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How Does Geography Affect The Way We Live

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How Does Climate Affect The Way We Live

5th and 6th Grade Geography PBL 2014

The impacts of climate change include warming temperatures, changes in precipitation, increases in the frequency or intensity of some extreme weather events, and rising sea levels. These impacts threaten our health by affecting the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the weather we experience.

What Are Human Geographic Factors

They include land forms, bodies of water, climate, soils, natural vegetation, and animal life. The human characteristics of a place come from human ideas and actions. Human characteristics of place also include land use, density of population, language patterns, religion, architecture, and political systems.

Human Geography: Our Global Identity

Modern humans have been roaming the Earth for about 200,000 years. How do the places we live influence the way we live? How do geography, weather, and location relate to our customs, beliefs, and lifestyles? Learn how diverse people have physically influenced the world around them and how they, in turn, are changed by their surroundings. Lets explore the important relationship between humans and their environments.

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Does Where You Grow Up Affect Your Personality

While the other factors are still important, the climate we live in appears to be the starting point in shaping our personalities. Specifically, people who grew up in regions with average temperatures close to 72 degrees tend to be more agreeable, conscientiousness, emotionally stable, extroverted and open.

How Does Culture And Geography Relate To Each Other


Cultural geography is simply how the physical geography is going to impact the humans that live there. Cultural geography also compares various cultures and how their lifestyles and customs are affected by their geographical locations, climate, etc., as well as how they interact with their environment.

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How Did The Geography Of Greece Impact Its Economy

Greeces geography impacted social, political, and economic patterns in a variety of ways, such as that its mountains prevented complete unification, led to the establishment of the city states near the sea, led to a reliance on naval powers, hindered overland trade, and encouraged maritime trade around the

What Is The Important Method Of Geography

Among all the methods of teaching geography, Project method is the most important which is frequently applicable to teaching-learning process. It is a method which stands against the traditional method of teaching where the theoretical knowledge from the book is accepted 01 received by the students.

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How Geography Define Our Culture

In broad terms, cultural geography examines the cultural values, practices, discursive and material expressions and artefacts of people, the cultural diversity and plurality of society, and how cultures are distributed over space, how places and identities are produced, how people make sense of places and build senses

Geographic Level Correlates Of Individualism

Culture, Ethnocentrism, & Cultural Relativism [AP Human Geography Unit 3 Topic 1] (3.1)

Several national-level studies have explored the links between individualism-collectivism and various social and health indicators. For example, Mazar and Aggarwal revealed a positive correlation between a nations collectivism and its populations propensity to initiate bribes . In addition, studies have examined links between individualism-collectivism and health indicators. For example, Diener et al. found that nations higher in individualism have higher subjective well-being scores but also have higher suicide and divorce rates. Subsequent research by Chiao and Blizinsky revealed that cultural individualism is positively associated with the prevalence of affective disorders such as anxiety and mood disorder. In addition, the short allele frequency of the serotonin transport functional polymorphism is positively correlated with the prevalence of anxiety and mood disorder. Hence, even though Asian nations have more individuals carrying the S allele of the 5-HTTLPR, the strong collectivistic culture in Asian nations is a strong buffering factor between the S allelic frequency of 5-HTTLPR and the prevalence of affective disorders geographically.

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Why Do We Need Geographic Tools

Geographic technologies are increasingly some of the most important emerging fields for understanding our complex world. Tools such as GIS allow us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts.

What Are The Elements Of Geography Explain It

Together, these standards and essential elements identify the most important ideas in the study of geography. The six essential elements are The World in Spatial Terms, Places and Regions, Physical Systems, Human Systems, Environment and Society, and The Uses of Geography. On the chart, they are shown in purple.

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Geographical Analysis Of Psychological Phenomena At Different Levels

The research on geographical psychology summarized above adds to the debate on whether cultural differences can be reduced to individual differences . It is worth noting that the constructs utilized to study group differences at the national and regional levels were originally developed to describe individual differences, such as the big five personality traits. As a consequence, attributes that can differentiate individuals may not be the best ones to capture differences at a group-level. Similarly, national characteristics may not be meaningful individual-difference constructs. Correlations at one level pose no constraints on correlations at another level. Therefore, the group differences revealed in geographical analysis need to be interpreted with caution. Further studies may also develop constructs and measurement scales that are tailored to group-difference research at different levels to link features and dimensions of macro environments .

Thus, multi-levels of geographical analysis not only provide novel findings , they may also introduce novel insights to theorizing and research in psychological science.

What Are 3 Tools That Geographers Use

Discovering our Past. Big question How does geography ...

