Friday, July 26, 2024

What Is Precipitation In Geography

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Water In The Atmosphere

What is precipitation?

1.;Cirrus: These are formed at high altitudes .

2.;Cumulus: They are formed at a height of 4,0007,000m. They look like cotton.

3.;Stratus: They are layered clouds covering large portions of the sky.

4.;Nimbus: These are black or dark grey rain clouds. They are very near to the earths surface.

There are three types of humidity. They are explained below:

Changes Due To Urban Heat Island

The urban heat island warms cities 0.6 to 5.6 °C above surrounding suburbs and rural areas. This extra heat leads to greater upward motion, which can induce additional shower and thunderstorm activity. Rainfall rates downwind of cities are increased between 48% and 116%. Partly as a result of this warming, monthly rainfall is about 28% greater between 32 to 64 kilometres downwind of cities, compared with upwind. Some cities induce a total precipitation increase of 51%.

What Is The Geography And Climate Of Afghanistan

What is the geography and climate of Afghanistan? Afghanistans climate consists of extremely cold, severe winters and hot, dry summers. Rainfall is scarce, averaging about seven inches a year. During the time between December and March, the country experiences cold weather and snow. From June to September, it is very hot and dry.

What is the geography of Afghanistan?;Afghanistans geography consists of irrigated land, small but fertile river valleys, deep gorges, deserts, high plateaus, and snow-covered mountains. The eastern portion of the country is divided by the towering mountain ranges of the Hindu Kush and Pamirs, with peaks rising about 24,000 feet.

What is the climate of Afghanistan?;Afghanistans climate is continental, with temperatures ranging from 30°C in summer to -20°C in winter. In spring, late frost can affect agriculture, mainly fruit production.

What are the three geographic regions of Afghanistan?;The Hindu Kush

This formidable range creates the major pitch of Afghanistan from northeast to southwest and, along with its subsidiary ranges, divides Afghanistan into three distinct geographic regions, which roughly can be designated as the central highlands, the northern plains, and the southwestern plateau.

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What Is Physical Geography

  • M.A., Geography, California State University – Northridge
  • B.A., Geography, University of California – Davis

The vast discipline of geography is divided into two major branches: 1) physical geography and 2) cultural or human geography. Physical geography encompasses the geographic tradition known as the Earth sciences tradition. Physical geographers look at the landscapes, surface processes, and climate of the earthall of the activity found in the four spheres of our planet.

Historical Evolution Of The Discipline

Precipitation presentation
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From the birth of geography as a science during the Greek classical period and until the late nineteenth century with the birth of anthropogeography , geography was almost exclusively a natural science: the study of location and descriptive gazetteer of all places of the known world. Several works among the best known during this long period could be cited as an example, from Strabo , Eratosthenes or Dionisio Periegetes in the Ancient Age to the Alexander von Humboldt in the nineteenth century, in which geography is regarded as a physical and natural science, of course, through the work Summa de GeografÃa of from the early sixteenth century, which indicated for the first time the New World.

During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a controversy exported from geology, between supporters of James Hutton and Georges Cuvier strongly influenced the field of geography, because geography at this time was a natural science.

The second important process is the theory of evolution by Darwin in mid-century which meant an important impetus in the development of Biogeography.

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About The World Travel Guide

The World Travel Guide is the flagship digital consumer brand within the Columbus Travel Media portfolio. A comprehensive guide to the worlds best travel destinations, its print heritage stretches back more than 30 years, with the online portal reaching its 20-year anniversary in 2019. Available in English, German and Spanish versions, the WTG provides detailed and accurate travel content designed to inspire global travellers. It covers all aspects, from cities to airports, cruise ports to ski and beach resorts, attractions to events, and it also includes weekly travel news, features and quizzes. Updated every day by a dedicated global editorial team, the portal logs 1 million+ unique users monthly.

Cooling Air To Its Dew Point

The dew point is the temperature to which a parcel of air must be cooled in order to become saturated, and condenses to water. Water vapor normally begins to condense on condensation nuclei such as dust, ice, and salt in order to form clouds. The cloud condensation nuclei concentration will determine the cloud microphysics. An elevated portion of a frontal zone forces broad areas of lift, which form cloud decks such as altostratus or cirrostratus. Stratus is a stable cloud deck which tends to form when a cool, stable air mass is trapped underneath a warm air mass. It can also form due to the lifting of advection fog during breezy conditions.

There are four main mechanisms for cooling the air to its dew point: adiabatic cooling, conductive cooling, radiational cooling, and evaporative cooling. Adiabatic cooling occurs when air rises and expands. The air can rise due to convection, large-scale atmospheric motions, or a physical barrier such as a mountain . Conductive cooling occurs when the air comes into contact with a colder surface, usually by being blown from one surface to another, for example from a liquid water surface to colder land. Radiational cooling occurs due to the emission of infrared radiation, either by the air or by the surface underneath. Evaporative cooling occurs when moisture is added to the air through evaporation, which forces the air temperature to cool to its wet-bulb temperature, or until it reaches saturation.

