Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How Can I Find My Biological Mom

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The Subject Access Request

How To Find Your Biological Father – How To Find Lost Persons in UK – FinderMonkey Television

If you dont know much about your adoption or have questions about your childhood, you can submit a subject access request to your local authority childrens services team. This means you should receive a copy of your social services file within 40 days, which will give you background on your life before and during your adoption. It might tell you about any siblings, your birth familys situation and location, and any other significant events in your early life.

Having this information helped me understand a lot more about the background to my adoption and certain timelines that had become confused over the years. Theres a great step by step guide to this processhere. Filing an SAR should be free unless you ask for extra copies of printed information.

Understanding Dna Matching: What If My Birth Parent Havent Taken The Test

When you take a DNA test you will be matched with others with whom you share DNA. With some of these, you may share so much DNA that you have a recent common ancestor. In some cases you may have a match that IS your birth parent, grandparent or even great grandparent. For your closer matches who post their family trees, you can learn to analyze how you might be relatedwhich can eventually lead to the familyand often the individual parentyou are looking for.

Searching For Your Birth Parents

We are here to help you find your birth parents. We realize that finding your birth parents is a challenging, complex process. Sometimes even with a name, it can be difficult finding people through social media and directories. This is why here at, we use an innovative search process that gives you the best results while respecting your parents and your privacy at every step.

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If You Know The Adoption Agency

There is no central location for adoption files in Ireland. You may have toapply to a few organisations to get the information you are looking for.

Your first step should be to contact the adoption agency responsible foryour placement . This will be:

  • A registered adoption agency or society, or

The adoption agency should have a file on your adoption, and this may havesome information about your origins .

Understanding The Journey: Not All Stories Are The Same

Where Is My Mom

One of the hardest things Ive witnessed as Ive walked with people on this journey is that many hold on to the hope that their story will be like another that theyve heard.

Major news outlets tend to highlight reunification stories that are wonderful. Birth mothers who are reunited with their biological children. Children who find their parents when theyre adults and go on to form lasting bonds. This isnt everyones story. Im not saying that it wont be your story, but there is always the chance that it wont be.

This story is one that was shared with me by an adult adoptee. It is about a woman who was conceived out of a rape. She found out this information when she met her birth mother after she took a DNA test and had a successful familiar match. Though her story is still very positive, it is something to consider.

Not all stories have fairy-tale endings like the ones typically picked up by media outlets. And in some cases, there isnt a sad or emotional ending either. There just might be no information that you can find. This is a journey and an emotional outcome in itself. Some people cant be found, and some people dont want to be found.

This doesnt mean you shouldnt search and hope and try if its something you want to do. Its just a reminder to guard your heart, your emotions, and be careful with who you trust and what information you access.

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National Adoption Contact Preference Register

The Adoption Authority maintains a National Adoption Contact PreferenceRegister. The register helps to facilitate contact or the sharing ofinformation between adopted people and their birth families.

Participation is voluntary, and contact through the register is onlyinitiated where both parties join.There are 5 levels of contact. The register lets you choose what level ofcontact you wish to have. If you need to make any changes to any of yourdetails, contact the Adoption Authority with your request.

When you join the register, your details are checked against other people onthe register to see if there is match. In other words, this check will find outif there is someone on the register who is looking for you, or is willing toshare information with you.

You can find furtherinformation on the National Adoption Contact Preference Register, and howit can help in the search for a birth relative if you or your relative wereadopted, on the Adoption Authority’s website.

Help Me Find My Donor Mom

I was conceived in a test tube in the IVI lab on a summer day in 2006.

No one asked my opinion or worried about my feelings the day I grow up.

The problem is that my physical traits are very different from those of my incubator Mom. I am left with the question: why do you have blue eyes and fair hair while both your parents have brown eyes and hair? To which I will have to find ever more creative answers.

On that day of summer 2006, no one cared about me. My Mom just wanted to have a kid and my father had followed her. The doctors in the IVI institute were more than happy to pocket the considerable sum of money they were paid to conceive me in a test tube and place me into my incubator Mom.

