What Is Goal Setting And How To Do It Well
Do you ever feel like youâre sleepwalking through life with no real idea of what you want?
Perhaps you know exactly what you want to achieve, but have no idea how to get there.
Thatâs where goal setting comes in. Goals are the first step towards planning for the future, and play a fundamental role in the development of skills in various facets of life, from work to relationships and everything in between. They are the target at which we aim our proverbial arrow.
Understanding the importance of goals and the techniques involved in setting achievable goals paves the way for success.
In the words of Pablo Picasso:
Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.
Before you continue, we thought you might like to . These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients create actionable goals and master techniques to create lasting behavior change.
Core Concepts Of Goal
Locke said that there are four core components of a goal that makes it useful. These are the key aspects that we should keep in mind before committing to a plan.
1. Difficulty
Difficult goals imply more significant achievements. Easy and comfortable goals are seldom productive, as we donât have to exploit much of our abilities to achieve them.
Although while selecting a target, we may tend to shun away from choosing the harder ones, difficult goals are undoubtedly more motivating, energizing, and satisfying after accomplishment.
2. Specificity
Specific goals imply more certain task regulation. Before setting a goal plan, we must be clear to ourselves about the outcomes and which part of our personal or professional lives will the target achievement improve.
Having a vision of the result strengthens our intentions and helps to sustain focus.
3. Reward reminders
Locke emphasized the importance of following inspirational musings and motivational speeches for goal accomplishments. He said that the human mind is too used to getting reminders from its internal or external environment when it faces a lack of something.
For example, lack of food or water is triggered by feelings of hunger and thirst that motivates us to achieve the equilibrium again. But with professional targets or life goals, it is not absurd to lose motivation unless we keep reminding ourselves of why we should attain it.
4. Goal efficacy
Levels Of Positive Psychology
There are three levels of positive psychology:
- The first level is the study of positive emotions and states, such as happiness, joy, love, and satisfaction. This level is subjective as it focuses on self well-being.
- The second level is the study of positive individual traits, such as strengths, resilience, and optimism. It also constitutes the qualities and values which are needed to be a good person.
- The third level is the study of positive institutions, which are organizations or groups that promote positive change in society. It encompasses social responsibility and attitudes that can maximize human potential in a group setting.
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Take Away #: Aligning Goals To Core Values
Wilson set five strategic goals, including one to downsize an operating division, then rated each of his goals against each of his five core values. On a self-rated scale of 1 to10 , all of Wilsons goals aligned with each of his core values with a rating of 8 or higher. Fairness was a particularly important element in his organizations downsizing activities.
Examples Of Positive Psychology
Positive psychology can be applied across many different situations, life roles and environments. It can be used to strengthen relationships at home, work and school. It can boost enjoyment in personal pursuits, expanding the range of ones leisure activities. Positive psychology can also be used by supervisors, administrators, and other leaders in creating happier workplaces.
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The Effect Of Core Values On Commitment And Confidence
An extensive body of literature relates levels of commitment and confidence to goal attainment. This line of study shows that commitment to goal attainment is enhanced when goals are perceived as important and when the performer has a high level of confidence that the goal will be achieved. Commitment and confidence will wane when goals are perceived as unattainable. The conclusion to be drawn is that managerial leaders should not be setting or pursuing goals that are unimportant or unattainable.
When reviewing the impact of core values on the level of commitment to goals and confidence, we find a paucity of literature. It stands to reason that a leaders personal commitment to an important goal will be greater if the goal is consistent with his or her core values. The alignment of core values to goals can serve as a barometer of executive commitment. The executive must also be confident that the goal is attainable. If an important goal is consistent with a leaders core values, he or she is more likely to persist in pursuing that goal, even in the face of frustrating setbacks. This tendency to persevere increases the likelihood that a goal can be attained, thereby inspiring confidence in attainment. Thus, structuring important goals to be consistent with personal core values will increase the commitment and confidence concerning ones goals.
During the goal setting process, managerial leaders should ask themselves these important questions:
Core Theory And Methods
There is no accepted “gold standard” theory in positive psychology. However, the work of Seligman is regularly quoted. So too the work of Csikszentmihalyi and older models of well-being, such as Carol Ryff’s Six-factor Model of Psychological Well-being and Diener’stripartite model of subjective well-being.
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Recommendation : Apply The First Five Recommendations To Social Groups As Well As Individuals
Young people are nested within many groups, including family, school, sports teams, and peer groups. These groups can exert a powerful influence on young people. A CPP approach seeks to increase the likelihood of groups engaging in nurturing and cooperative behavior. We aim to create contexts for prosocial adolescent peer groups that discourage bullying and discrimination, and encourage acts of support and kindness.