There are many tools that geographers use including maps, which are two-dimensional drawings of the earth, rendered by cartographers GPS or global positioning system, which uses satellites to locate latitude and longitude and get directions and GIS or geographic information system, which is a database that collects

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Conservation Of Natural Settings

Few cultures feel more of a responsibility to their land and resources as the Hawaiian people, according to The Nature Conservancy’s Hawaiian branch. This unique state, made up of several races, diverse geographical forms and far from the rest of the country, has an intimate relationship with its natural setting. The lyrics of many of its songs and chants reflect this respect. Hawaiians put the needs of the land first, knowing that when these are met, the land can support the people living on it.

Planning A Place To Live

Planners play a unique role in the places we choose to live. The questions asked above by the everyday citizen are a microcosm of the questions planners themselves raise when designing and planning a region, city, urban renewal project, transit system, green space project, town center, etc. The people, community, culture, politics, local features and physical attributes of a location all influence the decisions planners make and essentially are the pinnacle of geography.

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What Is Special About The Geography Of North America

In addition to mountains, deserts, and forests, the northern part of the western region of North America also has the richest deposits of oil and natural gas on the continent. Most of these deposits are located offshore, in the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. The Great Plains lie in the middle of the continent.

What Is Geography And Its Importance

The Effect of Geography on Institutions

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earths surface and the human societies spread across it. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time.

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Evolving From Nomads To Settlers

The nomadic Comanche tribe of northern Texas held its territory and the game living on it as the common property of the tribe. This was typical of the early nomads, but the relationship with the land changed when societies changed. Once permanent settlements were established, private ownership became the norm with a great emphasis on accumulation in all forms, Semple reported in her book. Wars became common over acquisition or retention of territory. First, land was settled for agricultural purposes. Industrialism and commerce followed.

The Causes Of Geographical Differences In Psychological Phenomena

We would present the probable causes of geographical differences in psychological phenomena in this section summarized firstly by Rentfrow et al. and Rentfrow and Jokela . The causes and the processes by which psychological characteristics become spatially clustered have been explained in terms of three main mechanisms: selective migration, ecological influence, and social influence. Selective migration mechanisms look at how individual psychological characteristics influence the environment people select. Ecological influence and social influence look at how external forces affect psychological processes and developments.

According to selective migration, people immigrate to satisfy and reinforce their basic psychological needs . Hence, despite having new residents who came from places with different personalities, the geographical distribution of personality remains consistent because of genetic drift and reinforcement by the personalities of immigrants who identify themselves with their place of residence .

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How Does Geography Influence The Way We Live

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Geography has an incredible influence on how we live. The buildings we build, the food we grow, the clothing we wear, and the kinds of work we do are just a few ways in which geography matters.

A settlement near an ocean must take into account tides and sandy coastlines. …

What Effect Does Geography Have On Climate

Human Geography: Our Global Identity

Geography exerts a substantial effect on the climate of a particular locale. This fact has been recognized, to some degree, since the time of the ancient Greeks, when the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras suggested a connection. This connection was later expanded upon by Aristotle and further developed during and since the 20th century. Four major geographical factors play a significant role in determining climate.

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Geographical Differences In Individualism And Collectivism

Individualism-collectivism is the most widely accepted psychological dimension with regard to cross-cultural differences . Individualism is concerned with uniqueness of the self while collectivism is concerned with the relationship between the self and others . From the end of the 1970s, Hofstede began to introduce individualism-collectivism into intercultural studies and proposed an index for it. His comprehensive research has revealed that individualism scores are higher in the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and other European and American countries, and lower in Guatemala, Ecuador, Indonesia, and other Latin American and Southeast Asian countries . Additionally, research on the associations between baby naming practices and country-level individualism scores revealed that the countries in which Europeans have settled scoring higher on individualism, have lower frequencies of using popular names than European countries .

Identifying Causality In The Macro

Unlike experimental studies that typically control scenarios and identify confounding variables, the researches of geographical psychology, examining the relationship between aggregated variables, usually use cross-sectional design and analysis to literally establish the statistically regressive causality at macro levels. But we could still summarize and propose four principles and suggestions to make causal assumptions to some extent.

First, following the consensus or custom of previous studies, scientific regional research has always argued that regional education, income, gender, ethnic diversity and urbanization are important antecedents of regional differences . Second, important historical and ecological variables, such as the historical prevalence of infectious diseases and the climatic demands , could be assumed as antecedents of individuals or aggregate psychological phenomena, rather than as consequences. As mentioned in section three of the paper, for instance, Wei et al. conducted two large-scale studies in China and the United States, and analyses showed that individuals who grew up in regions with more clement temperatures scored higher on personality factors related to personal growth and plasticity and socialization and stability .

