Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Do I Learn Physics On My Own

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Start And Complete Early:

How to learn Quantum Mechanics on your own (a self-study guide)

Physics is a subject which should be learned in a gradual manner so that concepts and theories are understood well. In that manner, the student must make a proper schedule daily to cover up all topics with complete revision.

Apart from learning other subjects, physics must also be learned every day with a stipulated time. Students should remember not to gather up all the topics and rush at the end during exam time. That will only result in confusion, fewer marks and an unclear understanding of the concepts. Hence starting to study early and completing early will be helpful.

Calculators Wont Solve Your Problems

Its true that calculators can help you crunch numbers, but its important to understand why youre punching in those numbers. If you just use your calculator to punch numbers without understanding what the formula is actually about, youll never completely understand what youre studying. For instance, theres a formula for understanding how fast an object will fall. However, its important to understand how that formula is applied and what it explains.

Making Use Of Correct Units:

In physics, it is important to write the correct answer with the right units to help you score high. If you wish to gain credit for whatever problems you did, then writing the correct unit is important.

Physics usually makes use of metric/SI measurements and some of the commonly used units are power, watts, acceleration, meters/seconds², force/Newton and more.

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Can You Really Self

First of all, if you think youre not a Math person you might think that youd need someone else to teach you Math in a classroom.

But isnt that the same thing as using online tools? The key here is to just create your own structure like the syllabi you use in school.

With the abundance of free information, lectures, syllabi, ebooks, and MOOCS around, you can certainly self-study Math pretty easily as if you were in college.

The best part is, you do it at your own pace.

No strict schedules, just self-commitment.

However, you gotta think differently about this if you want to reap the rewards.

That is, to recognize that the mental effort you spend practicing a Math topic is the price you pay for making future Math skills easier.

Or more appropriately, its the price you pay so you wont make learning hard for your future self.

Mathematics is all about cumulative knowledge, you know.

Unlike school, youre going to feel like crap because youre not changing topics with respect to time youre now changing topics based on how fast you master a skill.

Set And Stick To A Schedule

» Learning from physics fights

Have an Aim Setting a following a schedule is where most students who decide to self study fail. They have no clue where to begin. After hoarding study materials and practice tests, they have no plan of action for success. They waste their time reading over material that isnt helpful to them. They do the passages and questions without retaining anything. And this is the main reason why still the majority of students choose to follow a prep company. These companies are paid to do the strategy planning and all thats left is to simply follow instructions.

It doesnt have to be this way. Setting up an efficient and effective schedule to suit your needs is very simple. In fact, everyone can create a study plan that is as good if not better than the ones that are being marketed. All they need is a 2-3 hours of dedicated time and genuine commitment to create a structured MCAT timetable that works for them.

Measure your time The first step is to see how much time is available. When is your test date, how many weeks of study does that leave you with, What other commitments do you have? Do you have a full-time or part-time job? Do you have any other classes? Extracurricular involvement? Vacation? Time to spend with family, friends and significant others?

Take out a piece of paper and Write it down!

An Sample Schedule : For a physical science background student weak in bio and verbal, who has no day time commitments

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Determine Where To Start Obviously

Now that you have determined your end subject, its now time to decide which general topic to start with.

For example, Calculus and its applications are easier if you have the knowledge of Analytic Geometry and Trigonometry.

But Analytic Geometry has some Trigonometry elements included.

So, you can decide to start with Trigonometry.

However, if you dont have the knowledge of which is the prerequisite of which I highly recommend that you find an online curriculum.

Heres one good roadmap for someone whos learning Math for Data Science.

Killer Strategies For Studying Physics On Your Own:

Mathematics is one subject that most of the students find it tough and dislike as well. But as a matter of fact, if you get the core basics strong then it will be the best scoring subject.

Similarly, physics is also a very important language. It comprises of theory along with a little maths calculation. Physics basically is a theoretical subject which comprises of theorems and logic, that is why maths is covered in it.

It is the learning methodology that makes it easy or difficult to learn and understand the subject. So it is essential to understand the topic first and then learn. Now if you too feel physics as a tough subject then here at wisestep, we have listed a few tips that help learn and practice physics very easily.

  • Give an ear to your intuition
  • Have a conceptual thinking
  • Do not give up on your reading and studying
  • Practice a little math
  • Have an uninterrupted study discipline

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Learn How Diodes And Capacitors Behave In A Circuit

At this point, you will have a good foundation of the basics, and you can build circuits.

