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How To Learn Periodic Table In Chemistry Easily

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Cool Ways To Learn Periodic Table

Memorize Periodic Table in few Minutes| Easiest trick | Learn Periodic Table

Mnemonics are easy-to-remember lines or phrases one can use to memorize things that are difficult to learn. In this article, you will find some cool ways to remember mnemonics one each for one group to learn the Periodic Table.

The Periodic Table provides the names, atomic numbers, symbols and atomic weights of known elements. It serves as a great tool for solving chemistry problems.

A periodic table is divided into groups , where elements with each group behave similarly while bonding with other elements and periods , where elements in one period have the same number of electron shells.I am gonna tell you the easiest and quickest way to memorize periodic table.

I got many queries related with the periodic table. Some of them are the following:

  • Tips to learn periodic table?
  • How we learn periodic table?
  • How to memorize the periodic table?
  • Periodic table learn trick?
  • How to remember the periodic table?
  • Tricks to learn periodic table?

Lets start to memorize S Block Group 1- Remember this phrase-

Learn The Elements In A Song

There are several element songs available, plus you can always make up your own. Probably the most popular song is Tom Lehrers The Element Song. However, it was written before the discovery of many of the elements we know today. The song that gets you all the way to 118 is AsapSCIENCEs The Periodic Table Song. The song also includes many useful periodic table facts.

What Is A Periodic Table

A periodic table is an arrangement of all the chemical elements based on their chemical properties and atomic numbers. This arrangement is made based on rows and columns wherein each row represents a period and each column a group. The periodic table is also arranged based on their increasing atomic numbers from left to right and top to bottom.

Elements in a similar group will have similar valence electron configuration thereby having the same chemical properties. Whereas, elements in a similar period will have an increasing order of valence electrons.

The periodic table consists of 118 elements and four main groups namely

  • D-Block Elements
  • F-Block Elements
  • Dimitri Mendeleev was called the father of the periodic table as he was able to predict a majority of the elements and their properties which was earlier half known in chemistry. Hence, the periodic table is also known as Mendeleevs Periodic table . The contribution of Mendeleev was notable in the field of chemistry after his discovery of elements and their properties in the periodic table. Hence, later in 1869, Mendeleevs periodic table was published in the German journal of chemistry.

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    Ways To Learn And Memorize The Periodic Table

    Chemistry can be super exciting and fun, but before you get to conducting crazy experiments, you will need to be familiar with the periodic table. The elements in the periodic table are the basis for all Chemistry equations, so whether or not you need to memorize them for a test, the content and layout of the periodic table is a good thing to have in the back of your brain. If you are a student feeling overwhelmed by this daunting task, or a parent trying to help your struggling teenager, here are some tips to make the process go smoothly!

    Repetition Techniques For Memorizing

    Memorize the Periodic Table

    Memorizing all the elements is only the first step. You also need to be able to recall them correctly. How do you do that? Well, there is a way to make it easier: repetition. At first glance, it may seem like a dull and ineffective technique. However, studies show that this type of learning facilitates remembering and retrieving information from your memory. So, why not make use of it?

    Here are the strategies that will make the process easier and more fun:

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    Memorizing The Periodic Table

    Several people have said that the key to understanding chemistry is through memorizing the periodic table.

    I want to ask if there is a simple technique to learn it, or if I just have to remember every element as it is?

    There isn’t really much sense in memorizing the periodic table. The elements you often use you will know them by heart after a while. And you can always use a table when you need it for the others.

    That being said if you really want to do it, mnemonics are probably the best solution to memorizing the whole table. You can find some here :

    You can memorize the periodic table in one night, simply by emulating best-practice memorization techniques and doing what memory experts do. Common sense, right?

    Memory experts and world champion memory athletes activate the enormous natural power of their visual memory by using visualization and association mnemonic techniques.

    Thats a fancy way of saying they create mental pictures and link them together in their mind. Its incredibly simple but amazingly fast and effective.

    Watch YouTubes #1 How to Memorize video and youll probably amaze yourself with how easily you can remember and recall 15 random words in order, using one of these techniques.

    The foundation technique most memory experts use is the Method of Loci . Think of a particular journey you take every day, and picture certain locations along the way.

    What about other techniques?

    Curiosity is the only way to learn chemistry, so enjoy it.

