Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Do We Need Algebra In Real Life

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Math Helps You With Your Finances

How Algebra Is Used In Real Life

Math can be helpful for balancing your budget because you will have a good understanding of how to make sure that your costs are less than the money you have. Balancing ones bank account, for example, is an important life skill that requires math in order to subtract balances. People who know math are therefore less likely to go into debt because they did not know how much money they had versus how much money they spent.

Math Helps Us Have Better Problem

Math helps us think analytically and have better reasoning abilities. Analytical thinking refers to the ability to think critically about the world around us. Reasoning is our ability to think logically about a situation. Analytical and reasoning skills are essential because they help us solve problems and look for solutions. While it may seem far-fetched to believe that solving the train problem above can help you solve a problem in your life, the skills that you use in framing the problem, identifying the knowns and unknowns, and taking steps to solve the problem can be a very important strategy that is applicable to other issues in life.

Everyday Reasons Why Algebra Is Important In Your Life

Article Summary: Mathematics is one of the first things you learn in life. Even as a baby you learn to count. Starting from that tiny age you will start to learn how to use building blocks how to count and then move on to drawing objects and figures. All of these things are important preparation to doing algebra.

Mathematics is one of the first things you learn in life. Even as a baby you learn to count. Starting from that tiny age you will start to learn how to use building blocks how to count and then move on to drawing objects and figures. All of these things are important preparation to doing algebra.

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Is Math Really Necessary

In summary, math is not only important for success in life it is all around us. The laws of mathematics are evident throughout the world, including in nature, and the problem-solving skills obtained from completing math homework can help us tackle problems in other areas of life.

How does algebra affect our daily lives?

The study of algebra helps in logical thinking and enables a person to break down a problem first and then find its solution. Although you might not see theoretical algebraic problems on a daily basis, the exposure to algebraic equations and problems at some point in life will train your mind to think logically.

A Deliciously Simple Application Of Algebra In Real Life

Math help

Imagine that youre going to a big holiday feast, and youre in charge of buying the groceries and cooking the meal. You have decided that the main course for the meal will be a nice juicy turkey. As you look around the supermarket to choose a turkey, you are disappointed to find only one remains.

The weight on the package says that the turkey weighs 18 lbs. How can you determine how many people this turkey will feed so that nobody goes hungry at dinner?

As a general rule of thumb, you need approximately 1.5 lbs of turkey for each person. You pull out a piece of paper and a pen and write down the following algebraic equation:

What you have just performed is one of the most basic, real-life uses for algebra. A variable value, x, represents the number of people who can be fed with an 18 pound turkey if we assume that 1.5 lbs are needed for each person. In this case, we have solved for x to determine that our 18 pound turkey can feed a total of 12 people.

While this example may seem trivial, it illustrates that we often use algebra without realizing it. Thanks to experience, we often do these quick computations in our heads, but at the root of what we are solving is an algebraic equation. Now, look ahead to the next part of our holiday dinner preparation for another application of algebra that you can use in real life.

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“Why do I have to learn Algebra? Math is critical to brain development. Every student has probably asked the question. “Why do I have to learn Algebra? I’ll never use it again.” Possibly, but you will use the area of your brain that it develops every day of your life. Math teaches you to take steps to find an answer. The process is every bit as important as the answer. Without mental discipline, even the smartest of people can fail at life. As you think your way through math problems, you actually build new and stronger brain circuitry that translates into solving all of life’s challenges more effectively. If you are interested in building your body strength, but neglect your brain, you are only accomplishing part of what you need. Think of math as “working out” your brain!” eNotes Editorial, 27 Feb. 2012, 17 Jan. 2023.

Math Helps You Tell Time

Im late, Im late for a very important date. White Rabbit from the movie Alice in Wonderland. Dont let your ignorance of math make you like the White Rabbit! A recent study indicated that 4 out of 5 children living in Oklahoma City cant read the hands on an analog clock to tell time. Knowing math, and particularly fractions, can help you better tell time. While analog clocks may eventually become obsolete, dont let your ability to tell time become outdated! Use your knowledge of fractions to help you tell time on analog clocks that have an hour, minute, and second hand.

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Reasons Why Algebra Is Important In Real Life

Imagine this! You are on your way home from work when an old friend calls and asks if he can borrow $100 until next Friday as he has a trip planned out of town. You know that this friend has never repaid his debts on time before, but still, you want to lend him some money because you havent seen him in years. If he doesnt pay back what he owes by Friday afternoon, then there is no way that you will be able to see him at his birthday party later that evening since it will be too late for such a quick trip outside of town. Fortunately for both of us, algebra provides a solution.

Algebra is like having a Swiss Army knife with all kinds of tools, including one that opens bottles. Algebra can help you understand data, graphs, and charts, it can help you make better decisions, and it can provide new ways to solve everyday problems.

