Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Are Primary Motives In Psychology

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Which Emotion Has High Arousal And A Negative Valence

Primary Emotions: Intro Psychology, Motivation & Emotion #8

Specific emotions can be placed on this two-dimensional space. For example, happiness is considered to be moderately arousing with positive valence, excitement is highly arousing with positive valence, sadness is moderately arousing with negative valence, and anger is highly arousing with negative valence.

The 9 Types Of Motivation According To Psychology

The Types of motivation Are the intrinsic, extrinsic, amotivation, positive, negative, primary, social, basic and daily motivation.

To achieve a goal, individuals must have that goal well delimited, and possess the necessary skills, activation and energy. In addition, it must be aware to maintain that energy in the activity for extended periods of time until reaching the established goal.

Motivation means the energy or drive that a person feels to do something. Being motivated then entails an impetus or an inspiration to act to achieve the desired goal.

Usually it is considered as a unitary phenomenon but that can be variable for each task that we realize, being able to go from a small motivation to reach the objective to a great amount of this one.

But the motivation not only varies in the level in which it is presented, but also in the orientation, existing different types. The concept of orientation includes the underlying attitudes and goals that produce motivation, that is, the different phenomena that cause and are maintained by Deci and Ryan .

For example, a person may be very involved in a particular task, such as researching a particular topic because he is interested in learning more or because he needs to do a job to get a good grade in class.

These small variations associated with motivation would constitute the different types that the authors have tried to define over time.

Study : Mueller & Dweck

If Prof. Dweck is right, our mindset has a big impact on how well we achieve our potentialin school and in many other areas of our lives . But where do these different mindsets come from?

There can be many reasons that a person comes to believe that intelligence is fixed or changeable, but one obvious influence on our way of thinking about ourselves is the messages we hear from adults as we grow up. Dweck and her then-graduate student Claudia Mueller wanted to see if they could influence the mindset of children, if only for a brief period of time, by giving different kinds of praise to the children. Their starting point was the unsurprising and well-established idea that praise is motivating. When we do something and receive praise, we are more likely to want to do that same thing again. But Mueller and Dweck wondered if all praise is equal. In particular, is it possible that certain types of praise that well-meaning parents and teachers often use could actually reduce a childs motivation to learn and that childs resiliency when he or she encounters challenges?

The researchers recruited 128 fifth graders to participate in their study. Before we go into the details of the first experiment, please get a feel for the task that the children had to perform.

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What Motivates You To Change

Motivation is generally described as the force that drives us to pursue a goal . Motivation is a starting point for all choices . In general, we are motivated to maximize pleasure and minimize pain . However, people are driven by more than just carrot/stick motivators in pursuing their goals .

  • External incentives. If you want people to do something, emphasizing rewards is powerful. But the external rewards encourage a focus on short-term results at the expense of long-term ones.
  • Avoiding losses. We like to win, but we hate to lose. We feel the pain of loss more deeply than we feel the pleasure of gain. For example, consumers are more responsive to a price increase than to decrease. Loss aversion produces inertia or status quo bias, meaning a strong desire to stick with your current status.
  • Hitting rock bottom. The concept of hitting bottom suggests that people must hit rock bottom before they may change. In the alcohol research field, hitting bottom is considered as an important motivating factor in seeking treatment . However, this tipping point may be different for each individual .
  • Maintaining a positive self-image. People are motivated to be perceived favorably by themselves . Our actions offer a window into our personality and preferences. For example, giving money to a panhandler, or changing Facebook profile photos to honor the victims of some new tragedy.
  • References

    Explanation Of Social Motives

    Chapter 7

    These are the complex motives states or needs, that are the offspring of many human actions in fact these motives can give us some insight into an individuals social behavior. What sort of social motives activate an individual depend on an individual social experience which is unique to himself and depends on his way of receiving things, his personality make up, his learning capacity, his intelligence, opportunities and weaknesses.

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    Classification Of Motives: Primary And Secondary

    In this article we will discuss about the primary and secondary motives.

    Primary Motives:

    Primary motives are essential for survival. They must be satisfied first before we can take up any other activity. Primary motives come to action when the physiological balance of the body is upset. This balance is called homeostasis.

    Hunger or Thirst drive:

    When an organism experiences hunger or thirst, certain biological changes occur in the body. Once the hunger/thirst is fulfilled, the physiological balance or homeostasis is restored. Respiratory drive is the drive for air or oxygen. If oxygen supply is not there even for a moment, it may result in brain damage, loss of memory and loss of control on ones body.

    Sleep drive occurs usually at regular intervals for a person. Lack of sleep or inadequate sleep over long periods can result in confusion, attention deficit, muscle tremors and increased sensitivity to pain. The metabolism rate drops during sleep regenerating energy.

    Drive for elimination of wastes:

    When the bladder or intestine becomes distended with waste material, they cause pressure and discomfort. The person becomes restless until the waste materials are eliminated and pressure relieved. Sex drive is considered a biological drive since it is dependent on physiological conditions. Unlike hunger and thirst, sex is not essential for survival of the individual but is necessary for the survival of the species.

