Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Is It Important To Learn Geography

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It Includes The Study Of Our Planet And Of Occurrences In Nature

What can you do with geography?

Geography consists of the study of our planet, its climatic conditions, the various landforms on Earth, and the different natural occurrences. It includes the spatial analysis of human and natural phenomena, the exploration of earth sciences, and the study of the relationship between nature and human life. The study of geography includes the analysis of social, economic, and environmental processes that affect nature. Dont you think it is important to know about this in depth? Dont you feel the need to have knowledge of our Earth? If you feel the need to, you have a reason to say that geography is important.

What Is A Liberal Arts Education

A Liberal Arts education is an approach to college learning that empowers individuals and prepares them to deal with complexity, diversity, and change. This approach emphasizes broad knowledge of the wider world as well as in-depth achievement in a specific field of interest.

It helps students develop a sense of social responsibility; strong intellectual and practical skills that span all major fields of study, such as communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills; and the demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings.

Study Geography To Understand Our Planet

Studying geography can provide an individual with a holistic understanding of our planet and its systems. Those who study geography are better prepared to understand topics impacting our planet such as climate change, global warming, desertification, El Nino, water resource issues, among others. With their understanding of political geography, those who study geography are well-positioned to comprehend and explain global political issues that occur between countries, cultures, cities and their hinterlands, and between regions within countries. With instant global communications and media coverage of geopolitical hotspots around the world on twenty-four-hour news channels and on the Internet, the world might seem like it has gotten smaller. Yet centuries-old conflict and strife remain despite huge technological developments over the past few decades.;

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Connecting With Space And Place

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earths surface and the human societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time.;

The Importance Of Geography In History

Five Themes Of Geography

Arguably, you cannot understand the past without understanding geography. Human events do not happen in a vacuum. They always occur at a particular time, and in a particular place. The geography of history is focused on understanding the place.

Geography can help address the human characteristics that were important for the events . It can help to understand the geographical environment that the events occurred within . Were there any weather events that influenced the events? Importantly, it can help to uncover the human-environmental relationships that may have influenced the event. For example, what influence did the people have on their environment? And how did the geographical area influence the events that took place?

A good example of geography affecting history is Ancient Egypt. The River Nile was vitally important to Ancient Egyptians and almost the entire empire was situated along its banks. The river provided them with food and water, a place to bathe, a way of easily transporting their goods. Its regular flooding in September made the land fertile, allowing for agriculture in the middle of a desert.

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Why Study Canadian Geography

Since geography is the study of the world, its really important for us to make sure we include it as part of our learning with our kids. Here are some reasons why:

  • It helps to understand how Canada fits in with the world.
  • It gives an appreciation for why some areas are unpopulated while others are very urban and why cities and towns are built the way they are.
  • It creates an opportunity to learn more about your community and region of the country, and to see how it differs from other areas of the country / world.
  • It interconnects with teaching Canadian history and understanding how and why people of the past settled where they did, and behaved as they did.
  • It helps to create awareness in being a good citizen.

Become A Global Citizen

Being an educated global citizen starts with the study of geography. Global citizens are conscious-minded of the world around them, understand others, and work towards making the entire globe a better place. That all starts with the study of geography!

So, once again, why is geography important? Its more important than you think learning geography will help you better understand news, help fight climate change, be a part of a global community, understand cultures, and learn history. At the end of the day, geography will help you become a better overall global citizen.

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Geographers Make A Difference In The World

Those who study geography have a unique perspective one that comes with the knowledge of many cultures and spatial awareness that is not replicated in other disciplines. This mix of knowledge can help geographers come up with significant and unique solutions that others may not be able to see.

Another way geography can have a positive influence in the world is by creating awareness of the effect of climate change. Geographers have intimate knowledge of weather patterns and climate changes throughout the course of history on areas of land. They also have studied how those changes have affected humans in those areas. That knowledge is shared with others to hopefully bring an understanding and global awareness of the effects of climate change on human society.

University of the People is committed to making a change towards sustainability as well. As a fully online university that also uses only free, open-source textbooks, University of the People cuts the need for printed and shipped materials, the need for fuel usage for transport of people and materials to campuses, and promotes quality education for people all over the world, no matter their physical location.

Primary Geography With Context

What is geography?

High-quality geography boasts an impressive pedagogical repertoire, which is illustrated below by reference to its aspects of geographical enquiry, outdoor learning and fieldwork, childrens personal geographies, spatial awareness, mapwork and graphicacy, learning technologies and environmental geography. These should be used to deepen childrens understanding of challenging and, at times, controversial realities, events and concepts.

