Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is Modeling In Psychology

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Modeling: What Is It And What Are Its Types In Psychology

An introduction to the discipline of Psychology

Learning by observation is very important for the development of people. A large part of the skills we acquire depends on observing the behavior of others, especially during childhood.

In this article we will describe what modeling is , one of the terms that are used to describe certain facets of social learning. We will also explain the processes that allow modeling to occur, and what types of modeling exist.

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What Is The Diathesis Stress Model

The Diathesis stress model or stress vulnerability model is a theory from psychology that explains disorders as a result of an interaction between vulnerability, diathesis and stress as a result of life experiences.

The term diathesis comes from Greek and means something like predisposition or sensitivity. A diathesis. There are various forms of this diathesis. These depend on psychological, genetic, biological or situational factors.

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Stress arises from life events or other events that have disrupted a persons psychological balance. Stress has the ability to catalyze the development of a disorder. That is, stress can be a stimulator for the development of a psychological disorder.

The diathesis stress model is used to investigate how biological or genetic factors interact with stressors causing disorders such as anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. The model states that if the combination of predisposition and stress exceeds a certain limit, the person will develop a disorder in the short term.

How Can Computational Modeling Provide Robust Tests Of Psychological Theories Of Therapy

The computational modeling approach requires the mathematical specification of a theory. The challenge this poses is how a theory of psychological change can be described in mathematical terms. In a key article on this topic, Moutoussis and colleagues argue that since psychological therapy requires learning, this allows the computational understanding of learning to be applied to psychological change in therapy. They go on to highlight how learning and inference is central to how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been conceived from its development onward. One example that Moutousssis and colleagues expand on in their paper is the mapping of inferential distortions to problematic beliefs . They provide an example of how a computational model of avoidance learning can be applied to understanding exposure and response prevention. This model specifies key inferences about the outcomes of behavior as the main variables in the models and can be compared to actual behavior. We will return to the modeling of learning later in the article.

Figure 1 Diagram of the control unit according to perceptual control theory. Permission granted from Dag Forssell, redrawn from an original figure by William T. Powers.

PCT utilizes the Test for the Controlled Variable . Mansell and Huddy summarize this approach as follows:

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A Note On Interpreting The Confusion Matrix

As described above, and in keeping with standard practice from statistics, the confusion matrix is defined as the probability that data simulated by one model is best fit by another, that is, p simulated model ) . However, when we fit a model to real data, we are usually more interested in making the reverse inference that is, given that model B fits our data best, which model is most likely to have generated the data? This is equivalent to computing p fit model ) . Note that this measure, which we term the inversion matrix to distinguish it from the confusion matrix, is not the same as the confusion matrix unless model recovery is perfect. Of course, the inversion matrix can be computed from the confusion matrix using Bayes rule and it may be useful to report it in cases where the confusion matrix is not diagonal.

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  • 1. Prepared by: Lima SierraPhilippine Values System
  • 2. *Definition:Theories used to provide a model/pattern forunderstanding human thoughts, emotions, andbehaviors.
  • 3. *It must describe a behaviorIt must make predictions aboutfuture behaviors.
  • 4. Behavioral PsychologyCognitive Theories of PsychologyDevelopmental TheoriesHumanistic TheoriesPersonality PsychologySocial Psychology.*
  • 5. *known as behaviorisma theory of learning based uponthe idea that all behaviors areacquired through conditioningINCLUDESClassicalConditioningTheoryOperantConditioningTheoryConnectionism Theory
  • 6. *Classical Conditioningby Ivan Pavlov*Concerns the automatic reflexes associatedwith digestion. Wherein his dog salivated in thepresence of food but also at the presentationof stimuli before the food was given.
  • 7. *
  • 8. *Generalization which is the tendency of a newstimulus similar to the original conditioned stimulus toproduce a similar responseDiscrimination which means that the response islimited to specific stimuliExtinction where the conditioned response weakensin the absence of the unconditioned stimulus.
  • 9. **Concerned with learning occurring asa consequence of behavior
  • 10. *Operant = a behavior that can be controlled byaltering consequences that follow them.Example: performing job related taskscoming to work on time
  • 11. *
  • 13. **views most behaviors as physicalreflexive responses to environmentalstimuli
  • 32. *
  • 35. *
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    Validate The Winning Model

    All the previous steps measure a relative goodness of fit. Does model A fit better than model B? However, before interpreting any results from a model, it is essential to ensure that the model actually usefully captures the data in an absolute sense. This step is called model validation, and should never be skipped: it is possible to fit a model, get high fit measures, and nevertheless completely miss the essence of the behavior.

    One method for model validation is computing the average trial likelihood as an absolute measure of fit. Although this measure has some nice properties for example, the best possible value is one when the model predicts behavior perfectly it offers limited value when choices are actually stochastic or the environment is complex. In these cases, the best possible likelihood per trial is less than 1, but it is not known what the best possible likelihood per trial could be. For this reason, although the likelihood per trial can be a useful tool for model validation , interpreting it as an absolute measure of model fit is of limited value.