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Graduate Education In Climate Change

Global climate change is a grand challenge for society in the 21st century. The observed impacts and future risks of accelerating climate change demand determined climate action. With a growing number of countries and businesses declaring a climate emergency and pledging to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, demand continues to increase for climate intelligence and professionals in all sectors to possess a holistic knowledge of climate change science, policy and management. The Department of Geography and Environmental Management offers two graduate programs that equip students with the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to assess and manage carbon and climate risk.The University of Waterloo has joined with thousands of global leaders and organizations around the world to declare a climate emergency. The full declaration can be found on the University of Waterloo Climate Emergency Declaration page. The University of Waterloo has been a pioneer in climate change higher education with Canadas first Master of Climate Change and our declaration recognizes students as critical agents of change.; Together with colleagues from across campus we will continue to pursue our mission of empowering learners to succeed in careers which will be impacted by climate change and actively contribute to the transformations required in business, government and civil society.

Why Is Afghanistans Geography So Important

Different Types of Rainfall – Convectional, Orographic, Cyclonic Rainfall | UPSC IAS Geography

Afghanistan is located at the center of a region that has great geo-economical potential but its geo- strategic and geo- political location has been a deterrent challenge historically. One of the important advantage has been the use of Afghanistan as transit and transport hub between Central Asia and South Asia.

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What Is Climate Change

Alaska’s Muir glacier in August 1941 and August 2004. Significant changes occurred in the 63 years between these two photos. Credit: USGS

Climate change describes a change in the average conditions such as temperature and rainfall in a region over a long period of time. For example, 20,000 years ago, much of the United States was covered in glaciers. In the United States today, we have a warmer climate and fewer glaciers.

Global climate change refers to the average long-term changes over the entire Earth. These include warming temperatures and changes in precipitation, as well as the effects of Earths warming, such as:

  • Rising sea levels
  • Ice melting at a faster rate than usual in Greenland, Antarctica and the Arctic
  • Changes in flower and plant blooming times.

Earths climate has constantly been changing even long before humans came into the picture. However, scientists have observed unusual changes recently. For example, Earths average temperature has been increasing much more quickly than they would expect over the past 150 years.

Want to know more about how we know climate change is happening? Check it all out here!

The Deserts Of Ancient Egypt

The deserts of ancient Egypt were the Red Lands, situated on both sides of the Nile.

The Western Desert was actually part of the Libyan Desert and covered 262,000 square miles. Its geography largely consisted of valleys, sand dunes and some mountainous areas. This desert also contained oases, five of which are still known today.

The Eastern Desert extended out to the Red Sea. It is part of what is known as the Arabian Desert today. This desert was arid and barren, but the ancient Egyptians used it extensively to mine various stones. The geography of this desert consisted of more mountains and rocky areas than sand dunes.

Topography of Egypt

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Master Of Climate Change

Delivery mode, study option: On campus, coursework

  • On campus coursework can be completed in one term full-time.

Registration option: Full or part-time

The MCC program provides a unique educational experience for students looking for advanced training and expertise specific to climate change. Graduates will be part of the first generation of climate change professionals and able to pursue diverse career paths in all areas of government, civil society, and local/international development.

Students complete a Master’s Research Paper or Graduate Studies Practicum, gaining valuable research or work experience within the program curriculum.

Students in the MCC program will:

  • Achieve systematic understanding of climate change science, policy and management

  • Interpret and evaluate climate change research and policy ;;

  • Gain professional skills in research execution, collaborative problem solving, and effective written and oral communication.

How Do Ice Liquid And Vapor Interact Within A Cloud

Mapping Climate Refuges

Many clouds are in environments in which the temperature is below freezing, even in summer. Exceptions are clouds in the tropics and low in the atmosphere, or a cloud being warmed by latent heat during precipitation. Even when temperatures are below freezing, some liquid water droplets exist. This sets up a situation in which water exists in all three phases vapor, liquid, and ice . The interaction between these three coexisting phases allows precipitation to form much more easily than would otherwise be possible if only vapor and liquid were present

1. The diagram to the right shows the familiar saturation curve for water vapor, but focuses on conditions slightly above and slightly below freezing. At temperatures below freezing, the saturation curve for water vapor near ice diverges from that for water vapor and liquid . The divergence of the two curves begins at the freezing point because ice can’t easily exist above freezing.

