How Did The Human Geography Of The Bantu Migration Affect Culture In Different Areas Of Africa
The Bantu Migration had an enormous impact on Africas economic, cultural, and political practices. Bantu migrants introduced many new skills into the communities they interacted with, including sophisticated farming and industry. These skills included growing crops and forging tools and weapons from metal.
How did geography affect West Africa?
Geography and Trade Geography was a major factor in the development of West African societies. Settled communities grew south of the Sahara, where the land permitted farming. Geography also influenced trading patterns. Rivers, such as the Niger, served as trade routes.
In what ways has colonialism affected the countries of West Africa?
There are many sub-Saharran African countries today with significant Muslim populations who never felt the Arab conquests that brought down the Byzantines or Sassanids. What 3 empires that flourished becuase of trade in West Africa?
What Were The Major Kingdoms Of Ancient Africa And What Led To Their Rise And Fall
What patterns are repeated in Ghana, Mali, and Songhai? Answer: The causes for all three kingdoms to rise and fall were based on leadership and economic issues. Ghana rose as a result of a good economy and fell as a result of losing its monopoly on profitable trade routes.
Did Africa have civilizations?
General History Africas first great civilization emerged in ancient Egypt in c. 3400 BC. Carthage was founded by Phoenicians in the 9th century BC. Ancient civilization, based around the River Nile in Egypt, which emerged 5,000 years ago and reached its peak in the 16th century BC.
Why is Africa called the Dark continent?
Africa was known as the Dark Continent because it remained unexplored for a fairly long period of time. Factors that made is difficult for the explorer to venture in to the continent of africa were: The largest desert in the world, the Sahara Desert acted as a natural barrier for the European explorers.
What was the geography of ancient Africa important?
Overview. The geography of Africa helped to shape the history and development of the culture and civilizations of Ancient Africa. The geography impacted where people could live, important trade resources such as gold and salt, and trade routes that helped different civilizations to interact and develop.
How does geography affect a countrys development?
How Did Its Geography Affect Movement In Africa
What geographic features limited movement in Africa and what made them obstacles? The terrain of the rain forest and desert made these areas hard to cross, while the high plateau in the interior and the river cataracts made movement between regions difficult. Outside trade opened North Africa to new ideas.
What is the geography like in West Africa?
The region of West Africa includes the southern portion of the bulge of the continent, which extends westward to the Atlantic Ocean. This region is bisected by the African Transition Zone, which borders the southern edge of the Sahara Desert. The main physical features include the Sahara Desert and the Niger River.
How did the geography of West Africa affect long distance trade on the continent?
How did the geography of West Africa affect long distance trade on the continent? The large number of easily navigated rivers made it possible to transport goods quickly. Large mountain ranges made it challenging to transport good across the continent.
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How Did Geography Affect Movement In Africa
What geographic features limited movement in Africa and what made them obstacles? The terrain of the rain forest and desert made these areas hard to cross, while the high plateau in the interior and the river cataracts made movement between regions difficult. Outside trade opened North Africa to new ideas.
How Are Landforms Have Affected Culture In Africa And The Middle East
In this lesson, learn how landforms have affected culture in Africa and the Middle East. Imagine trying to find two different grocery stores. One is just off the main highway, without too much traffic, and has ample parking. The other is located the same distance away, but at the end of a one-way street with no parking and with constant traffic.
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How Did Africas Geography Affect Movement In Africa
What geographic features limited movement in Africa and what made them obstacles? The terrain of the rain forest and desert made these areas hard to cross while the high plateau in the interior and the river cataracts made movement between regions difficult. Outside trade opened North Africa to new ideas.
Savanna Or Tropical Grassland
The margin of the Savannahcoincides with the rain forest belt where dry conditions begin. In such areas,there is often a mosaic of forest savanna. Further away from the forest, as thedry season becomes more pronounced and more prolonged, the Savannah woodlandthins out, and trees that are more drought resistant are found. Generally, the prevailing vegetation cover is grassinterspersed with trees . Inthe zone of lower rainfall the huge baobab tree illustrates storage of waterwhile ‘umbrella’ trees show adaptation to dry wind. Acacias, some producinggum, are a feature of the drier Sudan savanna. The Savanna extends with similardifferences in character over the Lake plateau across the Zambezi to theDrakensberg and dries towards the Kalahari in the thorny scrubs of theBushveld. Major crops produced in the Savanna: millet, sorghum, peanuts, andcotton.
6.Temperate Grassland or Veld
This is found inthe veld areas of South Africa. Characterized by short grass and plants adaptedto a brief growing season but there are considerable differences due toaltitude. It is by no means adapted everywhere to cultivation, but maize,tobacco and temperate cereals are grown
7.Semi-desert and desert
AFRICAN SOILS. Fig 2.12 page 40
1. Examine theadvantages and impediments that Africa’s location and physiography places on thedevelopment of its people.
Discussion – Advantages:
2. Most tropical ofall continents means warm weather occur throughout the continent
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How Do Historical And Geographical Factors Influence The Diversity Of A Region
a. When we refer to historical factors we refer to how past of a particular region affects and impacts its culture. Such a factor influences diversity of a region. When we refer to geographical factors we refer to the location climatic conditions relief features of a particular area that again influences its culture.
