Friday, September 13, 2024

What Does Iso Mean In Biology

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Which Devices Are Suited To In Vitro Testing

Hypertonic, Hypotonic and Isotonic Solutions!

An interesting question is now: which devices are suitable to this new in vitro irritation test method? The test is primarily valid for solid devices, which can be extracted in polar and non-polar solvent. Unlike in vivo testing, the test is not validated to apply solid materials directly to the RhE model. Nevertheless, liquids, gels, or pastes that are commonly not extracted can be directly applied to the test system, but the ability of the assay to detect irritant activity of these forms needs to be demonstrated prior to testing.

It is worth mentioning, that if in vivo testing is justified, the respective test methods as described in ISO 10993-23 do not significantly differ from the methods in ISO 10993-10. If in vivo data was already acquired, additional testing in an RhE model is not required as the step-wise approach also intends to reduce redundant testing. Nevertheless, a justification within the biological evaluation plan is recommended to demonstrate awareness of the new standard.

A Step Forward For Animal Welfare

Introducing this step-wise approach represents a huge step forward for animal welfare. In accordance with ISO 10993-2, it adopts the 3R-principle, aiming to replace, reduce, and refine animal testing. So far, irritation testing was commonly conducted in animals, although the prioritization for in vitro testing was already included in the ISO 10993-10, even in the initial version back in 1995. This step in the evaluation procedure was, however, not feasible because no scientifically validated test method was available for medical device materials or extracts until now. Consequently, the fundamental and most discussed change in relation to the evaluation of irritation is not the transfer to its own standard but the newly introduced in vitro test method. This method utilizes reconstructed human epidermis models, which are basically cultured human-derived epidermal keratinocytes, which form a highly differentiated model of the human epidermis within a petri dish. Histologically, an adequate RhE model resembles the structure of human epidermis, including organized basal, spinous, and granular layers as well as multilayered stratum corneum. Just like human skin, this tissue is viable and provides a barrier function resisting a rapid penetration of unfavorable substances.

What Is Isotonic In Biology

The concept of isotonic can be used in different fields. In the field of chemistry, those solutions that have the same osmotic pressure when they are at the same temperature classifies as iso.

In hematology, solutions that have the same salt concentration as red blood cells are said to be an isotonic solution has. Therefore, they have the same osmotic pressure as blood and do not cause red blood cells to deform.


Applying this term to muscle contraction, a contraction is said to be isotonic when the muscle tension remains constant.

It should be remembered that a solution is a mixture that obtains when a solid dissolves in a liquid. The osmotic pressure, meanwhile, is the pressure exerted by the solvent particles on the semi-permeable membrane that establishes a separation with the more concentrated element. The temperature also is the physical quantity indicating the degree of heat of the environment or body.

Returning to the idea of isotonic, two or more solutions are iso when, at the same level of heat, the solvent particles of each exert the same pressure on the semipermeable membranes.

Heres the examples of isotonic. Lets look in detail.

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Words That Begin With Peri

Perianth : The outer part of a flower that encloses its reproductive parts is called the perianth. The perianth of a flower includes the sepals and petals in angiosperms.

Pericardium : The pericardium is the membranous sac that surrounds and protects the heart. This three-layered membrane serves to keep the heart in place in the chest cavity and prevents over-expansion of the heart. Pericardial fluid, which is located between the middle pericardial layer and the innermost pericardial layer , helps to reduce friction between pericardial layers.

Perichondrium : The layer of fibrous connective tissue that surrounds cartilage, excluding cartilage at the end of joints, is called perichondrium. This tissue covers cartilage in structures of the respiratory system , as well as cartilage of the ribs, outer ear, and auditory tubes.

Pericranium : The pericranium is a membrane that covers the outer surface of the skull. Also called the periosteum, it is the innermost layer of the scalp that covers bone surfaces except at the joints.

Pericycle : Pericycle is plant tissue that surrounds vascular tissue in roots. It initiates the development of lateral roots and is also involved in secondary root growth.

Periderm : The outer protective plant tissue layer that surrounds roots and stems is the periderm or bark. The periderm replaces the epidermis in plants that undergo secondary growth. Layers composing the periderm include cork, cork cambium, and phelloderm.

Choose The Right Synonym For Isolation

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solitude, isolation, seclusion mean the state of one who is alone. solitude may imply a condition of being apart from all human beings or of being cut off by wish or circumstances from one’s usual associates. a few quiet hours of solitudeisolation stresses detachment from others often involuntarily. the isolation of the village in winter seclusion suggests a shutting away or keeping apart from others often connoting deliberate withdrawal from the world or retirement to a quiet life. lived in pastoral seclusion

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What Does Iso Stand For

Iso is not an acronym as suggested by the theory mentioned above. Instead, the International Organization for Standardization simply took the Greek word isos and shortened it to ISO, meaning the term is actually an abbreviation.

