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What Field Of Study Is Psychology

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Why Become A Psychologist

Dr. Elligan Describes the Field of Psychology on Everyday Psychology

The choices people make, and the emotions and thoughts behind these decisions, can affect all aspects of life. Psychologists use their interest in what drives human behavior to explore possible methods of informing people about choices more likely to have a positive impact on their lives.

As researchers begin to understand more about the connection between the mind, the body, and behavior, the field of psychology will continue to develop. This research may provide more insight into the skills that help people make choices to achieve an ideal quality of life.


  • A career in climate and environmental psychology. . American Psychological Association. Retrieved from
  • Careers in psychology. . American Psychological Association. Retrieved from
  • Health psychology promotes wellness. . American Psychological Association. Retrieved from
  • Mischel, W. . Psychology. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
  • Nordqvist, C. . What is psychology and what does it involve? Retrieved from
  • A career in clinical or counseling psychology. . American Psychological Association. Retrieved from
  • Psychology Degrees Conferred By Academic Year

    Psychology is a very popular field of study. It ranks sixth out of approximately 30 fields tracked, with only business, biological/medical sciences, engineering, health professions, and social sciences/history conferring more bachelors degrees in 2019-20.9 The table below reflects the rising popularity of psychology degrees over time. The first academic year for which we collected data was 1967-68 and the last academic year reflected is 2018-19, with every decade in between also represented. As you can see, the number of psychology degrees conferred at all levels has steadily increased between 1967 to 2020, with the most rapid increase taking place at the masters level, followed by the doctoral level, with the bachelors degree following close behind.9 Over time, the compounded annual growth rate for all degree levels is 2.5%.

    Degree Level

    *CAGR: compounded annual growth rate, 1968-2020.

    Is Psychology Easy To Study

    This depends because Psychology isnt a difficult career for those who want or like this career. If you like Psychology probably it will be easier than someone who doesnt like the career. So it all depends on your tastes and your interests.

    In this brief guide, we answered the question: What are the major fields of psychology? We explained basic concepts about the major fields of psychology, what is psychology, history of psychology, methods of psychology investigations.So, are these topics interesting?

    If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.


    Brazier, Yvette. What Is Psychology and What Does It Involve? Medicalnewstoday.Com, Medical News Today, Feb. 2018, Accessed 28 Oct. 2020. . How Different Branches of Psychology Study the Brain and Behavior. Retrieved October 28, 2020, from Verywell Mind website:

    What are the major branches of psychology? | Edology. . Retrieved October 28, 2020, from Edology website:

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    Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities

    • How to improve health and well-being in children and adults with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and other neurodevelopmental disorders
    • How to best support family members of people with disabilities
    • How to impact the outcome and course of intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and related neurodevelopmental disorders
    • How to develop psychological instruments that measure core and associated features of intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and other neurodevelopmental disorders
    • How to treat behavior and emotional problems in children and adults who have intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and related neurodevelopmental disorders
    • Developing, evaluating and applying new quantitative methods for the analysis of psychological data
    • The application of statistical models to real world problems
    • Bayesean models of human cognition
    • Automatic and deliberative attitudes: Influences on information processing, judgment, and behavior
    • Increasing womens participation in STEM disciplines
    • How motivations in social interactions shape relationships, beliefs, well-being, and health
    • What motivates social behavior
    • Effects of the immune system and common anti-inflammatory drugs on emotions, decisions, and social behavior
    • How similarity in brain activity across people underlies similarity in thoughts, attitudes and beliefs

    Which Field Of Psychology Is Right For You


    Psychology, the study of the human mind and behavior, is a rapidly growing scientific field. People who choose to become psychologists are often considered helping professionals, even if they dont always work directly with people.

    Some psychologists may spend more time on research and clinical trials, while others offer counseling and related services at schools and other organizations or to individual people seeking therapy. Many psychologists combine research experience and extensive study of psychology with clinical training to provide more specialized help to their clients.

    If youre interested in becoming a psychologist, know you have many career options. Your particular area of interest may help you choose the right specialization.

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    A Description Of Psychology: Exploring The Modern Field

    When are you looking to enroll?

    Having the most accurate description of psychology helps prospective professionals plot their career goals. Yet its important to acknowledge the historical events that effectively shaped the discipline. At the same time, they should also stay abreast of developments currently taking place in the field, because the future of psychology will be founded on todays research. By studying the following descriptions of psychology past, present, and future aspiring professionals can educate themselves on the current and future applications of psychology.

    Job Opportunities For Degree Holders

    Different career choices require different degree levels, but regardless of the area of study, practicing licensed psychologists almost always need to have a doctoral degree in counseling, clinical, or school psychology. These psychologists might further specialize in areas such as forensic psychology, health psychology, or neuropsychology. Depending on the state, people who hold a masters degree in psychology may also be able to provide some limited clinical services.

    There are many other job options for psychology degree holders, however, that do not involve working with patients. Individuals with a doctoral degree in any subfield of psychology can work as researchers at universities or academic medical centers. Those with an associate degree, bachelors degree, or masters degree in psychology may find jobs as research assistants, support staff for practicing psychologists, or non-clinical positions in other human services fields.

