Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Does Psychology Explain Human Behavior

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Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs

Human Behavior Explained

Abraham Maslow is considered the founder of humanistic psychology, and is noted for his conceptualization of a hierarchy of human needs. He believed that every person has a strong desire to realize his or her full potentialor to reach what he called self-actualization. Unlike many of his predecessors, Maslow studied mentally healthy individuals instead of people with serious psychological issues. Through his research he coined the term peak experiences, which he defined as high points in which people feel at harmony with themselves and their surroundings. Self-actualized people, he believed, have more of these peak experiences throughout a given day than others.

Maslows hierarchy of needs In Maslows hierarchy of needs, a person must first have their lower-level, physical needs met before they can progress to fulfilling higher-level, psychological needs.

Relational Frame Theory: Its Our Language

Relational Frame Theory was developed in the 2000s by Steven Hayes, Dermot Barnes-Holmes and Brian Roche, and builds upon classic behaviorism. Whats new in this theory is the role of human language in learning new behavior.

Specifically, RFT researchers argue that language enables us to learn new information indirectly. The key learning processes of this theory are centered on relations between stimuli, or relational frames.

As an example, imagine you meet three new people: Aaron, Bianca and Chris. Aaron introduces himself to you, and explains that Bianca is his sister and Chris is his father. Importantly, with these relations learned directly , you now know several other relations indirectly.

First, you can derive that Aaron is Biancas brother and Chris son . This is called mutual entailment in RFT. But you can also understand that Bianca is Chris daughter and that Chris is Biancas father , which is referred to as combinatorial mutual entailment.

Even though these relations may seem obvious, the example shows that we can learn indirectly, through relations or frames we already know. The more relations we know, the more relations we can derive. And, like social learning theory, it shows that we dont need actual experience to learn new information.

More Behavioral Psychology Examples

Let’s talk about how to apply behavioral psychology to your daily life. In each of the articles below, I break down some behavioral psychology research and share practical ways to put it to use in our daily lives.

Looking for more articles explaining how to apply behavioral psychology principles in practical ways? I have a full list at the bottom of this page.

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How Will Psychology Develop In Future

In the 150 years or so since psychology became a science, hugeamounts have been discovered about why people behave as they do andhow we can relate different aspects of human behavior to what goes oninside our heads. Even so, teasing out the many, remaining mysteriesof the brain remains one of the last great challenges of science.Apart from being hugely interesting in its own right, anotherimportant prospect is the discovery of effective treatments forterrible degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Afurther interesting direction is the development of artificialintelligence, including computers and robots that can “think” andact in more humanlike ways. Will probing the mysteries of the mindhelp us perfect electro-mechanical rivals who make us obsolete? Orwill the act of developing intelligent machines sharpen our sense ofwhat it means to be human, making us happier and more fulfilled?Psychologists, you can be sure, will find the answer!

Contexts That Shape Selfconstrual: Home School And Work

How do modern psychologists explain human behavior? There ...

The idea that schools are contexts in which social class inequalities are reinforced may initially seem puzzling, given that schools are supposed to be meritocratic environments in which achievement is shaped by ability and effort, rather than by any advantage conferred by class background. However, as Bourdieu and Passeron have argued, the school system reproduces social inequalities by promoting norms and values that are more familiar to children from middleclass backgrounds. To the extent that this helps middleclass children to outperform their workingclass peers, the meritocratic belief that such performance differences are due to differences in ability and/or effort will serve to explain and legitimate unequal performance. Consistent with this argument, Darnon, Wiederkehr, Dompnier, and Martinot primed the concept of merit in French fifthgrade schoolchildren and found that this led to lower scores on language and mathematics tests but that this only applied to lowSES children. Moreover, the effect of the merit prime on test performance was mediated by the extent to which the children endorsed meritocratic beliefs. Here, then, is evidence that the ideology of meritocracy helps to reproduce social class differences in school settings.

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Practical Applications Of A Human Behavior Degree

Solving the mysteries of the mind is not the only interesting option for someone who graduates with a degree in human behavior or psychology.

There are countless areas in which to put a human behavior degree to work in a fulfilling way. One possibility is in applied behavioral analysis , which is based on the science of behaviorism. This arm of human behavior science has a certification process for therapists who wish to use it in their practice. It is known mostly for its widespread use in helping people with autism, but it is used in many other ways including helping people cope with brain injuries and dementia.

The basic principles of behaviorism are also well integrated into the field of education. Teachers are certainly taught introductory principles of behaviorism, mostly through the lens of classroom management, says Jenkins. In schools, especially schools with kids with behavior problems, youll typically have that sort of behavior management system in place. They might have something like a classroom store so that if a student exhibits positive behavior, they get points to trade in for actual things like pencils or little toys.

