Friday, July 26, 2024

Algebra Ii Matrix Pairs Review Worksheet Answers

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The Additive Identity Matrix

Algebra 2 Introduction, Basic Review, Factoring, Slope, Absolute Value, Linear, Quadratic Equations

When people talk about the Identity Matrix they are usually talking about the multiplicative identity matrix. However, there is another type: the additive identity matrix. When this matrix is added to another, you end up the original matrix. Not surprisingly, every element in these matrices are zeros. Therefore, they are sometimes called the zero matrix.

For an overview of finding inverses, watch this short video:

Inverse matrices are the same idea as reciprocals. In elementary algebra , you came across the idea of a reciprocal: one number multiplied by another can equal 1.

Identity Matrix

Step 1: Find the adjugate of the matrix. The adjugate of the matrix can be found by rearranging one diagonal and taking negatives of the other:

Properties Of Transpose Matrices

Properties for transpose matrices are similar to the basic number properties that you encountered in basic algebra . The basic properties for matrices are:

  • T = A: the transpose of a transpose matrix is the original matrix.
  • T = AT + BT: The transpose of two matrices added together is the same as the transpose of each individual matrix added together.
  • T = rAT: when a matrix is multiplied by a scalar element, it doesnt matter which order you transpose in .
  • T = BT AT: the transpose of two matrices multiplied together is the same as the product of their transpose matrices in reverse order.
  • T = -1: the transpose and the inverse of a matrix can be performed in any order.

What Is A Symmetric Matrix

A symmetric matrix is a square matrix that has symmetry around its leading diagonal, from top left to bottom right. Imagine a fold in the matrix along the diagonal . The top right half of the matrix and the bottom left half are mirror images about the diagonal:If you can map the numbers to each other along the line of symmetry , like the example on the right, you have a symmetrical matrix.

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What Is A Transpose Matrix

A transpose matrix is just where you switch all of the rows of the matrix into columns. Transpose matrices are useful in complex multiplication.

An alternate way of describing a transpose matrix is that an element at row r and column c is transposed to row c and column r. For example, an element in row 2, column 3 would be transposed to column 2, row 3. The dimension of the matrix also changes. For example, if you had a 4 x 5 matrix you would transpose to a 5 x 4 matrix.

A symmetric matrix is a special case of a transpose matrix it is equal to its transpose matrix.In more formal terms, A = AT.

Writing A System Of Equations


You can also work backwards to write a system of linear equations given an augmented matrix.Sample question: Write a system of linear equations for the following matrix.

Step 1:Write the coefficients for the first column followed by x. Make sure to note positive or negative numbers:-1x2x6xStep 2:Write the coefficients for the second column, followed by y. Add if its a positive number, subtract if its negative:-1x + 7y2x + 4y6x + 2yStep 3:Write the coefficients for the second column, followed by z. Add if its a positive number, subtract if its negative:-1x + 7y + 3Step 3:Write the constants in the third column, preceded by an equals sign.-1x + 7y + 3 = 02x + 4y 7 = 26x + 2y + 9 = 7Note: if you have a negative sign in this step, just make the constant a negative number.

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Minor Of An Entry In 3

The minor of an entry in a 3 determinant found by eliminating the row and column in the 3 determinant that contains the entry.

To find the minor of entry a 1 , we eliminate the row and column which contain it. So we eliminate the first row and first column. Then we write the 2

To find the minor of entry b 2 , we eliminate the row and column that contain it. So we eliminate the 2nd row and 2nd column. Then we write the 2

find and then evaluate the minor of â a

Eliminate the row and column that contains a
Eliminate the row and column that contains b
Eliminate the row and column that contains c

find and then evaluate the minor of â a

find and then evaluate the minor of â a

We are now ready to evaluate a 3 determinant. To do this we expand by minors, which allows us to evaluate the 3 determinantsâwhich we already know how to evaluate!

To evaluate a 3 determinant by expanding by minors along the first row, we use the following pattern:

Remember, to find the minor of an entry we eliminate the row and column that contains the entry.

Cramers Rule For Solving A System Of Three Equations

For the system of equations {

Solve the system of equations using Cramerâs Rule: {

Expand by minors using column 1.
Evaluate the determinants.
constants to replace the coefficients of x.
Expand by minors using column 1.
Evaluate the determinants.
constants to replace the coefficients of y.
Evaluate the determinants.
constants to replace the coefficients of z.
Evaluate the determinants.
Find x, y, and z.
Substitute in the values.
Write the solution as an ordered triple.
Check that the ordered triple is a solutionto all three original equations. We leave the check to you.
The solution is

Solve the system of equations using Cramerâs Rule: {

Solve the system of equations using Cramerâs Rule: { â6 .

