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What Was The Geography In The Middle Colonies

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What Landforms Were In The Middle Colonies

The Middle colonies | Period 2: 1607-1754 | AP US History | Khan Academy

The landforms in the middle colonies included mountains, rivers forests and the Atlantic coastline. These landforms shaped the economy and culture of the middle colonies.

Located south of the rocky, unforgiving New England colonies and north of the fertile southern colonies, the middle colonies featured a diverse set of people and geography. The Appalachian mountains to the west, the mountain ranges in northern Pennsylvania and New York, and the Atlantic coast created natural boundaries and obstacles in the middle colonies. Such physical barriers helped shape the young colonies and the states that emerged later.

The rivers in the region were critical to the middle colonies. The Hudson, Susquehanna and Delaware rivers ensured a shipping industry and attracted a multitude of other businesses. Imports to coastal harbors as well as fishing and shellfish caught in the Atlantic could be transported inland to other settlements on these river. Hunters and trappers flocked to the Hudson for pelts and game. The rivers allowed timber to be shipped from the abundant forests in the area and provided an export means for the harvest, which included flax, hemp and grains. These agricultural products grew abundantly in the middle colonies fertile soil.

These river-based industries developed the port cities of Philadelphia and New York, which became the middle colonies major cities, and they played a crucial part in the development of the colonies and American culture.

New England Vs Chesapeake Colonies Essay

Starting in the early 1600s settlers from England came to The New World. England and Spain were competing to claim this new undiscovered land. The English were the first to claim the land by sending the first group of settlers, the Chesapeake settlers. They settled in present day Virginia and Maryland. The Chesapeake settlers came for commercial and profit. the New England settlers came a few years later and resided in present day Massachusetts. The New England settlers came for religious reasons.The settlers from Chesapeake bay differed from the New England settlers in family structure, living conditions, and economy. Eventually, both groups settled in and had a prosperous life that turned into what is now the United States of America.

Government In The Three Lower Counties On The Delaware River

The history of government in Delaware the Lower Counties on Delaware is tied directly to that of Pennsylvania or the Upper Counties. For years, the meetings of the General Assembly rotated between Philadelphia and New Castle. In 1701, William Penn issued the Charter of Delaware, which gave the Lower Counties the option to hold a General Assembly. Three years later, n 1704, the Lower Counties decided to establish an assembly and pass its own laws, but it still shared a Governor with Pennsylvania. Unlike many other colonies, Delaware did not establish a Provincial Congress in part because it was never an actual independent colony. On June 15, 1776 known as Separation Day in Delaware the General Assembly declared independence from Britain and Pennsylvania. Delaware adopted its first constitution on September 20, 1776.

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Compare And Contrast Royal Colonies And New England Colonies

In the 16th the American colonies, governments took three courses, all based on English traditions. The colonies became a testing ground for developing governments, from which the founders drew heavily when they enlisted the United States Constitution. At the base of each colony was its charter, a written agreement between the dependency and the queen of England , which authorized its existence and set up rules of procedure. The three figures of colonial governments were: Royal Colonies, Proprietary Colonies, and Charter Colonies.

How Did The Geography Of The Middle Colonies Influence The Economy Brainly

Mr. Jobe

The overwhelming abundance of natural resources in the Mid-Atlantic has allowed the area to be very economically competitive in many industries. The Middle Colonies supported a diverse and competitive market. Farms in this area mostly agricultural grew various crop types most notably grains and oats.

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Compare And Contrast New England And Chesapeake Colonies

Amid the late 16th century and into the 17th century, European nations quickly inhabited the new lands called the Americas. England sent out multiple groups to two regions in the eastern coast of North America. Those areas were called the Chesapeake and the New England locations. Later, in the end of the1700 ‘s, these two locations would combine to create one nation. However originally both areas had very different and distinctive identities. Although they have numerous differences their characteristics resulted from one important factor, which is, the reason the settlers came to the New World. This had an impact on the settlement, economically, socially, and politically.

Compare And Contrast The Three Regions Of The Thirteen Colonies

The differences in the economy in the three different regions of the thirteen colonies were determined by both the people who went there and the environment. The environment limited how the economy was based because an agricultural economy needs good ground for growing, so without good soil, the economy would have to be based on industry. In the New England colonies , the economy was dependent on their industries, not their agriculture. The Middle Colonies were equally dependent on industry as they were on agriculture. The Southern Colonies depended on selling their

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History Of The Middle Colony And Province Of New York

In 1609, English explorer Henry Hudson sailed into present-day Hudson Bay in search of the legendary Northwest Passage. Hudson established trade with the Native American Tribes in the area and claimed the land for the States General of the Dutch Republic the sponsor of his expedition.

