Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Sacred Geometry Against Christianity

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Yantra And Sri Yantra

Warding Off Witches & the Geometry of Religious Symbols

Yantra’s date back to 11,000 – 10,000 BC. These geometrically harmonious symbols hail from Indian Tantric traditions where they were aids for meditations and deity worship.

The Sri Yantra is the mother of all Yantras and each of its features comes with a spiritual meaning. It consists of five triangles pointed downward and four triangles pointing upwards . The overlapping of the triangles forms 43 smaller triangles within it, all of which have their own meanings. The Sri Yantra is displayed with two crowns, one with eight lotus petals and another with 16. They represent the “lotus of creation” and the “reproductive vital force.” Even the circles and squares have been giving meaning making this symbol extremely powerful and multifaceted.

This oldest example of the Sri Yantra is found inside the Vidyashankara temple in southern India. This mystical diagram is still widely used today in China, India, and Tibet as a symbol of good fortune. It promotes abundance and aids people in overcoming obstacles to achieve their desires. The Sri Yantra also catalyzes peace and promotes both spiritual and material growth.

Fun Fact 3sacred Geometry Is Stress Relieving

Having stress is not only unpleasant, but also very unhealthy! Stress lowers your immune system, can cause depression, heart diseases, sleeping problems and much more.

Luckily, Sacred Geometry can lower or even fully relieve your stress!Besides stress relieving, it has many more benefits! Such as:

  • Increasing your creativity and your happiness.

Stress can be caused by many reasons, but mainly because youre not resonating or connected anymore with your core-self the real you. This can bring a lot of discomfort.

Just like meditation, Sacred Geometry and Nature can bring you back to your core-self so you can relieve all the stress.Nature is full of Sacred Geometry and they both have the same effects, because they both work strongly on your sub-consciousness.

So meditating with Sacred Geometry is a very powerful way to strengthen your health! All of our Sacred Geometric Instruments are also perfect meditation tools which can help you relieving your stress.

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Another small fun fact: Its only recently that even doctors are prescribing nature to relieve stress and anxiety!

Orientation Of Diagram And Placement Of Outer Node Captions

As the First Person of the Trinity, the Father is always in the most honorable position in the diagram. So in the form of the diagram with one vertex down, the caption “PATER” or Father is always placed in the top left node . And in the form of the diagram with one vertex up, the caption “PATER” or Father is always placed in the topmost node. The placement of the captions “FILIUS” or Son and “SPIRITUS SANCTUS” or Holy Spirit in the remaining two outer nodes can vary.

In the 13th-century versions of the diagram, the caption “FILIUS” is placed in the bottom node, and often a cross is drawn in the link between the center node and the bottom node, in order to symbolize the idea that the Second Person of the Trinity entered into the world . However, when this form of the Shield of the Trinity diagram with one vertex down is used after the 13th century, the Son is much more often placed in the top right node, and the Holy Spirit in the bottom node .

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Platonic Solids In Sacred Geometry

To understand sacred geometry better, let’s look at the building blocks of the shapes we see around us. These shapes are called platonic solids.

Platonic solids are nothing but three-dimensional solid shapes with straight edges and flat faces. These shapes are also called polyhedrons.

So, why the name platonic? Remember the great philosopher Plato? He tried to make a connection between the five elements of the earth and these five solid shapes. The elements include air, water, earth, fire, and ether.

Other ancient cultures have also represented these five shapes again and again in their scriptures. So, what are these five platonic solids and what do they stand for? Let’s take a look.

Shield Of The Trinity

34. Christianity in 2020 (With images)
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The Shield of the Trinity or Scutum Fidei is a traditional Christian visual symbol which expresses many aspects of the doctrine of the Trinity, summarizing the first part of the Athanasian Creed in a compact diagram. In late medieval Europe, this emblem was considered to be the heraldic arms of God .

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The Granddaddy Of Sacred Geometry Is A Guy Named Plato

Everyone knows Plato. He was one of the most influential thinkers in human history, and he taught the world all about the dangers of chaining people up in a cave and making them watch shadows. Not surprisingly, ol’ Plato’s brilliant mind got delighted whenever someone mentioned mathematics, particularly geometry. In fact, Dartmouth reported that over his academy was written “Let no one destitute of geometry enter my doors.” So if you math haters out there ever want to shake hands with Plato, study up.

Anyhow, Plato theorized that the sensory world as we knew it was merely a flawed impression of divine reality. According to PBS, Plato tinkered with the ancient idea that the universe was constructed of five geometric shapes, each one symbolic of an element: earth, air, fire, water, and aether. Plato didn’t create these shapes, but people have come to call them the Platonic Solids, probably because Plato was such a cool guy. These solids look like a bunch of Dungeons and Dragons dice, and include familiar shapes like the cube alongside weirdo shapes like the icosahedron .