What Is The Likely Effect Of Climate Change In Sub Saharan Africa
Impacts of climate change on agriculture and other food systems increases rates of malnutrition and contributes to poverty With one in four people still undernourished in sub-Saharan Africa climate change impacts make it even more difficult for governments across the region to improve food security and help reduce
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How Did Geography And Religion Influence Ethiopias Development
How did geography and religion influence Ethiopias development? Ethiopia was physically isolated from other areas by surrounding mountains which helped it maintain independence. It also developed a strong unifying culture based on the Christian faith. Trade brought wealth and the Christian religion to Axum.
Flowing To The Atlantic Ocean
The most remote head-stream of the Congo is the Chambezi, which flows southwest into the marshy Lake Bangweulu. From this lake issues the Congo, known in its upper course by various names. Flowing first south, it afterwards turns north through Lake Mweru and descends to the forest-clad basin of west equatorial Africa. Traversing this in a majestic northward curve, and receiving vast supplies of water from many great tributaries, it finally turns southwest and cuts a way to the Atlantic Ocean through the western highlands. The area of the Congo basin is greater than that of any other river except the Amazon, while the African inland drainage area is greater than that of any continent but Asia, where the corresponding area is 1,000,000 km2 .
West of Lake Chad is the basin of the Niger, the third major river of Africa. With its principal source in the far west, it reverses the direction of flow exhibited by the Nile and Congo, and ultimately flows into the Atlantic a fact that eluded European geographers for many centuries. An important branch, however the Benueflows from the southeast.
These four river basins occupy the greater part of the lower plateaus of North and West Africa the remainder consists of arid regions watered only by intermittent streams that do not reach the sea.
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The Oceans And Coastline
The warm Mozambique-Agulhas Current skirts the east and south coasts as far as Cape Agulhas, while the cold Benguela Current flows northwards along the west coast as far as southern Angola. The contrast in temperature between these two currents partly accounts for significant differences in climate and vegetation, as well as differences in marine life.
Owing to the cold waters of the west coast being much richer in oxygen, nitrates, phosphates and plankton than those of the east coast, the South African fishing industry is centred on the west coast.
Saldanha Bay on the west coast is the only ideal natural harbour.
How Did Geography Affect The Development Of Early Civilizations
The first civilizations appeared in locations where the geography was favorable to intensive agriculture. Governments and states emerged as rulers gained control over larger areas and more resources often using writing and religion to maintain social hierarchies and consolidate power over larger areas and populations.
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Flowing To The Indian Ocean
Of the rivers flowing to the Indian Ocean, the only one draining any large part of the interior plateaus is the Zambezi, whose western branches rise in the western coastal highlands. The main stream has its rise in 11°213 S 24°22 E, at an elevation of 1,500 m . It flows to the west and south for a considerable distance before turning eastward. All the largest tributaries, including the Shire, the outflow of Lake Nyasa, flow down the southern slopes of the band of high ground stretching across the continent from 10° to 12° S. In the southwest, the Zambezi system interlaces with that of the Taukhe , from which it at times receives surplus water. The rest of the water of the Taukhe, known in its middle course as the Okavango, is lost in a system of swamps and saltpans that was formerly centred in Lake Ngami, now dried up.
Farther south, the Limpopo drains a portion of the interior plateau, but breaks through the bounding highlands on the side of the continent nearest its source. The Rovuma, Rufiji and Tana principally drain the outer slopes of the African Great Lakes highlands.
What Was The Effect Of The Trans Saharan Trade
However, the effects of this trade include the introduction of camels as well as the spread of Islam and Arabic Literacy from the 8th century onward. The region now divided between Mali, Mauritania and Senegal was central to the great West African medieval empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai.
How did the gold trade affect West Africa?
Money was the cause of the early interest of Arabic traders in West Africa, which was indeed known to them as the golden country.The influence of the trans-Saharan gold trade on European societies can be seen for instance in the derivation of the Spanish word for gold coin in the 15 th century, maravedí, from the Almoravid murabitn dinar.
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Economics And Globalization In Sub
Although formal colonization of Africa ended by 1980, in many areas, it was replaced with neocolonialism, the practice of exerting economic rather than direct political control over territory. During the colonial era, European groups formally controlled Africas resources and created export-oriented economies. Today, most of Sub-Saharan Africas exports remain raw materials. This makes the economies of countries in the region vulnerable to price fluctuations and global markets. Furthermore, although Western countries no longer directly control African land, corporations based in these countries have either bought land directly or invested heavily in the region. Investors have also purchased the water rights to some areas.
