Websites To Learn Chemistry Lessons Online
Learn Chemistry Lessons Online
Chemistry is one of the many branches of science. It has always played a big part in humanities history and it has also been vital in the sense that many of the advancements made so far would not be possible without it.
Its importance has been recognized by everyone for quite some time now, which is why it is also taught in most schools in the world. Without chemistry, we would not know anything about the human body and how different things are formed.
In short, it is a very important and everyone should at least know its basics. That being said, it is also a difficult subject, as it is difficult to understand all the many different types of chemistry.
There are many different branches of chemistry, such as organic, inorganic, biochemistry etc. and in order to develop a basic understanding for all of them, youll need to work hard. There are lessons online that can help you with this specific cause.
Many sites feature online crash courses that can help you get familiar with the basics of chemistry and help you learn further if youre interested.
Tips From A Memory Expert
While the method of loci is a memory technique designed to help you memorize and remember things better, there are no shortcuts to mastering it. You need to practice and at some point, it will come to you very easily. You will be able to look at study material and easily correlate it to familiar images. The rest of it is up to your brain and how well you nurture it .
Here is a video to further explain how the method of loci works.
Difficult Does Not Always Mean Important
Difficult does not always mean important. You have to know the difference between difficult and important material.
Yes There are a lot of topics in Chemistry that are difficult. Calculations and word problems too.
However, it is incredibly important to remember that not everything thats difficult is important.
Let me explain.
Back when I used to teach, I would always have a handful of students that would get hung up on ONE SINGLE PROBLEM. They would go find the hardest problem in their homework, and dissect it for hours.
Sometimes, they would bring me a problem and say, Ive spent hours on this problem and keep getting the wrong answer.
They would want me to solve the problem in front of them and other students.
I would tell them, Look, youve spent too much valuable time on this one problem. You need to move on and practice the other topics.
I would often have students get angry. But I wasnt going to spend 30 minutes of a study session working out the most complicated problems in front of all the students.
Because they wouldnt learn much. Yes, I can solve the problem. If I do it at my speed, nobody will learn anything. If I spend 30 minutes working out the most complicated problem, people tend to get frustrated and in some ways give up.
We dont need people to give up. Its just one problem.
Remember, difficult doesnt always mean important.
If you get hung up on one problem for too long. Just move on.
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Discover How To Study Chemistry
Finally, we would like to emphasise that, although we have separated these study methods into 5 sections, these are not stand alone ways to succeed. Rather, when used together, they will increase effectiveness of your study time. In addition, Chemistry includes many fields of study, each with its own particulars, so it is necessary that you evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses and choose the study method that best suits you.
Some of these fields have a heavy load of Maths or Physics, so mastering these subjects is also crucial. With this in mind, dont forget that with ExamTime, you can enter mathematical and chemical symbols using the LaTeX language resources. This will facilitate the introduction of formulas, equations and other mathematical concepts.
Do you have any other tips on how to study Chemistry? If so, share them with us in the comments section below!
Gradebook & Lms Integration
Aktiv Chemistrys gradebook can be synced with any popular campus LMS such as Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, or D2L. The gradebook and associated columns can be customized to separate the various assignment types, to present individual assignments, or display summary columns for each type.
Every Aktiv Chemistry activity has a multitude of grading policies that can be customized depending on the assignment type. Settings include points per problem, participation credit, late submissions with penalties, variable attempts per problem, penalties for incorrect attempts, and more.
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Focus On Important Aspects Of Each Problem:
Whenever any problem in physics is solved, run through the important points that are mentioned. Also, get to know the details that you are trying to solve.
Avoid details that arent required for the problem. Important aspects of the problems are ones that would help you score in the examination. Hence, focus and remember to write those points without fail.
Kids And Casual Learners
Our recent post on the best chemistry-themedgifts included three books that are a great fit for older kids or adults whohave a casual interest in the central science.
Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe is visually stunning and chock full of cool information. It contains gorgeous photos and fun facts, and it would be an excellent introduction for people who are curious to learn about the chemical elements that make up our universe.
Ask a Science Teacher: 250 Answers to Questions Youve Always Had About How Everyday Stuff Really Works is a book that is less focused on chemistry specifically, but which has still got tons of fascinating explanations in plain English. Its a great book to show all the practical ways in which science affects us every day.