I’m Only Taking This Class Because The University Makes Me

Will I Use Algebra in Real Life?

Let’s be brutally honest here. The university didn’t put a gun to your head and make you enroll. You decided you wanted their degree. You wanted their piece of paper.

Why? Probably so you could get a better job. In order to get that job, you need at least some subset of the skills which are taught in algebra. You might be right that you’ll never factor another quadratic in your entire life. But you want the university’s piece of paper, so you’re going to have to jump through the hoops required to get it. The algebra class is one of those hoops. If you don’t want to jump through the hoop, that’s fine but you won’t get the piece of paper. It’s your choice.

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Forming An Equation To Find The Unknown

Translating verbal descriptions into algebraic expressions is an essential initial step in solving word problems. So lets see another real-life example in the form of a puzzle.

Detailed Solution:

Our first supposition is that Uma buys at least one ball of each kind. Now lets say she buys x footballs, y cricket balls, and z table-tennis balls.

The question requires x + y + z = 100

It also requires 15 x + 1y + z/4 = 100 Since we have 3 variables but only 2 equations well have to use the trial and error method to get at the solution.

Lets vary x the number of footballs and see what we get:

Suppose x = 1, then

y + z =99 and y + z/ 4 = 83z/4 = 14 3z = 56 z = 56/3 which is not a whole number.

Trying for x = 2 also fails and now

If x = 3, then z = 97 and y + z / 4 = 55 3z/4 =42 3z= 168 z = 168/3 = 56 which is a whole number!

And if z = 56 then y = 97 – z = 97 – 56 = 41

So the set of balls Uma buys is

Then I Really Will Need Algebra For ‘real Life’

Maybe. Maybe not.

Consider the frequency with which “non-traditional” returning students have to take remedial math classes. The fact that they are taking algebra now, all these years past high school, strongly suggests that they haven’t used algebra much in the years since they graduated. They got this far in life without algebra. But does that mean you shouldn’t take algebra now?


Consider the number of immigrants, struggling with learning English, who work very hard in mathematics. It’s not because “well, Asians have a math gene, ya know” or some other silly excuse. The fact that they’re taking algebra now, only after they arrived, strongly suggests that they hadn’t used algebra much in their life before coming over. They’d gotten this far in life without algebra. But does that mean you shouldn’t take algebra now?

Middle-aged folks are going back to college after years at their jobs this tells you that they have found out that they need more than only whatever math they’d previously been using in “real life”. Many recent immigrants work very hard in mathematics after arriving this tells you that they have found that, in order to succeed and make a positive contribution, they need more than only whatever math they’d previously learned. To move on, to move up, members of both groups have found that they need algebra in order to move on in today’s society. Take the hint.

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Algebra Is Critical For Other Stem Fields

The M in STEM stands for Math, and algebra is a huge part of the same. If youre thinking about pursuing a career in science or technology, you will want to be sure that your algebra skills are up to par. Algebra is the basis of many other STEM fields, and it is also crucial for success in math classes that have anything at all related to statistics and probability. So if you want to do well in college and beyond, and who doesnt, then it is time to get serious about learning algebra.

Why Do We Need Algebra 2


Research shows that students who successfully complete Algebra II are more likely to graduate from college. Important skill for trade and technical careers: Algebra II skills help with data interpretation, proportions, measurements and equations, important skills for most trade and technical skills.


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Are We There Yet Calculating How Long It Will Take To Get Somewhere

Remember Bart Simpson asking Are we there yet? on repeat.

Well, we can use algebra, specifically the formula linking distance, speed and time, to calculate how long it will take to arrive at your destination.

Say your car is traveling at 60 miles per hour, then the formula would be:

So instead of asking Are we there yet?, you could look out the window for a sign that shows how many miles to your destination then use the Distance-Speed-Time formula.

So the time to get to Las Vegas will be 72 divided by 60 which is just over 1. So it will be just over 1 hour to get there.

The distance speed time formula is a useful math formula to remember.

Why Is Algebra Important In Business

Algebra is widely used in business and everyday life. For example, it can help you estimate the lifetime value of a customer or how much that customer will spend. You may also use algebraic operations to predict sales, determine pricing options, identify patterns in customer behavior, develop a savings plan and more.

Who needs algebra?

Depending on your career goals, you could work as a math teacher, a stockbroker, a financial planner or an accountant. All of these jobs require algebra. Financial advisors, for example, use their skills in this area to help customers choose the best savings plans, investments and insurance policies.

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Do People Use Algebra After School

Yes, You Will Use Algebra After You Graduate.

In what job is algebra used?

Algebra is widely used in business and everyday life. For example, it can help you estimate the lifetime value of a customer or how much that customer will spend. You may also use algebraic operations to predict sales, determine pricing options, identify patterns in customer behavior, develop a savings plan and more.

