Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Improve Your Psychological Health

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How to Improve Your Mental Health

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  • May 6, 2019 at 3:25 pm

    Hey!This article was very helpful! In the end, you recommend working with a coach. Where do you recommend finding a coach? Do you recommend working in-person or virtually? thanks!

  • Surround Yourself With Positive People

    Ever hear the quote by motivational speaker Jim Rohn that says: we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with? Hes got a point. When you surround yourself with people who uplift, support, and inspire you, you cant help but want to better yourself. It may seem obvious, but the law of average can really help improve your quality of life and your mental health.

    Surrounding yourself with uplifting people will make you want to better yourself.

    Safety Consciousness On Campus And In College

    College and university campuses tend to have a special feelso special that when you are on campus you may feel you are fully apart from the wider world around you. But the reality is that any campus is subject to the same influences and crimes as the towns and cities that flank the campus. And so it is important to be aware of your surroundings, the people near you, and the goings on in your physical spaces and in your virtual spaces at all times. In this topic, we explore college safety concerns, and share tips and resources to help ensure that you are always safe, protected, and no more than a phone call away from help if you need it.

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    If You’re Like Most People You Ignore Your Psychological Health Time To Stop

    I recently gave a TED Talk on “How to Practice Emotional Hygiene.” If you dont know what emotional hygiene is, dont worry most people dont. Heres a brief definition:

    In much the same way that dental hygiene involves brushing our teeth and flossing every day, and personal hygiene involves cleaning ourselves and taking care of physical injuries when we sustain them, emotional hygiene refers to being mindful of our psychological health and adopting brief daily habits to monitor and address psychological wounds when we sustain them.

    Currently, our general neglect of our emotional hygiene is profound. How is it we spend more time each day taking care of our teeth than our minds? We brush and floss but what daily activity do we do to maintain our psychological health?

    I would argue the consequences of lacking emotional hygiene are much worse than lacking dental hygieneafter all, which would you rather lose, a tooth or your mind?

    Indeed, it seems that all our attention goes toward our physical health with none left over for our psychological health. How many habits have you adopted and changed over the years to better your physical health? All the constantly changing dietary practices and exercise regimes self-exams for breast or testicular cancer annual check-ups physical therapies and the many over-the-counter remedies we use for aches and pains.

    To get you started, here are five tips for improving your emotional hygiene:

    What Is Mental Health Awareness Week

    11 ways looking after your mental health can improve your ...

    Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event in the UK that helps to promote positive mental health. The event was founded by The Mental Health Foundation in 2001 and has gone on to become one of the most important mental wellbeing events, both in the UK and overseas.

    In May each year, organisers in the UK choose a theme and host the week, usually in May. For Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, the event runs from 10-16 May, and the theme is nature. The goal is to help people start conversations about mental health and encourage them to connect with nature to improve their own mental wellbeing.

    A similar event is held in the US. Mental Illness Awareness Week takes place in early October to coincide with World Mental Health Day, which is on 10th October.

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    How To Improve Your Mental Health

    In the past few years, articles about anxiety, depression and a host of other mental health conditions have taken the internet by stormthings that decades ago, many people were afraid to talk about. They feared doing so might make them appear weak, or flawed, or troubled. But now, a wave of openness and honesty has led more and more people to talk about their mental health and the issues they might be facing.

    You might be wondering, But what exactly is mental health? Youve heard of things like anxiety and depression, and youre somewhat familiar with the negative effects stress can have on the body. But you dont know about the nuances of these things, and why caring for our mental health is such a crucial part of living a happy, healthy and well-rounded life.

    Youve come to the right place. This guide will cover what mental health is and why it matters, while also exploring tangible steps you can take to improve yours today. Read on to get started.

    Dont Be Afraid To Seek Help

    If theres one thing todays teenagers and young adults have taught us, its the importance of seeking professional care when necessary. Gen Z is the most likely of all generations to seek mental health treatment. They understand that there should be no shame or embarrassment in doing so.

    In years past, there was a stigma attached to seeing a therapist or psychiatrist. But today, that stigma has been removed, as more people than ever are seeking treatment for their mental health disorders, especially with the rise of online, remote therapy.

    If you feel like youre struggling with your mental health, dont be afraid to seek out professional help. to find a therapist near you or ask your primary care physician for a referral.