    Educational Videogame To Learn The Periodic Table: Design Rationale And Lessons Learned

    • V. Javier Traver*
    • Vicente Martí-CentellesVicente Martí-CentellesInstituto Interuniversitario de Investigación de Reconocimiento Molecular y Desarrollo Tecnológico , Universitat Politècnica de València, Universitat de València, Camino de Vera, s/n., Valencia 46022, Spain

    J. Chem. Educ.

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    How To Read The Periodic Table

    Did you know that Dmitri Mendeleev created the first periodic table in 1869? He did it after noticing that some elements shared similar characteristics. The periodic table is full of various repeating patternsit allowed predicting the existence of some elements even before they were discovered.

    Thats why, before memorizing the periodic table, its best to understand how its organized. It will allow you to read it correctly and efficiently. If you need a quick reminder of the periodic table basics, check out the information below.

    Top 5 Mnemonic Devices

    How To Memorize The Periodic Table – Easiest Way Possible (Video 1)

    You may know that its easier to remember information when its interconnected in some way. For instance, most people quickly learn songs or poems that rhyme. However, things are different with chemical elements: their names are unrelated to each other, and their order is not apparent. Is there anything that can help you memorize them?

    Well, we suggest using mnemonic devices to remember this kind of information. They can take various forms, and youre free to choose them depending on your preferences. For instance, flashcards, acronyms, and simple poems are all forms of mnemonic devices.

    When it comes to the periodic table of elements, we recommend these 5 effective techniques:

  • Phrases.Chemistry mnemonic phrases consist of words made using the elements names. Its best to create a mnemonic that you find funny or familiar. Heres an example: Harry Helps Little Betty Brown Crack Nits On Friday Nights.The first letters here refer to the first 10 elements on the periodic table.
  • Acronyms and acrostics.This technique refers to creating words containing the first letters of the elements names. The words can be nonsensical as long as they are easy to remember. For instance, the word HHeLiBeBCNOFN has no meaning, but it contains the symbols of the first 10 elements. You can also create a phrase related to that word to help you remember it.
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    Remember The Mantra Of Practice

    The most important one out of all the tricks to learn periodic table is the very fact that you should not stop memorising. Also, remember that you need to keep testing yourself to retain the memory of your already learned elements afresh as well as to make new elements easy to recall. Be patient with yourself throughout the process and ensure that you are putting away some time for consistent practice.

    Selecting A Method Thats Right For You

    We all learn a bit differently from one another. A highly visual person might choose a memorization method that uses images, such as flash cards or a memory palace. Another person learns better from hearing information. Learning the element song is a good choice for them. Yet another person is more verbal and readily understands symbols and how they represent words. This person chooses a mnemonic device, acronyms, or nonsense words made using element symbols.

    Whichever method you select, dont believe claims about memorizing the periodic table in ten minutes. Yes, you can learn the first 20 elements that quickly, but memorizing the whole table takes time. Also, know there is a difference between cramming and real learning. It takes time and practice committing something to memory. Your brain needs to build and reinforce memories and this takes around a week .

    Memorizing the periodic table is good, but knowing how to use it is even better!

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    Use The Mnemonic Technique

    The mnemonic technique is one of the best ways to learn a periodic table. Using this, you can make a phrase and then remember the starting letters of the words used in this phrase. It gives you clarity of the elements by helping you remember the first letter of each word used in the phrase.

    For example, Happy Heena likes Berries

    H– Hydrogen

    Li– Lithium

    Be– Beryllium

    Let us take a look at the Hindi Mnemonics for remembering all the elements in a periodic table.


    How To Memorize The Periodic Table And Learn Memorization Techniques

    Periodic Table larning best Tricks in hindi

    Overview: Your child can learn helpful memorization techniques as they memorize the periodic table! Note: I was given free access to the course Memorize the Periodic Table for purposes of this review. I was compensated for my time, but I was not required to write a positive review.This is all my own stuff, yall.

    The Classical model for education requires a lot of memorizing. Memorizing is, in fact, the primary task of the elementary age child, as they collect data from the world around them, storing it away for future use. For some reason, children of that age find it EASY to memorize. They even think it FUN. Go figure!

    Older kids? Well, they dont enjoy it quite as much. Our family is new at this Classical education thing, having only started in Classical Conversations for the first time just this year. My two youngest kids are in 7th and 11th grade this year, and they have never gotten to experience the joys of memorizing Latin endings and state capitals before. Having to do it now is proving to be a challenge and a struggle.

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    Understand Periodic Table Organization

    Unless your goal is only memorizing the order of the elements, youll need to know how the elements are organized on the periodic table. Knowing the tables structure makes memorization a lot easier.

