . At 14, students decide what subjects they want to study at la scuola media superiore . After 5 years, students take a national exam to get into college.

    Remember Tomaso from Milan? He goes to school from 8:00 A.M. to about 1:00 P.M. But he also goes six days a week. Some parents have their children go from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Kids have a break and snack in the morning, but lunch is almost two hours long. And the lunches are big! Children start with soup, pasta, or gnocchi . Then they have a hot main course. That might be fish, chicken, cheese, or eggs. Cooked vegetables and salad are also served. Finally, there is a dessert of fruit or yogurt.

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    Tallest Mountain In Italy

    Mountains could feature in many of the geographical facts of Italy. The country is littered with mountains, some of which are considered the most beautiful in the world. However the title of the highest mountain in Italy is somewhat disputed because it sits on the border with France and both countries lay claim to it. This is Mont Blanc, translating simply to âWhite Mountainâ in English. It rises over 15,780 feet from sea level, and is the highest mountain in the Alps and the highest mountain in the European Union.

    The Geography Of Rome

    Geography is an integral part of the development of ancient civilizations. Rome is one of the most powerful civilizations whose empire ruled Europe for over 1,000 years. Several key geographical features in the Italian peninsula provided opportunities for the Roman civilization to thrive. Rome began as a small village near the Tiber River in Italy on a peninsula close to the Mediterranean Sea. The city was also far enough inland to provide some protection from the sea.

    The Tiber River was a source of freshwater and rich soil needed to support the development of people, animals, and crops of Rome. It is the second longest river in Italy. Rome is located East of the river. It begins in the Apennine mountains and flows to the Tyrrhenian Sea. The river provided easy transportation and the rivers valley had vast land for farming. The river also served as a defense system against attacks from the other side of the river.

    Being close to the Mediterranean Sea allowed Rome to trade with cities in Greece, northern Europe, and North Africa. It also helped them in conquering new lands. Inspired by the Phoenician’s shipbuilding, the Romans used their designs to build ships. They eventually built a navy which assisted them in conquering neighboring territories. Romans eventually took control of all of the shores of the Mediterranean. The sea was also a rich source of food for the civilization.

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    How Are The Geography And Location Of Ancient Greece And Rome Similar

    Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece had very different and very alike geographies. For example, both had aspects that helped the commerce and government of their country. Both Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome were near the Mediterranean Sea, but Ancient Rome was further away, They were closer to the Tiber River.

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