The Importance Of Site And Situation In Today’s Cities
As shown in the examples of New York City, Bhutan, and Canada’s east coast, an area’s site and situation played a significant role in its development, both within its boundaries and on the world stage. These phenomena have shaped history and are part of the reason why places like London, Tokyo, New York City, and Los Angeles were able to grow into the prosperous cities they are today.
As nations around the world continue to develop, their sites and situations will continue to play a large role in whether or not they will be successful. Though today’s ease of transportation and new technologies such as the Internet are bringing nations closer together, the physical landscape of an area, as well as its location in relation to its desired market, will still play a large role in whether or not a particular area will grow to become the next great world city.
What Is An Example Of Site
Frequency: The definition of a site is an area where something is built or to be built or a location where a historic or important event took place. An example of a site is the land you buy where your new house will sit. An example of a site is the location on which a famous military battle was fought.
What Is Complementarity In Geography
Complementarity refers to a demand for or deficit in a product in a place and a supply or surplus of the same product in another place intervening opportunity explains the absence or insufficiency of interactions between two complementary locations and transferability is the possibility of interactions between
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The Nature And Function Of Cities
Urban settlements date back more than 5,000 years. You will find the worlds first cities in Mesopotamia and Egypt, China, and Meso-America . Why did cities first develop in those areas? There was a combination of factors like agricultural surplus, access to a water source, increasing population, defense, religion, and trade.
The center of every advanced civilization is the city. The city acts as the hub of a geographic region or area and is the agent for political, economic and social activities. The larger the city becomes, the more it serves as a powerful force within its sphere of influence. There is a myriad of functions that the city provides its residents. Those functions include transportation, communication, retail and wholesale operations, political, medical, safety, defense, legal and financial services.
A city does not operate independently but relies on other cities within the region, and often has a particular role or purpose, within that region. Almost all cities were well planned out before being built, taking into account two crucial locational aspects. Those aspects were site and situation two terms that are important in the study of geography.
The Variety Of Urban Environments
Characteristics of urban settlements
A settlement is defined as place where people live. Settlements are grouped according to their specific characteristics, depending on their population size, function, features, hierarchy etc. The focus of this topic is on urban settlements, that is a settlement with over 5000 residents which provides high-order functions in the hierarchy of settlements. The characteristics of urban settlements can be classified under:
1. Site
This refers to the actual ground on which a settlement is located it is also known as the absolute location of a place, usually indicated by the Longitude and Latitude of the given settlement eg. Longitude 400 E, Latitude 012N. The situation of a settlement is the location of the settlement relative to its surrounding features. eg. it is located close to a river, along the coast of the Gulf of Guinea etc.
2. land use/function
The function of a settlement refers to the main activities taking place there. This is related to the land use, because the function will determine how the land in the settlement will be used for. Examples of functions include:
- commercial function market, etc
- religious function church, mosques, shrine etc
- transportation function main road, airport, sea port, nodal town etc
- agricultural function farming activities etc
- educational function schools, universities etc
Land use could fall under the following categories:
3. Hierarchy
The 5 Largest Cities
4. Growth process
- Land values
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Which Is The Best Description Of A Geographic Situation
A Geographic Situation. Factors for Sustainable Settlement. Geography. In geographic terms, a situation or site refers to the location of a place based on its relation to other places, such as San Franciscos situation being a port of entry on the Pacific coast, adjacent to Californias productive agricultural lands.
Economic Development And City Infrastructure
The evidence of the definite link between urban areas and economic development is overwhelming. With just 54 percent of the worlds population, cities account for more than 80 percent of global GDP. Figure 7.24 and Figure 7.25 respectively show the contribution of cities in developed and developing countries to national income. In virtually all cases, the contribution of urban areas to national income is more significant than their share of the national population. For instance, Paris accounts for 16 percent of the population of France, but generates 27 percent of GDP. Similarly, Kinshasa and metro Manila account for 13 percent and 12 percent of the population of their respective countries, but generate 85 percent and 47 percent of the income of the democratic republic of Congo and Philippines respectively. The ratio of the share of urban areas income to share of the population is more considerable for cities in developing countries vis-à-vis those of developed countries. This is an indication that the transformative force of urbanization is likely to be higher in developing countries, with possible implications for harnessing the positive nature of urbanization.