But your efforts to learn electronics should not stop here.

Now its time to learn to see how more complicated circuits work.

After completing this step if you see a circuit diagram with a resistor, a capacitor and a diode connected in some way you should be able to see what will happen with the voltages and currents when you connect the battery so that you can understand what the circuit does.

Note: If you can also understand how the Astable Multivibrator works, then youve come a long way. But dont worry too much about it, most explanations of this circuit are terrible.

Chemistry For Everyone: A Helpful Primer For High School Or College Chemistry

How to Study Physics Effectively | Study With Me Physics Edition

If you need help understanding the most difficult chemistry concepts that will be encountered in college or high school level chemistry, this book is for you. Some of the topics you will learn in this book are solubility, chemical reactions, bonding, unit conversions, and the mole.

Other than that, the book also includes tips for doing homework and advice on how to solve problems. The text of the book is easy to follow.

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Get Experience Using The Transistor As A Switch

The transistor is the most important single component in electronics.

In the previous step, you got an intro to how it works. Now its time to use it.

Build several different circuits where the transistor acts as a switch. Like the LDR circuit.

After completing this step you should know how to control things like motors, buzzers or lights with the transistor.

And you should know how you can use the transistor to sense things like temperature or light.

Build Circuits Using Integrated Circuits

Up until now, youve been using single components to build some fun and simple circuits. But youre still limited to the very basic functions.

How can you add cool functionality to your projects, like sound, memory, intelligence and more?

Then you need to learn to use Integrated Circuits .

These circuits can look very complex and difficult, but its not that hard once you learn the right way to use them. And it will open up a whole new world for you!

After completing this step you should know the steps for using any integrated circuit.

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Math And Problem Solving

A core part of physics is being able to perform the math that explains why the universe works the way that it does. For this reason, its important to make sure that youve refreshed your ability to perform math before taking your physics coursework. Most physics requires students to at least know trigonometry and algebra. More advanced physics coursework requires students to perform calculus. Youre going to need to be willing to brave math courses in order to succeed in physics.

Being able to solve math problems means more than being able to punch numbers into a formula. Youll also need to be able to be a creative problem solver. Sometimes, physics problems can require innovative and creative approaches to find a solution. Youll need to learn how to think outside the box and look at problems from different perspectives.

How Did I Get Started

I want to study physics from zero level to graduate level ...

My friends and I were building a web startup. It failed. We gave up due to a lack of meaning. But along the way, I was starting to hearing more and more about ML and AI.

The computer learns things for you? I couldnt believe it.

I stumbled across Udacitys Deep Learning Nanodegree. A fun character called Siraj Raval was in one of the promo videos. His energy was contagious. Despite not meeting the basic requirements , I signed up.

3 weeks before the course start date I emailed Udacity support asking what the refund policy was. I was scared I wouldnt be able to complete the course.

I didnt get a refund. I completed the course within the designated timeline. It was hard. Really hard at times. My first two projects were handed in four days late. But the excitement of being involved in one of the most important technologies in the world drove me forward.

Finishing the Deep Learning Nanodegree, I had guaranteed acceptance into either Udacitys AI Nanodegree, Self-Driving Car Nanodegree or Robotics Nanodegree. All great options.

I was lost again.

The classic. Where do I go next?

I needed a curriculum. Id built a foundation with the Deep Learning Nanodegree, now it was time to figure out what was next.

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Listen To Your Intuition

Have you ever thrown a ball or played a sport? If you have, then congratulations: youre an expert in basic physics and calculus. Anytime we engage in activities like this, our minds are calculating vectors, force, gravity, and the area under curves. When youre getting started in physics, trusting your intuition by applying basic common sense can help.

Just remember that more advanced physics moves beyond the realm of our everyday experience. Common sense doesnt apply when it comes to astrophysics or elementary particles.

Reward Yourself At The End Of Each Study Session

Before starting a study session, set a specific reward for completing the session. By doing this, youll promote memory formation and learning .

The reward could be something as simple as:

  • Going for a short walk
  • Eating a healthy snack
  • Listening to your favorite music
  • Stretching
  • Doing a couple of sets of exercise
  • Playing a musical instrument

Reward yourself at the end of every session youll study smarter and learn faster.

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Take Regular Study Breaks

Taking regular study breaks enhances overall productivity and improves focus .

Thats why it isnt a good idea to hole yourself up in your room for six hours straight to study for an exam.