The Colony of New Netherland was established in 1614, but colonists did not arrive until 1624. That was the year the Dutch West India Company established the first permanent settlement Fort Orange in New Netherland. Fort Orange was on the Hudson River, at present-day Albany, New York. The following year, a second trading post, New Amsterdam, was established on the southern tip of Manhattan Island, at the mouth of the Hudson.

The West India Company encouraged people to emigrate to the colony with different incentives, including the Patroon System. Under the system, investors were given land if they paid for immigrants to move to New Netherland and settle. In some cases, the investor, who was known as a Patroon, was required to purchase the land from the Indian Tribes.

The colony was attractive to immigrants because it offered religious freedom and the promise of land. Roughly half the population was Dutch, but the rest was made up of immigrants from France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

The Third Anglo-Dutch War broke out in 1672, and the Dutch captured New York in 1673. However, less than a year later, the war ended and New York was returned to British control in 1674.

The New England Colonies

Middle Colonies – Kid Friendly Educational Social Studies Video for Elementary Students

The New England colonies consisted of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. They were located in the northern region. Along the coastline, the land was flat. Continuing inland in these colonies, hills and mountains were encountered. The land was rocky, which made farming difficult. The colonists in this region had to rely on other means of providing for their family because of the rocky land. Many New Englanders became fishermen, boat craftsmen, loggers and trappers.

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What Were The Northern Colonies Like

The harsh winters and mild summers experienced by the New England colonies were harsh in comparison to those of the British. With this short growing season, the plants only needed five months to mature. Colonists in New England were only able to farm enough to feed their families because their land was rocky and harsh. The crops included corn, beans, and squash.

What Problems Did Colonists Face

Lured to the New World with promises of wealth, most colonists were unprepared for the constant challenges they faced: drought, starvation, the threat of attack, and disease. With the help of stern leadership and a lucrative cash crop, the colony eventually succeeded.

What were the advantages and disadvantages of being an apprentice?

An apprentice is a young person who learns a skill from a more experienced person. The disadvantages of being an apprentice was you would work long hours and they had very little free time and rarely got a day off. The advantages were that it was a great opportunity for many young people in the colonies.

What were two effects of the Great Awakening?

Long term effects of the Great Awakening were the decline of Quakers, Anglicans, and Congregationalists as the Presbyterians and Baptists increased. It also caused an emergence in black Protestantism, religious toleration, an emphasis on inner experience, and denominationalism.

Did geography affect the development of colonial America?

Geography can bring a big impact on a city, even a colony . All kinds of travelers came to America to start a new chapter in their lives. All of the regions carried different elements, such as the natural resources that varied throughout the colonies. It varied from industries, technology, agriculture to trade.

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Middle Colonies Middle Colonies’ History Facts Government And Economy 2022

The middle colonies, also known as the “breadbasket colonies,” were a group of British colonies located in the middle region of the Atlantic coast of North America. These colonies included New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.

The middle colonies were known for their diverse population and abundance of natural resources. They were home to many different cultures and religions, including Dutch, English, French, German, Irish, Jewish, and Scandinavian immigrants. This diversity made the middle colonies a melting pot of cultures and ideas, which contributed to the development of a unique regional identity.

The middle colonies were also known for their rich natural resources, including fertile soil, abundant forests, and access to waterways. This made the middle colonies a hub of agriculture and trade, with crops like wheat, corn, and oats being the mainstay of the region’s economy. In addition to agriculture, the middle colonies also had thriving industries, including shipbuilding, ironworks, and textiles.

One of the key figures in the development of the middle colonies was William Penn, a Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania in 1681. Penn established a system of government based on religious tolerance and democracy, which attracted many settlers and made Pennsylvania one of the most prosperous colonies in the region.

What Are The Middle Colonies

The Middle Colonies

Congress discussed independence, organized a constitutional convention, and mobilized the state militia for the war effort. New Jersey Populated by Dutch and German immigrants, New Jersey had a mix of religious groups such as Presbyterians, Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Roman Catholics. They traveled by riding along the wide rivers like the Delaware river and the Hudson river. Many of them ranging from their climate and geography to the role women and African Americans played. The middle colonies were a group of colonial states in British North America that comprised New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and South Carolina. The Duke of York, the proprietor of the Province of New York, granted the land between the Hudson River and Delaware River to his friends, Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley.