Long story short, Plato found geometry crying in the corner, gave it the big, fatherly hug it deserved, and then set it free into the world. While the “solids” theory doesn’t hold up today, Plato’s scientific approach namely, breaking down the universe’s massiveness into smaller, identifiable parts was way ahead of his time. Meanwhile, Plato got sacred geometry off to a running start.

What Is The Hieroglyphic Monad

There are many religions, myths, and symbols regarding the unity of the Cosmos around the world. The Hieroglyphic Monad is arguably one of the most unique ones, especially given the area and time of its inception the end of the Middle Ages in Europe. But what exactly is the Hieroglyphic Monad and why is it so fascinating?

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Also Called A Neronic Cross Or A Stipe

The Broken Cross has Pagan roots, being the inverse of the Pythagorean symbol for life and Teutonic rune of death, and is vogue with Wiccans and Satanists. It can represent the antithesis of all that Christianity stands for.

Some see breaking a cross as a way to protest against Christianity. An example of this has been witnessed in recent years in Armenia .

The Broken Cross has been called a Neronic Cross or Nero’s Cross in recognition of Nero’s attempt to suppress the rise of Christianity . It seems illogical to connect a symbol of Christianity to people opposed to the religion, albeit inverted and broken, but labelling this as Nero’s Cross has found its way into reference books and no doubt will continue to mean different things to different people.

Enclosed in a circle, the Broken Cross has been the emblem of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament since 1958 and the symbol has become synonymous with ‘Peace’. Some dismiss the CND as somewhat anti-establishment or anarchist, but it’s well worth reading what they have to say before passing judgement. It’s easy to understand why countries such as Japan are slow at adopting Christianity when the only country to have used an atomic weapon is seen as a Christian nation.

Squares Circles Triangles They All Have Deeper Spiritual Meanings

Sacred geometry, Yeshua, The Kabbalah, Christianity, Jehovah’s witnesses, New Age Doreen Virtue

The classical world saw beauty in the order and design of creation. Everything had a meaning, and Christians quickly adopted these fundamental truths when seeking to represent Christian teachings in art.

Circles were seen as a symbol of eternity and were used in halos of saints in heaven as well as a general representation of the Eternal God.

Read more:The ancient, secular reason why saints are shown with halos

Triangles were often used to represent the Holy Trinity. When God the Father was visually depicted he would sometimes have a triangular shaped halo.

Squares were seen as a symbol of the earth. Having four sides, the square was also often used in connection with the four evangelists, carrying the four gospels to the four corners of the earth.

Pentagrams, while often used by magicians in the Middle Ages, were first used by Christians to represent the five wounds of Christ.

Oval or almond shapes, called mandorlas, were a frequent symbol in Eastern iconography. A mandorla-shaped full-length halo shown behind Jesus Christ was used to represent his divinity and glory.

One geometric arrangement that was popular in Christian art was called the quincunx. Artist David Clayton explains it to be the arrangement of five equivalent shapes that has four arranged symmetrically around the fifth which is centrally placed The five dots on dice, for example, are in a quincunx shape.

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Here are some numbers:

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Sacred Geometry Classes: Levels 1

The Inner Sanctum of Sacred Geometry: Exploring the Hidden Architecture of Creation. Sacred Geometry Online Classes: Levels 1-3

This is the most comprehensive, hands-on course available in the methods and philosophy of Sacred Geometry, with applications in a variety of interesting and important topics from metaphysical, scientific, artistic and occult traditions.

Our intention with this class is to teach the use of Sacred Geometry as a practical tool as well as a philosophical and occult system. To that end it is important to attain mastery of two things. First is the mastery of the drawing techniques, the constructions as they are called in the lingo of Geometry.

The second is to attain mastery of geometric reasoning. It is this skill that facilitates the process of geometric problem solving, that is, understanding how to design and layout specific forms, patterns and diagrams for purposes of discerning real world applications and solutions to a variety of creative problems.

In other words it is equally important to understand the Why of geometric principles as well as the How. The advantage of an online course such as this is that you work at your own pace. If you had difficulty with math in school it is because the pace of learning is standardized in modern educational institutions and not geared to the learning style of individuals. Take your time, perform the exercises as many times as you need before moving on.

Taught by Independent Scholar Randall Carlson

A Closer Look At Spiritual Geometry

Sacred or spiritual geometry describes the symbolic and sacred meanings of certain geometric proportions and shapes. It is linked to the belief that a god is the Worlds geometer.

This explains why the geometry used to construct and design religious structures like churches, mosques, temples, religious altars, tabernacles, and monuments is sometimes considered sacred.

Therefore, it is believed that a deity created the universe based on a geometric plan, and this belief has ancient origins hence some famous quotes like God arithmetics by mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss. Discover more about spiritual geometry below.

  • Final Thoughts
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    What Is Spiritual Or Sacred Geometry

    It is a belief that describes various shapes and symbols based on sacred or spiritual meanings. This concept believes that a god created the universe based on a sacred plan.

    Thats why the geometry used to design and construct religious structures like churches, temples, mosques, religious altars, monuments and tabernacles is regarded sacred.