    Can You Arbitrate Between Different Models

    In model comparison, our goal is to determine which model, out of a set of possible models, is most likely to have generated the data. There are a number of different ways to make this comparison that involve different approximations to the Bayesian evidence for each model . Here, we focus on the most common method which is related to the log-likelihood computed in ‘Fit the parameters’.

    A simplistic approach to model comparison would be to compare the log-likelihoods of each model at the best fitting parameter settings, p : T , used to evaluate the log-likelihood are the same as those used to fit the parameters, then this approach will lead to overfitting, as the model with the most free parameters will almost always fit this training data best. As an extreme example, consider the case of a model with one parameter per choice, which is the identity of the choice the person actually made. Such a model would fit the data perfectly, but would of course tell us nothing about how the choices were actually determined and would make no predictions about what choices would be made in a different setting. Overfitting is a problem in that it decreases the generalizability of the model: it makes it less likely that the conclusions drawn would apply to a different sample.

    When computing and interpreting a confusion matrix it is important to keep the following points in mind:

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    The Key To Success Model The Best

    Model strategies that workWhat do you want most in life? And are you studying and learning from the people who already have it?

    This is the essence of modeling in psychology, a powerful concept that successful people use every day.

    You know that you have to take massive action to turn your goals into reality. Although theres a lot of work you need to do on your own, you can also turn to the people in your life whove already achieved success. What can these people teach you? What can you learn from studying theirpath to success?

    Success often seems like a gift given to others. What else explains the effortless way they round up achievements while you look on? What is the key to success that theyve picked up, but you cant seem to find?

    Success doesnt come from luck, fate or magic. It comes from hard work, hunger and surrounding yourself with the right people. It means cultivating themindset of a winner and always striving to achieve more.

    The truth is these successful business owners are turning to modeling when they make their decisions. But what is modeling in psychology, exactly? And how do you learn how to use it?

    We surround ourselves with what is better or see other people as role models. You go, If they can do this, so can I. Tony Robbins

    How Does Modeling Explain Behavior

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    Modeling is one way in which behavior is learned. When a person observes the behavior of another and then imitates that behavior, he or she is modeling the behavior. Modeling may teach a new behavior, influence the frequency of a previously learned behavior, or increase the frequency of a similar behavior.

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    How To Use Behavior Modeling To Teach Specific Skills

    You can use behavior modeling to teach your teen specific skills. Whether you want your teen to learn how to iron a dress shirt or you want him to learn how to sort the recycling, these steps can help him remember what to do:

  • Have your teen watch you perform the task first.
  • Allow your teen time to process and remember the behavior you performed.
  • Give your teen a chance to practice performing the behavior on his own.
  • Use positive reinforcement, such as praise, to encourage your teen to keep up the good work.
  • Design A Good Experiment

    Computational modeling is a powerful technique, but it can never replace good experimental design. Modeling attempts to capture how information is manipulated behind the scenes to produce the behavior thus it is fundamentally limited by the behavioral data, which is itself fundamentally limited by the experimental protocol. A researcher studying face perception would not attempt to fit Prospect Theory to a face perception task and a researcher studying the differential effects of gain and loss would not do it in a gambling task with only gains. Although obvious in these simple cases, the question becomes more difficult as the complexity of the model increases: is a given learning protocol rich enough to allow the identification of dynamic changes in learning rate, of working memory or episodic memory contributions to learning, or of reward range adaptation? Often, the answer to these questions will be no unless the protocol has been deliberately designed to provide this power.

    So, how should you go about designing a good experiment with computational modeling in mind? While this process will always be something of an art form, we suggest that you ask yourself the following questions in order to optimize your experimental design:

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    Be Careful With The Choice Of Parameters When Computing The Confusion Matrix

    Just as parameter recovery may only be successful in certain parameter regimes, so too can model recovery depend critically on the parameters chosen to simulate the models. In some parameter regimes, two models may lead to very different behavior, but they may be indistinguishable in other parameter regimes . As with parameter recovery, we believe that the best approach is to match the range of the parameters to the range seen in your data, or to the range that you expect from prior work.

    A Computational Model Should Be Interpretable

    Psychological models

    In the process of developing models that can account for the behavioral data, researchers run the risk of adding components to a model that are not interpretable as a sensible manipulation of information. For example, a negative learning rate is difficult to interpret in the framework of reinforcement learning. Although such uninterpretable models may sometimes improve fits, nonsensical parameter values may indicate that something important is missing from your model, or that a different cognitive process altogether is at play.

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    Social Learning Theory As The Foundation For Behavior Modeling

    Social learning theory provides the foundation for behavior modeling. It asserts that most behaviors are learned by observation and modeling.