Human behavior sciences are also used in the corrections system to help reduce recidivism and to evaluate when incarcerated people are ready for parole.

Those more interested in the discovery rather than the application of human behavior principles might pursue careers in research and add to the fields ever-growing knowledge base.

Natural Selection: A Primer

One hundred and thirty-nine years ago, the British naturalist Charles Darwin rattled the world with his theory of natural selection. According to his theory, human beings were not placed fully formed onto the earth. Instead, they were an evolved species, the biological descendants of a line that stretched back through apes and back to ancient simians. In fact, Darwin said, human beings shared a common heritage with all other species.

Since Darwins time, scientists have built on the theory of natural selection with modern discoveries, most notably in the area of genetics. Today modern Darwinians hypothesize that evolution occurs in the following manner: All living creatures are designed by specific combinations of genes. Genes that produce faulty design features, such as soft bones or weak hearts, are largely eliminated from the population in two ways. First, species with those characteristics simply dont survive the elements long enough to reproduce and pass along their genes. This is called environmental selection. Second, these same creatures are unattractive to other members of their group because they appear weak and less likely to reproduce. They dont mate and therefore dont reproduce. This is called sexual selection.

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How Does Knowing This Help

How Evolutionary Psychology Explains Human Behavior

According to Yamir Moreno, one of the leading coordinators at the Universidad de Zaragoza, he stated that this type of human behavior study is really important. These mental studies extend and improve existing theories on human behavior by giving them a specific experimental scenario.

The outcomes can have several applications without using thousands of people to participate. You could simulate a group of peoples social behavior and see how they react in a given situation. It can be useful in understanding why people make different types of choices in politics or negotiations. These findings give specific light to the underpinnings that form group behavior and individual human interests. When it comes to artificial intelligence, the researchers state this can also help us to create more humanized and sophisticated robots.

It would be great to see follow-up studies on how compatible these personality types are with one another and how they link in the context of family and parenting. Do two pessimists suit each other better than an optimist and a pessimist? How do types of human behavior impact one another? Future university studies will reveal more as we become more advanced in behavioral and human psychology, science, and the involvement of technology.

If you found this article about types of human behavior helpful, then why not take a look at why or the in the modern world?

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Psychosexual Theory Of Development

Freuds theories also placed a great deal of emphasis on sexual development. Freud believed that each of us must pass through a series of stages during childhood, and that if we lack proper nurturing during a particular stage, we may become stuck or fixated in that stage. Freuds psychosexual model of development includes five stages: oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. According to Freud, childrens pleasure-seeking urges are focused on a different area of the body, called an erogenous zone, at each of these five stages. Psychologists today dispute that Freuds psychosexual stages provide a legitimate explanation for how personality develops, but what we can take away from Freuds theory is that personality is shaped, in some part, by experiences we have in childhood.

The Measurement Of Intangibles

Human behavior can be studied scientifically, but the methods for doing so differ depending on whether you are investigating the behaviors or the hows and whys behind them. But even if the answer to our initial question, Can human behavior be studied scientifically, is yes, that doesnt imply it can be studied easily.

Behavior is the part of psychology that is the easiest to operationalize and study scientifically, but underlying cognition and emotion are very difficult, explains Jenkins. I dont think its impossible to find imaginative, creative ways to measure those concepts, its just difficult, and its a great challenge to people with an interest in doing research into human behavior.

Many of the findings in behaviorism have been made by studying other animals, such as rats, and it wouldnt be unfair to wonder how observing non-human behavior can illuminate human behavior. According to Jenkins, the most basic mammalian responses can, in fact, be assumed to be common across species. But finding the invisible motivations behind observable behaviors challenges researchers to design highly complex tests, often questionnaires, given to large numbers of people over long periods of time.

One of the most difficult hurdles for researchers observing human behavior is how to deal with the reality that human test subjects are always aware they are being studied and can modify their behaviorpurposely or unconsciouslyin response.

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Types Of Human Behavior In Psychology

Understanding human behavior can become simple if we could understand how they behave in certain situations. In other words, understanding human behavior is crucial to understating the mental state of human beings. To make this simple, a human behavior study has identified four basic personality types. This article discusses the different types of human behavior according to psychologists. If you want to know different types of human behavior, this topic is for you.

The Goals Of Psychology

What is psychology and what does it involve?

The four main goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict and change the behavior and mental processes of others

Describing a behavior or cognition is the first goal of psychology. This can enable researchers to develop general laws of human behavior.

