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How Do Crumple Zones Work Physics

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How Car Crumple Zones Work

Crumple Zones and Car Safety Features – GCSE and A Level Physics Revision

In a nutshell, the crumple zone is the area at the front of your car which is designed to crush in on itself when you crash. Meanwhile, you and your passenger are enclosed in a safety cell, protected from the worst effects of the collision. Heres how they work: well try not to get too physics-based on you, but when two cars crash, theres a lot of kinetic energy involved. Newton had a lot of rules for this kind of stuff, but what it comes down to is that if youre travelling at speed, youll stay travelling at speed unless something stops you. Simple, right? The more sudden the impact, the more crash energy youll suddenly have to deal with. What crumple zones do is absorb some of that energy by delaying the collision, increasing the time it takes for your car to come to a complete halt and thereby softening the blow. OK, it still might not feel that soft, but trust us when we say it could be worse!

How Do Crumple Zones Reduce Injury

Crumple zones allow the front portion of a car to fold like an accordion and hence absorbing a major portion of the impact. The rest of it is given away in the form of heat and sound. The front portion acts as a cushion and reduces the time taken by the vehicle to come at a halt. This can reduce the force felt by the occupants and ultimately there would be less chance of damage. If the crumple zone is constructed from light weight components, it leads to absorption of energy as well as makes the automobile weigh less.

Earlier it was believed that the stronger is the body structure of a car the more safe it will be. But with those rigid designs, the force failed to deform the vehicle and maximum effect was passed on to the occupants which led to severe accidents. However now we know that using light weight materials is more helpful in offering safety to the passengers. Nowadays, the composite drive shafts are made of carbon and polymer fibre that can break into smaller fragments.

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Sleds Inside Safety Cells

The 2004 PininfarinaNidoExperimental Safety Vehicle locates crumple zones inside the survival cell. Those interior crumple zones decelerate a sled-mounted survival cell.Volvo has also been developing this idea for use in small cars. Their driver’s seat is mounted to what is basically a “sled” on a rail, with shock absorbers in front of it. In an impact, the whole “sled” of driving seat and belted-in driver, slides forward up to 8 inches, and the shock absorbers dissipate the peak shock energy of the impact, lengthening the deceleration time for the driver. Simultaneously, the steering wheel and the driver’s side dashboard slide forward to make room for the driver, as he is thrown forwards stretching the seatbelt. Combined with a front crumple zone and airbag, this system could greatly reduce the forces acting on the driver in a frontal impact.

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Introduction: The Physics Of Car Safety

Car design is constantly evolving to adapt to different environments and the safety concerns they present. Particularly in the last forty years, there have been many new design features on vehicles with a focus on safety, drastically reducing the amount of fatalities and serious injuries occurring from car accidents.

What these safety features are and how they work can be better explained using Newton’s Three Laws of Physics:

I. “An object at rest will remain at rest and an object at constant velocity will remain at constant velocity, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.”

II. “If an unbalanced force exists then a mass will experience an acceleration depending on a magnitude of the mass.”*

III. “If you exert a force on an object, you experience a force equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.”

*Newton’s Second Law can also be explained using the equation to calculate Force, ‘F=ma’ .

Preventing Fatalities In Auto Racing

Crumple Zones

Even if you’re not a fan of auto racing, you’ve probably seen images of spectacular crashes in which cars tumble down the track, flinging parts in every direction as the car is literally destroyed. Yet miraculously, the driver climbs out of the twisted wreckage and walks away uninjured. While these crashes look horrifying, all that spectacular destruction is spending kinetic energy. It’s probably not a fun ride for the driver, but the car is doing exactly what it was designed to do in this situation — protect the person in the driver’s seat.

There have also been rare occasions when a race car has struck a solid object at high speed, such as NASCAR driver Michael Waltrip’s crash at Bristol in 1990. He hit the blunt end of a concrete wall at racing speeds, and the car stopped very suddenly. The impact generated enormous forces, yet Waltrip was unhurt. The reason is evident in looking at the remains of his car on that day. It was completely and utterly destroyed. All that force was spent on the destruction of the car. Clearly, the incident went well beyond the abilities of any crumple zone, and in fact it was simply a matter of luck that nothing intruded into the driver’s compartment to injure Waltrip. Force redistribution saved his life.

For more information about automotive safety devices, racing and other related topics, follow the links on the next page.

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How To Buy A Safer Car

Whether you intend to buy a new or used car, a little research can help you choose the car that meets all your needs and helps put safety as a priority.