Since the organization could not find an ideal acronym , they settled for a shortened version of the Greek word isos, which means equal. The organization found it a suitable solution for the problem, since it aims to provide international standards.

What Is An Iso File

An ISO file is a single digital file containing all the information present in an optical disk. This includes its file system , after which its file extension is named, and why this type of file is known as ISO. This means that all data in an ISO file is identically structured to the optical disk from which it was created, since it must always retain its original file system.

This type of file is used as a virtual CD-ROM. They are commonly used in emulators to replicate a CD image or for burning disk images of software to install them.

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What Does Iso Mean It Depends On The Context

Except for the unrelated social media ISO acronym, all other ISO meanings take root in the Greek isos, in the context of the International Organization for Standardization and its widely adopted standards.

Still, the three most widely accepted ISO meanings are a cameras film speed, an optical disk image file, and, of course, that of the International Organization for Standardization.

Are There Any Areas Which The Iso Standards Do Not Cover How Can Labs Go Above And Beyond And How Do You Expect The Standards To Evolve

Hypertonic, Hypotonic, and Isotonic Solutions

ISO standards cover a diverse range of foods. In food microbiology, all samples from the food chain are covered, from the finished products back to the raw materials and ingredients, including animal feed and environmental samples. However, samples or microorganisms involved in primary production, including animal breeding and crop production, are beyond the scope of this committee. Laboratories can use the ISO standards as a reference not only for method implementation, but also to implement good laboratory practices, for example to optimise laboratory workflow, quality assurance and reduce biological risks.

ISO standards incorporate some new technologies when classical technologies have limitations in providing accurate results. For example, qPCR is applied for detecting enteric viruses and HPLC for bacterial toxins. New standard methods also provide validation data for method performance, which is useful for method implementation in quality control labs and to understand a methods limitations.

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What Does Iso Mean On The Internet

There is a final but unrelated meaning for ISO on the internet. As social media networks like Facebook caught on and instant messaging became a thing, a lot of neologisms started to pop up, many of which are acronyms one of these: ISO.

What does ISO mean on Facebook? On Facebook and the internet in general , ISO is an acronym for in search of. In this context, the term usually means the same as LTB and WTB .

Get To Know The Particulate Numbers

In a hydraulic system, ISO codes are used to quantify levels of particulate contamination present per milliliter of fluid at 3 different micron sizes. The three different micron sizes are as follows, 4 microns, 6 microns and 14 microns. The ISO code is expressed as three numbers. Each number represents a contamination level for the corresponding particulate size. Hy-Pro Filtration Video

View the Hy-Pro video which explains ISO Codes here.

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What Is Your Background And Field Of Expertise

I am an Application Specialist at Merck Life Science, with a focus on microbiological methods for food safety. I am also an expert member in several ISO and CEN technical committees centred on developing reference methods for food microbiology, and a technical auditor for the Spanish Accreditation Body .

Prior to Merck, I worked as a Senior Scientist at Nestlé Research in Switzerland on microbiological analysis development and implementation, and before that, I was the Head of the Microbiology and Molecular biology in an ISO 17025 laboratory in Spain.

How Can Labs Stay Compliant

Isotonic, What Does It Mean In Biology (#1 Coffee Read)

Using the latest published versions available through ISO or the websites of the responsible national committees, which are usually published in the local language, is important to guarantee compliance.

New reviewed methods include the changes from previous versions and the impact of these changes in their introduction. Changes considered as major may impact method performance and results and, therefore, laboratories should perform additional verifications to demonstrate that they can make the method work.

Alternative rapid methods should also be revalidated against the current versions when there are major changes.

To be compliant, it is crucial to correctly implement the latest version of reference or the alternative rapid method validated against the reference method.

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What Do New Iso Standards Mean For Quality Assurance In Quality Control Labs

ISO standards are reference methods for food microbiological regulations and widely used for food microbiological analysis. In 2017 several methods reviews were published, including new protocols and validation data. ISO methods are also required to demonstrate that new, rapid alternative methods are valid, provide equivalent results, and follow the ISO 161402:2016 requirements for validation.

The new standard ISO 16140-3 on method verification, currently in the last stage of development, will be very important in guaranteeing that validated methods are correctly implemented in each individual quality control laboratory.

Average Amplitude Per S Events

From individual filtered signal S, we constructed a time-series A of the average amplitude defined as the area under the curve |S| averaged over each S events duration \. For each jthS events starting at \ and ending at \:

where \. The same method was applied to estimate time-series AIS obtained from the S area under each inter-S regions . Fitting was performed usingfit function in MATLAB R2018a.