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    The Importance Of Accreditation

    Accreditation is the mechanism used to ensure educational quality at the institutional and programmatic level, as appropriate. At the institutional level, there are regional and national accrediting agencies. There are six regional accrediting bodies that accredit colleges and universities in different geographic regions. National accrediting bodies accredit institutions or specific vocations. Specialized and professional accrediting bodies generally accredit at the program level. To ensure the accrediting body acts in a reputable manner, both the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation recognize or accredit the accrediting bodies.

    requires that ones education and training occur in a regionally accredited institution. Accreditation of programs in psychology occurs only for the specific practice-related areas of clinical, counseling and school psychology . As such, most state licensing boards in psychology require, at a minimum, an applicant to have completed a program in a regionally accredited institution. Many also require graduation from an accredited program.

    Health Or Rehabilitation Psychologist

    Why study Psychology?

    The field of health psychology explores the connections between illness, other health issues, and human behavior. As a health psychologist, you might work to research and understand the factors contributing to choices people make about their health. For example, you might conduct research on sleep deficiency, with a goal of understanding why people dont get enough sleep and how they might improve the amount and quality of the sleep they get.

    Rehabilitation psychologists also work in health care fields, but they specialize in helping people with chronic health issues learn to manage and cope with the resulting difficulties those health issues can have on everyday life. These health conditions could relate to emotional health, physical health, or both. Your role as a rehabilitation psychologist might involve developing treatment programs for specific disabilities in hospitals and other treatment centers. You might also choose to work closely with people living with disabilities and their loved ones. These are only a few of many potential careers in health psychology.

    To become a health or rehabilitation psychologist, youll need a doctorate in psychology as well as training in health care settings. Some specialist or research careers in health psychology may be open to people with a masters degree in health psychology.

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    Greater Understanding Of Human Relationships

    Studying psychology will not convert us spontaneously into psychologically healthier, more successful or happier people . Psychologists also suffer from depression and anxiety. They are not immune to failures in their emotional relationships and even have their small phobias and limitations.

    However, having all this knowledge makes them much more aware of what is happening to them, and around them. It makes them understand relational dynamics much better. It helps them know when to ask for help regarding how to best help themselves or other people.

    Psychologists Promote Physical And Mental Health

    Psychologists as health providers span a large and diverse spectrum of subfields. Some psychologists work alone, with patients and clients coming to the psychologists office. Others are involved in health care teams and typically work in hospitals, medical schools, outpatient clinics, nursing homes, pain clinics, rehabilitation facilities, and community health and mental health centers.

    Increasingly, psychologists in independent practice are contracting on either a part-time or a full-time basis with organizations to provide a wide range of services. For example, a psychologist can join a health practice and work with a team of other health care providers, such as physicians, nutritionists, physiotherapists and social workers, to prevent or treat illness. This team approach, which is likely to become more common in the future, frequently includes efforts to change unhealthy behaviors and ensure that patients follow the recommended treatment. The team also helps patients cope with stress.

    Psychologists also instruct students who are training to become health care professionals, such as physicians and nurses, about the psychological factors involved in illness. And they advise health care providers already in practice so that illnesses with symptoms that have a psychological component can be better diagnosed and treated.

    Dr. Daniel AbrahamsonClinical psychologist, administrator and advocate

    Dr. Dorothy W. CantorClinical psychologist in independent practice

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    Differences Between Psyd And Phd In Psychology Degrees

    Since both a PsyD and PhD in Psychology can lead to licensure as a clinical psychologist, it can be confusing to decide which degree is best for your career goals. To help you with this choice, we have created the table below that highlights some of the major differences between the two doctoral degrees.


    Education Requirements For A Behavioral Psychology License

    Fields of psychology

    To become a behavioral psychologist, individuals must obtain a bachelor’s degree, preferably in psychology or social work, a masters degree in psychology, and a doctorate. Aside from research and studies, those who have a behavioral psychology degree often work as a sociologist, social worker, and even as substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors.6

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    Couple And Family Psychology

    Couple and family psychology is the discipline that studies individual human behavior in the broader context of relationships. Couple and family psychology advances sciences understanding of systemic relational systems in marriages and households. Couple and family psychology aims to intervene during relational conflicts to strengthen social bonds. Couple and family psychologists conduct group therapy sessions to hash out behavioral and emotional issues that are breaking apart relatives. Couple and family psychologists counsel people with dating, marital, or parenting issues, including infidelity, verbal abuse, domestic violence, and child neglect.

    Which Is Harder Psychologist Or Psychiatrist

    Skill Sets. Psychiatrists often possess a strong background in medicine and human biology and how each contributes to mental illness and abnormal behaviors. Psychologists generally have stronger skills in communication and an understanding how brain processes can affect a persons emotional wellbeing.

