Common Questions About Conscientiousness
Q: What other traits besides conscientiousness make up the Big Five personality traits?
The Big Five personality traits are considered our core personality traits which, along with conscientiousness, include neuroticism, openness, extraversion, and agreeableness.
Q: What does high conscientiousness actually mean?
If one is high in conscientiousness, it means they are reliable, responsible, dependable, and likely to demonstrate care in situations with others.
Q: How can you increase your conscientiousness?
There are a number of things one can do to increase or develop higher conscientiousness: 1) Be very social. 2) Pay attention to the specifics and details of situations. 3) Make plans daily and follow through with them, using reminders if needed.
Q: Can you learn conscientiousness?
Conscientiousness can be learned and developed just like any other trait, by repeatedly practicing it. Actions such as making your bed daily and keeping a neat appearance and an organized workspace are all small things that can lead to higher conscientious behavior.
Do Men And Women Differ With The Big 5 Traits
The general consensus is that men and women are actually more alike than what normative social science would have us believe. But as the title would suggest, there are some exceptions.;
Weinsberg and DeYoung in 2011 studied the big 5 traits and in particular Gender Differences in Personality across the Ten Aspects of the Big Five.;They concluded that women tend to score higher on Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism than men.;
Other studies have concluded that whilst the differences may be present, some traits are not extensively separate. Getting older will tend to align behaviour traits such as agreeableness and extraversion where both genders tend to score lower as time moves on.
Conscientious People Make Healthier Decisions
Being consistently conscientious might not always be fun, but it does have payoffs. For example, conscientious people are healthier and live longer than less conscientious people. Research shows that conscientious people are less likely to smoke, use drugs, abuse alcohol, and become obese, and theyre more likely to exercise, practice safe sex, and drive safely. In fact, conscientiousness is related to how many traffic citations and car accidents people have. Its also related to using smoke alarms in your house, seeing a doctor regularly, and following doctors orders when youre sick.
Conscientious people are good self-regulators and better at resisting unhealthy impulses.
What is it about conscientiousness that leads to these differences in healthy behavior? The most obvious answer is that many unhealthy behaviors reflect a lack of self-control, and as mentioned, conscientious people are good self-regulators who are better at resisting unhealthy impulses.
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The History Of Conscientiousness
Conscience and conscientiousness are words that have been part of the lexicon for hundreds of years, but their relation to the world of mental health really emerged in the first part of the 20th century. As teams of psychologists researched and scoured dictionaries to identify terms that were linked to mental health conditions and personality traits, conscientiousness became a preferred way to describe a certain set of characteristics and qualities.
Some other terms that were combined into the domain of conscientiousness include:5
- Tidy
- Scrupulous
- Persevering
Through the second half of the 20th century, the focus on conscientiousness shifted to its inclusion in the Big Five Factors of personality traits. It continues to be researched and studied into the present.5
High Conscientiousness Means A Person Is Responsible And Reliable
Conscientiousness is about how a person controls, regulates, and directs their impulses. Individuals with a high level of conscientiousness on a career test are good at formulating long-range goals, organizing and planning routes to these goals, and working consistently to achieve them. Despite short-term obstacles they may encounter. Other people usually perceive a conscientious personality type as a responsible and reliable person.
However, individuals who score high in conscientiousness on a personality test can be compulsive perfectionists and workaholics. They might also be seen as being boring or inflexible. Take a free personality test to learn more about your occupational strengths and to test personality.
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Are Conscientious People More Punctual And Prepared
The less conscientious may oversleep, and be late for class or work and avoid tasks that demand action.But being on time is an important trait of the conscientious person. They keep To-Do lists, are usually prepared, attend to tasks without delay, and prefer orderly routine. They are avid note takers and they write first drafts.
Limitations And Future Directions
There were several limitations of the current investigation. First, income and wealth are incomplete measures of objective success. Nevertheless, earnings and wealth are, as Vaillant and Vaillant put it, splendidly objective and easily quantified . Moreover, while non-pecuniary reasons factor into career and lifestyle choices , it is also true that income is positively associated with competing metrics of objective success, including occupational prestige and educational attainment . Thus, while not the only metric by which to gauge objective success in life, earnings and wealth are in our view better than any other.
A second limitation was the fact that annual Social Security tax contributions, used to assess income in this investigation, are capped at a maximum of approximately $100,000 and therefore do not include the long right tail of the income distribution. Indeed, we did not log transform lifetime earnings in our analyses because the untransformed distribution better approximated normality. To address whether the present findings would replicate with more complete measures of income, future studies should make use of alternative objective data sources, such as IRS tax records.
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Dimensions Of Personality: Conscientiousness And Agreeableness
You may not be familiar with George A. Miller, but you may be familiar with some of the major ideas he spread to popular culture. He was one of the founders of cognitive psychology and believed the human mind used an information-processing model. He was the propeller in taking psychology from the ivory towers of academics and experts and integrating its learnings for people to learn from. In his 1969 American Psychological Association Presidential Address, he called this giving psychology away as part of a public service.