Using the DNA-V mode, we can suggest the key elements of a group level intervention. The intervention needs to clarify the group values , help the group broaden and build their resources and skills by trying new behaviors , become aware of how they feel and how feelings can, if reacted to, undermine or support group effectiveness , develop more effective group rules , take perspective on themselves within the group and take perspective on others . Groups involve a continual trade-off between behaviors that are for the good of the group and behaviors that are for the good of the individual. Thus it is important for any group to support cooperation within the group, while also managing excessive self-interest and supporting cooperation between groups . The details of how to achieve this are beyond the scope of this review, but please see Wilson et al. for more details.
Positive Psychology Interventions For Physical Health
Researchers and practitioners have begun to develop intervention strategies based on positive psychology to increase positive psychological assets such as positive emotions or life satisfaction to bolster physical health. Whether increasing positive psychological assets will turn to better health outcomes is inconclusive. These intervention efforts targeting health assets in order to lead to better health not only have practical significance but also theoretical importance because appropriately done intervention studies would strengthen the claim that health assets actually cause good health.
We refer to interventions informed by positive psychology as positive psychology interventions. Sometimes positive psychology interventions entail a specific technique, like counting ones blessings at the end of the day or using ones signature strengths of character in novels ways.47 At other times, the intervention uses a more-elaborated therapy package that combines different techniques, such as Well-Being Therapy,48 and Quality of Life Therapy,49 among others.
Intervention studies allow us to conclude that interventions informed by positive psychology can indeed change positive psychological states and traits, sometimes in lasting ways.47,48 An important qualification is that long-term benefits do not result from one-shot interventions unless these lead to a change in how someone habitually lives.18 Perhaps, what is required is a sustained lifestyle change.
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How Can We Best Achieve Goals We Have Set
Have you ever made a grand New Yearâs resolution only to find that by the middle of January, youâve given up or forgotten all about it? You may have set yourself a goal that was too general, ambitious, or impersonal. Incorporating healthy goal-setting techniques is an excellent way to tackle these issues.
The Principles Behind The Process Of Manifestation
Let me just begin by saying that I dont believe in manifestation as most people probably believe it. The process of manifestation isnt as simple as thinking optimistically and then waiting for those positive thoughts to manifest into your life. This process is way too simplistic and doesnt take into account an incredible array of factors that must be aligned to help you manifest your desired outcomes.
Along the same lines, lets not talk about manifestation as something miraculous thats out of this world. Manifestation is simply the act of aligning yourself with your desired intentions/goals and then taking the necessary steps to bring those desired intentions/goals to fruition. Theres nothing miraculous about it. Its simply a process that requires a little understanding and a lot of effort on your part to bring those desired intentions into reality.
A lot of background information about vibrational energy frequencies, about levels of consciousness, about thought patterns, and about the nature of the brain has already been outlined in the following posts:
Because all these other articles cover this process in great depth, we will not go into those details within this article. However, we will look at specific things you can do to help you manifest your desires into your life once all aspects of your psyche are aligned with your desired intentions.
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Healthful Benefits Of Positive Psychology
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For some, with stressors in life, you can quickly become overwhelmed with everything happening. It is easy to think negatively instead of thinking more positively and healthily. The act of positive psychology, in practice, is unheard of for some people, and they are skeptical about what it entails along with its benefits.
Benefits of positive psychology can range from expressing gratitude to promoting a healthier work environment. However, some are still not familiar with the primary goal of positive psychology because it is much more than practicing positivity.
This practice can benefit you and therefore something you simply apply in everyday life or if youre a Mental Health professional you can become a practitioner by pursuing a Certification in Positive Psychology.
Lets continue reading to learn more about the primary goal of positive psychology, along with the ten healthful benefits of practicing positive psychology.
Techniques Used In Positive Psychology
Positive psychology uses a variety of techniques to achieve its goals. These techniques include:
- Happiness interventions: These are activities that you can do to increase your happiness and well-being. Examples of happiness interventions include gratitude exercises, savoring pleasant experiences, as well as practicing mindfulness.
- Character strengths: They are the positive traits that you possess. Some examples of character strengths are kindness, creativity, and determination. Positive psychologists additionally believe that we can use our character strengths to improve our lives and achieve our goals.
- Resilience training: This helps us build the skills we need to cope with stress and adversity. It can involve learning how to set realistic goals, manage our emotions, and stay positive in the face of difficulties and obstacles.
- Finding purpose: Identifying purpose helps in withstanding hardships and overcoming daily life obstacles. This helps in fighting symptoms of disorders like depression and anxiety.