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    Where Can Psychology Take Me Share This Page:

    Psychology majors develop a broad understanding of human behavior as well as the skills to understand and interpret research findings concerning human behavior. The psychology curriculum includes courses in cognitive, developmental, behavioral and neural studies, learning, personality, social and clinical psychology. The coursework emphasizes the fundamental concepts and scientific methods of this basic behavioral science discipline. Psychology students are encouraged to expand their learning experience outside the classroom by conducting and analyzing laboratory and field research as well as participating in internships.

    Psychological Skills

    What Qualifications Do I Need To Work In Psychology

    Choosing Your Field of Study

    The qualifications for a psychology job can vary based on the career you choose and the state in which you plan to work. Most employers require candidates to have a bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field to qualify for a position. Specialized psychology jobs may require candidates to have a master’s degree or a doctorate.

    After meeting the licensing requirements for your state, you may take the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology. If you’re interested in beginning your career immediately after completing your bachelor’s degree, consider pursuing a licensed mental health counselor certification to become a practicing therapist.

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    Each Of The Main Fields Of Psychology Can Lead To A Rewarding Psychology Careerif You Earn The Right Psychology Degree

    Every year, tens of thousands of Americans apply to graduate programs in psychology.1 That may sound like a lot, but not when you consider how many different fields of psychology exist and how different those fields are from one another.

    If youre considering earning an advanced psychology degree, youll want to make sure you choose the degree thats best for the fieldand, ultimately, the psychology careeryou most prefer. To help you along, lets take a look at the different fields of psychology and the psychology degree programs that fit each one best.

    Clinical Psychology

    Nearly one in five U.S. adults lives with a mental illness.2 Clinical psychology is the field devoted to identifying mental health, behavioral, or life adjustment concerns. Clinical psychologists play an indispensable role in our mental health system, often working one-on-one with patients. Through a variety of assessment techniques, clinical psychology professionals develop a course of treatment for clients and monitor their progress, often throughout their lifespan.

    Best degree: PhD in Clinical Psychology

    Research Psychology

    Most of what we know about psychology comes from psychology research. By asking questions and then testing theories, psychology researchers are seek to discover why our minds work the way they do and why we behave the way we behave.

    Best degree: PhD in Psychology with a specialization in Research in Psychology

    Educational Psychology

    Forensic Psychology

    Developmental Psychology

    How Do I Choose A Field For Psychology

    Youd be interested in a particular branch of psychology if it included

  • Helping people through their personal issues.
  • Diagnosing an illness.
  • Solving a practical problem in the world.
  • Appealing to the masses.
  • Helping others navigate the system.
  • Solving a problem in the workplace.
  • Helping a person find the one
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    What Are The Areas Of Study Within Psychology

    The field of psychology had its modern origin just over 100 years ago, and yet interest in the field has grown rapidly. Researchers with broad and varied interests have expanded the field, and as a result there are many different subdisciplines. Highlighted here are several key areas of psychology.Biological psychologists apply biological principles to the study of mental processes and behavior. The field examines the basic biological processes that underlie normal and abnormal behavior at the level of nerves, neurotransmitters, and brain circuitry.

    In clinical psychology, science, theory, and clinical knowledge are combined to improve psychological distress or dysfunction, and to promote personal well-being. Clinical and counseling psychology are similar subdisciplines.

    Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak, and solve problems, by exploring internal mental processes in the brain.Comparative psychology studies the behavior and mental life of non-human animals, like pigeons, cats, and monkeys, with the hopes that it will inform our understanding of humans.

    Developmental psychology focuses on the psychological changes of the human mind throughout the life span. Developmental psychologists study infants, the elderly, and every age in between.

    Personality psychology explores personality and individual differences in thought and behavior.

    Have other areas to add? Please comment below!

    The History Of Psychology

    The Nature of Psychology

    Although psychology is now a rather distinguished scientific discipline, it has surprisingly humble roots. Psychology only became classified as a true academic discipline in 1875, when Professor William James established the first formal psychology course in the United States at Harvard University. Soon after, in 1878, G. Stanley Hall became the first American to earn a doctoral degree in psychology. Then, Wilhelm Wundt established the first experimental psychology lab in 1879 in Germany, and psychology became studied on an international scale. Before this, psychology was viewed academically as mental philosophy, rather than as its own laboratory science. By 1892, Hall had enough colleagues to establish the American Psychological Association, a professional organization meant to facilitate interactions among American psychologists.

    As time progressed, expert minds performed extensive research to unearth the reality of human behaviors and the inner workings of the human mind. Here are several examples of distinguished psychologists and brief descriptions of their professional achievements:

    Ivan Pavlov Pavlov is credited with developing the concept of classical conditioning in 1906. This is a learning process that uses an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus to elicit a specific response from an individual, even if only one stimulus is present.

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    Education Requirements For A Cognitive Psychology License

    To become a cognitive psychologist, an individual must first earn a bachelor’s degree, preferably in psychology or a related field of study. Upon the completion of a bachelor’s degree, students must then obtain a master’s or doctorate in psychology. While earning a master’s in psychology is adequate for many entry-level career positions, to research, teach, or practice any aspect of cognitive psychology, a doctorate in psychology from an APA accredited program is required. Furthermore, to be involved in the treatment aspect of psychology, individuals must obtain a license in the state where they are employed.

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