    This concept also believes that the geometry that makes sacred places like temenoi, sacred groves, village greens, and the invention of religious art is sacred.

    Do The Merkaba Meditation

    Christian Sacred Geometry 2 Digital Art by Endre Balogh

    Merkaba meditation is a holistic visualization of sacred geometry that includes a range of digital shapes and patterns. Over time, it not only ensures a deeply energetic and spiritual cleansing but also changes your vibration powerfully, so that all your magical works and manifestations become noticeably easier, faster, and more effective.

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    Crystals And Christianity Satanist

    So as a Christian how can you feel good about working with crystals? God made everything good and the only thing you need to be concerned with is knowing that you’re not worshiping the crystals, only God.

    What I firmly believe, even after being surrounded by all of those witchy people, is that just because a group uses crystals in one way doesn’t mean another group cannot.

    I’m not trying to convince anyone here that you should work with crystals. I would just like to open some minds.

    At the end of the day, open a bible, do some research and find the answer you’re seeking. Just because a pastor/a blogger/your Facebook friend/someone told you that crystals and Christianity do not go together does not make it true.

    If you’ve read this post and wondered who is writing this… Hi! I’m Alycia. I’m a Christian that has read the Bible. I used to attend church, I don’t anymore as I find it makes me feel like I’m hanging out with a bunch of Pharisees.

    Sacred Geometry Says Hello To Other Major Religions Of The World

    While Islam high-fives sacred geometry like an old childhood friend, all the other big world religions have hung out with the polygons as well. Case in point: Christianity. While Christian art design is usually more literal than the abstract geometry of Islamic art, there are still common geometric rules relating to the architectural designs of churches, steeples pointing toward God, and that most famous of all Christian icons, the cross. Things get cranked up a notch when examining specific churches, such as the Chartres Cathedral in France. According to Stephen Skinner, the architecture of this Gothic cathedral was based on geometric circles. Meanwhile, Prince Charles yeah, the same Prince Charles who married Diana has , claiming the geometry of every wall, slant, and fixture within the Chartres Cathedral is specific, perfect, and loaded with meaning. Once again, the perfection of geometry symbolizes the perfection of the divine, compared to man: order in chaos.

    So yeah, everyone loves these funky shapes. Hinduism is also down with the mathness, specifically fractal geometry, according to academic researchers from South Korea. Hinduism’s sacred shape is a mandala, the intersection of a circle and a square, symbolizing the relationship between humankind and the divine. Hindu temples have actually been planned, designed, and built with the mandala as their geometric center, as described in Pon Kulendiren’s Hinduism: A Scientific Religion.

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    The Seven Days Of Creation

    The Seed of Life represents the seven days of creation, the process by which God created the universe. An octahedron was rotated on its axes, creating the first sphere. The Old Testament references the next stage “the spirit of the Creator floating upon the face of the waters,” an expansion of the Creator’s self-actualization and the seed. Now we have two circles, the second of which appears alongside the first. This stage is where God said, “Let there be light”. The two spheres which resemble a Venn diagram are known as the Vesica Pisces. The Creator continues creating more circles in this method until the Seed of Life is born the origin of all things and blueprint for our universe.

    Sacred Geometry: Unlocking The Secret Structures Of The Universe

    JESUS, SACRED GEOMETRY & ONENESS – Pt.1.1 (#1100) – 09/26/21 SUNDAY

    The Cambridge English Dictionary defines geometry as the area of mathematics relating to the study of space and the relationships between points, lines, curves, and surfaces. This definition fits nicely with the academic study of geometry, which is based on rationalism. It has been argued, however, that there is an opposite but complementary side to this field of study. According to this view, geometry has an intuitive side to it, and that certain geometrical shapes and proportion contain sacred meaning. This belief may be considered to be the basis of sacred geometry. The concept and application of sacred geometry can be found in many civilizations around the world.

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    Archimedes Was Pretty Solid Too

    Plato might have kicked off the polygonal football, but Archimedes was the one who caught it and carried those polygons to the next stop on the field. Archimedes who, for the record, was a highly intelligent Greek mathematician, not a cartoon owl raised the bar on insanely complex geometric designs, identifying 13 shapes so insanely intricate that they’d make even the Transformers jealous.

    According to Wolfram MathWorld, these 13 shapes are called the Archimedean Solids. They include such far-out, trippy shapes as the “great rhombicosi dodecahedron,” as well as the “cubotahedron,” and the somewhat more pitiful “snub cube.” The big difference between the Platonic solids and the Archimedean solids comes down to the level of complexity. The Platonic solids are shapes that can still be turned into play blocks for children, while the Archimedean solids are more like something out of a nightmarish acid trip.

    But that’s enough “solid” talk, because all this polygonal discussion is starting to sound a lot like the Sphere in Edwin Abbot Abbot’s Flatland. While it’s hard not to feel pangs of sympathy for the poor little snub cube, let’s examine how sacred geometry has informed real world architecture, culture, and art.

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