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    The Driver Behind Positive Psychology: Neuroplasticity

    Neuroplasticity is the ability our brains have to change based on stimuli like thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. The structure of your brain and the synaptic connections between your neurons can grow stronger or weaker based on your habitual patterns. In their book, The Emotional Life of Your Brain, Richard J. Davidson, Ph.D., and Sharon Begley state that neuroplasticity explains why expert violinists show extra development in the brain regions that control dexterity, why cab drivers in London tend to have great spatial memoryand why your thought patterns and emotional habits can affect your health. 01267-X” rel=”nofollow”> 8)

    changing this one aspect of the way you interact with the world can make a difference

    How To Improve Your Child’s Mental Health

    3 tips to improve your mental health

    If you’re like most parents, you’re probably very diligent about taking your kids to their well-child visits, getting immunizations, offering nutritious food, and helping with their schoolwork. How often, though, do you think about how to take care of your childs mental health?

    A childs mental health is just as important as their physical health, particularly when it comes to dealing with stress, behavior, and academics. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 in 5 children experience a mental disorder in any given year. And while not all mental health issues can be prevented, you can take steps to help keep your child as mentally healthy as possible.

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    Set Timers To Conquer Big Tasks

    When youre staring down a mountain of to-dos, you might find yourself becoming anxious and burnt out leading you to procrastinate on the very tasks youre stressed about doing, says Emma Giordano, a mental health counseling intern at Empower Your Mind Therapy in New York City.

    To make progress, she says, pick one task to focus on and set a timer for 5, 10, 15, or 30 minutes, or whatever time feels most manageable to you. After the timer goes off, check in with yourself to see if youd like to keep going whether you do or dont, acknowledge your accomplishment.

    Learn How To Keep Your Stress Levels In Check

    Stress takes a heavy toll on mental and emotional health, so its important to keep it under control. While not all stressors can be avoided, stress management strategies can help you brings things back into balance.

    Talk to a friendly face. Face-to-face social interaction with someone who cares about you is the most effective way to calm your nervous system and relieve stress. Interacting with another person can quickly put the brakes on damaging stress responses like fight-or-flight. It also releases stress-busting hormones, so youll feel better even if youre unable to alter the stressful situation itself.

    Appeal to your senses. Does listening to an uplifting song make you feel calm? Or smelling ground coffee or a favorite scent? Or maybe squeezing a stress ball works quickly to make you feel centered? Everyone responds to sensory input a little differently, so start experimenting now to find what works best for you. Once you discover how your nervous system responds to sensory input, youll be able to quickly calm yourself no matter where or when stress hits.

    Make leisure time a priority. Partake in your favorite activities for no reason other than that they make you feel good. Go to a funny movie, take a walk on the beach, listen to music, read a good book, or talk to a friend. Doing things just because they are fun is no indulgence. Play is an emotional and mental health necessity.

    Manage your emotions to relieve stress

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    Small Exercises Can Make A Big Difference

    This tip is a little more focused on improving your mental health directly. Engaging actively in mental health improvement might seem overwhelming, but it doesnt have to be! Small steps can make a really huge difference over time. Choose one or two mental health activities that appeal to you and schedule them regularly and consistently in your schedule. Some examples include:


    From mindfulness to slow breathing exercises, meditation can be really impactful.


    Writing your feelings and thoughts on paper can help relieve your mind, clarify your thoughts and help you feel better.


    Physically getting up and stretching can help improve the way you feel and think.


    Engaging in some sort of activity that makes you actively laugh can elevate the way you feel.

    Dance/Listen to music

    Dancing and listening to spirit-lifting music is an excellent way to help you mentally.

    Basic Dimensions Of Mental Health And Well

    How To Improve Your Mental Health Infographic.vector.EPS10 ...

    The way you think about something has a big impact on your mental health. Changes in your thoughts often go along with changes in your mental health. When you feel well, it’s easier to see life in a more balanced and constructive way. When you aren’t well, it’s easy to get stuck on negative things and ignore positive things.

    Examples of helpful thoughts
    • I know I can cope and get through these rough times

    • There are things in my life that I feel excited about!

    • I know my friends really care about me

    • I feel good about the way my life is going these days

    • I have some really cool talents and interests

    • I want to do something that makes a positive difference

    • I’m a good person even though I have some flaws

    • I feel grateful for the good things in my life

    Examples of negative thoughts

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    Usda Healthy Eating Guidelines

    Make half your plate fruits and vegetables: Focus on whole fruits, and vary your veggies

    • Choose whole fruitsfresh, frozen, dried, or canned in 100% juice.
    • Enjoy fruit with meals, as snacks, or for a dessert.
    • Try adding fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables to salads, side dishes, and recipes.
    • Choose a variety of colorful veggies prepared in healthful ways: steamed, sautéed, roasted, or raw.

    Make half your grains whole grains

    • Look for whole grains listed first or second on the ingredients listtry oatmeal, popcorn, whole-grain bread, and brown rice.
    • Limit grain desserts and snacks, such as cakes, cookies, and pastries.

