Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Do We Use Computer In Geography

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What Degrees And Other Qualifications Do I Need Geography For

Why we need to teach

If you want to study Geography at university, youll almost certainly need to study it at A-level. Geography A-level is also required from some environmental science and planning courses.

According to the Russell Group, Geography A-level is useful for courses in: Archaeology, Civil Engineering, Geology and Sociology.

A GCSE or A-level in Geography could also be useful for apprenticeships in surveying, horticulture, agriculture, land based engineering or BTECs in environmental sustainability or environmental conservation, although it won’t always be required.

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Why Is Computer Networking Important

Information is the building block for effective communication. Communication is the universal currency that knits us together and drives our day to day operations. Computer networking is a favorite among many businesses.

Youre probably thinking how important is networking? This mainstream technology has proven to be an effective means to enhance proficient, flexible and streamlined communication while maximizing on productivity and resources.

Whats The Difference Between Docker And Containers

Docker has become synonymous with container technology because it has been the most successful at popularizing it. But container technology is not new it has been built into Linux in the form of LXC for over 10 years, and similar operating system level virtualization has also been offered by FreeBSD jails, AIX Workload Partitions and Solaris Containers.

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Geographic Information Science As A Metascience Discipline

The term meta in metascience simply means that its questions are about methods used in science, and for this very reason, metascience disciplines are basically design disciplines . Similarly, both Statistics and Machine Learning design methodologies for representing, analyzing, and interpreting data in empirical sciences. Second, the term science means that questions express unique, generalizable problems, and the concepts help decompose the problem and identify its facets. For example, Statistics introduced concepts such as distribution, variance, population, and null hypothesis, to be able to distinguish data properties from a stochastic process and to be able to measure the confidence of an assumption about this process, given data.

To what extent does GIScience demonstrate the two characteristics of a metascience discipline? Despite the early and ongoing debate on whether GIScience should be seen merely as an engineering discipline , we believe there are many reasons to consider it an independent metascience discipline:

Methods developed in GIScience are widely adopted in other disciplines, including Geography, Health Science, Planning, Marketing, Psychology, and Linguistics . While this is certainly a positive trend, the new opportunities for dataintensive science come with new challenges . This raises the question of whether GIScience is ready to meet these challenges, or whether a novel discipline called Geographic Data Science may be better equipped.

Threats From A Computer

Heri Geologist: GIS Introduction

Computers have become a necessity also, they have become a threat too. This is due to hackers who steal your private data and leak them on internet. Also, anyone can access this data. Apart from that, there are other threats like viruses, spams, bug and many other problems.

The computer is a very important machine that has become a useful part of our life. Also, the computers have twin-faces on one side its a boon and on the other side, its a bane. Its uses completely depend upon you. Apart from that, a day in the future will come when human civilization wont be able to survive without computers as we depend on them too much. Till now it is a great discovery of mankind that has helped in saving thousands and millions of lives.

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Why Are All These Companies Involved In The Open Container Initiative

The idea of the OCI is to ensure that the fundamental building blocks of container technology are standardized so that everyone can take advantage of them.

That means that rather than spending resources developing competing container technologies, organizations can focus on developing the additional software needed to support the use of standardized containers in an enterprise or cloud environment. The type of software needed includes container orchestration and management systems and container security systems.

Teaching Geography With The Computer: Possibilities And Problems


The use of computers to improve teaching and learning in geography is beset by many problems, and surrounded by many misconceptions. Although computer hardware has penetrated most geography departments in recent years, its use as a mainline teaching resource remains at a low level. This paper argues that despite the difficulties, computers can make a real contribution to almost every type of teaching method and most subject areas of geography in higher education. Some current practices and future possibilities are reviewed, and some of the problems with using the computer as an educational tool are discussed. In conclusion, some principles are proposed for effective treatment of the computer as a teaching resource.

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Become A Global Citizen

Being an educated global citizen starts with the study of geography. Global citizens are conscious-minded of the world around them, understand others, and work towards making the entire globe a better place. That all starts with the study of geography!

So, once again, why is geography important? Its more important than you think learning geography will help you better understand news, help fight climate change, be a part of a global community, understand cultures, and learn history. At the end of the day, geography will help you become a better overall global citizen.

How Secure Are Containers

Why Its Hard to Forecast the Weather | National Geographic

Many people believe that containers are less secure than virtual machines because if theres a vulnerability in the container host kernel, it could provide a way into the containers that are sharing it. Thats also true with a hypervisor, but since a hypervisor provides far less functionality than a Linux kernel it presents a much smaller attack surface.

But in the last couple of years a great deal of effort has been devoted to developing software to enhance the security of containers.

