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What Does Organic Mean In Chemistry

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What Does The Ane Suffix Mean In An Organic Compound

Cosmetic Chemistry 101: What Does Organic Mean?

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The purpose of organic chemistry nomenclature is to indicate how many carbon atoms are in a chain, how the atoms are bonded together, and the identity and location of any functional groups in the molecule. A prefix to the name comes before the molecule.

Beside above, what are the rules for naming organic compounds? These rules get complicated, but we’ve tried to simplify them using 6 steps:

  • Locate the longest carbon chain in our compound.
  • Name that parent chain
  • Figure out the ending.
  • Put the side groups in alphabetical order.

Herein, what does the ENE suffix mean in an organic compound?

Suffix. –ene. An unsaturated hydrocarbon having at least one double bond an alkene. An aromatic hydrocarbon based on benzene. A polymer derived from an alkene.

Why do alkanes end in ane?

All alkanes end in, ane. The first four alkanes in the homologous series retain their original names. After these the names are formed by adding the endingane to the Greek word for the number of carbon atoms in the molecule.

Do You Have To Have Chiral Carbons To Have Enantiomers And Diastereomers

No, you do not! Note how the definition of enantiomers says that the molecules are non-superimposable mirror images, while diastereomers are non-superimposable non-mirror images? The definitions say nothing about the chiral centers or atoms. Thus, any pair of molecules that fits the definition, works! For instance, allenes are cumulated alkenes that are not planar:

If you build a pair of allenes with your molecular model kit , youll see, that those are not superimposable in space. But these two molecules have no chiral carbons and yet, they fit the definition of enantiomers, therefore they are a pair of enantiomers! So, as you can see, the chiral atoms by themselves is not the important thing here, rather its the 3D structure of the molecule itself.

You can also have diastereomers in molecules that dont have any chiral atoms. Look at the following examples:

The top pair is an example of the cis/trans isomers in alkenes. The second pair also represents as cis/trans pair of isomers. Neither of molecules, however, have chiral atoms. And since each pair represents a couple of non-superimposable molecules that are not mirror images, they are diastereomers.

What Is The Advantage Of Reflux Condenser

The role of a condenser here is to cool down the generated vapours and convert them back into the liquid form. The liquid component is then sent back to the boiler. So the reflux condenser purpose is to stop the loss of solvent, thereby increasing the reaction time over which the flask can be heated.

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Examples Of Organic Compounds Or Molecules

Molecules associated with living organisms are organic. These include nucleic acids, fats, sugars, proteins, enzymes, and hydrocarbon fuels. All organic molecules contain carbon, nearly all contain hydrogen, and many also contain oxygen.

  • DNA
  • table sugar or sucrose, C12H22O11
  • benzene, C6H6
  • ethanol or grain alcohol, C2H6O

What Are The Diastereomers

What Does Vinyl Mean In organic Chemistry ...

When it comes to diastereomers, those are, wellnot enantiomers. I mean, seriously, the common definition of a diastereomers is the stereoisomers that are not enantiomers. The official definition though is the diastereomers are non-superimposable molecules that are not mirror images of each other. For instance, lets look at the following two molecules:

Molecules and are obviously not mirror images, so they cannot be enantiomers. They are also not superimposable in space no matter how much you rotate those in space, so they are not the same molecule either. Thus, by definition, they are diastereomers as they are non-superimposable not mirror images of each other.

Notice, that unlike enantiomers, diastereomers only have some of the stereocenters change from one molecule to the other. For instance, molecule is -2-bromocyclopentanol, while its diastereomer is -2-bromocyclopentanol.

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What Is Conjugation In Organic Chemistry

An organic compound or a carbon compound can have sigma bonds and /or pi-bonds due to p-orbital in its molecular structure. Not to get confused that a carbon compound CAN NOT be made up of ONLY pi bonds but it also has sigma bonds. However, it CAN BE made up of ONLY sigma bonds.

If a compound contain pi-bonds, then conjugation play a role.

Conjugation is linking of these pi bonds together to provide extra stability to the molecule .

Conjugation occurs in a carbon compound with alternate single and multiple bonds.

No conjugation occurs if there are no alternate single and multiple bonds

Organic Chemistry Functional Groups

When we study the carbon compounds, we classify or categorize them into many groups. This classification is based on the chemical structure and reactions, physical and chemical properties of the functional groups. A functional group is set of atoms bonded together and are shown in Table 1. To understand this, some carbon compounds are categorized as alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and many other. To identify any category, we use a functional a group to designate a carbon compound.

Table 1: Functional groups



· R refers to alkyl group

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What Is Reflux In Organic Chemistry

Reflux term is used for some experiments in organic chemistry where the concentration of some of the reactants should be constant throughout the reactions. In some experiments, reflux set up is used. The reactants are heated up and rises until it reaches condenser where these are condensed back to the reaction vessel. This process is termed as reflux in organic chemistry.

At A Minimum These Molecules Need Carbon But Thats Only The First Requirement


Carbon can become part of vast numbers of molecules, including many that make up plant and animal tissues. Thats one reason these molecules are part of the chemistry of life.