For decades, psychometric tools and assessments required PhDs and psychologists to administer. Companies restricted access to these tools. Though there is a certain wisdom in making sure trained specialists handle the administration and diagnosis of these tools to avoid harm, this limits the public good they can serve. Fortunately times have changed due to technology.
The IPIP highlights one of the most common psychological models of psychology, the Big 5 or otherwise known as the Five Factor Model. The model explains that personality can be explained along five dimensions: introversion-extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. Weve explained extroversion and introversion here. For now, were focusing on the next two dimensions: conscientiousness and agreeableness.
Soothe Your Own Mind And Heart
The second basis of emotionally healthy living involves;handling your own emotional inner world.Quiet Mind & Calm Heart means controlling your anxiety so it doesnt run away with you, and includes:
- Handling your feelings and emotions
- Soothing your emotional bruises
- Monitoring your body
Many people have difficulty soothing their own emotions and/or calming their anxiety. Developing;Quiet Mind & Calm Heart;not only makes your own life better, it lets other people live better too.
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Ways To Become More Conscientious
Usually personality traits seem to be more static, rigid, and unchanging, but conscientiousness is an exception. When a person sets a goal and follows through with practical measures to increase their levels of conscientiousness, they can succeed to boost the quality to a more desirable level.
Some effective ways to become more conscientious include:2
Conscientiousness: A ‘big Five’ Personality Trait
What is conscientiousness and how does this ‘Big Five’ personality trait affect people’s behavior?
Conscientiousness is the personality trait of a person who shows an awareness of the impact that their own behavior has on those around them. Conscientious people are generally more goal-oriented in their motives, ambitious in their academic efforts and at work, and feel more comfortable when they are well-prepared and organized.
Big Five Personality Traits
The trait is one of the Big Five factors psychologists use to evaluate an individuals personality.
Research in recent decades has a number of significant differences between the personalities and life outcomes of people who are conscientiousness, and those who are considered to be unconscientious.
According to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, individuals with higher levels of the trait tend to be more empathetic towards other people .
A previous study, led by psychologist Howard Friedman, even found a correlation between conscientiousness and life expectancy. Participants who demonstrated higher levels of conscientious as children were observed to enjoy longer lifespans than other subjects .
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Building Career Success By Being Bothered
Are you orderly, industrious and reliable?
Ileana has received a dressing-down in her performance review.
Tearfully, she confides to a friend that her boss sees her as “easily distracted,” “chaotic” and “not dedicated enough.” At first, Ileana thinks that these criticisms are unfair, but she then casts her mind back over the past couple of months and starts to reflect.
She soon recalls missed deadlines, complaints, occasions when she arrived late, and mutterings from colleagues about the state of her desk. Suddenly, her manager’s comments start to make sense.
Ileana realizes that she needs to work harder and be more organized if she wants to improve her reputation, but it all sounds very dull. Then her manager begins talking about how she would almost certainly be happier and healthier, and earn more money, if only she could be more conscientious. Ileana’s interested, and she starts to think again.
Even the most committed people can let their standards drop and their dedication slip. However, conscientiousness is a quality that you can cultivate, and this article shows you how.
What Is Conscientiousness And Why Is It A Crucial Personality Trait
Did you know that conscientiousness is the most important trait that affects your work performance and longevity? This personality trait is one of the most crucial personality traits you can possess. Now, you might be wondering, What exactly is conscientiousness?
Simply put, conscientiousness is your tendency to be organized, hardworking, disciplined, careful, punctual, and to follow rules. Its no wonder that if you possess these qualities, youll be quite successful at what you do especially in the workplace.But what about longevity?;
According to a study on personality traits, highly conscientious people are often healthier than people who lack this trait, and could live longer. Why? Because those who are conscientious are more likely to follow and maintain healthy diets, exercise, and follow basic safety protocols like wearing seat belts or helmets.
Conscientious individuals often exercise self-discipline and self-control to pursue their goals. Since they are quite organized and able to postpone instant gratification, they ultimately end up achieving their goals by staying focused on the big picture.;
You probably know someone who exhibits conscientiousness. All of us have that one friend or family member who works diligently, stays organized, follows rules, takes care of their health and fitness, and always shows up on time. We often admire their capabilities and secretly wish we could be more like them.
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How Can Thomas Help You Find The Right Person For Your Role
The Thomas Workplace Personality Test covers areas of personality testing based on Big 5 theory. Also known as;the High Potential Trait Indicator , it provides valuable insight into;a person’s strengths and potential derailers, including their leadership potential.
Developed by Ian MacRae and Adrian Furnham in 2006, the HPTI has been designed based on an optimality model, which assumes that personality traits can be considered optimal based on the requirements of a particular job role or position, such as senior executive leadership.