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Mercantile System In The Middle Colonies

Mercantilism is an economic theory that focuses on the trading of goods as a means to create wealth. Mercantilism gained popularity in Europe as nations transitioned from feudal governments to national governments, especially from the 16th Century through the 18th Century the Age of Exploration. England and other European powers worked to create their own stand-alone economic environment where they could be as self-sustaining as possible. In other words, they wanted to be able to have everything they needed for their empires to survive food, raw materials, products, and ships produced from within the empire.

The British Mercantile System in the Middle Colonies forced them to operate as a source of raw materials for England, and as a market for British merchants to sell finished products. As far as England later Great Britain was concerned, the colonies only existed for the benefit of the Mother Country. The Middle Colonies produced iron ore and wheat that were sent to Great Britain.

Government In The Middle Colonies

The government in the Middle Colonies was established by the charter. The charter usually allowed for a Governor, Governors Council, a General Assembly, and a court system all based on English laws. However, due to the unique nature of the Middle Colonies having been started by the Netherlands and Sweden, the structure of the early government was inconsistent. As the colonies transitioned to English colonies and moved toward the start of the American Revolutionary War, the governments became more alike.

The Middle Colonies, especially Pennsylvania and Delaware, are generally viewed as a prime examples of how a democratic system of government should work. This is because William Penn set up a system that allowed the citizens to elect the people who made the laws. In the Royal Colonies of New York and New Jersey, the Governor and members of the Governors Council were appointed by the Crown, and only the members of the General Assembly were elected by the people.

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Geography Influences The Economy

The lay of the land influenced the economies of each of these three regions. The New England colonies could not provide for their families by farming because of the land. They had to import food and use their natural resources to provide items to trade. The Middle colonies were called the breadbasket of the New World. The landscape made growing grains a profitable venture for these colonists. The Southern colonies used their land for cash crops such as tobacco and rice. They were able to export these items in exchange for cash with Britain. The only natural resource they needed to use to thrive was their good soil.

About the Author

Susan Rickey started writing in 1994 with a technology feature article for the “Pioneer Press.” She was the writer of the Klamath Forest Alliance newsletter, an environmental organization. Rickey obtained her teaching credential from California State University and acquired her Bachelor of Science from the University of Arkansas.

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Colonial Regions: Middle Colonies

America was always a diverse continent. Nowhere was that diversity more obvious in the 13 original colonies than in these colonies of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. The English, Swedes, Dutch, Germans, Scots-Irish, and French lived close together which resulted in many tense situations.

The religion of the Middle Colonies, as one would expect, was diverse. Quakers, Mennonites, Lutherans, Dutch Calvinists, and Presbyterians were all represented, which made it impossible for one religion to dominate and gave greater freedom of religion than any of the New England Colonies, with the exception of Rhode Island.

Due to their central location, the Middle Colonies were able to be a place of important distribution to the colonies.

It was the connector colonies that connected the New England Colonies with the Southern Colonies. This would cause New York and Pennsylvania to grow rapidly.

Another reason the Middle Colonies grew quickly was that of the fertile land and industry. New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey shared the attributes of New England and the Southern Colonies.

While New England had some fertile land along the rivers its main sources of commerce were fishing and timber.

This coupled with religious freedom gave more options to immigrants who were migrating from Europe.

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Middle Colonies Research Paper

The Middle Colonies are located in between the New England and Southern Colonies. The Middle Colonies consist of New York founded in 1624, Delaware in 1638, Pennsylvania in 1643, and New Jersey in 1660. These four colonies were different, economically and socially, in many ways because they got a mix of the other two colonies and made it their own. New York was founded the British acquired more land from the Dutch. New York was called New Netherlands and was ruled by the Dutch governor Peter Stuyvesant before the British took it over. New Jersey was made because New York was to big for the Duke of York to rule. He gave the land to his friends, Lord Berkeley and George Carteret, as proprietors. The colony of Pennsylvania was made so William

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How Did Geography Impact The Economy Of The New England Colonies

The geography of the New England colonies was a factor in their economic development as well as how much farming they were able to do. Because of the longer winters, the soil was very rocky and the growing season was shorter overall. To make the most of the environment, agriculture emphasized corn, beans, and squash.

Because of geography and climate, economic activities in New England were affected. The terrain was flat along the coast but hilly and mountainous inland. Fishermen and sailors became popular among colonists in New England as a result of limited farmland. Some colonies established trade centers as a result of geography, while others were able to produce large crops. How did geography influence economic development of colonial countries? Some colonies became centers of trade and others grew large crops as a result of geography. Woodfishing and fur trapping were both popular in the New England colonies.

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