By Katie Grace Carpenter

Out of 118 elements, only one has its own field of study: carbon. Chemists refer to most molecules that contain one or more carbon atoms as organic. The study of these molecules is organic chemistry.

Carbon-based molecules get special attention because no other element comes close to carbons versatility. More types of carbon-based molecules exist than all non-carbon ones put together.

Scientists generally define a molecule as organic when it contains not only carbon, but also at least one other element. Typically, that element is hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen or sulfur. Some definitions say that a molecule must contain both carbon and hydrogen to be organic.

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What Does Ending Mean In Chemistry

Functional groups are defined as specific groupings of atoms or bonds which are part of a larger hydrocarbon chain. It is necessary that you are able to recognize these groups by structure and by name. Functional Group Names: The ending of the name as a suffix tells the type of compound or functional group present.

How To Calculate Equivalents In Organic Chemistry

Equivalents in organic chemistry refers to the number of moles of a carbon compound reaction with number of moles of other reactant normally a limiting reagent to form products. To calculate equivalents the whole equation of a reaction should be written with correct stoichiometry.

For instance, consider a reaction between 6 mole of aniline with 3 mole acetic anhydride .

The molar equivalents of aniline would be:

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What Are Structural Formulas Used In Organic Chemistry

There are different formulas to represent a carbon compound. Given below are the widely used structural formulas in organic chemistry:

1. Straight chain formula: This is a formula of a carbon compound in which all the atoms and

the bonds are distinctly seen as a straight chain.

2. Condensed formula: In this formula , different groups of the carbon compound are

condensed together.

3. Line bond OR line angle formula: This is the formula where structure is shown as a line

representing the two ends as a carbon and a line as a bond.

What Is Maleic Anhydride Used For

9 Nomenclature Conventions To Know  Master Organic Chemistry

Around 50% of world maleic anhydride output is used in the manufacture of unsaturated polyester resins . Chopped glass fibers are added to UPR to produce fibreglass reinforced plastics that are used in a wide range of applications such as pleasure boats, bathroom fixtures, automobiles, tanks and pipes.

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How Do You Know What Suffix To Use In Chemistry

When naming molecular compounds prefixes are used to dictate the number of a given element present in the compound. mono- indicates one, di- indicates two, tri- is three, tetra- is four, penta- is five, and hexa- is six, hepta- is seven, octo- is eight, nona- is nine, and deca is ten.

What Does Organic Really Mean Ask A Chemist

What do toenail clippers, submarine hulls and waffle irons have in common?

None are organic.


If this sounds stupid , check this out:No, I’m not making it up. Three foods, which don’t exactly represent the epitome of health and wellbeing “Pop Tarts,” Oreos, and Kraft Mac and Cheese are now organic. It’s not that any of these tasty delights, when eaten in moderation, is going to put you in an early grave, but if you think that simply because the “magic word” now appears on the package that you will exist for one more healthy second on Earth, you are deluding yourself.

And, you are not alone. It would appear that market research has reached that conclusion that many people will simply not buy anything that is not organic. So, let’s make everything organic! If this sounds crazy …

That’s because the worship of things organic has reached the point where the following items are not part of a Saturday Night Live skit. These are real. All of them can be bought online.

Organic water, tampons and cat litter. If this doesn’t illustrate the level of madness that this “movement” has become, just wait a month or two. I’m betting that it will get worse, although, I can’t imagine how at the moment.

Given the way the word organic is thrown about, I thought it might be interesting to examine where the term originated, how it morphed into food and consumer goods, and, saving the best for last, a rather funny paradox, in which the term actually contradicts itself.

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What Are The Enantiomers

Enantiomers are two molecules that are non-superimposable mirror images. Just like your hands, molecules may have a mirror image that wont be superimposable with the original molecule. Look at these two molecules:

No matter how much you rotate one in space, youll never be able to make it look the same as the other one. While molecule and molecule have both groups cis to each other, they look in different directions from the plane of the cycle.

Note, there are many ways of how you can make a mirror image for a molecule. Here are the three possible examples:

The mirror plane can be vertical, horizontal, or even the paper where you draw the molecule can be the mirror plane itself. I suggest you make a couple of the molecules from the picture above using your molecular model kit , and make sure they are not superimposable by physically rotating them in space.

Another important distinction of the enantiomers is that all stereocenters are mirrored between the molecules as well. Meaning, all S stereocenters are Rs in the other molecule and all Rs in one molecule are Ss in the other. For instance, the molecule from above is -2-bromocyclopentanol, while its enantiomer, molecule , is -2-bromocyclopentanol.

What Is An R Group In Organic Chemistry

What Does R Stand for in Chemistry Molecules? : Chemistry & Biology Concepts

R group refers to an alkyl group. Some examples are given below:

1. CH4 is Methane where as CH3- is a methyl group

2. C2H6 is Ethane where as C2H5 – is an ethyl group

3. C3H8 is propane whereas C3H7 – is propyl group

Alkyl group is a general name indicating a group from alkane series with one less carbon


C5H9 OH is pentyl alcohol or pentanol

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Organic Chemistry What Is Reflux

January 17, 2015 By Sean Chua

We always see this reaction condition called Reflux when we study Organic Chemistry and their reactions.