    Vary your protein routine

    • Mix up your protein foods to include a varietyseafood, beans and peas, unsalted nuts and seeds, soy products, eggs, and lean meats and poultry.
    • Try main dishes made with beans and seafood, like tuna salad or bean chili.

    Move to low-fat or fat-free milk or yogurt

    • Choose fat-free milk, yogurt, and soy beverages to cut back on your saturated fat.
    • Replace sour cream, cream, and regular cheese in recipes and dishes with low-fat yogurt, milk, and cheese.

    Drink and eat less sodium, saturated fat, and added sugars

    Eat the right amount

    The following short video recaps the USDAs current healthy eating guidelines:

    Physical Health Conditions That May Affect Mental Health

    Your physical well-being also has an impact on your mental health. People with physical health conditions may also develop mental health conditions.

    Psoriasis is a dermatological condition characterized by painful red sores on the skin. It is associated with acute stress and depression.

    Individuals with psoriasis experience emotional and psychological distress that negatively impacts their overall health and quality of life. Stress and depression mainly come from anxiety, stigma, and rejection.

    Being diagnosed with cancer or having a heart attack can also lead to feelings of depression or anxiety. Around one-third of people with serious medical conditions will have symptoms of depression, such as low mood, sleep problems, and a loss of interest in activities.

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    Warning Signs Of Suicide

    If someone you know is showing one or more of the following behaviors, he or she may be thinking about suicide. Dont ignore these warning signs. Get help immediately.

    • Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself
    • Looking for a way to kill oneself
    • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
    • Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
    • Talking about being a burden to others
    • Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs
    • Acting anxious or agitated behaving recklessly
    • Sleeping too little or too much
    • Withdrawing or feeling isolated
    • Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge
    • Displaying extreme mood swings

    Running Affects Cell Growth Inside The Brain

    How to Improve Your Mental Health!

    Training may also aid in the production of healthy brain cells. Exercise is one of the leading causes correlated with the development of new brain cells, a mechanism known as neurogenesis. In animal experiments, distance running was associated with enhanced cell production.

    Research also shows that training can have significant benefits for the brain. In a report contrasting people involved in interval-training with those engaging in a moderately healthy lifestyle, the athletes demonstrated the most significant improvement in an executive capacity. Running enhances the ability to rapidly and easily move between mental activities.

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    How Can Nature Benefit My Mental Health

    Spending time in green space or bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your mental and physical wellbeing. For example, doing things like growing food or flowers, exercising outdoors or being around animals can have lots of positive effects. It can:

    • improve your mood
    • help you take time out and feel more relaxed
    • improve your physical health
    • help you meet and get to know new people
    • connect you to your local community
    • provide peer support.

    Nurturing something else into life has really helped my wellbeing. Gently caring for something helped me learn to care for myself.

    We all have different experiences of nature, and different reasons for wanting to connect with it more. You might find you get something completely different from one activity compared to someone else.

    Our pages on ideas to try in nature and getting started give lots of tips on how to bring some benefits from nature into your life, whatever your personal situation.

    I’ve been getting out into nature and walking, either on my own or with dogs, to manage my bipolar disorder for years. It helps to keep me calm and physically healthy, and I love taking the time to be mindful of all the beautiful green spaces around me, even when living in a city.

    Take Care Of Your Body:

    Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health. Be sure to:

    • Eat nutritious meals
    • Avoid smoking and vaping– see Cessation Help
    • Drink plenty of water
    • Exercise, which helps decrease depression and anxiety and improve moods
    • Get enough sleep. Researchers believe that lack of sleep contributes to a high rate of depression in college students.

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    Commit To Some Form Of Regular Consistent Exercise

    Much like diets and sleep, exercise or other physical activity impacts both your body and your mind. Keeping active, whether its playing sport, going for long walks, practicing Yoga, going to the gym, or running, will help lower stress and anxiety levels, as well as help you improve your self-esteem. Being active and exercising isnt easy for everyone. If you struggle, try motivating yourself by running with a friend or listening to your favourite music/podcasts while going on a long walk. Just keep moving.

    Pay Attention To Your Diet

    10 Ways to Boost your Mental Health

    We all know that our diet impacts our physical health. However, research also shows that there is a link between diet and mental health. Although the relationship is complex, what we eat can affect our brain, both positively and negatively. One study found that there was a trend between a good-quality diet and better mental health in children and adolescents.

    You can learn more about nutrition and wellbeing with our free online course, which explores the fundamentals of a healthy diet, as well as how food and disease are linked.

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