Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Major Does Psychology Fall Under

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Industrial And Organizational Psychology

iDeclare – Why major in Psychology?

Industrial and organizational psychology is the study of how human behavior impacts organizations and industries. Pursuing this major prepares you for a career that involves assessing a work situation and developing a plan for work-life balance with optimum performance. Industrial and organization psychologists specialize in research, studying workplace setups and decision-making theories. Industrial organizational psychologists usually have consulting roles to help with workplace diversity, team building and leadership development.

Whats The Best Major For Physical Therapy

Most Pre-PT programs encourage students to major in exercise science, human biology, or even kinesiology. Itll be easier to satisfy PT school prerequisites in those programs, but it wont necessarily give you a better chance of success in PT school.

Think about it this way: an average major will make you an average PT school applicant.

Although a conventional Pre-PT degree will give you a glimpse into human movement and the biological processes of the body, it wont set you apart from everyone else. In fact, you will find yourself surrounded by other students, with your same degree in kinesiology or biology, applying for the same PT School seat you want!

Psychology Electives You Chould Take

Beyond the general education and departmental requirements, you can then take elective courses based on your interests. Most psychology programs also require a minimum number of psychology electives in order to graduate.

During your first year or two of college, you should concentrate on taking the required general education and major classes. If you end up filling your schedule with elective courses during the early years of your college education, you may find yourself scrambling to play catch up during your junior and senior years.

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Independent Work For Honors In Psychology

The department encourages interested and qualified students to pursue a special course of independent work in psychology in the senior year. Interested juniors are encouraged to discuss independent work for honors in Psychology with their advisors and the Psychological & Brain Sciences Director of Undergraduate Studies at the beginning of the second semester. Successful completion of a two-semester independent research project may lead to graduation with honors in the major. See Honors in the Major for more information.

Ba In Psychology Vs Bs In Psychology: Which Is Right For You

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If your interest lies in the liberal arts component of psychology, or you want to lay a foundation for graduate-level work in a variety of fields, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, such as , offers in-depth psychology coursework and research opportunities. If youre inclined toward science and mathematics and want to study the brain through a focus on biology and statistics, a Bachelor of Science may be preferable. In either path, graduates learn skills that are applicable in a number of rewarding careers.

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One Course Meeting The Seminar Requirement

One seminar course must be taken for 3 or more points.

All courses offered through the Columbia Psychology Department and numbered in the 3200s, 3400s, 3600s, 4200s, 4400s, and 4600s count toward the seminar requirement. Not all Barnard courses taught in a seminar format fulfill this requirementsee Barnard Courses, below, for more info.

Seminars are usually taken in the junior and senior year as a culmination of the major program. Enrollment in seminar courses requires the instructor’s permission students are advised to contact instructors at least one month prior to registration to request seminar admission. Note that Honors and Supervised individual research courses are not seminar courses and will not meet the seminar requirement. No course may be counted twice in fulfillment of the above major requirements: separate courses must be taken to fulfill the seminar requirement and each distribution group.

Career Or Vocational Counselor

Thanks to the rapidly changing job market, many people are searching for a new job in their chosen field or even changing careers entirely. Career counselors help individuals make career decisions and utilize tools including personality assessments, interest inventories, and other evaluation measures.

They often start by looking at a client’s interests, job history, education, and skills in order to determine which careers are a good match. They also help clients work on building skills, practicing interviews, improving resumes, and locating job openings. Assisting clients who are dealing with job loss or employment-related stress is also common.

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Pursuing A Psychology Major

Psychology is a hub discipline, in that our research and theories influence multiple fields. This work has become increasingly central to public policy and to industry. Students who work with or develop innovations for people benefit from a foundation in the science of human behavior. We recently implemented skill-based certificates within our existing major program to meet student demand and better communicate the skills of our majors to employers. We actively seek to involve students in research or internships early in their careers to give them hands-on experience with the scientific rigor and logic of psychological science, and in the application of that science in the workplace. The combination of our scholars expertise and innovative research programs provides an excellent venue for students to develop their professional skills inside and outside of the classroom.

Electives For Psychology Majors

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Many students choose to take elective courses that are related to their future career goals. For example, a student with an interest in consumer psychology might focus on electives in areas like marketing, advertising, social psychology, experimental design, and statistics.

Other students might opt to take some elective courses in psychology along with classes in other interest areas. For example, a student interested in pursuing a career in art therapy might take fine arts classes as part of her undergraduate electives.

Some of the electives that might be of interest to psychology majors include courses in:

  • Sociology

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Probation And Parole Officer

If you are interested in criminal justice, you might want to consider a career as a probation or parole officer. Typically hired by local or state governments, probation and parole officers work directly with people who have been convicted of criminal offenses.

These professionals supervise offenders in home, work, and school settings to track behaviors make recommendations to the courts and coordinate with drug treatment professionals or therapists.