I realised alot of students do not understand the true meaning of a reflux. This includes some of my JC2 and IB students who recently join our A-Level H2 Chemistry Tuition Classes.

So what really is Reflux?

Many organic chemical reactions take very long to complete, and in order to speed up these reactions, heat is applied. However, organic compounds are usually simple molecular structures with low boiling points. As such, most organic chemicals are quite volatile, and if heated they will evaporate and be lost. The solution to this problem is to heat the reaction mixture under reflux.

Diagram below shows the basic set-up of Refluxing:

Reflux involves heating the chemical reaction for a specific amount of time, while continually cooling the vapour produced back into liquid form, using a condenser. The vapours produced above the reaction continually undergo condensation, returning to the flask as a condensate.

The reactants for reflux experiments can be solid and liquid, or both liquids.

The condenser is always completely filled with water to ensure efficient cooling.

The vapours, which are given off from the liquid reaction mixture, change from gas phase back to liquid phase due to heat loss. This then causes the liquid mixture to fall back into the round bottom flask.

What Does Iso Mean For Organic Chemistry

3.9/5isomeansorganicmeansorganicanswer here

The prefix iso-, which stands for isomer, is commonly given to 2-methyl alkanes. In other words, if there is methyl group located on the second carbon of a carbon chain, we can use the prefix iso-. The prefix will be placed in front of the alkane name that indicates the total number of carbons.

what is an isopropyl group? Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry – Isopropyl group. Isopropyl : A portion of a molecular structure equivalent to propane minus one hydrogen atom from the middle carbon. Sometimes abbreviated as iPr.

Accordingly, how do you use ISO in organic chemistry?

The prefix “iso” is used when all carbons except one form a continuous chain. This one carbon is part of an isopropyl group at the end of the chain. “Iso” can also indicate that the molecule is an constitutional isomer of another molecule with a common name.

What are the prefixes in organic chemistry?

Organic Chemistry Prefixes

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What Does An Organic Chemist Does

An organic chemist is a chemist with a college degree in chemistry. Typically this would be a doctorate or master’s degree in organic chemistry, though a bachelor’s degree in chemistry may be sufficient for some entry-level positions. Organic chemists usually conduct research and development in a laboratory setting. Projects that would use organic chemists would include the development of a better painkilling drug, formulating a shampoo that would result in silkier hair, making a stain resistant carpet, or finding a non-toxic insect repellent.

Acsh Explains: What Does ‘organic’ Really Mean

What Does Vinyl Mean In organic Chemistry ...

“Organic” may be one of the most confusing words in language today. Although most people will probably have a vague idea of the meaning of the term they probably won’t know the definition. Part of the confusion arises from the fact that there are two, very different, definitions for the same word, one from chemistry and one from agriculture. The chemistry definition is unambiguous and clear-cut, at least most of the time. Let’s start here.


In chemistry, the definition is based solely on chemical structure. With very few exceptions a chemical is classified as organic if it contains at least one carbon atom, regardless of its source. This is why organic chemistry is called “the chemistry of carbon.”

But there are exceptions. Carbon dioxide certainly contains an atom of carbon but is classified as inorganic. Common inorganic chemicals include salt, ammonia, baking soda , and sulfuric acid. But, like carbon dioxide, baking soda also contains a carbon atom yet is still classified as inorganic. What’s going on? For a chemical to be organic there is an additional requirement. A hydrogen atom must be chemically bound to a carbon atom. Figure 1 demonstrates examples of carbon-containing chemicals, some of which are organic and some that are not.

Figure 2. Both carbon tetrachloride and urea are usually considered to be organic. Neither chemical has a carbon-hydrogen bond. This is a rare exception.


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What Is Organic Chemistry

Chemistry is the subject of different elements of the Mendeleevs periodic table, reactions and mechanisms, physical and chemical properties and finally the application of these elements. There are 118 elements reported in nature and only one element, which is carbon is founder of organic chemistry discipline.

Organic chemistry is one of the branches of chemistry that deals with molecules, compounds and polymeric network originating from carbon element. It is popularly also known as chemistry of carbon.

Melting And Boiling Properties

Organic compounds typically melt and many boil. In contrast, while inorganic materials generally can be melted, many do not boil, and instead tend to degrade. In earlier times, the melting point and boiling point provided crucial information on the purity and identity of organic compounds. The melting and boiling points correlate with the polarity of the molecules and their molecular weight. Some organic compounds, especially symmetrical ones, sublime. A well-known example of a sublimable organic compound is para-dichlorobenzene, the odiferous constituent of modern mothballs. Organic compounds are usually not very stable at temperatures above 300 °C, although some exceptions exist.

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Compounds With Carbon Number 17

Carbon compounds connect and forms long chain compounds and forming polymers. The carbon compound with 17 carbon in its chemical structure and the simplest among the series is known as heptadecane. There are 24984 isomers of C-17 carbon compounds, in which carbon can bond with the hydrogen, oxygen, halogens, nitrogen, sulphur etc.

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