Saturday, July 27, 2024

Who Invented Math And Why

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Suddenly I See That Chalk Making That Squeal Sound

Was Mathematics Discovered or Invented?

Writing on a blackboard, these simple numbers

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0

Teacher Miss Roberts, started talking about these numbers that our parents used a lot in front of us, as kids. We had to learn how to write them by heart. Today is easier, and you just type the darn numbers. Nonetheless, back in the day, you had to literally ‘draw’ those stupid numbers.

Eventually, we learned that Phoenicians and Persians, came out with these symbols. But I was just six years old, and everything was just scary — Whoever never draw a ducky from that number two, never did his/her homework thoroughly. “You talking to me?”

Months later after that Christmas break we got in touch with this simple equation:


I felt like cheating and started using my fingers. Tell me you didn’t do it? I was terrified with this new language for a young six years old soul. I always wanted to know why the sign plus is represented by a cross, ‘+’and now that I’m over 50, want to take my young self and find out why they did use all these new symbols the way they did? Talking about child abuse…?

Inspiration Pure And Applied Mathematics And Aesthetics

Mathematics arises from many different kinds of problems. At first these were found in commerce, land measurement, architecture and later astronomy today, all sciences suggest problems studied by mathematicians, and many problems arise within mathematics itself. For example, the physicistRichard Feynman invented the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics using a combination of mathematical reasoning and physical insight, and today’s string theory, a still-developing scientific theory which attempts to unify the four fundamental forces of nature, continues to inspire new mathematics.

Some mathematics is relevant only in the area that inspired it, and is applied to solve further problems in that area. But often mathematics inspired by one area proves useful in many areas, and joins the general stock of mathematical concepts. A distinction is often made between pure mathematics and applied mathematics. However pure mathematics topics often turn out to have applications, e.g.number theory in cryptography.

As in most areas of study, the explosion of knowledge in the scientific age has led to specialization: there are now hundreds of specialized areas in mathematics and the latest Mathematics Subject Classification runs to 46 pages. Several areas of applied mathematics have merged with related traditions outside of mathematics and become disciplines in their own right, including statistics, operations research, and computer science.

Was Maths Discovered Or Invented

This is true for all right-angled triangles on a level surface, so its a discovery. Showing it is true, however, requires the invention of a proof. And over the centuries, mathematicians have devised hundreds of different techniques capable of proving the theorem. In short, maths is both invented and discovered.

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Archimedes And The Number Pi

About a hundred years later, Greek Archimedes discovered a constant without end. He formed 96 different sides into the approximate shape of a circle and compared the circumference to the diameter. So the number known as Pi was born. This was amazing in which a circles circumference is always the same as the length of the circles diameter times pi.

The pi though is never exact, 3.14159 Modern computers have stretched pi for a quadrillion digits to confirm something more that the numeral patterns on the right side of the decimal point never repeat themselves.

Mathematics In Modern Times

Maths poster

Whatever evolution mathematics undergoes in the future, it is important that mathematics courses especially higher-level masters degree maths inculcate pioneers discoveries as foundation and philosophy, for within its various branches and mathematical applications, mathematics is an essential tool for many other scientific fields.

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The Early Years Of Math

For the early years of math, cultures existed largely siloed into their own communities and geographical areas. This meant that each region developed its own means of doing math that slowly evolved to reflect the core principles of the mathematical laws of nature.

Each roughly 6000 years ago can be traced through a lineage of discovering addition, multiplication, and division.

Mesopotamian and Egyptian societies likely made the largest advancements in early mathematics simply due to their age of existence and their overall size and resources.

Is Math A Universal Truth

The patterns and relations expressed by mathematics in ways that are consistent with the fields of logic and mathematics are typically considered truths of universal scope. This is not to say that universality is limited to mathematics, since it is also used in philosophy, theology, and other pursuits.

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When Did Meth Become Popular

A timeline of meth abuse indicates that the drug became popular in the 1960s and 1970s, when truck drivers, college students, athletes and motorcycle gangs began using amphetamines, which they referred to as speed and uppers.

In the 1980s, after the federal government began regulating the key chemical used to make meth, cooks providing the drug to motorcycle gangs found that ephedrine from over-the-counter cold medications could be used to create crystal meth. At this time, Mexican drug cartels began to supply ephedrine to the cooks, and crystal meth use took off. It was during this time that home meth labs, where people used chemicals like acetone, battery acid and paint thinners to create the drug, also became more popular.

While recent data indicate that just 0.6% of the United States population uses meth within a given year, trends show a significant uptick in overdose deaths involving stimulant drugs like meth over the past few years. This suggests that a meth crisis may be underway.