Additional Psychology Courses For A Total Of 30 Points

Once a student has met the specific requirements of the major, any other psychology or approved cognate courses they take to complete the 30-point minimum constitute electives.

As described below, these may include research courses, transfer courses, and Barnard psychology courses not approved for specific requirements.

No course may be counted twice in fulfillment of the above major requirements.

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What Makes A Pt School Applicant Stand Out

If you really want to distinguish yourself from your PT school competition, try going a different route other than Exercise Science.

Imagine if you were on the admissions board for your dream PT school. Consider how someone with a degree in Engineering, Marketing, or Teaching stands out from the crowd. Such an applicant will bring unique experiences and perspectives to the table. Sure, they will have completed the same prerequisites as a Kinesiology major, but theyll have so much more to offer.

For instance, during their PT school interview, an applicant with an Education degree might discuss how their training in teaching can help them educate clinic patients and inform learning strategies.

A degree in a different field could provide invaluable, transferable skills which you as a unique applicant can play to your advantage.

Psychiatric Technician Or Partial Care Worker

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Many people with a bachelors degree in psychology choose to work directly in the field of health and human services. These jobs allow psychology majors to pursue a career in psychology without a graduate degree, or to gain experience prior to enrolling in a graduate degree program. Jobs in this category include:

  • Case manager
  • Social work assistant
  • Partial care worker

These workers aid clients in inpatient and outpatient settings who have a variety of mental health concerns. In most cases, people in these jobs work under the supervision and guidance of a licensed clinical psychologist or social worker.

Job duties involve helping patients with basic daily needs, teaching life skills, conducting applied therapy sessions, and performing related case management tasks.

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What Is A Ba In Psychology

The B.A., or Bachelor of Arts, in Psychology is meant to prepare students for professional careers related to psychology. The B.A. often involves more elective requirements than the typical B.S. , allowing students to focus on areas of study beyond general psychology.

Students seeking a B.A. in Psychology can take elective classes in a variety of fields, mostly centered around humanities and the social sciences. This allows for a greater breadth of knowledge in topics related to the psychology field and more freedom to pursue areas outside of psychology post-graduation.

That said, the rigor of curriculum is largely the same between B.A. and B.S. programs. Since the B.A. allows students to take more electives, it is often the preferred option for students who wish to explore a wider array of career options after graduating.

Mental Health Counselor Or Marriage And Family Therapist

Mental health counselors help clients deal with emotional and cognitive disorders. Marriage and family therapists assist their clients in dealing with emotional and interpersonal issues. These mental health professionals encourage their clients to acknowledge, confront, and process difficult emotions and experiences. They also help their clients acquire healthy coping methods while treating disorders such as depression and anxiety. Some of these professionals may also specialize in treating specific segments of the population.

  • Minimum Educational Requirement: To practice as a mental health counselor or marriage and family therapist, a masters degree in psychology or a related field is needed. An internship or residency is usually required as well.
  • Special Certifications or Licensures: Both mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists are required to be licensed by the state in which they practice.

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How To Set Yourself Apart When Applying To Pt School

If you are applying to PT school having graduated with an unconventional undergraduate degree, dont despair. You can promote yourself in many ways.

In my opinion, there are three key benefits to having a non-science degree when applying to become a PT .

  • You bring a unique perspective and skill set to the field.
  • You demonstrate an ability to pursue things that interest you, instead of completing a biology degree because thats what everyone else does.
  • Youll have options to pursue work outside of Physical Therapy if you happen to change your mind.
  • These three benefits not only strengthen your application, they improve your chance at success in any employment, Physical Therapy notwithstanding.

    Advantages Of A Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Psychology

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    A bachelor of arts in psychology includes courses in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Many BA programs in psychology also require a foreign language component. A BA typically allows students more flexibility in the curriculum than a BS in the field, as it requires fewer psychology courses and more classes in related fields. A BA in psychology prepares students for graduate school to train as psychologists or to work in a setting that requires knowledge of human cognition and behavior. BA programs in psychology also provide students with communication and analytical skills applicable to careers in journalism, human services, social work, and law.

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    Admission To The Major

    Students who meet all of the following criteria will be allowed to change their status from declared to fully admitted and will be permitted to make progress in the general psychology major beyond a few preliminary courses. Equivalent courses completed at another university for which the student has earned JMU approved transfer credit are acceptable.

    • Complete PSYC 101. General Psychology, with a grade of “C-” or better. Equivalent courses completed at other institutions that transfer to JMU are acceptable.
    • Complete MATH 220, MATH 205, MATH 231, MATH 235 or another acceptable math course with a grade of “C-” or better. Equivalent courses completed at other institutions that transfer to JMU are acceptable.
    • Complete any General Education Psychology course with a grade of “B” or higher. Earning a 4 on the AP Psychology exam meets this requirement. With departmental approval, grades from other institutions can fulfill this requirement.
    • Complete an online orientation and application, available from the Department of Psychology website.