    • The periodic table lists each element in order of increasing atomic number. The atomic number is the number of protons in an atom of an element. There are 118 elements, where hydrogen is atomic number 1 and oganesson is atomic number 118.
    • Each element has a one- or two-letter symbol. Many memorization techniques have you memorize the symbols rather than the element names.
    • There are 7 rows, called periods, and 18 columns, called groups. The two rows of elements of elements shown below the periodic table are the lanthanides and actinides. They actually fit into periods 7 and 8 and group 3. The lanthanides cover atomic numbers 57 to 71, while the actinides are atomic numbers 89 to 103.
    • Period 1 only contains 2 elements. The second and third periods contains 2 elements on the left and 6 elements on the right. Periods 4 and 5 each contain complete rows of 18 elements. Periods 6 and 7 each have 17 elements, with empty spaces for the lanthanides and actinides. The lanthanides and actinides each have 15 elements.
    • Elements in group 17 have names that end with -ine.
    • Elements in group 18 have names that end with -on. Be careful, because boron, carbon, and silicon also have this ending and are not in this group.

    Memorize The Periodic Table

    Chemistry test is on its way and you have no idea how to handle the periodic table. Theres some good news. This post focuses on how to memorize the periodic table. With some time at your hand and dedication to pair with it, Im sure this article will see you through. So lets start!

    Memorize periodic table

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    Bonus Memorization Techniques For Any Subject

    Finally, we would like to share our favorite tips for remembering large chunks of information, be it chemistry or any other subject.

    Link it to what you already know. For example, you may connect the date of a historic event to your phone number with the same digits.
    Write out what youve learned. Handwriting your notes is an excellent way to remember new information without much effort. When youre writing by hand, your brain activity gets boosted, which enhances your memory.
    Employ metaphors and analogies. Comparing new things to familiar ones immediately anchors concepts in your mind. Fun visual analogies are especially helpful in this regard.
    Use all five senses. Dont settle for what you believe your learning style is. Its been proven that students benefit from various kinds of instructions: the more variety, the better. We recommend you look at visuals, read aloud, and interact with things to remember them better.
    Mix multiple subjects. If you need to memorize information for several subjects, try alternating between them. Spend 30 minutes learning historical dates, then turn to the periodic table or a new vocabulary. Its an excellent strategy that is much more effective than spending hours on just one subject. Try it out!

    Using The Atomic Weight To Calculate Neutrons

    How To Memorize The Periodic Table Through Practice!
  • 1Find the atomic weight. The atomic weight usually appears at the bottom of the box, below the element symbol. The atomic weight represents the combined weight of the particles in the nucleus, which includes protons and neutrons. However, ions complicate the calculation, so the atomic weight represents an average of the atomic mass of the element and the atomic mass of its ions.XResearch source
  • Because the weights are averaged, most elements will have atomic weights that include decimals.
  • Although it may appear as though the atomic weight increases in number from top left to bottom right, this is not true in all cases.
  • 2Determine the mass number of the element youre studying. You can find the mass number by rounding the atomic mass to the nearest whole number. This accounts for the fact that the atomic weight is an average of all possible atomic masses for that element, including ions.XResearch source
  • For example, the atomic weight of Carbon is 12.011, which rounds to 12. Similarly, the weight of Iron is 55.847, which rounds to 56.
  • 3Subtract the atomic number from the mass number to find the neutrons. The mass number is calculated by adding together the number of protons and neutrons. This allows you to easily find the number of neutrons in an atom by subtracting the number or protons from the mass number!XResearch source
  • Use this formula: Neutrons = Mass Number – Protons
  • An atoms isotopes will contain a different number of neutrons, which changes the atoms weight.
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    Types Of Elements In Periodic Table

    As discussed above, there are 118types of elements in the periodic table. Take a look at the detailed table below to know the names of all the elements along with their blocks and group numbers.

    Name of the Elements

    Hydrogen, Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, Francium, Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, Radium


    Group 1 & 2

    Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium, Thallium, Carbon, Silicon, Germanium, Tin, Lead, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth, Oxygen, Sulphur, Selenium, Tellurium, Polonium, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Astatine, Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon


    Group 13 to 18

    Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Lutetium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Tungsten, Rhenium, Osmium, Iridium, Platinum, Gold, Mercury, Actinium, Rutherfordium, Dubnium, Seaborgium, Bohrium, Hassium, Meitnerium, Darmstadtium


    Group 3 to 12

    Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Promethium,, Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Lutetium, Thorium, Protactinium, Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium, Curium, Berkelium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelium, Lawrencium


    There is no particular group number for these elements. They are divided into two main categories i.e. Lanthanides and Actinides.

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