Friday, July 26, 2024

What Is Coevolution In Biology

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Local Community Context: Alternative Hosts


Alternative host plants are also shown to be important in generating selection mosaics . In the interaction between webworms and wild parsnip, the webworms are capable of exerting selective impact on host plant chemistry. Both in the mid-western United States where parsnip has been introduced, as well as in its indigenous area, Europe, in populations where webworms are rare the parsnip produces lower levels of chemical defence compounds. In Europe, attack rates were lower due to the presence of an alternative host plant. While this host plant was associated with higher levels of webworm parasitism, it was the preferred host over parsnip, most likely because of the lower furanocoumarin content of Heracleum sphondylium . suggested that variability in the coevolutionary process between pollinating long-tongued fly and its primary floral host plant may be constrained in some populations if there are alternative short tube flowers available as nectar sources for the fly. By contrast, simpler communities, lacking these short-tubed nectar plants may allow escalatory coevolution between fly proboscis and flower depth .

Fig Reproduction And Fig Wasps

figgynoeciaBlastophaga psenesReproductive coevolution in Ficus

The genus Ficus is composed of 800 species of vines, shrubs, and trees, including the cultivated fig, defined by their syconiums, the fruit-like vessels that either hold female flowers or pollen on the inside. Each fig species has its own fig wasp which pollinates the fig, so a tight mutual dependence has evolved and persisted throughout the genus.


In Management And Organization Studies

Since year 2000, a growing number of management and organization studies discuss coevolution and coevolutionary processes. Even so, Abatecola el al. reveals a prevailing scarcity in explaining what processes substantially characterize coevolution in these fields, meaning that specific analyses about where this perspective on socio-economic change is, and where it could move toward in the future, are still missing.

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What Is Coevolution In Biology


. Also know, what does coevolution mean?

co·ev·o·lu·tionThe process by which two or more interacting species evolve together, each changing as a result of changes in the other or others. It occurs, for example, between predators and prey and between insects and the flowers that they pollinate.

Similarly, what is coevolution and what is its importance? Coevolution is a key point of contact between evolution and ecology, in the sense that organisms themselves must be considered an important part of the environment that exerts selective pressures upon all species.

In this way, what is coevolution in ecology?

The term coevolution is used to describe cases where two species reciprocally affect each other’s evolution. Coevolution is likely to happen when different species have close ecological interactions with one another. These ecological relationships include: Predator/prey and parasite/host.

What is coevolution in plants?

In biology, coevolution occurs when two or more species reciprocally affect each other’s evolution through the process of natural selection. Charles Darwin mentioned evolutionary interactions between flowering plants and insects in On the Origin of Species .

Interactions Coevolve As Constantly Changing Geographic Mosaics

Coevolution  Definition &  Examples

Perhaps one of the biggest changes to have occurred in recent years in our understanding of coevolution is that we now know that it is a relentless ecological process and not something rare and observable only over long periods of geologic time. We can see evidence of ongoing coevolution by studying the same interaction in multiple places. Each group of species interacting in a local community is a potential mini-coevolutionary experiment. Each local population of those species is often genetically distinct from other populations of the same species. And each of those populations interacts in unique ways with other species, because each environment imposes unique selection pressures.

Fig. 1

Diagrammatic representation of some of the major components of the geographic mosaic of coevolution between a pair of species. Interactions within local communities are shown as arrows within circles and indicate selection acting on either one or both species. Different arrow angles represent differences among communities in how selection acts on the species. Differences in arrow thickness and lines represent differences in the strength or form of natural selection. Arrows between communities indicate gene flow, with thicker arrows representing more gene flow. In this diagram, coevolutionary hotspots occur within a broader matrix of coevolutionary coldspots . Modified from Thompson

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What Can Phages Tell Us About Host

John J. Dennehy

1Biology Department, Queens College, 65-30 Kissena Boulevard, Flushing, NY 11367, USA

2The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA


1. Introduction

The story of life is a story of coevolution. Reciprocal relationships among replicators, whether competing, consuming, or cooperating, are a fundamental force driving organic diversification. Darwin clearly recognized as much. After observing Angraecum sesquipedale Thouars, a large Madagascan orchid with a foot-long nectary spur, he declared in Madagascar there must be moths with proboscises capable of extension to a length of between ten and eleven inches! . Darwin made this connection because he realized that the long spur was a product of coevolution, or coadaptation as he called it, between flower and moth.

Nonetheless, laboratory-based experimental coevolution of microorganisms did not gain favor until the 1970s and 1980s . Here, host-parasite coevolution was examined in the context of interactions between bacteria and their bacteriophage parasites. Such studies have many advantages such as ease of control and replication, short generation times and rapid evolution, easy dissection of genetic changes associated with adaptation, and the ability to archive organisms for future study .

2. What Are the Mechanisms of Coevolution?

3. Do Hosts and Parasites Experience Arms Races?

4. Are Tradeoffs Associated with the Evolution of Resistance?

Basic Principles Of Coevolution

Examples of predator and prey interaction can shed light on everyday examples of coevolution that you are likely aware of on some level, but have perhaps not actively considered.