Two respected national organizations, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, have programs to rate vehicles for safety while each organization provides annual ratings of safety performance of automobiles in crashes. In addition, third-party rating organizations can help you make a safer choice.4

Concept Of Crumple Zones And Their Effectiveness In Reducing Injuries

Muzahid Khan All About CarsAutomobiles

Crumple Zones are the passive safety features and is considered to be the most important invention in the history of automobile industry. If you own a car you must know about everything which makes an essential part of your vehicle. We have already explained about the modern car safety technologies that you can go through along with the details of a particular model. However, crumple zones are the structural components which are not visible or listed down among the features, yet have a crucial role to play in ensuring car safety.

So we are here to inform you about the basic concept of crumple zones and their effectiveness in reducing injury. For this lets start with the definition of crumple zones followed by the physics involved in the process.

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Computer Modelled Crash Simulation

In the early 1980s, using technology developed for the aerospace and nuclear industries, German car makers started complex computer crash simulation studies, using finite element methods simulating the crash behaviour of individual car body components, component assemblies, and quarter and half cars at the body in white stage. These experiments culminated in a joint project by the Forschungsgemeinschaft Automobil-Technik , a conglomeration of all seven German car makers , Porsche, and Volkswagen), which tested the applicability of two emerging commercial crash simulation codes. These simulation codes recreated a frontal impact of a full passenger car structure and they ran to completion on a computer overnight. Now that turn-around time between two consecutive job-submissions did not exceed one day, engineers were able to make efficient and progressive improvements of the crash behaviour of the analyzed car body structure. The drive for improved crashworthiness in Europe has accelerated from the 1990s onwards, with the 1997 advent of Euro NCAP, with the involvement of Formula One motor racing safety expertise.

How Is The Cor Of A Crumple Zone Calculated


For a moving object striking a stationary object, as in the crumple zone video, the COR is calculated as final speed divided by initial speed. A perfectly elastic collision would have a COR of one. Perfectly elastic collisions dont really occur, but many situations come very close and we can approximate them as perfectly elastic.

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What Is A Crumple Zone And What Does It Do

Deformation zones, also known as crumple or crush zones, take out the kinetic energy of a crash in a controlled way. This is done through specifically designed areas of the vehicle that deform and crumple during an accident to absorb the impact. They do this by reducing the impact of an accident or the level of injury.

How Does Physics Explain The Effectiveness Of Seat Belts And Airbags

While the driver with an airbag may experience the same average impact force as the driver with a good seatbelt, the airbag exerts an equal pressure on all points in contact with it according to Pascals principle. The same force is distributed over a larger area, reducing the maximum pressure on the body.

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The Crumple Zone How Physics Saves Lives

Early designs of car bodies were designed to be rigid without much regard for what happened to the car and its occupants in a crash. The laws of physics dictate that if you are driving at 50 mph, and a crash causes the car to stop immediately, passengers will continue moving at 50 mph. The results can be fatal.

In a crash, crumple zones help transfer some of the cars kinetic energy into controlled deformation, or crumpling, at impact. This may create more vehicle damage, but the severity of personal injury likely will be reduced. Crumpling allows the vehicle to take a little longer before coming to a stop, in effect lowering the average impact force, and increasing the survival space for the belted passengers. An engineered crumple zone works best in conjunction with a rigid occupant compartment, also known as a safety cage, to minimize potential injuries.

The idea of crumple zones is not new. In 1959, Mercedes-Benz started to manufacture cars designed to absorb impact energy using the concept.3 And with the introduction of safety ratings in the late 70s, virtually all manufacturers of passenger cars and light trucks have adopted the design to improve their scores.

What About Small Cars


Small cars are compact in size and hence their front portion is not too lengthy. As a result, it is difficult to build in the crumple zones in such vehicles. For example Tata Nano has no space at the front and hence there is very less scope for a crumple zone setup.

On the other hand, most of the sedans are longer at the front end particularly in brands like Mercedes and BMW.

However the engineers have found out a way for that also. If we look at the smart cars, these are built with steel bumpers at the front & rear that are connected to the tridion safety cells longitudinal beams through slip tubes. Up to 10 miles/hour, the slip tubes displace so as to keep the impact away from the safety cell. At a higher speed, the cell transmits the impact over the entire surface to reduce the effect of energy thereby protecting the occupants from any possible harm.

