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Why Does Andrew Yang Wear Math

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Amazon’s Big Business And Low Taxes

Andrew Yang tells the story behind his MATH hat

“Amazon alone is closing 30 percent of America’s stores and malls and soaking up $20 billion in business while paying zero in taxes,” Yang said during the debate. He made a version of this claim in the July debate, too.

Amazon isn’t personally buying up stores and malls and closing them . Online shopping has dramatically changed American commerce, of course, but Amazon isnt the only name in the game. The online giant had a market share of 38 percent this year down from 49 percent the year prior.

They are not alone responsible for closing stores and malls, as Yang said. His campaign later said they were simply “part” of the trend of retail stores shuttering.

The 30 percent number is itself one mans estimate. One expert told Forbes he expected that roughly 30 percent of the nations malls will close or be repurposed over the next decade, though analysts in 2017 at Credit Suisse pegged the number of coming closures lower. Neither study blames Amazon alone.

Amazons tax bill or namely, the lack of it is a topic numerous Democratic candidates have zeroed in on, after one study concluded the companys federal tax bill is zero.

But the study doesn’t examine state and local taxes, and as The Wall Street Journal has reported in depth, the companys tax returns are private and its impossible to exactly know the companys payout. Asked by NBC News, the company declined to offer details of its tax returns, saying that they pay all legally required taxes.

Math: Finding Your Breakout Niche

One afternoon in late 2018, the team was in the office filming some Facebook advertisements with Yang. In one of the advertisements, we were having Yang end with his famous line, “And the opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes MATH.”

After a few takes, Yang, ever playful, ended by chanting MATH.

Like this, “And the opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes MATH , and I like MATH MATH MATH MATH USA USA USA MATH all day.”

The moment Yang said MATH three times in a row, under no direction of my conscious mind, my brain began imagining a world where Yang was riding around the country, rallying millions around the idea of mathematics.

I stopped immediately and said, “DUDE if we really get troll and populist we should create shirts that just say MATH.”

Without hesitation, Zach jumped in, “It’s really the perfect phrase.”

“We should get some MATH signs! People will hold them up,” Zach said.

“Do it. Do it. Do it!” I chanted.

The incredible part about MATH that Zach Graumann and I frequently talk about is that there was no focus group. There was no testing. Within 30 seconds of thinking of the idea, our team was sold with absolute conviction that the slogan would be a hit. And we were right. Compare this to our ambivalence with Humanity First and the relative success between the slogans.

What I explained to my friend that day over text was that MATH represented an entire ideology.

  • We captured Yang’s true message and essence entirely

  • Warren Won’t Say If Taxes Will Go Up For The Middle Class Under Medicare For All

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren refused to say if taxes would go up for the middle class in order to pay for Medicare for All.

    Sen. Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, said it was appropriate to acknowledge tax increases.

    I do think it is appropriate to acknowledge that taxes will go up: Theyre gonna up significantly for the wealthy and for virtually everybody. The tax increase will be substantially less substantially less than what they were paying for premiums and out-of-pocket expenses, Sanders said.

    Warren, who also supports a Medicare for All heath care plan, was asked to acknowledge Sanders comments about taxes.

    My view on this and what I have committed to is costs will go down for hard-working middle-class families, Warren said.

    Thats when Sen. Amy Klobuchar chimed in.

    At least Bernies being honest here and saying how hes going to pay this, she said. I think we owe it to the American people to tell them where we will send the invoice.

    Some context: At the first Democratic debate in Miami earlier this year, Sanders said that the middle class will pay more taxes but will save more through universal health care and free college under his administration.

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    This Is The Fourth Debate Where Yang Has Worn His Math Pin

    Yang was wearing the MATH pin because MATH is one of his debate slogans. He wore it during the October debate, the November debate, again in the December debate, and now in February.

    Crushing on Andrew Yangs Math pin. More STEAM nerds running for President please. #debate#youthvote

    Yang often refers to himself as the Asian guy whos good with math and says that this distinction makes him the opposite of President Donald Trump.

    Why does the acronym MATH stand for? #Demdebate

    Asra Jawaid

    In fact, one of his big merchandise items that his supporters love is a cap that just reads MATH.

    What you might not realize is that MATH doesnt just mean mathematics. It also stands for Make America Think Harder.

    WHY IS YANG WEARING A MATH PIN #DemocraticDebate

    Jay Shelat

    Last October when he wore the MATH pin, it also just happened to be World Maths Day, which was another reason he chose to wear the pin. His account tweeted about World Maths Day during the debate in October.

    Andrew Yang?

    His supporters call themselves the Yang Gang and Yang often uses Math as his slogan because the 44-year-old entrepreneur likes to solve problems with math. He studied economics at Brown University and then obtain a law degree from Columbia University School of Law. For the last eight years, hes run Venture for America and is the CEO and founder.

    People on Twitter comment on Yangs MATH lapel during every debate.