2. The area between the two curves, shaded orange, depicts temperatures at which air is unsaturated with water vapor;relative to a liquid but above saturation for air next to ice in the;cloud. If a parcel of air has the water-vapor capacity and temperature to plot in this orange area of the plot, vapor will become deposited on ice crystals while liquid water drops are evaporating at the same time.

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Connecting With Space And Place

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earths surface and the human societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time.;Read More…

Estimation Of Areal Precipitation

  • statistical methods are extensively applied to hydrologic data because this is the branch of mathematics for the analysis of samples
  • water data represent samples from infinite populations
  • arithmetic mean
  • theoretically appropriate only where precipitation gauges are randomly distributed and the terrain is uniform, as precipitation varies with elevation
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    Severe Weather & Geologic Hijinks

    You wont see Washington on The Weather Channel much. Thanks to the marine air and diverse geography, the state rarely experiences severe weather patterns like the damaging hurricanes or tornadoes Jim Cantore covers. Blizzards and major windstorms are rare enough that residents give them names, such as Snowmageddon 2019, the Columbus Day Storm or the Thanksgiving Day Storm of 1983.

    The same is true for large-scale flooding. During the rainy season or when the snow melts rapidly in the mountains, youll see some localized flooding along the states rivers. But the hilly topography of the state makes widespread flooding a rarity.

    The only true force of nature the state deals with is an occasional;earthquake. Most are minor and newer buildings and homes are built to ride them out with little to no damage. The last major earthquake was in 2001, before that, 1965 and 1949.

    Climate In Ancient Egypt

    Climate Graphs – Geo Skills

    The climate of ancient Egypt was much the same as it is today; a hot, dry desert climate with very little rainfall. Coastal areas would benefit from winds coming off the Mediterranean Sea, but in the interior, these winds were hardly felt and temperature was high, especially in the summer.

    Between March and May, a hot, dry wind called the khamasin blows through the desert. This wind causes humidity to drop and temperatures to soar over 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Rain and clouds are more prevalent near Alexandria, which is influenced again by the Mediterranean Sea. The mountainous region of Sinai has the coolest temperatures during the night, due to its elevation. Winter temperatures can drop as low as three degrees Fahrenheit during the night in some towns.

    View of Saharan dust blowing over Egypt and towards the Middle East

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    Will Afghanistan Ever Be Safe

    Travel to all areas of Afghanistan is unsafe because of critical levels of kidnappings, hostage taking, suicide bombings, widespread military combat operations, landmines, and terrorist and insurgent attacks, including attacks using vehicle-borne, magnetic, or other improvised explosive devices , suicide vests,

    Key Takeaways: Physical Geography

    • Physical geography is the study of our planet and its systems .
    • Understanding the climate and how it’s changing affect people now and can help plan for the future.
    • Because the study of Earth is vast, numerous sub-branches of physical geography specialize in different areas, from the upper limits of the sky to the bottom of the ocean.

    In contrast, cultural or human geography spends time studying why people locate where they do and how they adapt to and change the landscape in which they live. Someone studying cultural geography might also research how languages, religion, and other aspects of culture develop where people live; how those aspects are transmitted to others as people move; or how cultures change because of where they move.

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    Why Physical Geography Is Important

    Knowing about the physical geography of Earth is important for every serious student studying the planet because the natural processes of Earth affect the distribution of resources and the conditions of the human settlement. Anyone studying processes involving Earth and its processes is working within the confines of its physical geography. These natural processes have resulted in a plethora of varied effects on human populations throughout the millennia.

    What Factors Affect Precipitation

    Geography of Climate and Weather: Convectional Rainfall

    Prevailing waves, the presence of mountains, and seasonal waves are the 3 major factors that influence precipitation. Mountain ranges are a series of mountains interconnected by high soil. Where precipitation occurs, a mountain range in the direction of prevailing winds can also determine.

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    How Much Is Earths Climate Changing Right Now

    Graph of change in annual global temperatures, compared to the average of global annual temperatures from 1880-1899. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

    Some parts of Earth are warming faster than others. But on average, global air temperatures near Earth’s surface have gone up about 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 100 years. In fact, the past five years have been the warmest five years in centuries.

    Many people, including scientists, are concerned about this warming. As Earths climate continues to warm, the intensity and amount of rainfall during storms such as hurricanes is expected to increase. Droughts and heat waves are also expected to become more intense as the climate warms.

    When the whole Earths temperature changes by one or two degrees, that change can have big impacts on the health of Earth’s plants and animals, too.

    Which Is The Largest Mountain Range In Afghanistan

    The huge Hindu Kush mountains form a barrier between the Northern provinces and the rest of the country. This mountain range has also divided Afghanistan int three very different geographic regions known as: The Central Highlands, The Northern Plains, and the Southwestern Plateau.

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