You might feel like you get a lot done this way, but the research proves that breaks help you to study faster in the long run. So take a 5- to 10-minute break for every 40 minutes of work.

I recommend that you use a timer or stopwatch to remind you when to take a break and when to get back to studying.

During your break, refrain from using your phone or computer, because these devices prevent your mind from fully relaxing.

Find Discipline And Motivation

How I Study For Physics Exams

This is inevitably one of the hardest parts of studying for the MCAT, regardless of whether you take a course or not. Finding the will and motivation to continue studying after you have studied for 5+ hours will be hard. Being consistent with your schedule and sticking to it is hard. I failed countless times. There were days where I would just sit at a desk and get nothing done. I would feel like crap afterwards knowing I had to do twice the amount of work to catch up. Each person will have to face the problem of discipline and motivation, theres no escaping it. There were a few things that I discovered that helped with motivation and discipline.

Have Support A support group can be your family, friends or fellow MCAT takers. Find someone who can be your cheerleader and will encourage you when things get bad. Have someone you can complain about the MCAT with. Even having them cook you a meal or do your laundry once in a while really does make a big difference. These people will ground you in reality and will stop you from stepping off into insanity. They will be your morale booster, a source of inspiration.

You dont have to read books either. It can be an online blog or motivational quotes. A few fantastic posts for motivation can be found at the Student Doctor Network. I have listed two threads that I drew a lot of inspiration and ideas from.

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Richard Feynman: Fun To Imagine

Richard Feynman, a legendary physicist, explains physics and how it relates to the world around us. These videos are around 10 minutes long and break down complex subjects in an easily digestible manner. These videos are great for those who worry about the relevancy of degree in physics and how it could apply to a career. In fact, these videos might help you decide which area of physics you might like to concentrate on when pursuing a degree.

S To Studying Math On Your Own

Im going to interrupt you for a bit to make something clear: I created this guide to help people who feel like theyre lagging with their Math skills and want to review it, or people who just want to study Math on their own for some reason.

Each example that Ill give you is just thata mere example to help you get the point Im trying to make. Its still up to you to apply these steps to your own situation.

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Keep Up With Reading And Studying

Physics is one of those subjects where falling behind gets you in trouble. This is because its generally a series of linked principles that build upon each other. As a subject, physics is more interlinked than most disciplines. In history, if you miss a few lessons, you might not learn about a certain war. In physics, youre lost for the rest of the course.

Take the time to keep up with assigned readings, practice problems, and homework as the content builds on itself. If you dont, youre setting yourself up for trouble!

Physics For The 21st Century


This is a simple online course that will take you through the basic foundations of physics. There are several different ways to learn, including interactive videos, simulations and comprehensive notes. You’ll even learn about the latest research and news being released to the physics community. This website is perfect for anyone who wants to understand what the field of physics is and how it can be applied. Once you’ve completed some of the learning modules, you should be able to decide if you’d like to study further.

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Focus On The Process Not The Outcome

Students who succeed in school concentrate on learning the information, not on trying to get a certain grade.

Stanford psychologist Carol Dwecks research shows that these students:

  • Focus on effort, not the end result
  • Focus on the process, not on achievement
  • Believe they can improve even in their weak subjects as long as they put in the time and hard work
  • Embrace challenges
  • Define success as pushing themselves to learn something new, not as getting straight As

Not-so-successful students tend to set performance goals, while successful students tend to set learning goals.

Whats the difference between these two types of goals?

Performance goals are about looking intelligent and proving yourself to others.

In contrast, learning goals are about mastery and growth.

Most schools emphasize the importance of getting a certain exam score or passing a certain number of subjects. Ironically, if you want to meet and surpass these standards, youd be better off ignoring the desired outcome and concentrating on the learning process instead.

The Bottom Line On Studying Smart

This is a long article that contains a lot of information. But dont feel overwhelmed, because theres no need to implement everything at one shot.

As the saying goes

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

In the same way, to implement all 20 tips in this article, do it one tip at a time. Focus on just one tip a week, or even one tip a month.

Once youve turned that tip into a consistent study habit, move on to the next one.

Throughout the process, dont let the goal of getting straight As become an unhealthy obsession. After all, education is about more than getting good grades.

Its about the pursuit of excellence. Its about cultivating your strengths. And its about learning and growing, so you can contribute more effectively.

Theres hard work involved, but I know youre up to the challenge.

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