Here I am now, abandoned to myself and to the heavy questions:

  • Who is my genetic Mom?
  • Will she accept to meet me some day?
  • How will I feel when I see her? How will she feel if she sees me?
  • Why did she donate her eggs? Did she need money?
  • Etc.

As a child conceived in the IVI labs in Barcelona, I just want to know who my genetic Mom is. I cannot be left to live with this open question all my life.


In all civilized European countries, a child upon reaching 18 has the right to request to know the identity of his or her Mother. All children conceived in Spanish labs are refused this basic human right.

As Spain refuses this human right to the unborn, its multibillion dollar IVF industry continues to thrive. All this is happening in the land of human rights Europe.

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What Difference Does Finding Your Biological Father Make

You may have been fortunate enough to have grown up with a loving dad, someone you might consider your real dad. You may not need another dad you just need to know about him.

You may have grown up fatherless.

Or you might have had a stepdad who wasnt all that loving or wasnt a father-figure at all.

Either way, not knowing who your real father is may have left its mark

Get Your Original Birth Certificate

How I Found My Biological Parents in 24 Hours

Anyone can pay to receive a copy of their full birth certificate, but if youre adopted, its free. You need to complete the form at this link to request your birth information before adoption and send it, along with proof of your identify.

The form will ask for your date of birth, adopted name and the date of your adoption and your pre-adoption name. If you were adopted before 1975, you must see an adoption advisor before the certificate is sent to you. If you were adopted later, the meeting is optional.

A couple of weeks later you should get your original birth certificate, which means youll know your full name, your parents names, the date and place of birth and the place of birth of your parents.

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What You Might Find

You may have already thought about the following surprises. But just in case

You father may

  • have established another family who doesnt know about his past and he may not want them to find out
  • have done his utmost to forget you, and wont want to be reminded of the past
  • not be mature enough to see the wonderful opportunity to heal your wounds and his and your mothers
  • insist he never knew your mother.

Theres also a very real possibility that you may have built him up and, despite all your best intentions, you may feel disappointed if he doesnt meet your expectations after all.

Trying To Get Your Original Birth Certificate

Under existing legislation, an adopted adult has no automatic access totheir original birth certificate. This is because all birth certificatescontain personal information about the birth mother and her right toconfidentiality must be respected. Generally, your certificate can only bereleased if your birth mother has given her consent or where it has beenconfirmed that she is deceased and there are no other issues arising.

However, if you have tried and failed to find your mother, if she has died,or if she refuses to give her consent, you can apply to the Adoption Authority.The Authority will review your case and write to the adoption agency andrequest a report from the agency which will include:

  • Details of their contact with your birth mother and with you, as well as your birth mother’s views on the release of the birth certificate
  • Details of your hopes and expectations about getting your birth certificate and the information which may be on the certificate. This is of particular importance in cases where your birth mother may not be open to contact, or where she may be opposed to the release of identifying information
  • A recommendation from the social worker about the release or non-release of your birth certificate based on their findings during the process

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At What Age Can I Legally Start Looking For My Birth Parents

From a very young age, an adopted child may long to know where they come from. Its natural for an adoptee to wonder where his or her Birth Parents are and to want answers to the question of why they were placed for adoption. Again, depending on the state where the adoption took place, the minimum age that an adoptee may request records is 18 or 21 years or the Adoptive Parents may request the request records if the adopted child is a minor.

The best place to start looking for Birth Parents, even if you cannot access adoption records, is a Mutual Consent registry such as International Soundex Reunion Registry . Mutual consent registries require both parties to register on the site to make a reunion possible. Adoptees are encouraged to gather as much information possible from Adoptive Parents, agencies, and non-identifying records to increase the likelihood of locating his or her Birth Parents.

Adoptees in closed adoptions often experience difficulty obtaining information about their adoption. Closed adoptions prevent adoptees from knowing who their biological parents are and do not allow for any contact.

Hope And Support For Adoptees

How Can I Find My Parents Date Of Birth?

Many stories show happy reunions of biological families through DNA matching, but not all stories end in the same way. Many adoptees wishing for a similar story of their own may be disappointed with how their search for their biological family ends.

