Friday, July 26, 2024

How Does Geography Affect Trade

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How Geography Has Impacted The Development Of Ancient American Culture

Neoliberalism & Global Trade [AP Human Geography Unit 7 Topic 6] (7.6)

The geography of Ancient America has impacted greatly on its political, economic, and cultural development. Natural resources, topography, water bodies and climatic conditions have all determined the levels of civilization and cultural development in the region .

Latin America was characterized by varied bodies of water and physical geography of land. As a result, some people opted to settle in lands that would allow them to attain higher levels of civilization and cultural development. Mexico, the Central America and South American also had varied topography and climate, and this has resulted in the uneven population distribution that we witness today.

For example, the huge savannah and tropical forests of the Amazonian region are sparsely populated, as well as the northern wastelands of Mexico and the Patagonia desert in Argentina . On the other hand, the Brazilian coast, the central plateau of Mexico and the Rio de la Plata plane in Argentina are overpopulated.

How Did Geography Affect Trade

Traders had to use geographic anomalies so they could trade with people from other lands. To cross these land routes it was essential that enough water was available for the people and animals to use. Thus, water, in the form of oases, were vital resources along even the most remote, land-based trade routes.

Why Do We Need To Model A Physical System

In order to develop new concepts into prototypes and ultimately into products, physical system modeling is virtually a necessity. These packages require that the product is near final form, as the input files for these programs require details about the system that would not be known in the concept development stage.

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Discuss The Marketing Ramifications

There are many marketing ramifications to the world rural-urban population shift. One of the obvious ones is that the world market is becoming more unified in location. Thus, it is becoming easier to reach a larger segment of the market by just marketing in the urban population centers. The types of products marketed will also change with this population shift.For example, food might become a more important product in international marketing with few people raising their own.

Similarly, these shifts will result in greater industrialization in countries with presently low levels of industrialization. This again implies marketing changes that might affect the world marketer, increased sales of capital goods, for example. In summary, people living in cities have different needs than those living in the country. Thus, the shift from country to city means that the world marketer has a different market to serve with different characteristics. 12.Select a country with a stable population and one with a rapidly growing population. Contrast the marketing implications of these two situations.

Cid Working Paper No 1

Fair Trade

John Luke Gallup and Jeffrey D. Sachs, with Andrew D. MellingerMarch 1999


This paper addresses the complex relationship between geography and macroeconomic growth. We investigate the ways in which geography may matter directly for growth, controlling for economic policies and institutions, as well as the effects of geography on policy choices and institutions. We find that location and climate have large effects on income levels and income growth, through their effects on transport costs, disease burdens, and agricultural productivity, among other channels. Furthermore, geography seems to be a factor in the choice of economic policy itself. When we identify geographical regions that are not conducive to modern economic growth, we find that many of these regions have high population density and rapid population increase. This is especially true of populations that are located far from the coast, and thus that face large transport costs for international trade, as well as populations in tropical regions of high disease burden. Furthermore, much of the population increase in the next thirty years is likely to take place in these geographically disadvantaged regions.

Keywords: geography, empirical growth models, transportation costs, tropical disease, tropical agriculture, urbanization, population

JEL codes: O10, O13, O40, O57

Center for International Development

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Why Is Africa Called The Mother Continent

Africa is sometimes nicknamed the Mother Continent due to its being the oldest inhabited continent on Earth. Humans and human ancestors have lived in Africa for more than 5 million years. Africa , the second-largest continent , is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean.

Dwell And Distance Costs

Detailed data on the evolution of dwell and distance costs are not available for most countries. We use the evolution of the real price of oil as a proxy for the evolution of distance costs, and changes in the country-specific infrastructure index based on Canning and Limao and Venables as a proxy for changes in dwell and domestic transport costs. An increase in the price of oil raises the relative cost of the more distant trade, while an increase in the infrastructure index lowers the relative cost of the more proximate trade, with both expected to lead to a reduction in the dot.

The regression of the dot on the real price of oil, the infrastructure index and a time trend is also shown in Table 3 . The coefficient for the price of oil is negative, significant at the 5% level for imports and total trade and not significant for exports. The coefficient of infrastructure is also negative, significant at the 5% level for imports and total trade and at the 10% level for exports. Thus, the empirical results support our hypothesis. Note that these variables explain close to 50% of the trend for imports, exports and total trade . This suggests that dwell costs have fallen relative to distance costs.

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How Did The Geography Of Africa Affect Its Development

geography of AfricadevelopmentAfricageographydevelop

Considering this, how does Africa’s geography affect its economy?

As a result, countries such as Kenya face chronic onslaughts of high levels of infectious agents because of our geographical location. Another point made by economic geography is that the sheer size of the African continent negatively affects its economic development.