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What Is A Crumple Zone Or Crash Zone

Nowadays, there are government regulations on making safe vehicles that can withstand the impact of a crash and reduce the severity of injuries to the occupants. So, manufacturers make vehicles as safe as possible. Manufacturers use safety features such as crumple zones or crash zones to reduce the impact of the crash. Crumple zones, crush zones or crash zones, are structural safety features used in vehicles, mainly in automobiles. These zones increase the time of the impact during a collision by controlling deformation. Thus, they reduce the effect of the impact or absorb the inertia forces as a result of the impact of a crash.

Are Truck Drivers Required To Wear Seat Belts

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations require commercial motor vehicle drivers to wear safety belts. In a rollover, a truck driver is 80% less likely to die when wearing a safety belt. About 23,000 large truck occupants suffered nonfatal injuries in crashes of these, 4,000 were seriously injured.

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How Crumple Zones Work

Auto safety has come a long way in the last few decades, and one of the most effective innovations is the crumple zone. Also known as a crush zone, crumple zones are areas of a vehicle that are designed to deform and crumple in a collision. This absorbs some of the energy of the impact, preventing it from being transmitted to the occupants.

Of course, keeping people safe in auto accidents isn’t as simple as making the whole vehicle crumple. Engineers have to consider many factors in designing safer cars, including vehicle size and weight, frame stiffness and the stresses the car is likely to be subjected to in a crash. For example, race cars experience far more severe impacts than street cars, and SUVs often crash with more force than small cars.

We’re going to find out how crumple zones redistribute the forces involved in a crash, what crumple zones are made out of and learn about a few other advanced safety systems that are being tested right now. We’ll also find out how crumple zones have been incorporated into race cars, and why a number of racing fatalities could have been prevented if the sport had adopted these safety features sooner. We’ll even take a look at crumple zones designed to absorb the massive impact of a train collision.

To find out the forces involved in a collision, and to learn how a well designed crumple zone can minimize occupant injury, read the next page.

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    Physics Behind Crumple Zones

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    Who Invented The Vehicle Crumple Zone

    Transport visionary. His biggest breakthrough came in 1951 when he registered patent DBP 854.157 commonly known as the crumple zone. Béla Barényi was the first to recognise years before, in fact that kinetic energy should be dissipated by deformation so as not to harm the occupants of the vehicle.

    How Do Side Crumple Zones Protect Passengers

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    Cars’ doors and sides are very thin compared to the front and rear crumple zones, so manufacturers use very strong steel for constructing parts such as the side sills, B-pillars, and side-impact protection beams located in the doors. Additionally, a car’s structure is designed to bend and distribute impact forces from the side. Finally, side-impact and curtain airbags help cushion the occupants from the blow.

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    Who Invented Crumple Zones

    Transport visionary. His biggest breakthrough came in 1951 when he registered patent DBP 854.157 commonly known as the crumple zone. Béla Barényi was the first to recognise years before, in fact that kinetic energy should be dissipated by deformation so as not to harm the occupants of the vehicle.

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    What Was The First Mercedes Benz With A Crumple Zone

    Barényi questioned the opinion prevailing until then, that a safe car had to be rigid. He divided the car body into three sections: the rigid non-deforming passenger compartment and the crumple zones in the front and the rear. The first Mercedes-Benz carbody developed using this patent was the 1959 Mercedes W111 Tail Fin Saloon.

    Auto Safety: Crumple Zone Technology

    Daily physics revision question #6 – Crumple Zones

    Auto safety has come a long way! Some of the first automobile designs were rigid and resistant during an accident.

    That meant the vehicle did not sustain as much damage, but the occupants did. The force from a collision was usually fatal.

    While the problem was well known in the auto industry, a solution had yet to present itself. That is, until 1953, when a Mercedes-Benz engineer, Bela Barenyi, who had studied the problem for a long time, came up with an idea.

    He invented the “Ponton” or three-box body for Mercedes, the model series W120, a pre-cursor to the crumple zone technology.

    It wasn’t until 1967, though, that the Mercedes Heckflosse, or Fintail, featured the first crumple zone technology, which included a safety cage and a trunk that was almost 50% bigger.

    The Science Behind Crumple Zones

    Isaac Newton’s first law of physics says that an object in motion will stay in motion with the same amount of speed and in the same direction unless intervened by an unbalanced force.

    And that’s exactly what happens with an automobile accident. Passengers continue to move unless stopped by a seat, dashboard, etc. Internal organs continue to move even if the body stops, causing severe injuries.

    Newton’s second law states that force equals the mass multiplied by acceleration. So, in an automobile accident, the force of the automobile and its occupants decreases if the time required by the vehicle to stop increases.

    Newton’s Laws and Crumple Zone Technology

    Safety Today

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