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How Does Geography Affect Government

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How Did Geography Affect The Political And Economic Development Of India

How does geographical situation affect development?

Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team.

The Himalayan Mountains serve as India’s northern border. This was important to keeping Chinese and Mongol invaders out of the country. India’s climate is also good for growing various crops, including spices. India’s spice trade was very important for fueling European demand for exploration during the Renaissance. India’s coastal location…

Who Controls The World’s Oil Supply

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries coordinates most of the world’s oil production. The members of OPEC meet to coordinate oil policies and prices. Thirteen countries comprise OPEC: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. Though Russia, the United States, and Mexico are also leading petroleum producers, the three countries are not members of OPEC.

In The Book You Give An Interesting Interpretation Of The Infamous 1857 Dred Scott Decision By The Supreme Court How Did Geography Play A Role In That Case

So you have this disgraceful decision proclaiming that … the entire Republican Party platformno slavery in the territoriesis unconstitutional. The Constitution itself says nothing in this direction; its a preposterous ruling. So where is the court coming from?

Quite literally, theyre coming from the South. Five of the nine justices come from slaveholding states, even though the South accounts for less than a third of population. One reason the court is so malapportioned is that the South had fewer cities and they were farther apart and connected by crummy roads.

At the time of this decision, Supreme Court justices had to ride circuit between different cities. Because transportation is so much more difficult in the South, as a way of equalizing the burden the South has more circuits than its population might warrant. The geography is simply more challenging. This means the South is going to be overrepresented on the Supreme Court. So there you see some simple geographic facts about roads, swamps, rivers, and transportation driving the decision in what was the most important case in the antebellum period.

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So Who Is Wrong Today

I believe today that same-sex marriage is one of those issues. Its the same geographic division as Brown vs. Board in the 1950s and slavery in the 1850s. Today its divisive, but I think in 50 years we will say that the people who believed in equality were right. And heres one that is more conservative. I believe that it will be increasingly settled as correct that there exists an individual right to have a gun in the house for self-protection.

So How Did This Overrepresentation Of The South Shift Over Time

How do geography economics and government affect people s

We abolished circuit riding. Now the Supreme Court justices dont sit on any other courts. So with the Supreme Court today we talk about demographic seats rather than geographic seats. Now we dont talk about the southern seat like we used to; we talk about the Jewish seat, or the female seat, or the Catholic seat.

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It Seems That Abraham Lincoln Was Sensitive To The Importance Of Geography As Well At One Point You Quote Him As Saying That The Region Of Land Inhabited By The People Of The United States Is Well Suited To Be The Home Of One National Family Not Two Or More What Did He Mean By That

Hes saying two things. First, theres no militarily defensible border between the land of corn and the land of cotton. If the South secedes, we cant build a great wall, and there is no natural feature that serves as a border.

Second is that the entire region from the Appalachian Mountains to the Rocky Mountains drains through one river: the mighty Mississippi. You cant allow a foreign power to control New Orleans, the mouth of the Mississippi. That power would have an economic stranglehold on the produce of more than half of the American landmass. How are we going to get our corn to market if we cant float it down the Mississippi? After the Union Army claims Vicksburg, they control the Mississippi and Lincoln says in a beautiful phrase, The Father of Waters again goes unvexed to the sea.

Could There Ever Be A World Government

I think thats the most important question of our lifetime. Americas Constitution was originally written as a kind of world constitution, a governing document for the New World, which was separated by vast oceans from the old. The Pacific and Atlantic oceans no longer separate us from the rest of the world. Threats like global warming, international terrorism, pandemics, etc. are truly global in nature. The framers of the Constitution were visionaries in their time, and we need their intellectual heirs to rise to a similar challenge today.

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How The Geography Of India Impacted On The Development Of Ancient India Culture

The geography of Ancient India was instrumental in the development of the Indian culture, in that it paved way for trade routes with other nations and continents as well. Ancient India was characterized by many plains, rivers, mountains ranges, deserts, plateaus, and cities. All of these geographical features helped in shaping the modern lifestyles and values of India .

The impact of geography on Indias civilization is also quite significant since the first Indian civilization took place on the Indus-River valley. The inhabitants of the Indus-River valley had to contend with such difficult situations as the unpredictable flooding of the river. Consequently, this gave rise to engineers and plumbers to help contain the problem.

The plumbers and engineers were later on instrumental in helping to construct a sewer system for the city. The Indus-River valley was also instrumental in helping to enhance trade between Indian and the rest of Asia. The proximity of the Indians to the Himalayas helped to protect them from invasions. This was important, because, it meant that Indians got to retain their rich culture, traditions, and customs.