The enquiry approach to learning is one of geographys strongest assets . Conducting geographical enquiries develops proficiency in asking relevant questions, collecting and analysing data, and drawing conclusions. Children aged four and five can make simple tally charts about features passed on their journey to school and consider what this information tells them, while 1011-year-olds can interrogate sophisticated data by comparing weather and climate charts to explain local seasonal variations. Geographical enquiry is thoughtful and creative, enabling children of all ages to engage in constructive and imaginative ways to learn .

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Geography At The Heart Of The Primary Curriculum

In the primary curriculum, geography is referred to, unsurprisingly, as the umbrella subject because of its capacity to make tangible and effective connections across subjects. Geographys fundamental role lies in helping children to understand the world, its environments and places near and far, and the processes that create and affect them. It encourages a holistic appreciation of how the world works and of the interconnections between concepts such as scale, community, cultural diversity, interdependence and sustainability. Geography is a subject that contextualises and extends the possibilities for developing and applying language and mathematics, and enriches understanding of, and in, subjects from science and history to art and design.

As a required curriculum subject, it is important that geography is not only given appropriate time, equivalent to at least its hour a week, but is also identified clearly and taught effectively. This article outlines important aspects of the subject;and advocates teachers agency in shaping their geography curriculum.

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According to Aitken , geography as the central point of childrens education has been a common concept since earlier than the 1970s. This shows that this is has been viewed as an important aspect in society, especially in child education since the traditional days. The main articles focused on in this report to address this concept are those done by Holloway on Changing Childrens geography and Maude on What does geography contribute to the education of young Australians. Why Is Geography Important In Education By analyzing the concepts outlined by these authors, this report can shed light on the importance of geography enlightenment-based education built on traditional concepts all through to the modern-day society approaches to education. All these studies bring forth the fact that geographical concepts are of great importance in the education of children. Also, the fact that this is a concept that has been used since time immemorial is brought forth in these articles.

  • To establish the importance of geography enlightenment education on the competence and educational outcomes of children
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    Why Is Geography Important

    Up until the early part of the 20th century, geography mattered in education. It was an expectation for all educated citizens in our country to learn geography. Geography was specifically taught as one of the four core subjects: reading, writing, arithmetic, and geography. There was a reason for this. As early as 1776, founders of our nation including John Adams and Thomas Jefferson understood the value of learning geography; it was practical and useful, and should be taught to instill a national identity. The new citizens of America should learn geography to understand how and where they fit into the new nation and within the world.

    Even though educating our children about geography should remain important, it has slowly disappeared from the focus of teaching. Students, however, still need to understand how and where they fit into our nation and within the world. Geography IS important.

    Create Awareness of Place

    Studying geography creates an awareness of place. Just like our founding fathers identified, understanding geography instills an identity of the American place. Shouldnt everyone know what states neighbor their own? How and where to find the 9/11 Memorials? Where important cities are like Miami, Dallas, Chicago, New York, Boston, or Seattle? The names of the countries that border us? The importance of Washington, DC?

    Develop Non-Fiction Reading Skills

    Develop Spatial Awareness

    Create a Global Community

    Highly Desirable Transferable Skills

    Ppt 1 what is geography

    Alongside the varied knowledge you will learn, you will also develop a range of transferable skills that are highly desirable by potential employers. Many degrees help you develop transferable skills, but geography gives you a broad range of skills that will help you in any career path you choose to follow. Some examples of the skills you will develop with a geography degree include:

    • Teamwork
    • Report writing and data presentation
    • Adaptability

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    Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Articles

    Different studies from the past have outlined the importance of geography concepts in the general education of the children in society. This is a concept that has been on discussion since time immemorial. On the other hand, the concept of space and place that is associated with geographical concepts are also considered of great importance when considering the concept of geography-based approach to education. In modern-day society, it is well established that this is a topic of great importance due to the spread of the concept of globalization. Many children visit foreign countries due to the working routines of their parents. On the other hand, people today freely interact and there are always several cultures in one place. This means that a child who is aware of the geographical differences, culture, and practices stands a chance to effectively interact freely with others from ma different culture. The studies that this report focused on based the arguments on the benefits of geography knowledge in terms of child enlightenment. As a topic that has been receiving enormous attention in the past years, it can be argued that this is a topic of great importance and therefore, this research contributes to the vast knowledge of geography enlightenment education Why Is Geography Important In Education.