Secondly, what is the geography of Africa? Africas physical geography, environment and resources, and human geography can be considered separately. Africa has eight major physical regions: the Sahara, the Sahel, the Ethiopian Highlands, the savanna, the Swahili Coast, the rain forest, the African Great Lakes, and Southern Africa.

Also asked, how did Africa’s geography affect trade?

More people had to trade, so settlements made more money. They charged fees for trading activity and used their money to expand. More people came to live in the city, so they gave out more jobs.

How did geography affect Songhai?

Rainforest, Niger River, Sahara Desert, and the grasses of the Savanna are some of the landforms found on the Songhai Empire. Songhai’s climate from May to October is hot and wet. The climate from November to February is cold and dry. Over all the Songhai Empire was hot, dry, and the crops was hard to farm.

What Is The Physical Geography Of West Africa

Geography and Economic Growth

The region of West Africa includes the southern portion of the bulge of the continent , which extends westward to the Atlantic Ocean. This region is bisected by the African Transition Zone, which borders the southern edge of the Sahara Desert . The main physical features include the Sahara Desert and the Niger River.

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Global Trade At A Threshold

At the beginning of the 21st century, the flows of globalization have been shaped by four salient trends:

  • The Worlds 20 Largest Corporations by Revenue, 2019
  • Global Trade and Container Throughput
  • Trade Within and Between Corporations
  • Worlds Most Traded Goods, Lead Exporter and Concentration, 2016
  • The Four Industrial Revolutions

Still, many challenges are impacting future developments in international trade and transportation, mostly in terms of demographics, political, supply chain, energy, and environmental issues. While the global population and its derived demand will continue to grow and reach around 9 billion by 2050, demographic changes such as the aging of the population, particularly in developed economies, will transform consumption patterns as a growing share of the population shifts from wealth-producing to wealth consuming . Demographic trends in North America, Europe, and East Asia may not place them as drivers of global trade, a function they have assumed in recent decades. The demographic dividend in terms of peak share of the working-age population that many countries benefited from, particularly China, will recede.

How Might The Olmec Civilization Have Influenced Later Civilizations In Mesoamerica

How did the Olmecs influence later Mesoamerican civilizations? The Olmec ball game, religious concepts, blood sacrifice, calendar, writing, and astronomy was later used and adapted by other Mesoamerican civilizations. Plus, they laid the foundation for complex agricultural-based society in Mesoamerica.

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The Foundation Of Culture Discussion Questions

    Order custom essay Role of Geography in International Marketing with free plagiarism report

  • Define: Manifest DestinySustainable development Roosevelt CorollaryMonroe Doctrine
  • Why study geography in international marketing? Discuss.

Geography is the study of the physical characteristics of a particular region of the earth. Involved in this study are climate, topography, and population. The interaction of the physical characteristics is one of the principal determinants of a countrys customs, products, industries, needs, and methods of satisfying those needs. Marketing is concerned with satisfying the needs of people. International marketing seeks out the whole world as its marketplace. Therefore, for an international marketer to know how to satisfy the needs of the international market, he must be familiar enough with geography to know what the various causal factors of the peoples needs are. He must know that various climates and topographies do exist and that they are vital in shaping the marketing plans that an international marketer must make.

As an example, a producer selling machinery in the tropics would have to realize that special protection is needed to keep a machine running properly in hot and humid climates.

How Did Trade Affect The Rise Of Empires In West Africa

How Did Geography Affect The Civilizations Of The

Why did West African trading empires rise and fall? People would start to be wealthy and then a drop in trading or a food loss would strike the kingdom. Ghana was located between the Sahara salt mines and gold mines near the West African coastal rain forests. Ghana became an important crossroads of trade .

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Why Is There A Love/hate Relationship Between Mexico And The United States Discuss

A crucial element in understanding any nations business and political culture is the subjective perception of its history. To a Mexican, the United States is seen as a threat to their political, economic, and cultural independence.

To most citizens in the United States, the causes for such feelings are a mystery. After all, the U. S. has always been Mexicos good neighbor. Most would agree with President Kennedys proclamation during a visit to Mexico, Geography has made us neighbors, tradition has made us friends. North Americans may be surprised to learn that most Mexicans felt it more accurate to say, Geography has made us closer, tradition has made us far apart. North Americans feel they have been good neighbors.

They see the Monroe Doctrine as protection for Latin America from European colonization and the intervention of Europe in the governments of the Western Hemisphere. Latin Americans tend to see the Monroe Doctrine as an offensive expression of U. S. influence in Latin America. Or to put it another way, Europe keep your hands off, Latin American is only for the United States. United States Marines sing with pride of their exploits form the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli. To the Mexican, the Halls of Montezuma is remembered as U.