    Maternal drive:

    Social/Learned/Secondary Motives:

    How Mindset Influences Performance

    Imagine that you are a parent and your child has just brought home a report card from 4th grade that is really good. You look it over and feel proud of your son or daughter. With a wide grin on your face, you turn to your child and say:

    Im so proud of you! This report card is great! You __________

    • are so smart!
    • must have worked so hard!
    • have some jelly on your nose!

    We hope you didnt choose the jelly statement. Between the other two options, which one would you be more likely to blurt out?

    It turns out that your choice could matter.

    Carol Dweck, who is now a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, has been studying factors that promote or interfere with achievement since the 1970s. Over this time, and especially since the mid-1990s, she came to realize that our ways of dealing with the world and particularly our behaviors in trying to achieve our own goals are influenced by what she calls self-theories: beliefs we have about our own abilities, strengths and weaknesses, and potential. These self-theories affect decisions we make about what is possible or sensible or reasonable to do in order to achieve our goals.

    Before we discuss Carol Dwecks work, please answer a few questions about your own beliefs. Try to answer based on your real ways of thinking. The questions are a bit repetitive, but answer each one without regard to your previous answers.

    Take the 8-question Mindset Quiz here or here

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    How Does Incentive Theory Work

    In contrast with other theories that suggest we are pushed into action by internal drives , incentive theory instead suggests that we are pulled into action by outside incentives.

    You can liken incentive theory to operant conditioning, where behaviors are performed in order to either gain reinforcement or avoid punishment. Incentive theory states that your actions are directed toward gaining rewards.

    What type of rewards? Good grades are a type of incentive that can motivate you to study hard and do well in school. Gaining esteem and accolades from teachers and parents might be another incentive.

    Money is also an excellent example of an external reward that motivates behavior. In many cases, these external rewards can motivate you to do things that you might otherwise avoid, such as chores, work, and other tasks you find unpleasant.

    • Incentives can be used to get people to engage in certain behaviors, but they can also be used to get people to stop performing certain actions.
    • Incentives only become powerful if the individual places importance on the reward.
    • Rewards have to be obtainable in order to be motivating. For example, a student will not be motivated to earn a top grade on an exam if the assignment is so difficult that it is not realistically achievable.

    Primary And Secondary Drives

    psy101 lec 25, Primary motives

    Drive-reduction theory distinguishes between primary and secondary drives. Primary drives are innate biological needs that are usually necessary for survival. Secondary drives, on the other hand, are not usually necessary for survival and are often linked to social or identity factors . Secondary drives are associated with primary drives because the satisfaction of secondary drives indirectly satisfies primary drives. For example, the desire for wealth is not necessary for survival however, wealth provides you with money that can be used to acquire food, shelter, and other basic needs, thereby indirectly satisfying these primary drives. Secondary drives become associated with primary drives through classical conditioning.

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    Explicit And Implicit Motives

    The individuals socio-historical background and motivational context are the two sources traditionally assumed to affect PSM . van Witteloostuijn et al. were the first to evaluate the psychological antecedents of PSM. Relying on the HEXACO personality model , they showed that PSM is strongly influenced by core personality traits. On the one hand, the more affective facets of PSM, Compassion and Self-Sacrifice, are positively associated with the personality traits of Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, and Agreeableness, and negatively with Conscientiousness. On the other hand, the non-affective facets of PSM, Attraction to Policy-Making and Commitment to the Public Interest, are positively correlated with Openness to Experience. Their models explains 515% of variance in affective, non-affective, and overall PSM. Although these percentages are perfectly in line with other studies linking personality and motivation , this implies that most of the variance in PSM across individuals still remains to be explained.

    The Incentive Theory Of Motivation

    What forces are behind your actions? Do you get up and head to the gym each day because you know it’s good for you, or is it because of some type of external reward? There are many different reasons why people do things. Sometimes people are motivated to act because of internal desires and wishes, but at other times, behaviors are driven by a desire for external rewards.

    According to one theory of human motivation, actions are often inspired by a desire to gain outside reinforcement. The incentive theory is one of the major theories of motivation and suggests that behavior is motivated by a desire for reinforcement or incentives.

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    Types Of Motivated Behaviour Pointed Out By George Kimble And Norman Garmezy

    Types of motivated behaviour pointed out by George Kimble and Norman Garmezy are as follows:

    1.Consummatory behaviour

    This form of motivated behaviour directly satisfies the need in question. Eating with the corresponding drive hunger or drinking with the corresponding drive thirst are examples.

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    2.Instrumental behaviour

    This form of motivated behaviour is instrumental in satisfying the need in question. Instrumental behaviour does not directly satisfy the need as does consummator behaviour. For a prostitute sexual behaviour may be instrumental in satisfying the hunger motive.

    3.Substitute behaviour

    This type of motivated behaviour is very complex and difficult to explain. It is indirect in nature and apparently seems to have little relevance to the need in question.


    Motives are generally divided into two classes primary and secondary. In between the two are general motives. Primary motives are unlearnt and physiologically based.