    Having said that I love Yangs MATH lapel

    Angie the Optimist

    Here’s What You Need To Know About Automation And The Workforce

    Andrew Yang Discusses Universal Basic Income and Coronavirus

    There will be less work in manufacturing, less work in call centers, less work driving trucks, and more work in health care and home care and construction.

    MIT Technology Review tried to track all the different reports on the effect that automation will have on the workforce. There are a lot of them. And they suggest anywhere from moderate displacement to a total workforce overhaul with varying degrees of alarm.

    One of the reports, by the McKinsey Global Institute, includes a review of how susceptible to automation different jobs might be and finds that hundreds of millions of people worldwide will have to find new jobs or learn new skills. Learning new skills can be more difficult than it sounds, as CNN has found at car plants, such as the one that closed in Lordstown, Ohio.

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  • Fact Check: Biden Claims He Never Discussed Ukraine Dealings With Son But His Son Indicated Otherwise

    Asked about his sons international business dealings, former Vice President Joe Biden said, I never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with Ukraine. No one has indicated I have.

    Facts first: Joe Bidens son, Hunter Biden, has indicated otherwise. In both an interview on ABC that aired today and a New Yorker article from July, he said that he had spoken briefly with his father about his involvement with Ukrainian company Burisma Holdings.

    According to the New Yorker, As Hunter recalled, his father discussed Burisma with him just once: Dad said, I hope you know what you are doing, and I said, I do. However, the New Yorker article did not make clear whether Hunter Biden said there were any more details as part of the father-son exchange.

    In the ABC interview, Hunter Biden initially minimized the exchange saying it wasnt a discussion in any way, before acknowledging the New Yorkers characterization was accurate.

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    Andrew Yang Calls Trump Symptom Of A Disease

    This isn’t the first time Yang has found himself in hot water with the Asian community. He faced criticism when he used racial stereotypes in his speeches, saying the “opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian guy who likes math,” referring to his campaign slogan “Make America Think Harder.”

    In a September Democratic presidential debate, Yang said, “I’m Asian so I know a lot of doctors” when addressing the health care system in the U.S.

    The complex nature of the group is why Yang needs to be more thoughtful, Jeff Yang told ABC News, especially with such a significant platform. He said Andrew Yang should clarify people’s perceptions of Asian Americans rather than dilute them into racial tropes.

    In March, the FBI released an analysis predicting an increase in hate-crime incidents against Asian Americans “based on the assumption that a portion of the US public will associate COVID-19 with China and Asian American populations.” The analysis indicated there has already been an increase in reports of hate crimes from Los Angeles to New York to Texas.

    Fact Check: Will 150 Million People Have To Change Health Insurance Under Medicare For All

    Andrew Yang Wants To Give You $1,000 A Month (HBO)

    South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg argued for expanding the Affordable Care Act rather than moving to Medicare for All, the government-backed health care program supported by Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

    I dont understand why you believe the only way to deliver affordable coverage to everybody is to obliterate private plans, kicking 150 million Americans off of their insurance in four short years, Buttigieg said.

    A moment later, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar made a similar point, arguing that extending Obamacare was what we should be doing instead of kicking 149 million people off their insurance in four years.

    FACTS FIRST: The figures cited by both Buttigieg and Klobuchar are close to the latest number provided by one study. Some 153 million people are covered by private plans sponsored by their employers, according to the latest Kaiser Family Foundation report. There are also tens of millions more who are covered by private plans through Medicare Advantage, Medicaid managed care plans and on the Obamacare individual market.

    All these people would have to change their health care under Medicare for All but they would be covered by the federal plan instead.

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    A New Way Forward: Empty Words Accessible To All

  • Stick to your identity and believe your next breakthrough is coming

  • Recognize you are marketing to a new audience, and you must adjust your image

  • There is no right answer. Trump rode MAGA, obscene masculinity, and covert racism from 3% all the way to the White House and beyond. Meanwhile, people love to say, “What got you here won’t get you there.”

    Given that none of us really knew what we were doing, we opted to hire consultants and become more professional and mainstream. This was probably the right move.

    One of the ways we sought to professionalize was by adjusting the message of the campaign. On this, I believe we mostly failed to execute, but that’s an article for another day.

    One manifestation of our new message was to make a new slogan that was accessible to the whole mainstream of the Democratic Party. The consultants we hired for this had an incredible and deep political pedigree. They spent a few weeks crafting the slogan and what they came up with was, “A NEW WAY FORWARD.”

    This slogan might mean something to you now, but when it was first conceived, it was a totally empty and meaningless platitude to pretty much everyone who heard it. In the meeting, it was presented, someone literally said, “it means nothing.”

    To which the consultants said, “exactly!”

    You might think I’m joking, but I’m not. What’s shocking, they even made a compelling case for why they had intentionally designed the slogan to mean nothing.

    Until then, goodbye, friends!

    Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang : Why The Math Hat Why 16

    Brooke recently interviewed Democratic Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang about education for our channel. A former tutoring entrepreneur, Yang served as the CEO of Manhattan Prep before its sale to Kaplan and also started a non-profit called Venture for America, which fosters growth of start-ups and entrepreneurship. Were not usually on the political beat, and not out to make political endorsements, but felt Andrew had interesting ideas about issues we do cover so thought this interview would be of value to our audience. We also are huge fans of encouraging young people to get involved in politics, no matter your political beliefs.

    BH: Recently weve heard a lot about how rich families are bribing their way into college. How Harvard is being sued for racism. Is the system rigged when it comes to higher education and what do you see as the role the government can play to try to make it more fair?

    BH: In what ways do you think the education system could look forward towards the future or adapt so that we can meet the demands of that future?

    BH: Can you talk about why you support the idea of 16-year olds being allowed to vote?

    BH: What do you see as the most important issues or the biggest challenges that were facing as a nation when it comes to education?

    BH: Whats up with the MATH hat?

    Watch Andrew in the Democratic DNC debates this Thursday, June 27th, on NBC.

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    Harris Gets Applause After Pointing Out The Need To Talk About Women’s Access To Reproductive Health Care

    Sen. Kamala Harris said the candidates at the debate have barely brought up the issue of womens access to reproductive health care.

    This is the sixth debate we have had in this presidential cycle. Not one word with all of these discussions about health care, on womens access to reproductive health care. Its outrageous, Harris said.

    People need to keep their hands off of womens bodies and let women make the decisions about their own lives, she added

    Some background: Several states have taken steps recently to pass anti-abortion bills, while other states controlled by Democrats have moved to add abortion protections.

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    Andrew Yangs Asian American Superpower

    Why Andrew Yang Says Automation Is a Threat to the Country

    Hes been trying to transcend his identity his entire life. Now, to be mayor of New York, he just might need to embrace it.

    New York City mayoral candidate and 2020 presidential contender Andrew Yang stands for a portrait in New York City& #39 s Chinatown. | Jesse Dittmar for Politico Magazine.

    04/06/2021 11:52 AM EDT

    When I met Andrew Yang for lunch in front of Shanghai 21, a popular restaurant in the crook of Mott Street in Manhattans Chinatown, he seemed visibly nervous under his Yang for New York mask. As he delivered terse answers to the professional photographer asking him whether he preferred the Mets or the Yankees, I saw curious onlookers and fans snapping photos from afar, from millennials to immigrant grannies. He kept glancing at them, as if he wanted to bolt from the photo shoot, go back to the Yang Gang and avoid our scheduled interview.

    Which was not the best mood for the purposes of our lunch. This was supposed to be the moment when Yang finally opened up about his experiences as an Asian American man a topic hed sidestepped, as far as I could tell, his entire life. But now he could sidestep the issue no longer.

    New York, NY – March 26th, 2021: New York City Mayoral Candidate Andrew Yang has his portrait taken in Chinatown New York City. Mr. Yang made a notable run in the 2020 Presidential Campaign and is speaking out about recent Asian hate crimes. Photo by Jesse Dittmar for Politico Magazine.

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    Yang Talks About His Autistic Son On Stage

    Businessman Andrew Yang, in an effort to tout his trademark $1,000-a-month universal basic income policy proposal, invoked his two sons, including one who is autistic.

    Yang argued that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders vision of the economy of the 21st century is not a vision that most Americans would embrace and didnt take into account a family like his, including families raising children with disabilities.

    We have a freedom dividend of $1,000 a month. It recognizes the work in our families and communities, Yang said. It helps all Americans.

    He added: When we put the money into our hands, we can build a trickle-up economy from our people, our families and our communities up. It will enable us to do the work that we want to do. This is the sort of vision in response to the fourth industrial revolution that we have to embrace.

    Democrats Disagree On How To Fix The Supreme Court

    Democrats, appalled by the fact that President Donald Trump has already successfully appointed two people to the Supreme Court and could be in line to appoint more, debated ways to remake the Supreme Court on Tuesday, with former Vice President Joe Biden, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and other disagreeing about the best way forward.

    Biden, rebutting what Buttigieg has proposed about packing the court, said that he would not seek to add more justices.

    I would not get into court packing, Biden said. We add three justices. Next time around we lose control, they add three justices. We begin to lose any credibility the court has at all.

    Buttigieg responded: Im not talking about packing the court just with people who agree with me, although I certainly will appoint people who share my values.

    Buttigieg has suggested a host of changes to the Supreme Court, including a commission that would aim to de-politicize the nations top court.

    One way to fix this would be to have a 15-member court where 5 of the members can only be appointed by unanimous agreement of the other ten, he said. Smarter legal minds than mine are discussing this in the Yale Law Journal and how this could be done without a constitutional amendment.

    Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro said, while he wouldnt pack the court, he would back term limits.

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