Chemistry for Everyone: A Helpful Primer for High School or College Chemistry is exactly what it sounds like. Its definitely the most educational of the books in this section, although it is not intended to replace a complete chemistry course. We would recommend picking this up before taking your first chem class so that you have an idea of what to expect.
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Break Large Tasks Into Smaller Ones
When studying chemistry, break the material down into smaller pieces that you can master. Even though this may seem at times to be slow and tedious, it will help you actually learn what you’re studying. Once you’ve mastered one concept, move on to the next. You’ll be surprised to find that after you really understand a few of the smaller concepts well, it will become much easier to learn and master larger concepts.
Tips For Ap Chemistry Exams
The AP chem exam is a college credit exam for high schoolstudents, so it literally pays to be prepared for this one. Your first stepshould be to buy one of the best APchemistry review books, preferably one with lots of practice test so thatyoull feel comfortable with the structure of the exam and the formats of thedifferent types of questions.
When taking your practice exams, make sure you do it undersimulated testing conditions. Most of all, that means that you need to timeyourself. Another important thing to keep in mind is that the topics that arecovered on the exam are changed from time to time, so if you buy a review book,make sure its the most recent edition.
Similarly, make sure you get the latest version of examlogistics, such as when you will be allowed to use a calculator, the providedequation sheet, etc. And if your handwriting looks like chicken scratch,remember that your free response questions are being graded by humans, anddoing your best to keep things legible could save you some points by makingyour graders life easier.
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Future Scope For Chemistry Class 12 Students In India
Every man who receives a liberal education now counts chemistry among the most indispensable objects of his studies. – Antoine Francois Fourcroy Chemistry is one of the three integral subdivisions of the science stream, the other two being physics and biology. In simple terms, chemistry is that branch of science that is concerned with the
7 February 2020 â 7 minutes to read
Websites To Learn Chemistry Lessons Online Review
1) Udemy
Udemy feature a wide array of chemistry lessons on their site that you can take to learn more about the essentials of the subject. Their many courses cover lessons for both people that have studied little to no chemistry and for those that are looking to become masters at it.
Their beginner chemistry lessons cover multiple important topics such as what different methods you could try out in order to create different mixtures and how these mixtures are formed on a molecular basis.
Other than this, theyll also be focusing on things such as teaching you about different laws such as the laws of solubility and conservation and Boyles law, Charles law and more.
Three things that all these lessons will be teaching you about is matter, elements, compounds, what they are and why theyre so important in the grand scheme of things.
Slightly more advanced courses meant for people with a little more experience than the beginner will cover other important things that can give you a more in-depth knowledge of how everything works.
All these courses have no requirements except for experience depending on the lesson youre taking and are completely self0paced, meaning you can get started in an instant.
2) Coursera
Their courses for beginners, intermediates or advanced chemists are all well explained and very easy to follow, being designed by some of the most widely acclaimed universities from around the globe.
3) edX
4) FutureLearn
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Key Takeaways: How To Learn Chemistry
- It’s possible to learn the basic concepts of chemistry online.
- Chemistry concepts should be studied in a logical order because concepts build upon each other. Jumping into the middle of the science can lead to confusion.
- While it’s fine to learn chemistry principles online, be aware that the lab component is an important part of the science. It’s a good idea to supplement textbook learning with experiments using a chemistry kit.
Study More Efficiently Not Just More
- One of the first steps in coming up with an efficient study strategy is to assess what – in all of the things you are doing to study – seems to help you the most? What gave you the most confidence? If there are some things that you are already comfortable with, perhaps spend less time reviewing those and more time on concepts that are still challenging.
- Take some time to assess where are you having difficulty on the exams. When you get an exam back, retry all of the problems you missed . Do you get farther then you did during the exam? Are you really able to finish them with more time or in a less stressful environment? Do you get stuck on concepts or definitions? on math? on starting the problem?
- Debriefing the exam helps you indentify the conceptual gaps that you need to relearn versus errors that may have resulted from test stress or a misreading of a question.
- If you can start to identify where/how you are struggling with the exam, then you can think about how to make better use of your study time as you prepare for the next one.