    Though the precedence of primary motives is implied in the motivation theory of Maslow, there are situations where general and secondary motives are more important than the primary.

    Robert White maintains the view that all organisms have a capacity to interact effectively with the environment. This common capacity is termed competence. White built a theory of motivation on competence.

    Secondary motives

    Stage : Failure Negative Feedback And Consequences



    Next, the children tried to solve a new set of 10 matrix problems and again they had 4 minutes. On the surface, these problems looked about the same as the first set, but they were considerably more difficult. After the 4-minute test period, the researchers scored the answers and, regardless of actual performance, they told the children that they had done poorly . No one was told that he or she had solved more than 50% correctly. In fact, this feedback was accurate. The results showed that the children found the problems difficult. On average, they attempted 5.8 of the 10 problems and correctly solved only 1.8 of them. There was no significant difference in number of problems solved for the three groups .


    Now the experimenters wanted to know about the effect of failure on the childrens motivation .

    Immediately after receiving feedback, the children were asked a series of questions:

    • How much would you like to take these problems home to work on?
    • How much did you like working on the first set of problems? How much did you enjoy working on the second set? How much fun were the problems?
    • Using a somewhat complicated measure, the children were also asked to explain their difficulties with the second problem set by attributing failure to lack of ability or lack of effort. This was done in a way that they could explain their problems on the second set as partially due to low ability and partially to low effort.



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    Consider A Motivational Problem Like Procrastination Or Avoidance

    Our needs, cognitions, emotions, environments, and relationships can play a crucial role in procrastination or avoidance.

    All needs are born either out of deficiency or need for growth. Physiological needs are a particularly strong force in determining behavior. Our bodies will signal our brain if our wellbeing is threatened, and this can lead to avoidance and procrastination when we are suffering from hunger, thirst, or lack of sleep, for example.

    Psychological needs are also significant drivers of motives as they represent inborn needs for the development of a sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. When we try to force ourselves to do something that contradicts those needs, these innate forces can be tough to overcome.

    The conflict between chosen behavior and the need for satisfaction of psychological needs like autonomy can create dissonance, which can lead to avoidance or procrastination. While the fulfillment of physiological needs is about preserving wellbeing, satisfying psychological needs is about thriving and growing as a person .

    When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

    Viktor E. Frankl

    There are also implicit needs which are acquired from our environment through socioemotional development. They vary from person to person as our experiences vary, and unlike inborn psychological needs, implicit motives are acquired.

    Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.

    Wayne W. Dyer

    How Can Politicians Motivate Their Constituents

    Successful interventions often motivate through a combination of psychology and economic policy, which vary by context but often leverage social norms. For example, more people enrolled in a sustainable energy program when the sign up sheet was in their building lobby, because they could showcase their values to their neighborsor perhaps feel pressured to sign up to maintain a good reputation.

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    What Is Extrinsic Motivation

    Extrinsic motivation is any reason someone does work other than the joy of doing the work itself. Anything promised for completing the task or received as a result of completing the task are extrinsic motivators. An extrinsic motivator needs three elements to be successful, according to research by psychologist Victor Vroom: expectancy , instrumentality , and valence .

    Physiological / Biological Motives

    What is Motivation|What are motives|Types of motives|Biological or Primary motives|Examples(Part-27)

    Biological motives are also known as physiological motives as they are guided mostly by the physiological mechanisms of the body. It is the earliest attempt to understand causes of behaviour. This theory states that organisms have needs that produce drive, which stimulates behaviour leading to certain actions towards achieving certain goals, which reduce the drive.

    The earliest explanations of motivation relied on the concept of instinct. The term instinct denotes inborn patterns of behaviour that are biologically determined rather than learned.Some of the basic biological needs explained by this approach are hunger, thirst, and sex, which are essential for the sustenance of the individual.

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    Stimulation And Explanation Needs

    Experiments show that humans have a tendency to seek sensory as well as physical stimulation and re motivated to explore their surrounding in order to satisfy their curiosity. Closely related to curiosity motive is a need for sensory stimulation. People seek complex as well as novel stimuli because such stimuli arouse feeling of pleasure in us and increase owe awareness and knowledge.

    Applications In Game Design

    Motivational models are central to game design, because without motivation, a player will not be interested in progressing further within a game. Several models for gameplay motivations have been proposed, including Richard Bartle’s. Jon Radoff has proposed a four-quadrant model of gameplay motivation that includes cooperation, competition, immersion and achievement. The motivational structure of games is central to the gamification trend, which seeks to apply game-based motivation to business applications. In the end, game designers must know the needs and desires of their customers for their companies to flourish.

    There have been various studies on the connection between motivation and games. One particular study was on Taiwanese adolescents and their drive of addiction to games. Two studies by the same people were conducted. The first study revealed that addicted players showed higher intrinsic than extrinsic motivation and more intrinsic motivation than the non-addicted players. It can then be said that addicted players, according to the studies findings, are more internally motivated to play games. They enjoy the reward of playing. There are studies that also show that motivation gives these players more to look for in the future such as long-lasting experience that they may keep later on in life.

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