    Students can declare at any time and should apply for fully admitted status when they are enrolled in the admissions requirements above. Admission decisions are made at the end of each semester and during the summer. Students not admitted to the major may reapply the following semester.

    Salary And Career Differences

    Bachelor of arts and bachelor of science degrees in psychology provide students opportunities for careers in psychology and related fields.

    For graduates with a BA in psychology who attend graduate school and become psychology professionals, the field will experience 14% job growth by 2026. Because the curriculum for a BA offers a range of coursework in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, it opens up professional opportunities in business, law, criminal justice, and journalism. A BA program provides students with the communication and critical thinking skills applicable to positions like social service case workers, human resource specialists, and nonprofit program associates.

    With a BS in psychology, students gain analytical and research skills applicable to careers like psychiatric technicians, laboratory assistants, career counselors, and rehabilitation case workers. Both BA and BS degrees train learners to express empathy to others, to evaluate and understand the best needs of clients, and to work in the best interest of those around them. As a result, many psychology students enter into teaching, market analysis, and customer service.

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    Similarities Between A Ba In Psychology And Bs In Psychology

    While there are many differences between a BA and a BS, both degrees offer coursework in a broad range of psychology topics, including human development through the lifespan, abnormal psychology, multicultural psychology, and social psychology. Both also require an understanding of statistics, though the extent to which it is emphasized varies.

    Graduates are equipped to work in a variety of settings, including schools, businesses, government, and hospitals. Both degree recipients may go on to pursue similar postgraduate degrees, such as a Master of Science in Psychology, though both are also well equipped to study law, social work, or business at the masters level.

    Advantages Of A Bachelor Of Science Degree In Psychology

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    Bachelor of science in psychology degrees emphasize biology, chemistry, and other natural sciences alongside mathematics and statistics. Students who seek to train as psychiatrists often earn a BS in psychology, as do learners interested in pursuing healthcare or organizational careers. Many BS programs feature degree tracks in business with additional coursework in leadership, management, and human resources.

    A BS program serves as a stepping stone to graduate study in psychology by training students in research methods and data analysis. Learners may have the opportunity to observe psychological professionals and gain insights into the field, as well as take extensive upper-division coursework in psychology.

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    Certificate Programs In Psychology

    Undergraduate psychology certificate programs introduce students to the basics of psychological theory, research, and behavior. These programs rarely lead directly to job opportunities on their own. Instead, an undergraduate certificate program is best used as a supplement to other degree programs, or as a way to determine if further study of psychology may be right for you. In some cases, the credits earned may be applied toward degree programs. Common courses for certificate level psych programs include:

    • Introduction to Psychology
    • Foundations of Psychotherapy

    Before You Choose A Career In Psychology

    As you can see, employment opportunities in psychology can be quite diverse. Some careers only require only a bachelor’s degree in psychology, while others require more advanced degrees such as a master’s or doctorate degree.

    Spend some time researching different options and learning more about what’s required to enter into those fields. Ask yourself if you have the commitment and drive needed to pursue the necessary educational training.

    As you examine the variety of psychology careers that are available, think about some of the following questions.

    • How well does the career fit your personality?
    • What kind of training and education are needed to enter the field?
    • Are the average salaries in a given field satisfactory?
    • What kinds of things do people in that particular career path do on a daily basis?
    • Does the career sound interesting, challenging, and rewarding?

    Finding the right career in psychology takes some careful planning. It is important to start thinking about what you might want to do early on. This way you can start planning your educational map in order to achieve your vocational goals.

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    Psychology Has ‘major Specific Admission Requirements’ What Does This Mean

    » If you are interested in applying to Cal State LA as an incoming freshmen or transfer student, please review the information regarding Major Specific Admission Requirements for the psychology major. If you have questions about these requirements, you can contact the Office of Admissions at 343-3901, send an email to , or visit the Student Information Center located in Student Affairs, Room 101.

    » Current Cal State LA students interested in changing majors to psychology: please review the requirements and application.

    Doctoral Degrees In Psychology

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    In order to become a licensed clinical or counseling psychologist, a doctorate degree is required. There are two types of doctorate degrees to choose from: the PhD and the PsyD. While the two degrees share many similarities, there are some important differences:

    • PhD in Psychology: The traditional PhD in psychology degree is a research-focused degree that usually qualifies graduates to work in the field of clinical or counseling psychology, depending upon the focus of their program. Earning a PhD also qualifies psychologists to teach at the university level, conduct research, and practice at mental health clinics, hospitals, schools, private industry, government, and private practice.
    • PsyD in Psychology: The PsyD, or Doctor of Psychology, is a more practice-based educational model. Psychologists who earn a PsyD usually work as clinicians in mental health settings and may also work in private practice.

    It usually takes around five to seven years of graduate study to complete a doctoral degree in psychology. Those enrolled in PhD programs complete a final dissertation based on original research, while those enrolled in PsyD programs may complete more clinical work and examinations instead of a dissertation. Counseling and clinical psychology programs also require an internship that usually lasts one to two years.

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