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    Broad Choice Of Future Careers

    Thanks to the transferable skills and academic knowledge you gain from studying geography at university, you will have an abundance of career paths to choose from. If you want to pursue a career directly related to your degree you could go on to become a cartographer, environmental manager, town planner or a secondary school teacher to name a few. Other careers you could look at pursuing include astronomer, landscape architect, international aid worker or meteorologist. You could look at working in the private or public sector, or for a charity or non-governmental organisation and work in industries such as property, environmental, international development, military, business and engineering as a few examples.

    Geography is a highly employable degree, with 89% of Durham University geography graduates securing employment or going on to further study within six months of graduating .

    Make Sense Of Different Cultures

    Why Study Geography?

    Human culture is fundamentally place-based: the land determines or influences the cuisine, clothing, architecture, even social relationships. Every aspect of a culture is affected by its geography.

    Geography helps you understand and appreciate the incredible diversity of cultures around the world. Like with news, geography puts culture in context. To understand a people, you have to know something about their land.

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    It Involves The Study Of People

    The geography of a region affects the lifestyle of its inhabitants. The geographical conditions of a region influence its culture. They have a deep impact on the social and cultural norms of people. The geography of a region has a direct effect on the art forms, the literature, the food habits, and the celebrations and traditions of the people that inhabit it. The study of geography lets us understand the distribution of people around the world and the differences in their ways of living.

    Scope & Sequence Of Canadian Geography

    The Canadian Council for Geographic Education has put together a scope & sequence plan for students across Canada for Kindergarten through Grade 12, divided into 6 essential elements:

  • The World in Spatial Terms
  • Places & Regions
  • Environment & Society
  • The Uses of Geography
  • Ideally, you want to start your learning experiences as close to your child as possible with your community and neighbourhood, and then start moving out to bigger concepts like provinces, countries, and the globe adding more complex ideas and subjects such as being a responsible citizen, the environment, how history and geography are tied together, and more complicated topics of earth sciences.

    Below are some ideas for teaching geography at various general age / grade ranges. Keep in mind that these are just suggestions.

    For the very young learner , understanding their local community and how they fit into the bigger picture is a great place to start.

  • Early Mapping Skills Learning about maps is important. This stage is about learning to read symbols on a map, understanding legends, basic compass understanding of North, East, South, & West, land and water, etc.
  • Make a map of your community; either drawing on;paper,;or making 3D models or some other creative way.
  • Do some mapping worksheets like this excellent one from Teachers Pay Teachers: Maps & Globes;;or in the book;My Very First Primary Map Book;by Apple Press.
  • Learn;when the provinces joined Canada.
  • Explore geography terms with a wall poster
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    Why Geography Should Be Part Of Every 21st Century Education

    To prepare our young people, we owe them a high-quality geography education.


    When you hold a pencil, you hold the world in your hands. Its raw ingredients make a far-reaching journey around the globe, from Sweden to South Africa, Estonia, Brazil and beyond. To understand the creation of the pencil is to understand countries and commerce, global trade and transport networks, markets and manufacturing, production and politics, exports and economies.

    In the right teachers hands, the humble pencil can be a lesson in geography, and can inspire students to explore compelling questions:;What are the environmental impacts to South Africas softwood forests that are logged to create the pencil shaft? What are the working conditions in the paint factories in Kazakhstan to produce the classic yellow casing? How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the rubber industry in Thailand, used to make the erasers?

    Without geography, the world and how it fits together is a mystery. Geography is a skill and vision that opens the door for learners to better understand the interconnected world around them. It gives young people the insight to draw connections, measure how individual actions can change the world, assess the costs and benefits, and seek solutions to the many complex questions about our planet. Its why I believe geography is a science powerfully suited to address the challenges of the 21st century.

    Nurturing The Whole School Community

    Geography ppt(my favourite subject)

    Exploring and being part of the larger school environment is also important when developing a sense of place. Teachers can plan activities around these events and ideas:

    • Plan visits to different classrooms around the school so children have the opportunity to share experiences with other children. Having common experiences links people and places, helping children make social connections outside of their families.
    • Engage children in whole school activities centering on a common theme or purpose, like planting a garden or participating in field day activities. This reminds children that they share the space and share a common attachment to the space with others.
    • Organize schoolwide family evenings on the playground. Families and children can play together outside of school hours and develop a sense of place with the school while getting to know other students and families.
    • Host schoolwide activities such as multigenerational family dinners or cultural celebrations to highlight the commonalities and differences of traditions and demonstrate that each familys culture is valued and respected.
    • Wear T-shirts with specific school colors or mascots to foster a sense of school spirit and community.
    • Take photos showing the children, their families, and the teachers interacting in the classroom and neighborhood and post them to a class blog or website. This helps develop the psychological attachment that forms the basis of sense of place.

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