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What Is The Difference Between Situation And Relative Location
Relative location is expressed as both the concept of the site, and a situation. … Site refers to the physical attributes of the location, for example, the terrain, soil, vegetation, water source, built environment, and so on. The situation refers to the location of a place relative to other places and human activities.
How Do You Start Sight Words
We recommend that you start by thoroughly teaching your child three to five words in a lesson. On the first day, introduce three to five new words. In the next days lesson, start by reviewing the previous days words. If your child remembers those words, move on to introducing three to five new words.
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Accessibility And Location Economies
Since accessibility is dominantly the outcome of transportation activities, namely the capacity of infrastructures to support mobility, it presents the most significant influence of transportation on location. Hence, location and economic activities are interrelated. Accessibility plays an important role by offering more customers through an expanded market area, by making distribution more efficient , or by enabling more people to reach workplaces . While some transport systems have favored the dispersion of socioeconomic activities , others have favored their concentration . All transport systems are bearers of spatial specialization and configuration. Among the five main economies , four are particularly influential for transportation:
- Accessibility and Location
- Types of Manufacturing Clusters
- Transport and Co-Location
What Is Situation In Geography
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What Is Situation Ap Human Geography
Situation Where a city is, in relation to its surrounding features. … It is not just the encompassing human-made characteristics that are part of a city’s situation, but also the natural physical features that surround the city. The growth of a city depends on the accessibility and availability of natural resources.
What Is An Example Of Situation
Situation is the way something is positioned as compared to its surroundings, or the status of the circumstances, or the combination of circumstances at a specific point in time. An example of situation is a house down the street from a big tree. An example of situation is having to decide between two jobs.
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Challenges To Urban Growth
One of the major problems that cities face is deteriorating areas, high crime, homelessness, and poverty. As noted in the urban models, many lower-income people live near the city, but lack the job skills to compete for employment within the city. This often results in a variety of social and economic problems. Census data shows that 80 percent of children living in inner cities only have one parent, and because child care services are limited in the city, single parents struggle to meet the demands of childcare and employment. Problems associated with lower income areas are often violent crime , prostitution, drug distribution, and abuse, homelessness, and food deserts.
Whats The Difference Between Site And Situation In Ap Human Geography
- The Albert Team
Almost half of the worlds population live in cities, and the urban population is growing much faster than the rural population. This mass migrating into cities and urban areas is a good reason for you to know about urban dynamics. It is a fact that the form, size, and function of urban settlements is always changing.
The CollegeBoard wants you to know that there are factors that initiate and drive both urbanization and suburbanization. Two of those factors are site and situation. Site and situation influence the origin, function, and growth of cities and is an important concept to understand when you study cities and urban land use for the AP® Human Geography Exam. This study guide will explain the difference between site and situation in the context of AP® Human Geography.
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Difference Between Site And Situation
Site vs Situation
Site and situation are words that are used very commonly in the field of geography while talking about settlements. The growth of a particular settlement hinges upon both its site as well as its situation. There are students of geography and also laymen who remain confused between site and situation because of the similarities in these two concepts. This article attempts to find out the differences between site and situation to make them clear for the readers.
Site of a settlement or for that matter any structure is its exact location. If you know the coordinates of a site, you can easily trace it on the map of the place. People choose a particular location for their settlement if it has favorable conditions for living such as the availability of water, building material, fuel for their energy requirements, barrier to defend themselves from aggressors and natural calamities, and land that is safe for dwelling units to be built on it. The site of a settlement is also dependent upon whether it is suitable for trading or not. In ancient times, settlements often resulted because of their proximity to water bodies to allow the inhabitants to trade through the port.
What is the difference between Site and Situation?
Situation is in relation to the surrounding physical features while site is the exact location of a structure or settlement.
If you know the site, you can easily locate a settlement on the map.
The Confluence Of Two Rivers
Justas two valleys, or roads, make a nodal point for settlement growth, so do tworivers joining. One such example is found in Khartoum in Sudan, where the Blueand the White Nile meet. In India, Allahabad is located at the confluence ofRiver Ganga and Yamuna and Bhavani is at the confluence of RiverCauvery and Bhavani.
