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What Is Migration Human Geography

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Migration Geography (AP Human Geography)

The issue of global human populations is often controversial because there is no clear consensus on how to deal with it. What demographers do know is that there are over 7.3 billion people on the planet, but they are not evenly distributed around the world. One consistent global pattern is water nearly 80 percent of the worlds population lives near a large body of water.

  • Why do you think populations converge on large bodies of water?
  • What happens to populations when there is a shortage of water?

There are a variety of ways that geographers and demographers study population dynamics and profiles, often representing this data in the form of diagrams, graphs, and, most importantly, maps. One way social scientists have tried to describe historical, current, and future population trends is with the Demographic Transition Model. The model attempts to explain how more developed countries progressed with their demographics compared to less developed countries today. Some argue that though the model predicts demographic trends in North America and Europe, the model does not accurately represent population trends in other regions of the world. Others say the model is too simplistic because of environmental and cultural factors.

What Is Forced Migration In Geography

4.5/5Forced Migrationanswer here

Forced Migration. Forced Migration refers to the coerced movement of a person or persons away from their home or home region. Some reasons for this migration occurring is due to environmental or natural disasters, chemical or nuclear disasters, famine, conflicts, and more.

Also, what are the reasons for forced migration? These can be either within their country or between countries after being displaced from their homeland.

  • Drought. A single drought can spell disaster for communities whose lives and livelihoods rely on regular, successful harvests.
  • Hunger.
  • Economic circumstances.

In this manner, what is the meaning of forced migration?

Forced migration is when people are made to leave their home or homeland. A person who has become forced to migrate is called a “forced migrant” or “displaced person”. They may be called a refugee, but that term has a specific legal definition.

What are the different types of forced migration?

Terms in this set

  • Conflict-Induced Displacement. People are forced to flee their homes due to the following reasons: generalized violence, race, religion, political opinion or social group.
  • Development-Induced Displacement.

reasonsmigrationreasonsExamples of Push and Pull Factors

  • crop failure.

What Is Intraregional Migration In Human Geography


Intraregional migration is the permanent movement within one region of a country. Some examples of intraregional migration are suburbanization, counter-urbanization, and urbanization.

What is the definition of intraregional migration?

intraregionalmigration. Noun. Permanent movement within one region of a country.

What are the three types of intraregional migration?three forms of intraregional migrationsMigrantsintraregional migration


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What Is Migration In Ap Human Geography

AP Human Geography Migration Flashcard. A type of migration that occurs on a short-term, repetitive, cyclical, or regular basis. A scattered population with a common origin in a smaller geographic area (ie. A function that represents the way that some entity or its influence decays with distance from its geographical location.

Introduction Not Just Drains And Gains

HUMAN MIGRATION map (National Geographic)

The globalization of international migration has greatly enhanced the international mobility of people with skills. In a global skills market, skills are the passport to movement from one country to another. Skills do not move evenly across space, however. Underlying current geographical patterns of skills migration are profound economic, political, and social differences between countries. These differences are usually viewed in the aggregate as involving two major blocs of states: the North and the South, the developed and the developing worlds. People with skills are portrayed as relocating from South to North due to a variety of push and pull factors. These are almost always seen as a logical response to differentials in wages and income, lifestyles, personal security, political participation, prospects for career and professional advancement, childrens futures, and so on. In the developed world, graying populations and consequent skills shortages are seen as major factors precipitating a new global hunt for skills from the developing world. The representation of skills migration in such binary terms underwrites the equally simplistic notion that one bloc of countries is suffering an irreversible brain drain and another is reaping the rewards of an inevitable brain gain.

R.S. Winder, … J.H. Pedlar, in, 2021

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Physical Barriers To Migration

Economic migrants will often arrive by aeroplane, but refugees, asylum seekers and illegal immigrants might all try to find the easiest way to cross a border.

From 2015 to the present, a huge number of illegal migrants have journeyed across the Mediterranean Sea to get to Greece, Turkey, Italy or Spain.

Many of these people might already have made their way across deserts or mountain ranges to escape persecution, conflict or war.

These physical barriers can be difficult to cross and many people are intercepted and returned to their place of origin.

Settlement And Economic History

The various population movements of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries have made Mauritius a unique blend of different races, cultures and religions. People of European, African, Indian and Chinese origins have created a multiracial society, in which the various cultures and traditions flourish in peace and harmony. The population started to grow under the French rule in the 18th century. Later in 1735, the population had grown to almost 1000 and reached nearly 20,000 in 1767. When the British abolished slavery in 1835, the population stood at 100,000. It increased rapidly with the coming of Indian labourers. Between 1835 and 1865, some 200,000 labourers were brought in. By the turn of the century, the population grew to 371,000, and in 1944 it stood at 419,000. After the Second World War, the increase was more rapid, particularly because of a baby boom and a drop in the infantile mortality rate. The rate of natural increase, which was about 3% in the 60s, has considerably dropped with family planning campaigns and greater awareness due to better education. The population of the Republic of Mauritius was estimated at 1,291,456 as at July 2012, growing at a rate of 0.4% since the end of 2010.