For example, Docker now include a signing infrastructure allowing administrators to sign container images to prevent untrusted containers from being deployed.

However, it is not necessarily the case that a trusted, signed container is secure to run, because vulnerabilities may be discovered in some of the software in the container after it has been signed. For that reason, Docker and others offer container security scanning solutions that can notify administrators if any container images have vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

More specialized container security software has also been developed. For example, Twistlock offers software that profiles a containers expected behavior and whitelists processes, networking activities and even certain storage practices so that any malicious or unexpected behavior can be flagged.

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What Is Computer Networking

According to managed it services Toronto provider PCM Canada, Computer networking is a pool of integrated computers configured to one another. Computer networks or data networks are chains of nodes linked by communication channels. The nodes receive, transmit and exchange data between endpoints. The data transmitted is in the form of voice or video traffic.

How do you network two computers? Wired Ethernet cables or wireless radio waves connect the computers. This blend of technologies relies on defined algorithms to transmit data between specified endpoints. The endpoints include computer servers, mobile devices, and tablets among others.

Computer networking enhances seamless communication, cohesive functioning, and resource sharing.

How Computers See The World

There are a number of very common needs for a computer, including the need to store and view data.

Computers use electrical signals that are on or off, so they have to see everything as a series of binary numbers. This data is represented as a sequence of 1s and 0s . All data that we want a computer to process needs to be converted into this binary format.

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Why Study Physical Geography

Ever wanted to know the how the land was formed? How those cool mountains came to be? Physical geography will tell you that and more.

Always thought that nature was majestic? Want to study all about the land? How the weather has created such beautiful erosion patterns on the rocks? Have a strong desire to make a difference in the world? Then physical geography is the career for you.

Learn More: Our Geography Subject Guide Links What You Learn In Class To Your Career


Geography can be divided into two main branches:

Physical Geography: is a branch of earth science, which looks at the natural elements of the world, including the atmosphere, land and oceans. Physical geographers study things like climate, soil, how the earth was formed and how it is changing over time.

Human Geography: is a social science that studies how humans interact with the planet and covers things like population growth, migration, how urban and rural settlements develop, how we work with animals and even how our economies are effected by the environment we live in.

Because geographers deal with the natural world and how we behave in it, their jobs can take them everywhere, from taking soil samples on the edge of a volcano to mapping a new town, charting the changes to a glacier in the arctic, or even teaching you in a comfortable classroom.

Geographers have done some pretty important things for the human race, including charting new territory, developing maps and measuring distances to help us get from A to B long before we could simply take a picture of an area from space. We wouldnt have Google maps without them. Imagine

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Importance Of Computer In Geography


The computer has drastically transformed both the world of geography as an academic discipline and the geography of the world in which we live. Computers have enriched the discipline of geography with the development of automated geography, GIScience, and the virtual geography department.



What Is Social Geography

In a nutshell, social geography focuses on the scientific study of the relationship of society and space . It is interested in answering the questions of how societal processes determine space and its structures and how spatial conditions determine the existence of societies. Social geographers work on matters of Europeanisation, the structuring of cities, the increasing impact of climate change and matters of globalisation. Studying social geography promises students an exciting and rich study career with a wide array of opportunities to study what you love.

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What Commercial Container Management Solutions Exist Today

Docker Enterprise Edition is perhaps the best known commercial container management solution. It provides an integrated, tested and certified platform for apps running on enterprise Linux or Windows operating systems and cloud providers.

But there are many others, and several notable ones have a layer of proprietary software built around Kubernetes at the core. Examples of this type of management software product include:

  • CoreOSs Tectonic pre-packages all of the open source components required to build a Google-style infrastructure and adds additional commercial features, such as a management console, corporate SSO integration, and Quay, an enterprise-ready container registry.
  • Red Hats Open Shift Container Platform is an on-premises private platform as a service product, built around a core of application containers powered by Docker, with orchestration and management provided by Kubernetes, on a foundation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  • Rancher LabsRancher is a commercial open source solution designed makes it easy to deploy and manage containers in production on any infrastructure.

The Definition In Practice

Geography & Google Earth | National Geographic Bee 2012

This definition of geography works well for several reasons. First, it emphasizes that geography is a methodology. It stresses the geographic way of organizing and analyzing information pertaining to the location, distribution, pattern, and interactions of the varied physical and human features of Earth’s surface. All geographic inquiry should begin with the question, “Where?” Geographers and all other scientists ask “Why?” And, of course, most major Earth-bound events, features, and conditions can and often do have some impact on our lives, thereby begging the question, “Why care?”

An example on the global scale, petroleum resources in the Middle East certainly have contributed to a host of conflicts, and “petro-politics” surely will be a major issue for decades to come. Oil production, distribution, consumption, and trade all impact the lives of several billion people daily.