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How Are Site And Situation Related In Urban Geography
Site and situation are two essential concepts in the study of urban geography. The site is the actual location of a settlement on the Earth, and the term includes the physical characteristics of the landscape specific to the area. Site factors include landforms, climate, vegetation, availability of water, soil quality, minerals, and wildlife.
What Is The Situation Of A Settlement
The situation of a settlement is its location in relation to surrounding human and physical features. We usually describe the situation when we are telling someone where a settlement is. The situation of a settlement is the description of the settlement in relation to physical features around it and other settlements.
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Presentation On Theme: Site And Situation Ap Human Geography Presentation Transcript:
1 Site and SituationAP Human Geography
2 BR: What is the best location for a large city?
3 Near WaterNear ResourcesWhere else?
4 Where it is and whats around it.Patterns of urban development occur according to the site and situation of locations:Where it is and whats around it.
5 Site and SituationPatterns of urban development occur according to the site and situation of locations: Where it is and whats around it.
6 What is meant by site?
7 Site is the actual location of a city.Cities will grow and prosper in locations that offer some advantages.
8 Examples of Site Harbor sites: the site of a natural harborIsland sites: the site of islands in strategic locationsConfluence sites: the site where rivers convergeHilltop sites: the site at the top of a hillOasis sites: the site in the desert where caravans stopped for water
9 New York City became a major city because it is located on a natural harbor.
10 Paris, France became a major city because it is located on an Island in the Seine River.
11 Hong Kong, China became a major city because it is located on an Island.
12 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania became a major city because it is located at the site where three rivers converge .
13 Rome, Italy became a major city because it is located at on a hill overlooking the city.
14 Athens, Greece became a major city because it is located at on a hill overlooking the city.
15 Damascus, Syria became a major city because it is located at the site of an oasis.
16 What is meant by situation?
Cultural Reflections In Urban Landscapes
The built environment is a product of socio-economic, cultural, and political forces. Every urban system has its own genetic code, expressed in architectural and spatial forms that reflect a communitys values and identity. Each community chooses specific physical characteristics, producing the unique character of its city. This communal eye exemplifies the citys architectural legacy and gives a sense of place.
For example, in old Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, unique buildings decorated with geometric patterns create a distinctive visual character unique to the city Another example is Egypts Nubian village where the building materials and colors are unique and reflect the vernacular architecture of the region.
However, current architectural practices, in almost every city in the world, do not respect the past identities and traditions of our cities. Most projects bear little or no relationship to the surrounding urban context the citys genetic code. Architects only follow international architectural movements such as Modern architecture, Postmodernism, High-Technology, and Deconstructionism. The result is a fragmented and discontinuous dialogue among buildings, destroying a citys communal memory.
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What Is The Difference Between Dolch Words And Sight Words
Sight words are words that one can read at first sight, automatically, at a glance. High-frequency or high-utility words are those seen most often in a given language. The Dolch word list, published in 1948 by Edward William Dolch, Ph. D, is a list of 220 words most often found in text passages.
Why Are Situation And Site Factors Important Why Are Situation And Site Factors Changing
why are situation factors important? Factories try to identify a location where production cost is minimized. Critical industrial location costs include situation factors for some firms and site factors for others. Attracts industries that need proximity to a large number of consumers that depend on foreign trade.
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The Importance Of Transport In Location
The location of activities encompasses the concepts of the site and its situation. The site relates to the characteristics of a specific location while the situation concerns the relationships of a location in relation to other locations. Historically, specific sites suitable for defense or commerce have been essential factors in the location of cities. This perspective can further be expanded by three interdependent factors in the global location of cities:
- Connectivity. The city is located at a load breakpoint where cargoes are moved from one mode to the other, connecting two or more systems of circulation. This is particularly the case for port cities, which explains, for a large part, the coastal location of most of the worlds largest cities.
- Proximity. The city is located in proximity to a major resources and serves as a convenient point of collection, distribution, and transformation. The resource can exist at a specific location or encompassing an area .
- Accessibility. The city serves a hinterland in providing goods and services, with its size a function of the density.
- Site and Situation
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- Behavioral Approach to Location
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