Do all people use algebraic thinking in their daily life?

Algebra in Everyday Life. We use algebra quite frequently in our everyday lives, and without even realizing it! We not only use algebra, we actually need algebra, to solve most of our problems that involves calculations.

But Why Exactly Do I Have To Take This Stuff

What is Algebra? Why do we learn it?

I have no idea. I don’t know what degree you’re pursuing I don’t know what your plans, hopes, or dreams are I don’t know what your future might hold.

But consider: You didn’t learn your alphabet all those years ago because you knew you’d be reading this semester. In the same way, you don’t take algebra now because you know that you’ll be factoring quadratics in ten years. You should take math and science courses now for much the same reason you learned your letters back then: to lay the foundation for bigger and better things to come, and to open up new opportunities for future successes.

Nobody can say with assurance what skills will be needed twenty years from now. But what intelligent person would want to cut himself off from future opportunities or growth by refusing to expose himself to at least some of the knowledge which will be foundational for whatever is yet to come?

Even in the short term, you’ll need some of the skills from algebra. If you’re going to work with formulas in spreadsheets, you will need to be comfortable with variables and formulas. That’s algebra. If you’re going to be in meetings involving reports with tables, charts, and graphs, you’ll need to be able to interpret these intelligently if you hope to hold your own in the discussions. That’s algebra.


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Algebra Is Necessary To Master Statistics And Calculus

While learning one kind of math to learn more kinds of math may not be an immediately satisfying concept, statistics and calculus are used by many people in their jobs. For example, in my job as research analyst for Demme Learning, I use statistics every day. I help departments identify ways to measure their success. I also use statistics to predict how many books we will sell of each level of Math-U-See and Spelling You See in a year. In general, statistics are used in certain jobs within businesses, the media, health and wellness, politics, social sciences, and many other fields. Understanding statistics makes us wiser consumers of information and better employees and citizens.

Calculus helps us describe many complex processes, such as how the speed of an object changes over time. Scientists and engineers use calculus in research and in designing new technology, medical treatments, and consumer products. Learning calculus is a must for anyone interested in pursuing a career in science, medicine, computer modeling, or engineering.

Algebra In Our Everyday Activities

Budgeting in a Supermarket

Algebra is intuitively used in daily budgeting. Take the example of a grocery trip to a supermarket.

If you had a budget of $25 and wanted to buy bread , eggs & milk . Assuming the following conditions:

  • You need 1 loaf of bread
  • You need 1 pack of eggs
  • You want as many bottles of milk as possible
  • A simple equation can be used to determine how much milk to buy: 25 = 6 + 10 + 2.5x, where x is the number of milk bottles. While most people will not explicitly create this equation in their minds, they do intuitively express it in a different form when calculating:

    Essentially, you would subtract the cost of bread and eggs from your max budget , before dividing the remainder by the cost of a bottle of milk to find the number of milk bottles .

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    The History Of Algebra

    Algebra was first introduced to the world by the Greeks and the Babylonians over 18 centuries ago. In the third century, they devised a system that helped to solve problems with both linear and quadratic equations. In layman terms, it helped them to simplify guess work and to make predictions for everyday tasks.

    Guess work has always existed intuitively as people constantly used known variables to make predictions about an unknown variable which it had a relationship with. The difference with algebra was that it replaced numbers with symbols. Instead of having to wrap your head around large ambiguous numbers, simple symbols were used in their place.

    Comparing Cell Phone Plans

    Test Prep

    The time will come when your parents stop paying your cell bill. In order to find the best value for money, you need to be able to compare different cell phone plans.

    Algebra can help you do this!

    Lets say youre looking at two different cell phone plans:

    Plan A: $60/month with unlimited talk and text and 5GB data

    Plan B: $20/month with unlimited talk and text and 1GB data plus $10/GB over this amount.

    In order to compare cell phone plans, we need to find out how much data we use each month. You may need to look at past statements for this information.

    Just say you use roughly 3GB of data each month.

    On Plan A, the 3GB is included so your total bill would be $60

    On Plan B, 3GB is over the 1GB of included data so you will need to pay extra. Each plan will have different costs.

    The amount you will pay is calculated as follows:

    # of GB over plan = 3GB minus 1GB = 2 GB

    Cost for extra GB = 2 x $10/GB = $20

    Total monthly cost = $20 + $20 = $40

    So plan B ends up being $20 cheaper.

    You could write this as a formula as:

    Total monthly cost = 20 + x 10

    Since the amount of data used each month may vary, it Is called a variable.

    Different plans may charge different excess data costs too.

    You could set up a spreadsheet to calculate the different monthly costs for the varying amount of data used to help you decide which cell phone plan is best for your needs.

    So knowing how to write a formula can help you compare cell phone plans.

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