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Easy Way To Learn Chemistry Formulas
Chemical formulas are shorthand ways to represent the number and type of atoms in a compound or molecule, such as H2O for water or NaCl for sodium chloride, or salt. There are several rules to follow when writing chemical formulas, so the process can be rather complex. The more you familiarize yourself with the periodic table and the names of common compounds, the easier it will be to learn how to write chemical formulas.
Tips For The Sat Chemistry Subject Test
Many colleges and universities do not require SAT II exams,i.e. subject tests, but they can be useful to present yourself as a betterapplicant. Usually, students are advised to take one science SAT subject exam andone humanities, and the SAT Chemistry Exam is one of the most popular sciencetests.
It should come as no surprise that your first step tosuccess is to buy a chemistrySAT subject textbook. But its also important to realize that not allreview books are created equal. There is one specific type of question on theSAT Chemistry Exam that is quite different from what most students are used to.They are called relationship analysis, and they can be confusing at first, soyou need to make sure that your practice exams contain this type of problem.
When taking practice tests, always do it as close toreal-life testing conditions as possible. That means setting a timer and beingaware in advance of the things that are and arent allowed on exam day. Forexample, you are NOT permitted a calculator on the chemistry SAT II. If your algebraand basic math skills arent strong, its best to start working on them as farin advance of exam day as you can.
You will, however, be given a very basic periodic table of the elements. It wouldnt be a bad idea to review periodic trends, groups, series, etc. and make a brain dump of all this information as soon as you are allowed to begin the test.
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Jump In With Both Feet
As with other challenging subjects, including biology, jumping in with both feet is key to your success studying and learning chemistry. Partial efforts don’t cut it. Decided now that you’re going to succeed in chemistry and that you’re going to give it your all.
The following are links to other study skills resources we recommend for chemistry students.
Elements And How They Combine
- Atoms and Ions: Atoms are single units of an element. Ions can be made up of one or more types of elements and carry an electrical charge. Learn about the parts of an atom and how to identify the different types of ions.
- Molecules, Compounds, & Moles: Atoms can be joined together to make molecules and compounds. A mole is a useful way of measuring an amount of atoms or larger components of matter. Define these terms and learn how to perform calculations to express quantities.
- Chemical Formulas: Atoms and ions don’t bond together randomly. Find out how to predict how many of one type of atom or ion will combine with others. Learn to name compounds.
- Chemical Reactions & Equations: Just as atoms and ions combine in very specific ways, molecules and compounds react with each other in definite quantities. Learn how to tell whether or not a reaction can occur and what the products of a reaction will be. Write balanced chemical equations to describe reactions.
- Chemical Bonds: The atoms in a molecule or compound are attracted and repelled with respect to each other in ways that determine the types of bonds they can form.
- Thermochemistry: Chemistry is the study of both matter and energy. Once you learn to balance the atoms and charge in a chemical reaction, you can examine the energy of the reaction as well.
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Tricks To Learn Chemistry Formulae Easily
In subjects like Chemistry, physics, and Mathematics, all students want easy hacks to learn the concepts. With an overwhelming syllabus as it is memorizing formulae and other essential things seems like a huge task. But a will to learn can diminish all the obstacles in its way. You can learn chemistry and its concepts by joining online tutoring platforms that are changing the definitions of learning by providing modern chemistry tutoring with homework and assignment help. Students can experience a holistic digital classroom experience at home with the help of dynamic online tutoring platforms. How cool is that? With the assistance of expert online tutors and some chemistry learning tricks up your sleeve, you can become a chemistry rockstar.
How To Find Best Chemistry Classes Near Me
Chemistry is one of the complex subjects with many career options. The broad career aspects related to the subject is the reason why every student, especially the ones pursuing science pay utmost attention to score well in it. When there are so many platforms available, it is not an easy thing to decide which classes are going to be best for your private tuition. There are several factors that make up for the best chemistry classes near me:
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Focus On Your Work Not Your Grade
Learning chemistry requires total concentration. Continually focusing on your grade takes focus away from learning chemistry. If you will focus on learning chemistry, your grade will follow. There are no shortcuts. At the end of the day, what you learn is what’s important. And if you learn chemistry, you’ll get a good grade.