If you or a loved one live with methamphetamine addiction or are using methamphetamine recreationally and want to stop, its time to seek professional help. The Recovery Village provides care to those struggling with addiction. Reach out to one of our knowledgeable representatives today to learn how you can start on your path to recovery.

Who Invented Mathematical Symbols

Is math discovered or invented? – Jeff Dekofsky

One can trace the history of mathematical symbols to Babylonia and ancient Egypt in 3500 B. C. They used these symbols to show numbers and according to history, these came before the written language.

It was in Greece that mathematics symbols for angles, areas, and volumes appeared. The people used lines to show these symbols and rectangles to show the addition of the two symbols.

Descartes was the man who modified mathematical symbols into what they are today. He did this by denoting the final letters of the alphabet and the first letters as well.

G. Leibniz was another mathematician who created differential and integral calculus.

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Did You Know That Mathematics Were Invented In Africa

This beautiful and inspiring list of equations begins with Pythagoras Thats fine However Pythagoras had teachers and before his teachers there were many others who helped to build the knowledge he inherited It was in Africa Pythagoras learned mathematics

All of equations and algorithms from mathematics use basic mathematical operations that were invented in Ishango at the heart of Africa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, dozens of thousand years ago before the building of the first pyramid in Egypt You cannot build the present and future in ignoring the past

Knowing that the invention of computer and coding was possible because of the knowledge that was discovered and developed in Africa before being adopted in Europe wont change anything. But it is worth to be reminded

The building of Pyramids was possible by applying physics, geometry and chemistry laws Medicine was already practiced by applying biology and microbiology principles in Egypt Henri Bergson conception of knowledge is very interesting He thinks that the difference between knowledge from science and that one from magic is about the methodology used for getting the same knowledge

Ancient Egyptians were mastering the foundation of the modern science as part of their religions Architecture, mathematics, geometry, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, microbiology, etc were all parts of priests practices and activities

Whoever Invented Them Step Forward

Believe me, when I was in first grade I was shy as hell. No Mr. brainy or uplifting writer whatsoever. Math was like Chinese or Polski to me. I still remember that first year in grammar school. The year was 1969. Am I old? Not really, age is just a number, according to Aaliyah.

I still can picture my first day in class, already chewing my pencil, because mom lied to me. She promised me to come back in a little while.

Yeah right! She came 5 hours later. I see myself seated on my new desk, and to my right… I see a new friend, or future friend, picking his nose and eating that greenish dried stuff! Turning to my left, I noticed another red headed fellow boy, crying and tearing up his notebook out of rage. I felt as though I was in a Juvenal facility…. Oh my!

No FB??

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Who Invented Numbers And Letters

The history of numbers is traceable to the ancient Ishango Bone which researchers found in Africa. The lines on the bones looked like the tally marks of today. Also, the traders in Mesopotamia used numbers for their businesses.

However, Aryabhata and Brahmagupta both Indians were the ones who developed the Arabic numeral system used today. Both these men were from the fifth and sixth century BC respectively.

In Ancient Egypt, records existed which showed that the Egyptians used numbers to measure things. This was important for them as they built pyramids.

For the invention of numbers, one can trace it to the history of the Phoenicians. These people created an alphabet of twenty-two consonants with no vowel. However, as the world evolved, vowels soon became a part of the alphabet.

Is Mathematics Invented Or Discovered

Maths Pi

Mathematics is the language of science and has enabled mankind to make extraordinary technological advances. There is no question that the logic and order that underpins mathematics, has served us in describing the patterns and structure we find in nature.

The successes that have been achieved, from the mathematics of the cosmos down to electronic devices at the microscale, are significant. Einstein remarked, “How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought which is independent of experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects of reality?”

Amongst mathematicians and scientists there is no consensus on this fascinating question. The various types of responses to Einstein’s conundrum include:

1) Math is innate. The reason mathematics is the natural language of science, is that the universe is underpinned by the same order. The structures of mathematics are intrinsic to nature. Moreover, if the universe disappeared tomorrow, our eternal mathematical truths would still exist. It is up to us to discover mathematics and its workings–this will then assist us in building models that will give us predictive power and understanding of the physical phenomena we seek to control. This rather romantic position is what I loosely call mathematical Platonism.

4) Keep calm and carry on. What matters is that mathematics produces results. Save the hot air for philosophers. This is called the “shut up and calculate” position.