How Does The Geography Of A Region Affect Its Economy

Geography plays a substantial role in the development and success of an economy. Historically, economies near ports and travel routes grew rapidly and were sustained by constant commerce in the area. From the cities on the Silk Road to ports on the Mississippi River, geography helped bring money and goods to a local area. Today, geography still plays an important but much more nuanced role in the development of economies.

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Measure Of The Distance Of Trade

For each country, region, and for the world, we calculate the dot for exports, imports and total trade. Denote the value of the non-fuel trade flow between countries i and j at time t by Zij, with Z = M , X or T .

Denote the share of the trade flows between countries i and j in the total trade of country i at time t by sZijt, with:

ijtj, sijtijdijititdottsiwtitdotdot

How Did Geography Affect Trade In West Africa

Africa Geography & Medieval Ghana, Mali, and Songhai by Instructomania

How did geography affect trade in West Africa? Geography affected trade because there are so many regions in Africa with different resources. The different areas had to trade to get what they needed. Most communities grew or made everything they needed, and traded with other to get what they needed and hadnt grown.

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How Does Trade Affect Development

The price of manufactured goods is steadier which means that developed countries always benefit. A trade surplus allows a countrys economy to grow, while a trade deficit makes a country poorer. For example, many developing countries are dependent on developed countries for manufactured goods or aid .

Why Study A Countrys History

Discussing history helps to define a nations mission, how it perceives its neighbors, how it sees its place in the world, and how it sees itself. Insights into the history of a country are important for understanding attitudes about the role of government and business, the relations between managers and the managed, the sources of management authority, and attitudes toward foreign corporations. To understand, explain, and appreciate a peoples image of itself and the attitudes and unconscious fears that reflected in its view of foreign cultures, it is necessary to study the culture as it is now as well as to understand the culture as it wasthat is, a countrys history. Unless you have a historical sense of the many changes that have buffeted Japanseven centuries under the shogun feudal system, the isolation before he coming of Admiral Perry in 1853, the threat of domination by colonial powers, the rise of new social classes, Western influences, the humiliation of World War II, and involvement in the international communityit is difficult to fully understand its contemporary behavior. Loyalty to family, to country, to company, and to social groups and the strong drive to cooperate, to work together for a common cause, permeate many facets of Japanese behavior and have historical roots that date back thousands of years.

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The New Geography Of Trade

Globalisations decline may stimulate local recoveries.

  • Fred Curtis is Professor of Environmental Studies, Drew University. David Ehrenfeld is Professor of Biology, Rutgers.
Relocalisation and Transition Towns movements are springing up in developed countries in response to higher oil prices and transport costs and many eco-towns have been built in Europe

It is an article of faith that global trade will be an ever-growing presence in the world. Yet this belief rests on shaky foundations. Global trade depends on cheap, long-distance freight transportation. Freight costs will rise with climate change, the end of cheap oil and policies to mitigate these two challenges.

At first, the increase in freight costs will be bad news for developed and developing nations alike but, as adjustments in the patterns of trade occur, the result is likely to be decreased outsourcing with more manufacturing and food production jobs in North America and the European Union. The pattern of trade will change as increasing transportation costs outweigh traditional sources of comparative advantage, such as lower wages.

Oil supply and cheap fuel

The price of crude oil rose from US $28 per barrel in 2003 to over $147 in the summer of 2008. In 2008, 20 airlines went bankrupt. Fuel costs rose from 15 to 35 per cent of airline operating expenses. In the first two months of 2011, air carriers increased fares four times to adjust for rising oil prices.

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World Trade Routes Bind The World Together Discuss

How does geography affect our trade relationships?

World trade routes bind the world together. This statement means that the world trade routes serve as avenues of minimizing differences between countries. Without these routes, countries would stand alone each different from the rest in resources, economy, and people. The trade routes allow both people and products to flow, making more of a unified, balanced world.The physical imbalances overcome, also smooth, cultural and economic differences through the exchange of ideas as well as products. 14.

Discuss how your interpretation of Manifest Destiny and the Monroe Doctrine might differ from a Latin Americans. Manifest Destiny and the Monroe Doctrine were accepted basis for U. S. foreign policy during much of the 19th and 20th centuries. Manifest Destiny, in its broadest interpretation, meant that Americans were a chosen people ordained by God to create a model society. More specifically, it referred to the desires of American expansionists in the 1840s to extend the U.S. boundaries from the Atlantic to the Pacific the idea of Manifest Destiny was used to justify U. S. annexation of Texas, Oregon, New Mexico, and California and later, U. S. involvement in Cuba, Alaska, Hawaii and the Philippines.

Discuss how each of these communications innovations affects international business management.

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