J. Crush, C. Hughes, in, 2009

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What Is The Main Type Of Intraregional Migration

Internal migration can be divided into two types: Interregional migration is movement from one region of a country to another intraregional migration is movement within one region. Historically, the main type of interregional migration has been from rural to urban areas in search of jobs.

What is the difference between interregional migration and intraregional migration?

There are two types of internal migration. Interregional migration is the movement from one region of a country to another. The movement within the same region of the country is called intraregional migration.

What Are The Causes And Effects Of Migration

AP Human Geography – Causes of Migration


  • This migration is usually accompanied by a more or less complete metamorphosis.
  • The birds are currently beginning their large migration to the south.
  • The result of migration is that races of widely different origin and habit have had to adapt themselves to similar conditions.
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    A What Is Migration Key Terms


    • International migration – Movement of people to another country
    • Forced migration – The migrant has no personal choice e.g. refugees moving due to a natural disaster, war or political persecution.
    • Voluntary migration – Migrants looking for a better quality of life or personal freedom e.g. better climate or to join relatives
    • Internal migration – Movement of people within a country
    • Rural-urban migration – Movement of people from countryside areas to towns or cities
    • Emigration – when someone leaves a country.
    • Immigration – when someone enters a country.
    • Economic migration – moving to find work or follow a particular career path
    • Social migration – moving somewhere for a better quality of life or to be closer to family or friends
    • Political migration – moving to escape political persecution or war
    • Environmental migration – causes of migration include natural disasters such as flooding

    How Does Transnational Migration Affect

    Most scholarship on the effects of transnational migration on family life has argued that such migration results in profound shifts and dislocations in family practices and gender ideologies. I conclude that transnational migration exacerbates conflicts that exist in families unaffected by transnational migrations.

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    Core Issues In The Study Of Migration

    It is surprising how many of the key textbooks on the subject are reluctant to offer a concrete definition of migration . Here is mine. Migration is the movement of people from one place to another, more distant place and their residence there for a certain threshold of time . Migration studies is the broader study of this phenomenon: the description, analysis and theorization of the movement of people from one place, region or country to another once again recognizing that there are thresholds of space and time built into this definition. Such moves should go beyond residential relocation within a village or town, and the moves should be longer than short-term visits, for instance for touristic or business purposes. The temporal threshold is commonly set at 1 year, but there are arguments for a shorter time-frame to recognize the relevance of seasonal and circular migration .

    When teaching Theories and Typologies of Migration, I build my, and hopefully the students, understanding of the field around five key questions enunciated 40 years ago by White and Woods :

  • Why does migration occur? .

  • Who migrates? .

  • What are the patterns of origins and destinations of migration flows and how have they evolved over time? .

  • What are the effects of migration on the places, societies and countries that migrants come from? .

  • What are the effects of migration on the places, societies and countries that migrants settle in? .

  • Finally I add a sixth question:

    A Short Definition For Migration Studies

    Global migration patterns via NatGeo

    The movement of groups and individuals from one place to another, involving a change of usual residence. Migration is usually distinguished from mobility in general by conventions of spatial and temporal scale. For example, by convention international migration requires crossing a national boundary for an actual or intended period of at least one year. Residential mobility, by contrast, may consist of a short-distance move between properties in the same city.

    Typologies of migration differentiate between internal and international migration, and the two forms are usually studied separately. Looked at historically, however, the movement of people long predates nation-states homo sapiens left Africa some 150,000 years ago. Geographers are interested in inter-regional, rural-urban, and urban-rural movements, especially in societies with low birth and death rates where migration is often the major cause of population change . In 2008, about 3 per cent of Americans moved to another county, for example, and in China, it is estimated that there were 140 million migrants, mostly from rural to urban areas .

    Castree, N., Kitchin, R., & Rogers, A. . “Migration.” In A Dictionary of Human Geography. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 27 Oct. 2021

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    Activity : Population Mobility Is Changing My State


    Between 2002 and 2003, 40.1 million U.S. residents moved, but more than half of those moves were local . State-level and local moves are most meaningful to students because it is at this scale that their lives are most affected by mobility. It is also at this scale that students can conduct primary research in order to understand the causes and consequences of local change.

    Part One: How is Population Mobility at the State and Local Level Changing My State?

    Materials Needed


  • Use a projector to show Figure 1 or distribute it to students. Point out that while almost half of the people moved during this five-year period, most remained fairly close to home or at least within the same state.
  • Next, project or distribute Figure 2. Encourage students to discuss the patterns reflected in this map, noting that residential change varied greatly across the country.
  • Have the students answer the following questions:
    • Which states experienced change well above the national average?
    • Which states experienced relatively little change?
    • Consider push-pull factors that might account for varying levels of residential change.
    • Where does your state fit into this pattern of change?
    • What might account for your states experience relative to the national average?