Based on;a self-report questionnaire, the answers;have 7 levels of agreement on a 1-7 Likert scale with 78 unique items, and the test takes as little as 8 minutes to complete.;
If you are interested in finding out more about how our Workplace Personality assessment can help you and your business, please speak to one of our team.
What Factors Influence The Big Five Traits
Research suggests that both biological and environmental influences play a role in shaping our personalities. Twin studies suggest that both nature and nurture play a role in the development of each of the five personality factors.
One study of the genetic and environmental underpinnings of the five traits looked at 123 pairs of identical twins and 127 pairs of fraternal twins. The findings suggested that the heritability of each trait was 53 percent for extraversion, 41 percent for agreeableness, 44 percent for conscientiousness, 41 percent for neuroticism, and 61 for openness.;
Longitudinal studies also suggest that these big five personality traits tend to be relatively stable over the course of adulthood. One study of working-age adults found that personality tended to be stable over a four-year period and displayed little change as a result of adverse life events.
Studies have shown that maturation may have an impact on the five traits. As people age, they tend to become less extraverted, less neurotic, and less open to the experience. Agreeableness and conscientiousness, on the other hand, tend to increase as people grow older.
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How Do The Big Five Personality Traits Predict Behaviour At Work
When hiring employees , the big 5;personality traits help us understand behaviour in the workplace and accurately predict, in many cases, future performance. Each personality type will have an impact within the working environment and amongst other staff. Being able to identify where there could be a positive or negative impact can;help;influence decisions around;hiring or retaining staff.
A candidate with a high openness score would be willing to learn new skills and tools. Presented with more abstract problems, they are more likely to think of abstract solutions and would be focused on tackling new problems that were perhaps previously overlooked.;
Candidates with a high conscientiousness score wouldnt necessarily be sat at their desk until midnight every evening! They would however be keen;to get their work done, meet deadlines and be a self-starter; requiring little hand-holding to get the task done. Someone scoring low on the other hand, would need a lot more focus, time and attention to the task at hand.;
The ideal extraversion scores would depend on the role youre hiring for. Seen by many to be leaders in a team, a high extraversion score would do well in environments where they thrive off interaction with others:; sales, marketing & PR all require a level of people- facing skills. More technical job setups where specific focus or a degree of isolation is needed;would, however, not be a good fit.;
What Is Conscientiousness In Psychology
Conscientiousness is a ‘Big Five‘ factor of personality, along with other broad factors – openness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. These factors follow the lexical approach to personality, which proposes that people naturally create terms for common traits so that they can describe and discuss them.
One may also ask, is being conscientious a strength? Conscientiousness is one of the key five components. It’s composed of two aspectsindustriousness and orderliness. From one perspective, it’s definitely a strength. Conscientiousness is associated with success in life and work.
Thereof, how do you know if someone is conscientious?
6 Signs You Have A Conscientious Personality, According To The Big Five Personality Traits
Why is being conscientious important?
Other studies show that conscientiousness is the most important factor for finding and retaining employment. Conscientious people tend to be super organized, responsible, and plan ahead. They work hard in the face of challenges and can control their impulses.
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Careers For Someone Who Is High In Conscientiousness
Because people who are more conscientious tend to easily keep themselves on track, they make great leaders or independent workers, and thrive in environments that hold them to high standards.
Potential job ideas for those who rank higher in this area are:
- Freelance writer
- Advertising Executive
- Politician
Each person has a different combination of the Big Five traits, so potential job suggestions can vary, as people may prefer careers that utilize a different personal characteristic.
A Few Words By Flourishing Life Society
conscientiousnessconscientiousself-motivationPlease support Flourishing Life Society with a social media share or by visiting a link: T. Franklin Murphy Wellness. Writer. Researcher.T. Franklin Murphy has a degree in psychology. He tirelessly researches scientific findings contributing to wellness. In 2010, he began publishing his findings.
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Are Big Five Personality Tests Reliable
Assessments based on the big 5 personality tests are very reliable, provided that sufficient research has been carried out and substantiated.;
It is, to date, the most scientifically validated and reliable psychological model to measure personality. It is used to help predict behaviour as well as personality.
It remains a dependable model that businesses and scientific studies have been able to use;consistently over a long period of time in helping to create new models, which predict someones behaviour at work, response to stressful situations and even understanding aspects of recorded social studies.
Tolerating Discomfort For Growth
Of all things that determine success in life, perhaps the most important is Meaningful Endurance, the 4th Point of Balance.
Very little gets accomplished in life without Meaningful Endurance. Endurance increases your chances of success in marriage, parenting, families, and careers.
Meaningful Endurance is the basis of mastery. You cannot master a new skill, refine your abilities, develop your talent, learn new things, or expand your personality without Meaningful Endurance. Meaningful Endurance is not blind perseverance, stubbornness, or refusal to face facts. It is not stupid pain-for-no-purpose. It is not simply high pain tolerance, or accepting a lousy relationship.
Meaningful Endurance is about tolerating pain for growth. If theres no growth, its not;meaningful.
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