Plants vs. animals: If a plant species evolves a new defense against an herbivore, such an thorns or poisonous secretions, this induces a new pressure on that herbivore to select for different individuals, such as plants that remain tasty and readily edible.

In turn, these newly sought-after plants, if they are to survive, must overcome that new defense in addition, the herbivores can evolve thanks to individuals that happen to have traits that make them resistant to such defenses .

Animals vs. animals: If a favorite prey of a given animal species evolves new way to escape that predator, the predator must in turn evolve a new way to catch that prey or risk dying off if it cannot find another source of food.

For example, if a cheetah cannot consistently outrun the gazelles in its ecosystem, it will ultimately perish of starvation at the same time, if the gazelles cannot outpace the cheetahs, they too will die off.

Each of these scenarios represents a classic example of an evolutionary arms race: As one species evolves and gets faster or stronger in some way, the other must do the same or risk extinction.

Obviously, there is only so fast a given species can become, so in the end something has to give and one or more of the species involved either migrates from the area if it can, or it dies off.

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Coevolution As A Source Of Aesthetic And Cultural Meaning

Not all pollinator functional groups show floral sensory biases that appeal to humans. Nectar-feeding bats tend to visit large brush-, bell-, or cup-shaped flowers with dull coloration and cabbage-like scents , which they find using olfaction and echolocation . Bats are larger than most pollinators, fly further on foraging bouts, and require larger quantities of nectar to sustain their energetic needs . One group of plants that can satisfy the metabolic demands of bats has evolved in the genus Agave . Agave is a species-rich lineage of succulent desert plants whose inflorescences resemble giant asparagus spears before they expand into candelabra-like panicles with tens to hundreds of flowers, each capable of producing standing crops of 0.5 to 0.7 ml of nectar each night . Such floral extravagance has its costs: the act of flowering in A. palmeri consumes 59% of the plant’s measurable energy by biomass, an investment from which the plants cannot recover . Some authors suggest that the metabolic demands of bats as pollinators provided a selective pressure favoring a semelparous life history for agaves in desert environments, as it is simply too costly for them to bloom more than once before death . Phylogenetic analysis suggests that bats and agaves have co-diversified during the past 3â8 million years, concurrent with desertification in Mexico .

Chapter 3 Symbioses And Parasites


So Im now going to talk about some intercellular symbioses. And the reason I picked intercellular symbioses as the first example of real coevolution is that these things are very intimate coevolutionary interactions. And you can see that in mitochondria and chloroplasts of course.

Then theres this wonderful and interesting critter called Wolbachia, that does lots of things to arthropods. The whole issue of the symbiosis of algae in reef building corals contains a lot of beautiful biology, and some interesting puzzles. And in all of these cases the interacting parts are really closely connected. Okay? So theres been a lot of evolution at the level of intercellular metabolism.

And I think that these tight symbioses are really major transitions in the process of being born. So one of the issues in a major transition is whether or not you have a change in the pattern of genetic transmission. And in these cases independent genomes are getting aligned, and in the extreme case of mitochondria or chloroplasts, they actually have the same pattern of transmission as the maternal nuclear genomes, of the host. Okay? So previously independent things are being integrated.

Okay, so with mitochondria youve got all kinds of communication and coordination going on. The cell membrane of the previously independent purple sulfur bacterium, out here, now has within it an inner membrane that has got all kinds of biochemical machinery on its surface.

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What Is Natural Selection

Natural selection is one of many well-known but deeply misunderstood terms in the science world generally and in the realm of evolution in particular.

It is, in a basic sense, a passive process and a matter of dumb luck at the same time, it is not simply “random,” as many people appear to believe, though the seeds of natural selection are random. Confused yet? Don’t be.

Changes that occur in a given environment lead to certain traits being advantageous over others.

For example, if the temperature gradually gets colder, animals of a particular species that have thicker coats thanks to favorable genes are more likely to survive and reproduce, thereby increasing the frequency of this heritable trait in the population.

Note that this is a different proposition entirely from individual animals in this population surviving because they are able to find shelter through sheer luck or ingenuity that is unrelated to heritable traits pertaining to coat characteristics.

The critical component of natural selection is that individual organisms cannot simply will the necessary traits into existence.

They must be present in the population thanks to pre-existing genetic variations that in turn follow from chance mutations in DNA in earlier generations.

Chapter 2 Definitions Of Coevolution And Intra

Now the tight genetic definition of coevolution is this. In one species you have a change in a gene, and thatexcuse me for missing this I was doing proofreading this morning there should be t thereit stimulates an evolutionary change in a gene in the other species, and that change in the other species stimulates another change in the first species so that you have kind of a gene for gene succession in time. One thing happens here that stimulates something here that stimulates something here.