The definition I describe is clear and concise. It places no limitation on what geographers study it clearly identifies the discipline’s unique methodologythe spatial dimension of features, including where they are, in what patterns they occur, what important relationships exist, and so forth.

*Charles F. Gritzner, “What Is Where, Why There, and Why Care?,” Journal of Geography, 101, no. 1 , pp. 3840.

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Is Gis A Computer Application

Geographic information systems are computer hardware, software, and geographical data sets. Geographic information systems applications provide access to geographical data and are an integral part of the system. There are usually menu bars, toolbars, maps, and legends in a GIS application. There may be a relationship between geographical data and non-geographic data.

Aspects Of Geographic Data

GIS uses spatio-temporal location as the key index variable for all other information. Just as a relational database containing text or numbers can relate many different tables using common key index variables, GIS can relate otherwise unrelated information by using location as the key index variable. The key is the location and/or extent in space-time.

Any variable that can be located spatially, and increasingly also temporally, can be referenced using a GIS. Locations or extents in Earth spaceâtime may be recorded as dates/times of occurrence, and x, y, and z coordinates representing, longitude, latitude, and elevation, respectively. These GIS coordinates may represent other quantified systems of temporo-spatial reference . Units applied to recorded temporal-spatial data can vary widely , but all Earth-based spatialâtemporal location and extent references should, ideally, be relatable to one another and ultimately to a “real” physical location or extent in spaceâtime.

Related by accurate spatial information, an incredible variety of real-world and projected past or future data can be analyzed, interpreted and represented. This key characteristic of GIS has begun to open new avenues of scientific inquiry into behaviors and patterns of real-world information that previously had not been systematically correlated.

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What Is The Importance Of Computer Technology In Everyday Life

Computer technology plays a major role in nearly every sector of daily life including education, health, shopping and even in homes. Computers help streamline processes to make day-to-day activities more convenient.

No matter where people live in the United States, there is a good chance that computers play a major role in many of their daily tasks. Whether or not a person owns a personal computer, tablet or smartphone, computer technology is used in many of the services and products that a person uses every day. From education to healthcare to business, computer technology has helped to boost productivity and efficiency in nearly every sector.

Education People will find computers in most educational institutions from universities all the way down to preschools. Those living in remote locations can now access content and courses to study from abroad. Students can use computers to research and access information quickly for projects. Schools are no longer limited to the information found in books on their shelves. They have access to information from all over the world on the Internet. Computers are also powerful teaching aids in that they allow students to watch videos, look at art and listen to music.

Computer technology has helped the world to grow and evolve quickly. By performing tasks quickly, computers make daily activities more convenient. They give people access to a wide array of information and can reach even the most remote locations on the planet.

What Skills Will I Get From Studying Geography

Why don

Geography will help you develop your communication and teamwork skills, as youll often work on group projects. Youll also develop your research and analysis skills including in IT, lab and fieldwork, which means you will be able to collect and look for patterns in data.

Employers love the mix of technical and social skills people get from studying geography, which they see as very transferable, i.e. useful for a whole range of jobs.

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Defining Geography: What Is Where Why There And Why Care

History is the study of events through time. Basically, historians ask “What happened when and why then?” But many people, it seems, have a problem defining geography. Not enough people understand the nature of the discipline or its relevance to our everyday lives.

This brief essay presents an easily taught, understood, and remembered definition of geography. I have used it in my own teaching, public speaking, and professional writing for more than a decade. It works beautifully, and I believe that it will work for you and your students as well.

What Is Data Science

In its earliest mentions by Naur , Data Science was seen as a substitute for Computer Science or Datalogy. Since the 1990s, Data Science reappeared as a term. Since then, it was rather seen from the viewpoint of Statistics, as by C.F. Jeff Wu.7 Let us thus look at some common contemporary definitions of Data Science.

Data Science is the extraction of knowledge from data.8

This definition9 may well describe the practice of data scientists, which largely lies in applying methods from Computer Science, Statistics, and Machine Learning to gain knowledge inside some empirical discipline. Unfortunately, it does not distinguish Data Science from a lot of other empirical disciplines, such as Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, and so on which use the same methods and questions, and in general from Knowledge Discovery in Databases 10:

Knowledge Discovery in Databases is the process of discovering useful knowledge from a collection of data.

Still, we may grant that data scientists do stuff differently than their KDD predecessors in the 1990s. Drew Conway, a prominent data scientist, therefore, proposed to regard Data Science as an intersection of at least three skills, namely domain knowledge , hacking skills, and mathematical and statistical knowledge .

Definition of data science by Drew Conway

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