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What Is An Iso File And What Does Iso Mean

Is it a file? Or an organization? No, wait, you want to buy something? Well, what does ISO mean anyway?

There is a lot of confusion on the internet about what the word ISO means and where it comes from. A quick online search reveals at least four different meanings as well as three different origins for the word, depending on the context.

Adding to the confusion, one of them is a well diffused, though mistaken, origin for the word that claims ISO is an acronym for International Organization for Standardization. Although the term does refer to the organization, it is not one since an acronym for the organization would read IOS.

So, what does ISO stand for? And what does ISO mean?

What Does Iso Mean

Hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic solutions (tonicity) | Khan Academy

The term ISO came into use when it only referred to the International Organization for Standardization. However, when the standards it issued for various industries came into common international use, the products bearing the standards tag ISO also came to be known by the term, or at least some of its features or characteristics.

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One such example is the ISO film speed standard, whose nomenclature, even though film is mostly digital nowadays, is still used to represent a cameras digital sensors response to light. And yet another one is the ISO optical disk image file extension.

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Recognition And Whats Next

With these advantages in mind, the question remains whether the notified bodies accept or even expect a biological safety evaluation based on in vitro testing in RhE models. Certainly, there will be a transition period but afterward, global acceptance of the methods described in ISO 10993-23 is expected, mostly because the 3R principle is globally acknowledged. The FDA has not yet published a consensus standard, but it is expected to do so. This is because the FDA usually accepts OECD validated assays and its guidance document, Use of International Standard ISO 10993-1, “Biological evaluation of medical devices – Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process,” agrees with the step-wise approach preferring the chemical characterization and in vitro models if equally relevant information, as compared to in vivo testing, can be obtained. Nevertheless, there may be partial recognition related to extract preparation since the previous ISO 10993-12: 2012 was only partially recognized.

Filtration In The Kidneys

Basic biology tells us hydration is essential to body function. The kidneys, in particular, depend on hydration to effectively remove excess minerals and waste, which mix with liquids to form a solution, from the body.

Under normal conditions, liquids move through the kidneys, which filter excess minerals and waste. These excess materials depend on liquids to both move through and exit the body. In fact, without water to propel them through the bladder and out the urethra, these solutes build up in the kidneys to cause kidney stones or, in extreme cases, kidney failure.

When the excess minerals and waste in the kidney is greater than the amount of liquid, the solution in the interior of the kidneys is said to be hypertonic to the solution of unfiltered liquids passing through. Because there are not enough liquids to move them out of the body, excess minerals and waste build up, and can form stones. If these stones go untreated, they can congest the kidneys, for lack of a better term, and lead to kidney failure.

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Examples Of Isolation In A Sentence

isolationisolationisolation WSJisolation The Christian Science MonitorisolationWashington Postisolation BostonGlobe.comisolationThe Courier-Journalisolation The Arizona RepublicisolationThe New Yorkerisolation The Enquirer

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘isolation.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.

Ultimate List Of Iso Standards For Medical Devices

VedieÅ¥, Ä?o izotopy sú v chémii

The International Standardization Organization is an independent, non-governmental organization that has created thousands of international standards for numerous industries, including medical devices.ISO standards are voluntary, consensus-based documents that provide guidance on particular aspects of technology and manufacturing.

For medical device manufacturers, ISO standards are critical not only to building high-quality medical devices, but to remaining compliant with regulatory requirements while doing so.

Thats because many ISO standards are recognized by regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration in the US, or have been harmonized with regulations in other parts of the world, such as the European Union.

So, even though ISO standards do not have the force of law, they are essential guides for medical device and in vitro diagnostic device companies.

Below, youll find a list of the most searched for and widely applicable ISO standards for medical devices. While this list doesnt include every ISO standard that can apply to a given medical device or in vitro diagnostic device, it does include some of the most important standards for building safe and effective medical devicesall in one place.

Use this list to quickly and easily find up-to-date ISO standards that apply to your device. Happy scrolling!

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Other Advantages Of In Vitro Tests

The in vitro test method is not only in favor of animal welfare but brings advantages for the medical device industry as well. In vitro alternatives are quicker than in vivo testing because the cell response to an irritant occurs faster in comparison to rabbit skin. Furthermore, animal transportation and acclimatization to the test lab add time before the testing even starts. In addition, these methods save money because animal housing costs are usually higher than growing tissue in a dish.

How Do These Changes Affect Your Business And Personal Role

As an application specialist working on regulatory affairs, I need to provide support to the customers to guarantee that standard and rapid alternative methods are correctly implemented and performed. I also need to support our R& D and validation teams developing new rapid methods to ensure that these are compliant with regulatory and business needs. My participation in ISO committees allows me to share my expertise with other experts from reference laboratories, academics and regulatory bodies to progress on the method applicability and use in quality control laboratories.

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