That is the tight genetic definition of coevolution. If you could demonstrate that, I think everybody would agree, hey, you nailed it, its really there. Its hard to do. The reason its hard to do is that we dont normally know what the genes are that involved. We can see the phenotype, but we have difficulty inferring the genes. There are some cases of this that are well documented in rusts, rust fungi inhabiting wheat Ustilago hordii is one of them. So, you know, pathogens of crop plants are things where this kind of coevolution is well documented.

Another kind of coevolution is phylogenetic. So you use tree thinking to try to infer whats been going on. And you look at closely interacting organismspathogens, parasites, pollinators, things like thatand you see if the trees can be laid right on top of each other.

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What Is Coevolution Example

Coevolution Definition. In the context of evolutionary biology, coevolution refers to the evolution of at least two species, which occurs in a mutually dependent manner. An example is the coevolution of flowering plants and associated pollinators .

Simply so, what is coevolution in biology?

In biology, coevolution occurs when two or more species reciprocally affect each other’s evolution through the process of natural selection. Charles Darwin mentioned evolutionary interactions between flowering plants and insects in On the Origin of Species .

Furthermore, how does coevolution happen? The term coevolution is used to describe cases where two species reciprocally affect each other’s evolution. Coevolution is likely to happen when different species have close ecological interactions with one another. These ecological relationships include: Predator/prey and parasite/host.

Beside this, how is mimicry an example of coevolution?

Coevolution is: Evolution in two or more evolutionary entities brought about by reciprocal selective effects between the entities. Mimicry, for example potentially coevolutionary, can be: parasite/host interaction or mutualism .

What is coevolution and why is it important?

Coevolution is a key point of contact between evolution and ecology, in the sense that organisms themselves must be considered an important part of the environment that exerts selective pressures upon all species.

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Coevolution As A Source Of Value

Biology eoc review slideshow

A central challenge in communicating the value of biodiversity is the problem of large numbers. When considering the genus Solanum , which includes the familiar tomato, potato, and eggplant, it can be difficult to appreciate 2000 variations on a nightshade theme from ecological or economic standpoints. Heiser addressed this challenge by profiling the impacts of ethnobotanically important lineages in the Solanaceaeâchili peppers , tobaccos , and jimson weed âon human history. In contrast, Iltis highlighted the indirect effects of biodiversity on human welfare, describing how genes from a newly discovered Andean tomato species with no obvious agricultural value were used to enhance the fruit quality of commercial tomatoes through an introgressive breeding program. Iltisâ back-of-the-envelope calculation of the economic impact of this otherwise unremarkable plant illustrates the challenge of predicting the ecosystem service potential of the 10th, 110th, or 1010th described species of any plant lineage. Biodiversity inherently captures genomic, metabolic, physiological, and morphological responses to Darwin’s âtangled bankâ of biotic and abiotic interactions, through countless iterations in ecological and evolutionary time . As pointed out by Iltis and Myers , it is folly to undervalue the planet’s botanical diversity, given its compendium of solutions to environmental challenges, honed by natural selection.


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The Importance Of Coevolution Between Hosts And Pathogens

Coevolution can be defined as evolutionary changes that occur within two or more organisms as a response to interactions between them, and the mutual selective pressures that those interactions cause . Haldane was one of the first scientists to emphasize the importance of infectious diseases as agents of selection within humans as well as other organisms. Although this work largely consisted of speculations derived from the work of others rather than discussions of his own experimental work, Haldanes ideas have inspired much thinking on disease and evolution .

Van Valen used Alices interactions with the Red Queen in Lewis Carrolls Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There to illustrate the nature of all kinds of species interactions . In that story, Alice moves backward when she wants to go forward, and if she wants to go quickly, she comes to an abrupt stop. She wants to talk to the Red Queen, but in order to do so, she must walk away from her. Finally, at one point she and the Red Queen start running somewhere , and at the end of a long hard run, Alice observes that after all that running, they are still right where they started.

Figure 1. John Tenniels illustration of Alice and the Red Queen racing as fast as they can only to end up right where they started, as depicted in Lewis Carrolls Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There.

Idiosyncrasy And Conservation In Functional Couplings In The Pdz Domain

What do the data tell us about the overall pattern of amino acid interactions? Figure 5AE show heat maps of the estimated native coupling energies between all pairs of amino acids within the 2 helix for each PDZ homolog. The data demonstrate both idiosyncrasy and conservation of amino acid couplings in paralogs of a protein family. For example, helix positions 34 show moderate couplings in two of the domains but not in the other homologs. Similarly, coupling between positions 78 is shared by PSD95pdz3, PSD95pdz2, and Zo1PDZ but not in the other two homologs. In contrast, all pairwise interactions between positions 1, 4, 5, and 8 show a systematic pattern of energetic coupling in all homologs tested. Thus, each PDZ domain displays variations in the pattern and strength of amino acid energetic couplings, but also includes a set of evolutionarily conserved couplings at a few positions. We take the conserved couplings to represent the most fundamental constraints underlying PDZ function, with the homolog-specific couplings indicating more specialized or even serendipitous couplings.

Conservation and idiosyncrasy in the pattern of energetic couplings over PDZ homologs.

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