    Part Two: How Does Scale Affect the Message of a Map?

    Materials Needed


  • When maps have been completed, lead a discussion of the patterns of mobility revealed.
  • What Are Different Types Of Migration

    Migration could come in different forms depending on the nature and the reason of the movement.

    The first and the most common classification of migration refer to the nature of movement. This would include immigration and emigration. Immigration refers to the movement of persons or population to another country. Emigration, on the other hand, refers t o the movement of persons or populations from one country. For example, immigration of Filipinos to the United States and emigration of Indians from India.

    The second classification of migration refers to permanence. Under permanence, we have permanent, temporary, voluntary, and forced. Permanent migration refers to the movement from one area to another without plans of returning to the place of origin. Temporary migration refers to the migration done on a limited time. Forced migration involves migrants leaving without any choice. Voluntary migration is the opposite of forced.

    The third classification of migration refers to the nature of location. Under such classification, we have internal and international. Internal migration refers to a chance of residence within the country. It is also known as internal migration. International migration, on the other hand, refers to the change of residence to different nations or countries. It is also known as external migration.

    There are other types of migration. Here are as follows.

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    Cause And Effects Of Migration

    Migration is the movement of people from one permanent home to another. This movement changes the population of a place. International migration is the movement from one country to another.

    People who leave their country are said to emigrate. People who move into another country are called immigrants. The movement of people into a country is known as immigration.

    Every year some people leave the UK and move abroad. At the same time some people will move into the UK. Immigrants add to the total population and emigrants are subtracted from the total.

    Sometimes people just move from one region to another within the same country. In many developing countries, large numbers of people have moved from the countryside to the cities in recent years. This is called rural to urban migration.

    What Are The 5 Stages Of Migration

    Human Geography Population and Migration

    The Stages of Migration

    • The stimuli that lead individuals to migrate.
    • Preparations to move.
    • The transit to a new environment.
    • Arrival.
    • Acclimation to a new location.
    • Reception of immigrants into the new environment.
    • Establishment of a new identity.

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    Human Geography And Canada

    Last Edited

    Human geography studies the relationships between people and the environments in which they live. Within the field of human geography there are five main areas of study. These areas are economic geography, cultural geography, political geography, urbangeography and environmental geography. In Canada, human geographers might study the status of Indigenous languages ordifferences between rural and urban Canadians, among many other topics.

    Human geography studies the relationships between people and the environments in which they live.

    International Migration Measures And Trends

    International migration is the movement of people across international borders for the purpose of settlement. International migrants change their usual place of residence from one country to another. The United Nations suggests that the degree of permanence of the migration should be measured over a 12-month period, so that shorter stays in another country are not classified as permanent international migration. When passengers arrive in a country, they are asked whether they intend to stay for less than 3 months, classifying them as visitors for between 3 months and 12 months, classifying them as short-term migrants or for 12 months or more, classifying them as long-term migrants. This is a prospective measurement of migration. Alternatively, people can be surveyed at their current place of residence and asked where they were living 12 months ago. If the answer is another country, then they are classified as international migrants. This is a retrospective measurement of migration. It is also possible to measure international migration by asking migrants leaving a country to register their departure and to ask a question about migration of those new registering in countries which maintain a comprehensive population register.

    P. Boyle, in, 2009

    I.H. Burnley, in, 2009

    B. Lalljee, … Awnindra K. Singh, in, 2018

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    Contemporary Research Contributions In The Field Of Migration

    Recent academic output on migration comprises mainly journal articles. The long-term trend shows a gradual increase in academic publishing on migration, which is likely to be related to both the general expansion of academic literature production, and the increased prominence of migration research.Migration and research on it has further changed with the revolution in information and communication technologies.

    Migration Patterns And Related Numbers

    The genographic project confirms humans migrated out of ...

    There exist many statistical estimates of worldwide migration patterns.

    The World Bank has published three editions of its Migration and Remittances Factbook, beginning in 2008, with a second edition appearing in 2011 and a third in 2016. The International Organisation for Migration has published ten editions of the World Migration Report since 1999. The United Nations Statistics Division also keeps a database on worldwide migration. Recent advances in research on migration via the Internet promise better understanding of migration patterns and migration motives.

    Structurally, there is substantial South-South and North-North migration in 2013, 38% of all migrants had migrated from developing countries to other developing countries, while 23% had migrated from high-income OECD countries to other high-income countries. The United Nations Population Fund says that “while the North has experienced a higher absolute increase in the migrant stock since 2000 compared to the South , the South recorded a higher growth rate. Between 2000 and 2013 the average annual rate of change of the migrant population in developing regions slightly exceeded that of the developed regions .”

    Substantial internal migration can also take place within a country, either seasonal human migration , or shifts of population into cities or out of cities . Studies of worldwide migration patterns, however, tend to limit their scope to international migration.

    International migrants, 19702015

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