    That means your teen may pick up on your unhealthy habits. So if you yell at your teen, there’s a good chance your teen will learn to yell at you. Or, if you make a lot of impulse purchases, your teen may also have trouble saving money.

    But the good news is, the reverse is also true. If you exercise every day or make it a habit to read a book each evening, your teen may be more likely to follow suit.

    You can shape your child’s behavior by modeling healthy habits.

    Analyze The Winning Model

    To minimize risks of p-hacking, model-dependent analyses should only be performed on the winning model, after researchers are satisfied that the model captures the behavior. One particularly powerful application of model-based analysis of behavior involves estimating the latent variables in the model. Latent variables are the hidden components of the algorithms underlying the behavior that are not directly observable from the behavior itself. These latent variables shed light on the internal workings of the model and, if we are to take the model seriously, should have some representation in the subjects mind and brain .

    Extracting latent variables from the model is as simple as simulating the model and recording how the latent variables evolve over time. The parameters of the simulation should be the fit parameters for each subject. In most cases, it is useful to yoke the choices of the model to the choices the participants actually made, thus the latent variables evolve according to the experience participants actually had. This is especially true if the choices can influence what participants see in the future.

    Other model-dependent analyzes include studying individual differences as captured by fit parameters. Fit parameters can be treated as a dependent variable in continuous analyses or group comparisons .

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    Plot The Correlations Between Simulated And Recovered Parameters

    While the correlation coefficient between simulated and recovered parameters is a useful number for summarizing parameter recovery, we also strongly recommend that you actually plot the simulated vs recovered parameters. This makes the correlation clear, and also reveals whether the correlation holds in some parameter regimes but not others. It also reveals any existing bias .

    Be Careful With Constraints On Parameters

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    If the constraints are ill chosen, it is possible that the solution will be at the bounds, which is often, but not always, a red flag.

    Only include parameters that have an influence on the likelihood. If only two parameters impact the likelihood, but the optimizer attempts to fit three, it will usually find the optimum for the two relevant parameters and a random value for the third however, it will lead to slower and less efficient fitting.

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    Pick The Right Person

    Look for someone who is already successful in your chosen field, or someone who has created the kind of life you want to live. Theres no need to reinvent the wheel. Look into their history and their rise to the top. How did they get to where they are today? What kind of obstacles and setbacks did they face and how did they overcome them? What are their philosophies about their life and their work? Use this information to build a path that mirrors theirs.

    Quick Answer : What Are The 3 Types Of Modeling In Psychology

    Bandura identified three kinds of models: live, verbal, and symbolic.

    What is an example of modeling in psychology?

    the process in which one or more individuals or other entities serve as examples that a child will emulate. Models are often parents, other adults, or other children, but they may also be symbolic . See also social learning theory.

    Also, What is the modeling process in psychology?

    Modeling is: a method used in certain cognitive-behavioral techniques of psychotherapy whereby the client learns by imitation alone, without any specific verbal direction by the therapist, and.

    Regarding this, What is a live model in psychology? Live modeling refers to watching a real person, usually the therapist, perform the desired behavior the client has chosen to learn. For example, the therapist might model good telephone manners for a client who wants a job in a field that requires frequent telephone contact with customers.

    How does modeling work psychology?

    In observational learning, we learn by watching others and then imitating, or modeling, what they do or say. The individuals performing the imitated behavior are called models. For example, in a study of social learning in chimpanzees, researchers gave juice boxes with straws to two groups of captive chimpanzees.

    Likewise, What is behavioral modeling with example?

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    Genetic Predisposition To Developing A Psychological Disorder

    Also, receiving a particular temperament trait, such as sensory processing sensitivity , increases the vulnerability to developing psychological disorders. SPS is associated with increased sensitivity in the central nervous system and deeper cognitive processing of social, physical, and emotional stimuli.

    The trait is characterized by the tendency to pause in new situations and to check the situation. These people have a greater sensitivity to stimuli and use deeper cognitive processing strategies for applying coping styles. These are driven by heightened emotional reactivity.

    SPS is an inherited and conserved trait. It is associated with an increased level of information processing in the brain, which moderates sensitivity to environments in positive and negative ways. Interaction with negative experiences increases the risk of a psychopathology, such as a depression or disorder. Interacting with positive experiences actually increases positive results.

    Beware Rounding Errors Zeros And Infinities

    ð Psychological model of health definition. What is Biomedical Model of ...

    More generally, the fitting procedure can go wrong if it encounters infinities or NaNs during the parameter search. This can occur if a choice probability is rounded down to zero, thus making the log of the choice probability – . Likewise, if your model involves exponentials , this can lead to errors whereby the exponential of a very large number is rounded up to infinity. One way to avoid these issues is by constraining parameter values to always give finite choice probabilities and log-likelihoods at the boundaries. One way to diagnose these issues is to include checks in the code for valid log-likelihoods.

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