For example, through describing the response of dogs to various stimuli, Ivan Pavlov helped develop laws of learning known as classical conditioning theory.

Once researchers have described general laws behavior, the next step is to explain how or why this trend occurs. Psychologists will propose theories which can explain a behavior.

For example, classical conditioning predicts that if a person associates a negative outcome with a stimuli they may develop a phobia or aversion of the stimuli.

Once psychology has described, explained and made predictions about behavior, changing or controlling a behavior can be attempted.

For example, interventions based on classical conditioning, such as systematic desensitization, have been used to treat people with anxiety disorders including phobias.

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What Is Quantitative Research

On the other hand, quantitative measurements are used to quantify preferences, opinions, facts, behaviors, and other defined variables and generalize results from a larger sample population. It is used to answer questions such as How many?, How often?, How much? of which the answers are expressed with numbers. You can statistically analyze the collected data. Methods to collect this data are e.g. surveys, structured questionnaires, and online polls, using close-ended questions.

Combining qualitative and quantitative data

The overall purpose of research is discovering the truth. However, without good data, youre just guessing. Combining qualitative data with quantitative data will provide researchers in-depth information about a certain behavior, and various aspects of that behavior. The two different approaches complement each other, while the shortfalls of each will be balanced.

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Nature Or Nurture Or Both

Given what we have discussed so far, is it genes or environment that influences behaviour? It is actually both genetic and social influences that contributes to an individuals behaviour. Below is a video that explains how both components contribute to an individual.

Now that you understand how genes and environment work together, is it possible for one component to influence an individual more than the other? Below is an article that explains how grizzly bears conflict behaviour may attribute to genetic inheritance or social learning talk about beary bad behaviour!

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How Psychology Has Changed Human Behavior

Drawing on examples from across the module, evaluate the extent to which psychology has explained how people understand each other.People understand each other using cognitive skills, an example of this is mindreading. Mindreading abilities also referred to as the theory of mind is the aptitude to comprehend that other people have mental states, such as understanding that other people have feelings, desires, motives, beliefs and intentions . This is generally an essential,

Beyond Surveys And Focus Groups

[PSYC200] 1. What is Psychology?

While surveys and focus groups can be instrumental in understanding our conscious thoughts and emotions, there is more to human behavior than meets the eye. The subconscious mind determines how our behavior is ultimately carried out, and only a small fraction of that is accessible from traditional methodologies using surveys and focus groups.

As some researchers have claimed, up to 90% of our actions are guided by the subconscious. While the other 10% is important, it is clear that there is much to gain by probing further than what is tested by traditional methods.

Modern approaches aim to explore the hidden and uncharted territory of the subconscious, by measuring reliable outputs that provide deeper information about what someone is really thinking.

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The Id Ego And Superego

Freuds structural model of personality divides the personality into three partsthe id, the ego, and the superego. The id is the unconscious part that is the cauldron of raw drives, such as for sex or aggression. The ego, which has conscious and unconscious elements, is the rational and reasonable part of personality. Its role is to maintain contact with the outside world to keep the individual in touch with society, and to do this it mediates between the conflicting tendencies of the id and the superego. The superego is a persons conscience, which develops early in life and is learned from parents, teachers, and others. Like the ego, the superego has conscious and unconscious elements. When all three parts of the personality are in dynamic equilibrium, the individual is thought to be mentally healthy. However, if the ego is unable to mediate between the id and the superego, an imbalance is believed to occur in the form of psychological distress.

Freuds theory of the unconscious Freud believed that we are only aware of a small amount of our minds activity, and that most of it remains hidden from us in our unconscious. The information in our unconscious affects our behavior, although we are unaware of it.

What Is Behavioral Psychology

Let’s define behavioral psychology. Behavioral psychology is the study of the connection between our minds and our behavior. Sometimes you will hear behavioral psychology referred to as behaviorism. The researchers and scientists who study behavioral psychology are trying to understand why we behave the way we do and they are concerned with discovering patterns in our actions and behaviors. The hope is that if we can use behavioral psychology to help us predict how humans will behave, we can build better habits as individuals, create better products as companies, and develop better living spaces as communities.

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Introduction: What Do We Mean Bynature Vs Nurture

In this chapter it is discussed that nature vs nurture is the debate of whether we are a product of nature or nurture . There is evidence supporting both sides of the debate. By the end of this, you should be able to determine that both nature and nurture play a key role in humans and animal behaviour.

Memory Match

The memory match game allows you to identify keywords pertaining to nature and nurture. The goal is to click a card and match the word on the card, with another card that has the same word. Now that you know how to play, lets see how many you can match!

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