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Where You Are Is Who You Are The Geographical Account Of Psychological Phenomena

  • 1Department of Social Psychology, Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
  • 2School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
  • 3School of Communication and Design, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
  • 4Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Geographical psychology aims to study the spatial distribution of psychological phenomenon at different levels of geographical analysis and their relations to macro-level important societal outcomes. The geographical perspective provides a new way of understanding interactions between humankind psychological processes and distal macro-environments. Studies have identified the spatial organizations of a wide range of psychological constructs, including personality, individualism/collectivism, cultural tightness-looseness, and well-being these variations have been plotted over a range of geographical units and have been linked to a broad array of political, economic, social, public health, and other social consequences. Future research should employ multi-level analysis, taking advantage of more deliberated causality test methods and big data techniques, to further examine the emerging and evolving mechanisms of geographical differences in psychological phenomena.

Geographic Level Correlates Of Aggregate Personality Traits

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In addition to merely mapping geographical differences in personality, many researchers have looked at how these variations are associated with political, economic, social, and public-health indicators at national or regional levels. Analyses by McCrae et al. across 51 countries revealed that nations levels of extraversion, openness to experience, and agreeableness were positively correlated with egalitarian commitment, per capita gross domestic product, and human development index. Subsequently, McCrae and Terracciano examined links between personality traits and indexes of cancer, life expectancy, and a series of health-related variables across 51 countries analyses revealed significant correlations between personality traits at the national level, such as extraversion and conscientiousness, and health-related variables such as cancer mortality and life expectancy. Aggregate extraversion trait is positively related to cancer mortality only for women and life expectancy for both men and women, meanwhile aggregate conscientiousness trait is positively related to life expectancy for both men and women, controlling for gross domestic product per capita.

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Geographical Differences In Personality

As mentioned previously, personality differences exist across nations and states within nations. Allik and McCrae used the FFM model to analyze personality across 36 nations and found similar personality profiles in geographically adjacent countries. For instance, North America culture of Canada and America, in comparison with Southeast culture of Philadelphia and Indonesia, is higher in extraversion and openness to experience. Later research extended the FFM model to analyze data across 56 countries and found geographical distributions in personality . Findings revealed that Asian and African countries are higher in conscientiousness, South American and European countries are higher in openness to experience, East Asian countries are lower in openness to experience, and African countries are lower in neuroticism as they show lower scores in anxiety and depression.

Geographic Level Correlates Of Cultural Tightness

National differences in cultural tightness-looseness could affect the macro-environment in various ways. For example, Gelfand et al. found that across 33 nations, tight nations have a higher likelihood of governing in autocratic ways to suppress dissent, have higher control over media institutions, and enforce greater deterrence for group activities than do loose nations. Despite these findings, tight nations have lower murder rate, burglary rate, and overall crime rates in comparison with loose nations. Furthermore, tight nations displayed stronger religious beliefs and belief in the importance of God. Lastly and accordingly, citizens from tight nations had higher self-regulatory strength and higher self-monitoring ability in terms of individually psychological adaptation. Following the work above, Aktas et al. examined how cultural tightnesslooseness influences perceptions of effective leadership across 27 countries. Analyses showed that cultural tightness is negatively related to the endorsement of charismatic leadership and positively associated with the endorsement of autonomous leadership, even controlling for several important societal and organizational level indicators.

Thus, cultural tightness-looseness analyses across geographical regions help to identify many negative consequences at the nation and state levels, which could provide insights as to how to reduce these unwanted macro-level outcomes.

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How Does Geography Affect The Way We Live

Geography affects lifestyles worldwide in varying ways, and it is one of the reasons for cultural diversity. A lot of what people are able to do in their region comes from geography, from building materials to crop cultivation.

With the advent of affordable flights and long-distance train rides, geography’s impact as a defining feature of societal development is far less than it used to be. Human settlements originated around certain prominent geographical features, such as lakes, and the geography of an area remains an influential factor in all human endeavor. People who live in arid, dry climates have different ways of irrigating crops and storing water than people in lush areas or forested landscapes.

Geography has a lot to do with access. Is water difficult to find in a region? What about food? Are there animals or predators? Is the region extremely hot or extremely cold or at high altitude? All these considerations affect how people go about their daily lives. In many third-world countries, this is still the case, but with the invention of cities, spans of land exist where geography is relegated to a minor concern. However, for less privileged groups, many people still depend on proximity to water, hunting and foraging for food to survive.

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