Its Surprising To Hear That Political Polarization By Geography Is Increasing To Levels Not Seen Since Just Before The Civil War It Might Seem That With The Internet And A Shared Popular Culture Geographical Differences Would Be Getting Less Important How Do You Account For This

Edexcel GCSE Geography B Globalisation WTO trade TNCs

Political scientists refer to this as The Big Sort. People are increasingly voting with their feet to move alongside like-minded folk. States are increasingly red or blue, and within states theres a sharp difference between cities and the hinterlands. And actually because of the Internet, we can choose to a considerable extent our informational reality. You can listen only to the people who tell you what you want to hear.

People are increasingly voting with their feet to move alongside like-minded folk.

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You Note That In 1776 Conventional Political Wisdom Held That A Democracy Was Only Possible Within A Small Geographical Area Why

Logically, the thought was we need to have homogeneity. People must have a lot in common to cooperate: same language, same religion, same culture and climate. The historical point is just that wed never seen it work on any broader geographical scale. Empires had cobbled very disparate regions together not by letting everyone vote, but by centralized rule with an iron hand, heavy taxes, and a standing army. America was the first to prove democracy was possible over vast territory.

Is It For Me

If you are interested in the disciplines of Political Science and Geography and you hope to develop a critical understanding of the relationship between the earth’s natural and human phenomena and its political institutions and systems, then this may be the course for you.

Career opportunities for graduates lie in fields such as public and European affairs, overseas assistance, resource management and risk assessment, the supply of environment-related advice to governments and industry, the study and practice of environmental policymaking, and teaching and higher education. The possibilities are boundless – our alumni pages give an indication of some of the careers followed by Political Science graduates.

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Economics And Land Use In France

According to the;CIA World Factbook, France has a large economy that is currently transitioning from one with government ownership to a more privatized one. The main industries in France are machinery, chemicals, automobiles, metallurgy, aircraft, electronics, textiles, and food processing. Tourism also represents a large part of its economy, as the country gets about 75 million foreign visitors each year. Agriculture is also practiced in some areas of France, and the main products of that industry are wheat, cereals, sugar beets, potatoes, wine grapes, beef, dairy products, and fish.

The Government Of The Netherlands

How do geography economics and government affect people s

The Kingdom of the Netherlands is considered a constitutional monarchy with a chief of state and a head of government filling the executive branch. The legislative branch is the bicameral States General with the First Chamber and the Second Chamber. The judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court.

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How Does Geography Affect Culture

How does geography affect culture?

Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team.

Geography is very important to understanding culture. Places along the coast may have an oceangoing culture. Fish might be a major part of their diet. Many ethnic Portuguese dishes use fish. Fish also appears prominently in Thai and British cuisine.

Climate, as it relates to geography, is also important for…

How Did Irredentism Help Start World War Ii

Irredentism is a term used to describe a situation in which a minority group in one country shares the culture and heritage of another country. The minority group may attempt to have their region annexed into the mother country or may be happy in the country they are in. Adolf Hitler used irredentism as an excuse to invade and conquer Czechoslovakia in 1938. He claimed that the Germans in the Sudetenland, a part of Czechoslovakia, were being treated unfairly and thus this area should be annexed to Germany. Though Germany’s annexation of Czechoslovakia did not start World War II, it was the Nazis’ first direct aggressive step toward conquering Europe.

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Do You Think That Its Always Valid For People From Different Regions To Hold Different Beliefs Or Are Some Things True Wherever You Live

I do think theres an absolute right and wrong on some issues. Im with Lincoln. There can indeed be moments when an entire region and an entire political party is just wrong, and history will so proclaim them. Every single Democrat in Congress voted against the 14th Amendment, and its the jewel in our Crown, the glory of our Constitution. Brown vs. Board was deeply controversial at the time, and now everyone says its right. The mere fact that Obama has been universally opposed by one party doesnt mean hes wrong, in fact Im betting on him.

Even After The Tragedy In Boston Our Country Remains Uniquely Secure From Foreign Threats

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Do Americans have a worldview? And is there a central organizing principle that explains it? To frame the question in Tolkienesque terms: Might there be one explanation that rules them all?

I think there is.

Sigmund Freud argued that in the human enterprise, anatomy is destiny. In the affairs of nations, geography what it wills, demands, and bestows is destiny too.

It cant explain everything, to be sure. Britain and Japan are both island nations. That might explain their reliance on naval power and even their imperial aspirations. But what accounts for their fundamentally different histories? Other factors are clearly at play, including culture, religion, and what nature bestows or denies in resources. Fortune, along with the random circumstances it brings, pushes them in different directions.

Still, if I had to identify that one thing that more than any other helps explain the way Americans see the world, it would be Americas physical location. Its kind of like in the real estate business: Its all about location, location, location.