Cramerâs rule does not work when the value of the D determinant is 0, as this would mean we would be dividing by 0. But when D the system is either inconsistent or dependent.

When the value of are all zero, the system is consistent and dependent and there are infinitely many solutions.

When the value of are not all zero, the system is inconsistent and there is no solution.

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Matrix Addition: More Examples

Matrix addition is just a series of additions. For a 2×2 matrix:

  • Add the top left numbers together and write the sum in a new matrix, in the top left position.
  • Add the top right numbers together and write the sum in the top right.
  • Add the bottom left numbers together and write the sum in the bottom left.
  • Add the bottom right numbers together and write the sum in the bottom right:

Use exactly the same procedure for a 2×3 matrix:

In fact, you can use this basic technique for any matrix addition as long as your matrices have the same dimensions . In other words, if the matrices are the same size, you can add them. If they arent the same size, you cant add them.

  • A matrix with 4 rows and 2 columns can be added to a matrix with 4 rows and 2 columns.
  • A matrix with 4 rows and 2 columns cannot be added to a matrix with 5 rows and 2 columns.

The above technique is sometimes called the entrywise sum as youre simply adding entries together and noting the result.

What Is A Diagonal Matrix

2. Linear Algebra

A diagonal matrix is a symmetric matrix with all zeros except for the leading diagonal, which runs from the top left to the bottom right.The entries in the diagonal itself can also be zeros any square matrix with all zeros can still be called a diagonal matrix.

The identity matrix, which has all 1s in the diagonal, is also a diagonal matrix. Any matrix with equal entries in the diagonal , is a scalar multiple of the identity matrix and can also be classified as diagonal.

A diagonal matrix has a maximum of n numbers that are not zero, where n is the order of the matrix. For example, a 3 x 3 matrix has a diagonal consisting of 3 numbers and a 5 x 5 matrix has a diagonal of 5 numbers.

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Matrix Algebra: An Introduction

A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers arranged into columns and rows . Matrix algebra is used in statistics to express collections of data. For example, the following is an Excel worksheet with a list of grades for exams:Conversion to matrix algebra basically just involves taking away the column and row identifiers. A function identifier is added :Numbers that appear in the matrix are called the matrix elements.

What Is The Determinant Of A Matrix

The determinant of a matrix is just a special number that is used to describe matrices for finding solutions to systems of linear equations, finding inverse matrices and for various applications in calculus. A definition in plain English is impossible to pin down its usually defined in mathematical terms or in terms of what it can help you do. The determinant of a matrix has several properties:

  • It is a real number. This includes negative numbers.
  • Determinants only exist for square matrices.
  • An inverse matrix only exists for matrices with non-zero determinants.

The symbol for the determinant of a matrix A is |A|, which is also the same symbol used for absolute value, although the two have nothing to do with each other.

The formula for calculating the determinant of a matrix differs according to the size of the matrix.

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Matrix Multiplication: Two Matrices

When you want to multiply two matrices together, the process becomes a little more complicated. You need to multiply the rows of the first matrix by the columns of the second matrix. In other words, multiply across rows of the first matrix and down columns of the second matrix. Once youve multiplied through, add the products and write out the answers as a new matrix.

If this all sounds a little complicated, this video shows how its done:

You can only perform matrix multiplication on two matrices if the number of columns in the first matrix equals the number of rows in the second matrix. For example, you can multiply a 2 x 3 matrix by a 3 x 4 matrix .

Obviously this can become a very complex process. However, you can find many decent matrix multiplication tools online. I like this one by Matrix Reshish. After calculation, you can multiply the result by another matrix, and another, meaning that you can multiply many matrices together.

Microsoft Excel can also perform matrix multiplication using the array functions. You can find instructions here on the Stanford website. Scroll down to where it says Matrix Operations in Excel.

Maximum Amount Of Numbers

Solve The Literal Equation For Y A 9y 3yx

As most of the numbers in a symmetric matrix are duplicated, there is a limit to the amount of different numbers it can contain. The equation for the maximum amount of numbers in a matrix of order n is: n/2. For example, in a symmetric matrix of order 4 like the one above there is a maximum of 4/2 = 10 different numbers. This makes sense if you think about it: the diagonal is four numbers, and if you add up the numbers at the bottom left half , you get 6.