If you are looking for support after not having an ideal reunion, learning that your birth family doesnt want to connect, or discovering an unknown parent, many community groups can help, including the following:

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If You Were Not Legally Adopted

If you are unsure if you were legally adopted, you should contactthe Adoption Authorityâs Information and Tracing Unit. The Informationand Tracing Unit will check their records and let you know if a formal adoptionorder was made for you.

If you were not legally adopted, you can contact the Local Health Office inthe HSE in the region where you lived as a child. The Local Health Officemay be able to help you trace your birth family, as it may have been involvedin your placement.

If you still have your original birth certificate, you can check it fordetails of where you were born. You can also contact some of the supportorganisations listed below for guidance â see âFurther informationâ.

First Steptaking A Dna Test

If you wish to connect with your biological family or determine an unknown parent, consider taking an autosomal DNA test. An autosomal DNA test can be taken by males or females and may provide you with DNA matches within 5 to 6 generations on both your biological mother and fathers sides of the family. Whats a DNA match? A DNA match, sometimes referred to as a cousin match, is the result of your DNA data being compared to other peoples DNA data to identify matching segments of chromosomes that indicate a family relationship. How closely you are related depends on how much DNA you and another person share.

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How To Find Out What Time You Were Born

Its all well and good but what if your knowledge about your own birth is limited to your birthday? What if you dont know at which part of the day you were born, leave alone the exact moment of birth?

Dont worry, there are still many ways to find it out. Not all of them have anything to do with astrology. In some cases, it takes some time and effort. But theres nothing imp[ossible for those who are willing to go the extra mile in search of the truth, right? We list some of the methods you might want to use while searching for how to find time of birth below.

Birth Information And Tracing Bill 2021

Adoptees on : How do you feel about finding your Birth Parents?

On 11 May 2021, the GeneralScheme of the Birth Information and Tracing Bill 2021 was published. TheGeneral Scheme provides for the full release of the birth certificate, birthinformation, early life information, care information and medical informationfor anyone who was adopted, boarded out, or the subject of an illegal birthregistration, and for anyone with questions in relation to their origins.

The General Scheme is presently undergoing pre-legislative scrutiny. Oncethat is completed, the next stage is for the Birth Information and Tracing Billto be published and debated in the Oireachtas.

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Private Detective Or Genetic Genealogist

Many adult adoptees opt for professional assistance when they have exhausted all other avenues. Or when they have exhausted themselves.

If youre looking to hire someone to fast-track your search, you could go the route of the private investigator , or that of the genetic genealogist.

Being a professional genetic genealogy company ourselves, we at Origins Genealogy think we have an edge over PIs. Heres why:

  • A PI is a generalist, most likely with no deep understanding of DNA testing or interpreting test results.
  • Genetic genealogists are trained in investigative research, both online and offline. From social media research to private databases to archival materials, we know how to root out connections and follow the trail.
  • Genetic genealogists can make sense of murky DNA test results, and can cross-correlate them with other forms of research
  • Genetic genealogists are in line with private investigators, price-wise

In short, when you hire a genetic genealogist to find your birth mom, youre getting a very specialized type of investigator: one who specializes in finding birth parents!

Looking For Information On My Biological Mother

Dawn Donegan

I am an adopted child and looking for information on my biological mother. I have my original birth certificate with my biological mother’s name. I have found information in high school and college yearbooks. I realize she likely married, but cannot find any further information. I’m looking for any tips anyone has. Thank you.

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Dealing With Unexpected Feelings

I was stunned and honestly in shock for the next week or two. I couldnt believe that they found her that quickly and double-checked the emails over and over to make sure that it was real.

The first time I heard her voice on a recording I sat in shock. The second time, I cried as I replayed it over and over, trying to translate what she was saying with my little knowledge of the Spanish language and Google, as I messaged everyone I knew who could translate the recording for me. My sister-in-law quickly called me and did a quick translation as I sat silent, at my kitchen table wondering if it was real.

A few days later, the pandemic struck in full force. So in the middle of having calls with the investigator and coordinating calls with friends who could translate the conversations for me in Spanish, the world was in so much chaos that I didnt have too much time to process everything.

I was juggling a new book deal, two toddlers, and navigating conversations between an investigator, a friend who could translate, and my myriad of emotions from actually finding her, my mom.

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