The United States is the only great power in the history of the world that has had the luxury of having nonpredatory neighbors to its north and south, and fish to its east and west. The two oceans to either side of the country are what historian Thomas Bailey brilliantly described as its liquid assets.

American pragmatism

American idealism

is supporting.

American arrogance and ambivalence

I think there is.

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Why Would Countries Want Colonies

Colonies are a source of raw materials, new land, wider trading opportunities, and militaristic expansion for the mother country. Colonies were established around the world from the sixteenth century through nineteenth century by powerful western nations. After World War II, the concept of colonization was widely attacked as an exploitive policy. Though most colonies were granted independence, many countries still control colonies around the world.

The Oceans And Coastline

The warm Mozambique-Agulhas Current skirts the east and south coasts as far as Cape Agulhas, while the cold Benguela Current flows northwards along the west coast as far as southern Angola. The contrast in temperature between these two currents partly accounts for significant differences in climate and vegetation, as well as differences in marine life.

Owing to the cold waters of the west coast being much richer in oxygen, nitrates, phosphates and plankton than those of the east coast, the South African fishing industry is centred on the west coast.

Saldanha Bay on the west coast is the only ideal natural harbour.

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Effect On The Economy

The colonization of the south was greatly affected by the geography of the region. Jamestown Island itself was chosen for its physical geographic properties. Located inland, the peninsula offered protection from European powers as well as the James River ran deep enough in that the colonists could anchor their ships offshore, providing simple and easy access. Geography often played a role in settlement selection in the south, with most early settlements only extending as far inland as ships or boat could easily travel. The fall line between the Piedmont and Tidewater region is marked by settlements on where boats could not travel further due to the waterfalls and rapids common in this region.

Early colonization was marked by disaster and the failure of colonists to provide properly for themselves as well as turn a profit for the Virginia Company. This is in part due to the misconceptions about climate in Europe. The common belief in the “old world” had it that climates were the same at similar latitudes all across the world. Therefore, the southern United States and Virginia, in particular, were expected to be similar in climate to Southern Spain. Because of this, colonists and Virginia Company initially tried to cultivate such plants as mulberry trees and orange trees, which were not sustainable.

What Is Political Science And Geography

How do geography economics and government affect people s

The two disciplines have been associated through the sub-fields of political geography, which covers geographical differences in voting patterns, for example, and through geo-politics which examines how the great powers influence other parts of the planet.

In the context of globalisation, interdisciplinary understandings of socio-environmental issues are becoming increasing key to solving the problems of the future such as political instability in parts of the developing world as a result of climate change, for example. Environmental politics, and the politics of the environment, are becoming ever more important.

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What Were Some Of The Earliest Colonies

The Phoenicians, around the year 1000 b.c.e., founded some of the first colonies in Tyre . Colonists from there went on to colonize Carthage and the coast of Spain. This enabled them to control access to the Atlantic Ocean and trade with the indigenous peoples of what is today Great Britain and France.

How Geography Shaped American History Law And Politics

Many of the divisions today between red and blue states correlate sharply with geography, says author.

Most people understand the phrase the law of the land to mean the set of laws that apply in a given region or country. This seems to be the sense intended by the framers who used the phrase in 1787 in the United States Constitution. But a new book by Akhil Reed Amar, Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale University, imbues these words with a fascinating second meaning: the way that law is literally of the land, shaped by and a product of geography.

In The Law of the Land: a Grand Tour of Our Constitutional Republic, Amar explores how the vast and varied American landscape has influenced law, politics, and history since the nations founding. He spoke by phone from New York City, where he had just finished teaching a constitutional law class at Columbia University.

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Do You Get A Say How And Why Geography Divides The British Over Their Political Influence

The extent of discontent with established politics in the UK has been laid bare in recent years. One popular explanation puts geography centre-stage: positing a divide between Londoners relative contentment and the angry North. Using data from fifteen years of surveys, Lawrence McKay explores geographic differences in perceived influence over national politics. This analysis shows the regional divides are real, accounting for key factors such as class, education and age. More work is needed to establish causes, but surveys suggest the drivers include the view that London is subject to favouritism in policy-making and the perception of a London-centric political class.

Photo by;Devon Saccente;on;Unsplash

In the long shadow of the Brexit vote, much of the political establishment has been searching for answers to one simple question: why are people so angry with politics? One of the most popular suggestions has been to do with the places people live, and the relationship that these places have to where decisions are taken in Westminster. Upon visiting the Brexit heartlands, such as Stoke-on-Trent, many commentators have relayed a sense of as John Harris put it profound estrangement from Britains dominant institutions.

Three key themes emerge from the analysis:

  • Londoners are uniquely likely to feel influential, compared to every other area of Britain.
  • Residents of Wales and Scotland are particularly unlikely to feel influential.
  • Source: Hansard Society

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