In some cases, economic pressure has come from loans granted by the core to the periphery. Although the intention of these loans was to assist the periphery in infrastructure development, many countries have struggled under the weight of staggering debt. Two lending organizations in particular, the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, have loaned over $150 billion to countries in Africa. Loans by the IMF and World Bank to countries experiencing economic crises are accompanied by structural adjustment programs , stipulating economic changes a country must make in order to make it better able to repay its loans. These conditions might include decreasing wages, raising food prices, or making the economy more market oriented.
a disease outbreak
How Did The Geography Of Africa Help To Protect It From Outside Invasion
The Egyptians were protected from invaders due to their geographical features. For example they had the Mediterranean Sea to the north along with the Nile Delta. This body of water blocks off land on the other side. Furthermore the cataracts in the Nile to the south protected the Egyptians from lands below them.
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Vegetation & Ecology Of Africafig 211 A Page 38
Plant and animallife distribution and the different climatic/soil belts are closely related.Although some parts of the continent retain their natural/virgin flora andfauna, increasing population and human activities seem to be endangering theseplaces. The Following types of vegetation types identified:
1.Tropical Rain forest:
This vegetationdevelops in low land areas with year-round precipitation. It extends throughoutthe Congo basin and along the West coast of Africa with its widest inSierra Leone. It is also found in a narrow belt along the Southeastern coast southfrom the equator. Madagascar has a unique rain forest with special species offauna and flora not available on the main land. Generally, a heavy canopy offoliage with lianes and epiphytes characterizes the rain forest. It occurs inregions where high temperatures are combined with heavy precipitation.
2.Temperate Forest:
This vegetationis poorly represented in Africa. It is only found on the lower slopes of theEthiopian highlands and elsewhere on the highlands of considerable elevation andrainfall
3.Mediterranean Woodland
This vegetationis found at the inter-tidal flats of the coastlines within the tropics.
How Did The Geography Of The Sahara Desert Affect Trading In West Africa
Explanation: West Afica had the advantage of being the closest geographically to the Sahara desert, and the wealthy Islamic Empires to the north. How ever the Sahara desert was a significant barrier to travel and trade. Caravans crossing the desert could easily get lost in the drifting, unmarked sands of the desert.
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How Did Geography Affect Trade
Traders had to use geographic anomalies so they could trade with people from other lands. To cross these land routes it was essential that enough water was available for the people and animals to use. Thus water in the form of oases were vital resources along even the most remote land-based trade routes.
What Is The Geography Of Africa
Africa is the most tropical of all continents. Climate and vegetation range from equatorial rainforests tropical deserts and savanna grassland to Mediterranean. The Sahara Desert the largest of its kind anywhere in the world is over 10.4 million km2 n North to south is approx. 1800 kms and east-west is 5600km.
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Senegal And The Gambia
The country of Senegal on the Atlantic coast totally surrounds the independent country of the Gambia. Senegal was a French colony, while the Gambia was a British colony. The Gambia is an enclave of Senegal and extends on both sides of the Gambia River for about 186 miles. It is the smallest country on the mainland of Africa and is about the size of the US state of Connecticut. The two countries of Senegal and the Gambia were united into the confederation of Senegambia from 1982 to 1989 when it was dissolved. They have kept separate political identities ever since.
The capital of Senegal, Dakar, is located on the Cap Vert Peninsula, which is most extreme western extension of the African continent. Dakar was a main colonial port for French West Africa during colonial times. The French influence remains: the common currency in what were former French colonies is the West African CFA franc , which has a fixed rate in relation to the euro.
Pressuresystems Winds And Itcz
Located on aboutLatitude 30o North and South of the Equator are Sub-tropical HighPressure Belts that dictate surface wind patterns and also influence rainfalland temperature regimes on the continent. The Subtropical High Pressure Systemson both sides of the Equator generate two wind systems that converge on theequator in a zone termed Inter-Tropical Converge Zone . From the north,Subtropical High Pressure Belt zone blows the Northeast Trade Winds . The Harmattan is dry and cool and blows over Sub-SaharanAfrica from about November to April. From the south Sub-tropical High Pressurebelt zone blows the Southwest Trade Winds . The Monsoonwinds are moist and bring rainfall to the coasts of West Africa. The Africancontinent does not extend much beyond 35oof latitude from the equator. The implication is that the rangeof climatic conditions is limited and that the general direction of windmovement is towards the equator . The ITCZ shifts with the seasonalmovement of the sun across the tropics:
· In June: the northern Summer season, the ITCZ is located at about13 degrees of latitude in North Africa at the southern boundary of the Sahara
· In December: the Northern winter season, the ITCZ moves southwardalong the West African Coast and to the northern and eastern margins of theZaire basin and continues to Madagascar
Major Ocean Currents :
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How Geography And Culture Affected The Development Of Religions
Answer: Whether it is religion or other beliefs we are influenced by the cultures and regions we are from. Geography does not only affect where particular religions or belief systems such as the worlds major faiths are located but it can affect how specific beliefare practiced and behaviors that it encourages.