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Focus On The Right Things
To manifest what you want in your life you must focus on only the things you want and the person you desire to be. Dont focus on what others want for you on what you dont want on what has been or on your current reality. Instead, create your reality with purpose. Of course, this doesnt mean that you should ignore your problems. Never ignore your problems. However, what it does mean is that you should never feel overwhelmed by your problems. Youre not overwhelmed because you view your problems as opportunities that you havent as yet taken advantage of. Although, viewing your problems in this way might require some self-assurance and confidence.
Have you heard of the saying: Fake it till you make it? What this means is that if youre lacking in confidence you will choose instead to act confident. Become an actor in a movie who needs to act confidently for their role. Over time, the more you act confident, the more confident you will feel, and sooner or later you will no longer feel the need to act because you will simply be confident.
The Universal Laws Of Manifestation
The only reason the manifestation process works is because of a set of universal laws that govern life as we know it. These universal laws are laws that consistently create your life, your reality, and your perspective of the world. They are the forces that work in the background and shape your life without your knowledge. In fact, your psyche including your thoughts, beliefs, values, self-concept, and emotions all work in accordance with the principles outlined within these universal laws. As such, without these laws in place, the manifestation process as we described it here would simply not work. It only works because these laws are shaping your life as you know it.
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Positive Psychology Vs Positive Psychotherapy
Though their names are similar, positive psychology and positive psychotherapy are two distinct approaches. One approach is grounded in the positive psychology theory developed by Seligman in 1998. The other is a cross-cultural approach developed in 1968 by Nossrat Peseschkian. It incorporates psychodynamic and humanistic influences.
Seligmans positive psychology and Peseschkians positive psychotherapy are similar in some ways. They both assume humans are innately good. They also attempt to encourage personal development. However, there are still some key differences between the approaches.
- Seligmans approach does not deny negative experiences. But Peseschkians approach views all negative experiences in a positive light. It sees them as opportunities for growth.
- Seligmans approach is primarily Westernized. Peseschkians approach is more transcultural.
- Seligmans approach distances itself from its humanistic influences. Meanwhile, Peseschkians approach embraces its humanistic and psychodynamic background.
What Is The Good Life
Dr. Martin Seligman, a leading researcher in the field of Positive Psychology, uses the PERMA Model to answer that question:
Positive Emotion: what we feel Engagement: being fully absorbed in stimulating activities, being in flowRelationships with others that are positive, nurturing, rewardingMeaning: serving some purpose that is larger than oneselfAccomplishment: pursuit of achievement and mastery
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What About The Evidence That Content Interventions Work
Research shows that positive constructs like optimism, positive affect, and ratio of positive to negative events predict positive outcomes . Further, positive education interventions have been shown to produce benefit . If there is evidence of benefit, why then bother with these criticisms? Dont these positive outcomes prove that the criticisms are wrong?
We have three replies to this argument. First, demonstrating that optimism, self-confidence, and positive affect are correlated with beneficial outcomes does not indicate if and how interventions should go about increasing these internal experiences. For example, we know that self-esteem predicts positive social development . Should we therefore teach everybody that they are special and important? Baumeister et al. argue that such a self-esteem boosting approach might increase antisocial behavior, as young people come to believe that their worth is not contingent on what they do. Should we teach people to value positive affect, because it causes creativity? Such an approach might actually lead young people to focus excessively on generating positive affect and distract them from the creative task.
Reward Yourself For Your Successes But Dont Punish Yourself For Failure
This doesnât mean rewarding yourself with chocolate when you attain a healthy eating goal, rather an internal pat on the back. Acknowledge your success and revel in the positive emotions that accompany it.
It is important to be resilient in the face of adversity. Reassess your goals and make alterations when you feel it is necessary to do so.
Itâs great to shoot for the stars, but goal setting is more about what you can realistically accomplish rather than an idealistic vision of what you hope you can achieve.
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Pick Goals That Are Smart
The S.M.A.R.T. protocol offers a guide to help steer you towards setting goals that are suited to your abilities, timely, and measurable. If you are unsure of the goal-setting process, the S.M.A.R.T framework offers a sense-check to ensure your goals are the best they can be.
Be as specific as possible when setting goals. Look at the what, why, where, when and how of a goal. What do I want to achieve? How will I get there? When should I have achieved this goal by?
Having a goal which can be quantified makes it a lot easier to track your progress.
The goals we set need to be grounded in reality lest we set ourselves up for disappointment.
Focus more intently on the subjective âwhyâ. Is the goal something you actually want to achieve, or does it stem from external pressure?
Create a clear yet achievable timescale. Deadlines maximize the reward versus time component. Be explicit about the time span or deadline. For example, change end of summer to a specific date for improved clarity.