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What Is A Variance

A variance-covariance matrix is a square matrix that displays the variance and covariance of two sets of bivariate data together. The variance is a measure of how spread out the data is. Covariance is a measure of how much two random variables move together in the same direction.

The variances are displayed in the diagonal elements and the covariances between the pairs of variables are displayed in the off-diagonal elements. The variances are in the diagonals of the covariate matrix because basically, those variances are the covariates of each individual variable with itself.

The following matrix shows the variance for A , B and C in the diagonal elements.The covariances for each pair are shown in the other cells. For example, the covariance for A and B is -0.21 and the covariance for A and C is -0.10. You can look in the column and row, or the row and column to get the same result, because the covariance for A and C is the same as the covariance for C and A. Therefore, the variance-covariance matrix is also a symmetric matrix.

Free Printable Worksheet On Matrix

The Worksheet on Matrix helps students to understand the concept deeply. First, try to solve the problems given on this Matrices Worksheet for Grade 10 PDF and gain knowledge easily. Get to know different problems related to the Matrix concept with the help of the Matrix Worksheet. Practice our Matrices Worksheet with Answers as many times as you wish to get a grip on all the problems. Check out all the 10th Grade Math articles and worksheets on our website for free.

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What Is An Identity Matrix

An identity matrix is a square matrix with 1s as the elements in the main diagonal from top left to bottom right and zeros in the other spaces. When you multiply a square matrix by an identity matrix, it leaves the original square matrix unchanged. For example:

The idea is similar to the identity element. In basic math, the identity element leaves a number unchanged. For example, in addition the identity element is 0, because 1 + 0 = 1, 2 + 0 = 2 etc. and in multiplication, the identity element is 1 because any number multiplied by 1 equals that number . In more formal terms, if x is a real number, then the number 1 is called the multiplicative identity because 1 * x = x and x * 1 = x. By the same logic, the identity matrix I gets its name because, for all matrices A, I * A = A and A * I = A.

In matrix algebra, the identity element is different depending on the size of the matrix you are operating on unlike the singular 1 for the multiplicative identity and 0 for additive identity, there is no single identity matrix for all matrices. For any n * n matrix there is an identity matrix In * n. The main diagonal will always have 1s and the remaining spaces will all be zeros. The following image shows identity matrices for a 2 x 2 matrix and a 5 x 5 matrix:

Upper And Lower Triangular Matrices

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The diagonal of a matrix always refers to the leading diagonal. The leading diagonal in a matrix helps to define two other types of matrix: lower-triangular matrices and upper triangular matrices. A lower-triangular matrix has numbers beneath the diagonal an upper-triangular matrix has numbers above the diagonal.A diagonal matrix is both a lower-diagonal and a lower-diagonal matrix.

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Another Way To Think About It

Think about what a matrix represents. This very simple matrix could represent 5x + 2y + 5z. And this matrix could equal 2x + y + 6z. If you add them together using algebra, you would get:5x + 2y + 5z + 2x + y + 6z = 7x + 3y + 11z.This is the same result as you would get from adding the entries in the matrices together.

Matrix Algebra: Addition And Subtraction

The size of a matrix is also called the matrix dimension or matrix order. If you want to add two matrices, their dimensions must be exactly the same. In other words, you can add a 2 x 2 matrix to another 2 x 2 matrix but not a 2 x 3 matrix. Adding matrices is very similar just regular addition: you just add the same numbers in the same location .

A note on notation: A worksheet uses column letters and row numbers to give a cell location like A1 or D2. Its typical for matrices to use notation like gij which means the ith row and jth column of matrix G.

Matrix subtraction works exactly the same way.

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What Is An Eigenvalue

An eigenvalue is a special scalar used in matrix multiplication and is of particular importance in several areas of physics, including stability analysis and small oscillations of vibrating systems. When you multiply a matrix by a vector and get the same vector as an answer, along with a new scalar, the scalar is called an eigenvalue. The basic equation is:Ax = x we say that is an eigenvalue of A.All the above equation is saying is that if you take a matrix A and multiply it by vector x, you get the exact same thing as if you take an eigenvalue and multiply it by vector x.

Definition Of A Singular Matrix

Domain and Range

A quick look at a matrix can possibly tell you if it is a singular matrix. If the matrix is square and has one row or column of zeros or two equal columns or two equal rows, then its a singular matrix. For example, the following ten matrices are all singular :

There are other types of singular matrices, some are not quite so easy to spot. Therefore, a more formal definition is necessary.

The following three properties define a singular matrix:

  • The matrix is square and
  • It does not have an inverse.
  • It has a determinant of 0.
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