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Notable Inventions Of Archimedes

  • Archimedes is considered the father of mathematics because of his notable inventions in mathematics and science. He was in the service of King Hiero II of Syracuse.
  • At that time, he developed many inventions. Archimedes made out a pulley system designed to help the sailors move objects up and down that are weighty.
  • Archimedes has configured diverse mathematical concepts to solve mathematical problems. The ‘method of exhaustion’ is developed by Archimedes to measure the areas of shapes. Quantifying the value of PI is the result of his ‘method of exhaustion.’
  • This step of most outstanding achievement is used in mathematics to calculate the measurement of a circle. Through this method, Archimedes established the relationship between spheres and cylinders. He studied the area and surface of a circle as well as a parabola.
  • Archimedes is one of the earlier mathematicians who studied the uses of prime numbers. He brought out the concept of infinity. He devised a weapon which is called the claw of Archimedes. This claw was made to defend the city wall’s seaward portion against any sort of military assault. It was a defense mechanism to resist the attack of Roman general Marcellus.

How Was Factoring Invented

The history of the concept of factoring reaches back to ancient Rome, whose wealthy producers and merchants employed a mercantile agent or factor to manage the sale and delivery of their goods. Records show that such factors continued to be employed with increasing frequency throughout the Middle Ages.

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Early Development Of Mathematics From Pythagoras To Euclid

Mathematics is a word derived from the Greek mathema, meaning learning, study or science. To reach conclusions and devise systems, it relies on the principles of logic.

A major development of mathematics came around 3000 BCE, when Egyptians developed the decimal system that made the value of pi.

Around 2100 BCE, the Babylonians put a system in place that used the number 60 as a base. This is used conveniently to divide time to hours then minutes to seconds.

Greek philosopher Pythagoras defined a right triangle the sum of the squares of the two sides must be the same as the square of the hypotenuse.

A century and a half later, the Greeks found the irrational numbers those that could not be expressed as a ratio of two whole numbers.

Euclid, a figure in mathematics and author of The Elements, arrived around 300 BCE to devise geometry, a system defining how different figures and shapes relate to one another in space.

The Man Who Invented Pi

History of Mathematics : Who Invented Numbers?

In 1706 a little-known mathematics teacher named William Jones first used a symbol to represent the platonic concept of pi, an ideal that in numerical terms can be approached, but never reached.

Patricia Rothman

The history of the constant ratio of the circumference to the diameter of any circle is as old as man’s desire to measure whereas the symbol for this ratio known today as dates from the early 18th century. Before this the ratio had been awkwardly referred to in medieval Latin as: quantitas in quam cum multiflicetur diameter, proveniet circumferencia .

It is widely believed that the great Swiss-born mathematician Leonhard Euler introduced the symbol into common use. In fact it was first used in print in its modern sense in 1706 a year before Euler’s birth by a self-taught mathematics teacher William Jones in his second book Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos, or A New Introduction to the Mathematics based on his teaching notes.

On Oughtred’s death in 1660 some books and papers from his fine mathematical library were acquired by the mathematician John Collins , from whom they would eventually pass to Jones.

… she has informed me that he has abused her throughout the whole course of her life, giving out that she is guilty of such irregularities and enormities in all her ways and proceedings that no man alive is able to find where she is at any time.

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So Who The Hell Created The X Symbol

Checking and traveling through time we find our answer: The × symbol for multiplication was introduced by William Oughtred in 1631. Oughtred also introduced the abbreviations sin and cos for sine and cosine functions. My Young self is already lost with trigonometry, so I tell him just to stay calmed. William Oughtred published, among other mathematical works, Clavis Mathematicae , in 1631.

Right on time for Newton to catch up with 2,000 years of math and publicize his Principia Mathematica in 1687. How did he come out with the sign? Sir William Oughtred was innovated freely in symbols, and loved the occult he had a deep interest in alchemy and astrology. So somehow, he came out with this triple X divided by three. “Is not funny Joseph”

Who Invented Math And Science

You now know the inventors of math but what about science? Many modern-day scientists consider Aristotle as the father of science although some say there were scientists before him. Aristotle was the one who introduced logic, inquiry, observation, and demonstration. These are core principles of science.

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Numbers And Patterns Have Always Been There Waiting To Be Discovered

There are so many number systems! The ones you know were developed over centuries and we are still making up more now. But much of our maths is based on one system called base 10, which works on patterns of one to ten . Its also called the decimal system.

But there are lots of other systems, like base 2 , or base 16 .

It sounds complicated but theyre just different ways of organising numbers. Numbers have always been there, waiting to be discovered and so were different ways of organising them.

And over time humans in various cultures have noticed patterns that emerge in numbers, and developed mathematical systems around them.

Going Back And Finding Answers

History of Mathematics : Who Invented Trigonometry?

We get in touch with Robert Recorde A member of a respectable family of Tenby, Wales, born around 1510 or 1512. We try to get some answers and found him at Oxford University. The year is 1544. He is at the library, and generously gives us a tour. Wow! Nice smell of leather and books! Perfect setting for Harry Potter’s next film!

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